Zoe Saldana in blackface? someone put up the Slayven signal, we need a new thread.
Did a search, don't believe this has been posted on gaf yet, I just saw it myself.
New Photos Of Zoe Saldana In Full Nina Simone Regalia Surface; Convinced?
Clearly in dark make-up (Blackface?) Looks like they also gave her a nose prosthetic. Not even really necessary, Saldana doesn't have a "traditional European nose" really...is this a fucking joke?
All of this, instead of just casting someone that actually looked more similar to the real Nina. I understand that plenty of roles require people to change their appearance in tons of different ways...but this whole thing just feels like they're taking the piss, especially considering that she just should not have been cast in this role.
And of course, when it bombs, our community will have to hear shit about "See, we made a movie for you guys but you didn't support it!"
I didn't ax for this.
Our marginalization in the media and society at large feels like an all time high (Yes, even with Obama). Mid-budget movies in general are dying. Disney doesn't fuck with us. No presence in the indie scene. Other groups have that "token diversity spot" now. I feel like things are just getting worse and worse. It's fucking over. Please support Flight guys.
I wonder if they'll transform all of her love interests into white men, to keep up with the tradition of only pairing Zoe Saldana up with white men. How long has it been since she's been with a black dude? Drumline?
I've heard that they are changing the love interest which the Simone family wasn't happy about.
And Zoe Saldana is a mess. I liked her until she started tweeted that people don't want her in the role because its reverse racism.
I've heard that they are changing the love interest which the Simone family wasn't happy about.
And Zoe Saldana is a mess. I liked her until she started tweeted that people don't want her in the role because its reverse racism.
I think the term blackface shouldn't be used so cavalierly. It's not blackface, it's make up, it would be disingenuous to not make her skin darker. Personally I'm more offended at them not getting a really talented actress to play her.
brah, this is business. name another black female actress that looks any more like her that will move box office tickets. Your only other option at this point in time is...Halle Berry. Angela Basett ain't moving tickets. Gugu ain't moving tickets. Gabrielle Union ain't moving tickets. Hollywood money sure as hell isn't going to cast the dice on an unknown.
It's all about the benji's and franklins.
Obama likes sugar in his grits
I just think Zoe is young and uninformed. Unlike Stacy Dash who is 176 years old and should know better.
I just think Zoe is young and uninformed. Unlike Stacy Dash who is 176 years old and should know better.
It's blackface. Just because she's black/it's good for the role since she is of a different skin tone doesn't give it a pass (and definitely not for it being disingenuous to make her skin darker, that's the whole point of blackface). Hell with the changes they've done to her skin, nose, lips, and hair, this situation is a more appropriate use of the term blackface than any other blackface incident in recent years.
I don't know how....but I think I can connect Dash's stupidity to being on the receiving end of some of the world's most shameless simps. Not sure how....but I think it's possible.
It's not shoe polish on her face, the makeup isn't used in a means to denigrate an entire race or lampoon her. You aren't going to see her tapdancing and eating watermelon, it gets a pass. we aren't talking about Angelina Jolie playing a black woman, we're talking about a black woman who is not dark enough to play the part of the woman she is playing.
Instead this pouty shit
Starring Viola Davis, nominated for two Academy Awards including best Actress for the Help...throw that in a trailer and you're good to go.
[quote="Imm0rt4l, post: 44317969"]It's not shoe polish on her face, the makeup isn't used in a means to denigrate an entire race or lampoon her. You aren't going to see her tapdancing and eating watermelon, it gets a pass. we aren't talking about Angelina Jolie playing a black woman, we're talking about a black woman who is not dark enough to play the part of the woman she is playing.[/QUOTE]
We all know what the "traditional/original" definition of blackface was. How the term is currently used today fits what's going on in this situation, regardless of Zoe's ethnicity. And unless we see something on the level of Cloud Atlas in regards to story reasons for the use of "face" make up vs hiring appropriate actors, this doesn't deserve a pass.
Doesn't she not even consider herself black?
Starring Viola Davis, nominated for two Academy Awards including best Actress for the Help...throw that in a trailer and you're good to go.
Instead this pouty shit
dat colorism
[quote="Slayven, post: 44318292"]Reminds me, I need to see Colmbina or whatever it is called. Those shots of her firing heavy COD shit makes me laugh.[/QUOTE]
Colombiana was a very forgettable movie.
Zoe looks.....weird
I know at least two personally.black bronies: do they exist? someone needs to take a bullet for diversity.
God her twitter account must blow up every day. Gigabytes of thrist.
I know at least two personally.
Terabytes. A veritable desert of endless thirst.
Terrible job blending face tone with the rest of her body.
I know at least two personally.
Starring Viola Davis, nominated for two Academy Awards including best Actress for the Help...throw that in a trailer and you're good to go.
We all know what the "traditional/original" definition of blackface was. How the term is currently used today fits what's going on in this situation, regardless of Zoe's ethnicity. And unless we see something on the level of Cloud Atlas in regards to story reasons for the use of "face" make up vs hiring appropriate actors, this doesn't deserve a pass.
Y'all hang out at KFC?
One might. He's very socially awkward. Does most of his socializing by taking pictures at anime cons/raves or on facebook. He's a pretty nice guy, but completely lacking in any social ability.Do they have aspergers by any chance? I picture a lot of bronies as being very socially awkward.
Y'all hang out at KFC?
Reigun, you ever been to the KFC in Greenmount with the bulletproof glass?
Reigun, you ever been to the KFC in Greenmount with the bulletproof glass?
That chicken looks dry as fuck./
I love Gaf devil advocates. My work is done, I am going to bed.
No it doesn't. And yes their is a story reason, the woman was dark skinned. You'd rather they white wash this? seriously? It's perfectly justifiable to use prosthetics and makeup on an actor. Look at Anthony Hopkins playing Hitchcock.
I've never been to a restaurant with bulletproof glass.
Ok Carlton.I've never been to a restaurant with bulletproof glass.
I've never been to a restaurant without bulletproof glass.
Are you seriously trying to imply the bolded is the only option they had for this movie? Did you NOT just quote Devo talking about Viola Davis playing the role for the simple fact that she has darker skin and matches Nina Simone's look better than Zoe does (and can actually act)? Despite what Hollywood would have you believe, there isn't a shortage of darker skinned black female actresses.
And the excuses you're giving for this use of "make up" is exactly how black face was able to survive in it's current incarnation long after the "lampooning an entire race" years. Instead of hiring actors that look like the ethnicity of the character trying to be portrayed, they dressed up (usually white) actors to look the part of the other ethnic group in make up (from Short Circuit to films like 300). The only difference in this situation is Zoe is black and has less "African" features. There isn't a legitimate story reason to do this vs hiring someone who looks more like Nina Simone.
White guy has "Damn this dude farted" face.![]()
Forrest whitaker is a sellout confirmed.
Forrest whitaker is a sellout confirmed.[/QUOTE]
If a black actor like Will Smith had been cast in place of Forrest Whitaker, I'd give you that one.
If a black actor like Will Smith had been cast in place of Forrest Whitaker, I'd give you that one.
Cop Out. Whitaker is much lighter than in that pic, the amount of shades in the transformation is pretty damned comparable to Zoe to her Nina look. Hell, Zoe Saldana is naturally darker than Will Smith.