E3 Has Been Undeniably brilliant so far. All the riveting finely tuned games. Marvelous trailers with Recore, South Park, Spider-man and the like. Inseminate me E3!
How crazy is this new God of War? They completely changed the genre and the tone. No one saw that coming. And then we got Horizon. Oh so beautiful Horizon: Zero Dawn. That subtle movement. The mechanical bulls, and then the dialogue options. I still want to see the rpg aspects, but in time, in time.
I'm disappointed I missed out on the PC show, but I can catch up. Looks like there was one interesting thing there. I'm also intrigued about what's going on with VR. Seems to be getting a push and I hope everything plays well. My only experience was with the Virtual Boy way back then.
Kojima's new game looks trippy in the best way. That We Happy game looked very much like a Bioshock and I was shocked (no pun intended) when I discovered that it wasn't Bioshock. It has a similar art style and all that weird flavor that the series is known for.
Scalebound was whatever and I want to believe that Steep will be more light. It did have a couple of silly costumes, but still reminds me too much of the SSX reboot. I'm glad to see Bethesda still supporting Fallout 4 and now Fallout Shelter is coming to PC so I can have a chance to play it too.
Days Gone? How crazy was that? At first I was like year, another zomb game and it looked like The Last of Us, but that shit was intense. Zombies pouring out like fucking water. Old boy looked like he got fucked at the end. See no way out of that one.
Tomorrow, we have Nintendo. I'm hyped.