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The Black Culture Thread |OT15| - Equine, Please

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That sounds like a threat

Picture of him waiting for the show..

lmao that Metal Gear Survive thread. I never want to hear gaming side say #FucKonami or complain about the treatment of creators by publishers ever again if they buy that game.

Right? The game doesn't even have enough substance to come close to making me even slightly interested let alone making me forget Konami's exploitative practices.
Morning y'all

Yeah it's a complicated (and sensitive subject). I've become quite familiar with it though because it's a key idea of my field and study and work. I'm Canadian too, so it's definitely a big issue concerning our Indigenous population.

From what I understand, decolonization aims to deconstruct and rebuild dominant Euro-Western systems that have historically oppressed Indigenous populations to be more inclusive and supportive of them, their history, and culture, and also granting of self-determination in their affairs. For example, in Canada, traditionally laws and legal systems that affect our Indigenous population were created without their involvement. Decolonization would see these broken down and rebuilt with complete involvement of the Indigenous population in shaping these systems.

I agree that the idea of decolonization can often seem really big and vague, and not at all feasible, but I've come around to thinking that it's an achievable goal, it just requires a ton of small steps and time. Here in Canada, our government put together what is known as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to address the damage and abuse that was endured by our First Nations by the residential school system. They put out their report, which contained 90+ 'calls-to-action' to promote healing and reconciliation of these wounds. That was seen as a big step in decolonization efforts here. Recently our government created an inquiry into the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women, which has been a massive, but often ignored, issue up here in Canada. This is also seen as a step forward in terms of decolonization.

I'm no expert on the subject but that's what I understand about the subject. I think it's easy to hear the term 'decolonization' and hear a few of the broader more vague ideas and come to the idea that it's something that is not at all feasible, or to take it as calling for the complete destruction of all the current social and government structural systems. I don't think that's what it is though.

(Sorry if my thoughts are super scatterbrained or hard to understand, I just woke up and saw your post and thought I needed to respond because it's a good conversation to have. I might post about it again later if I better organize my thoughts).

Thanks Zekes! I'm going to do much more research, but this gives me a way better understanding of it.

Usually when I hear it, it leans far more into the extreme, mostly because of my sources. I think more restorative/step by step approach, my friends think far more revolutionary/deconstructive/destructive.


I can separate the fuckery from the product

you kind of have to if you're going to enjoy any piece of media

otherwise I couldn't enjoy anything made before like 1980

there's always some asshole involved somewhere along the line

Okay. So.

The woman in the picture is not black.

The character of Betty Boop is not black.

But...the inspiration for the character of Betty Boop's singing style was still Esther Jones, a black woman. Without Esther Jones, we would not have Betty Boop. And without jazz, a black musical invention, we would not have Betty Boop, as much of her early animations were steeped in jazz culture.


you kind of have to if you're going to enjoy any piece of media

otherwise I couldn't enjoy anything made before like 1980

there's always some asshole involved somewhere along the line

of course it not a blanket rule and should kinda be case by case.

I am good with not seeing a roman polanski movie ever.

But i fucks with Matthew Brodrick cause he at least attempted to make shit right and the family forgave him. And he did in an age where he really didn't have to cause no one would call him out
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