Haha, damn.. it's true. They had a latina wesen. But it's Portland, bro. Black people shouldn't even be there.
She was fine as hell. They going to have a primate wesen one day, and you bet damn sure it will be a white dude.
Haha, damn.. it's true. They had a latina wesen. But it's Portland, bro. Black people shouldn't even be there.
BlackGAF holding that L on the Vita purchase
Ya'll bought a Vita? Smh, BlackGAF.
Persona 4 Golden has me wanting to cave in, but that's really all I want on it.
BlackGAF holding that L on the Vita purchase
Ya'll bought a Vita? Smh, BlackGAF.
We're putting the vita on our backs.
SMH with that struggle system.
Fatherless chillins.This thread has been page after page of struggle lately. Chitlins, Vita, Big Bang Theory.
We gotta do better.
this movie is everything i ever hoped it would be lmao.
you guys have to watch this shit.
its so bad.
interracial thriller Obsessed is on TBS right now.
starring GAF favorite Idris Elba, Beyowulf and Ali Larter.
oh this is gonna be reeeeeeeaaaaaally entertaining.
i still cant believe they made a movie of a black woman's worst fear.
this movie is everything i ever hoped it would be lmao.
you guys have to watch this shit.
its so bad.
i was working part time at blockbuster when that movie hit dvd
"i'm looking for a good suspense movie"
"have you seen obsessed?"
*stinkface attack! gooooooooooo*
Grown ass dude looking so helpless.That movie is porn for black women.
Beyonce turns into some super hero fighting off the evil white woman whose trying to steal her man.
Grown ass dude looking so helpless.
That movie always struck me as a interracial lesbian porn plot wasted on c-list hollywood.
Everything up to the final battle, dude acts so lost and befuddled. And just makes super obvious bad decisions. But then again that is how Petresus got caught up.I...I...can't defend myself against psycho if it's a woman. Some dudes just have no survival skills.
Grown ass dude looking so helpless.
Grown ass dude looking so helpless.
Everything up to the final battle, dude acts so lost and befuddled. And just makes super obvious bad decisions. But then again that is how Petresus got caught up.
At least it's not like Disclosure where Demi Moore somehow rapes Michael Douglas.....
I can see the Single White Female thing where she starts blowing him while he's asleep, cause how you gonna stop 10 seconds away from busting, but to have a women mount you and not be able to fight her off, LOL.
Those 80s movies were pretty gross if you think about the premise too hard.
Everything up to the final battle, dude acts so lost and befuddled. And just makes super obvious bad decisions. But then again that is how Petresus got caught up.
Homeboy just got thrown out of his house for doing nothing. This fucking movie.
Beyowulf snappin lmao. At least it wasn't a pot of grits nearby.
sn: ali larter was NOT this fine in Heroes though.
Beyonce can't do funny either.
Dude is begging and it's killing me inside.
She cant do anything but beyonce.
I dont even fault her tbh. She's muuuuuch too big of a star to take seriously as an actress.
interracial thriller Obsessed is on TBS right now.
Cause she always had that little Dy_nasty kid in all of her scenes. Took away from her hotness.
It was only a one day sale?
i like the intent behind that movieI'm nursing a hangover and for colored girls is playing on the tv goddamn this movie is horrible