You are saying having a 24/7 tan in a video game or anime is not Black?
Because the tan gives you ownership of that character right?
At any point those dark brown tans can become white, in your perception it is just a tan means they are just whites with a tan not blacks.
So if I say they are not tanned they are indeed black, I just took away your ownership and placed them in my camp.
Am I getting at the heart of what your issue with me is?
Because it seems to me you feel I am forcing something down your throat?
So yeah in your mind those are just tanned white inklings.
In my fantasy world those are black inklings.
I like my idea better if so if you believe in tanning inklings so much why don't you spend the 10 hours I spent in animal crossing to get your white inklings tanned?
When the game comes out select a white skinned inkling, if after 10 hours in the sun, maybe a beach course Mario Sunshine level maybe. If after 10 hours you get a tan just like I did. You win. If after 10 hours your inkling is still white and you did not tan then fuck off with your logic.
As long as New Leaf is a thing then these Inklings are the new black to me.
I had to tan my Animal Crossing character weekly just to stay black in your mind a tan is not blackness so it is true they really never gave me an option to be truly black.
But now Nintendo finally gives a game with a real black character no tanning bullshit and the first shit that comes out of your mouth is, Its just a tan bro.
What are you afraid of? Why is a tanned inkling more important to you than my having the option to role play as my own race?