Giantbomb-cast is great.
Muthafu.... Man, I was about to lay into you, but peeps already beat me to it and no sense beating a dead horse.
Look, FF8 may of had some type of good "story" or some mess, but sucking out my magic/abilities is just plain wrong. That's some seriously tedious shit there.
Giantbomb-cast is great.
Corney ass Zell!?!FF8 has Zell.
Zell > FF
Giantbomb-cast is great.
Corney ass Zell!?!
Chicken Wuss >>> anything from FF4Corney ass Zell!?!
Corney ass Zell!?!
one mic too manyZell will always be the baddest motherfucker in all of the FF titles. Dude is a comedian. Not to mention he has the greatest limit break of all time, it turns into a fighting game!
And I thought FF4 is pretty much universally considered to be the shittiest FF in existence(Not including XIII and XIII-2 of course)
Testify.The FF fanbase still won't admit that FF7 is the ugliest game in existence, so idc what they say.
Good man. (Though I did beat 5 too)I've only beaten 2 FF's.4 and 12.
The FF fanbase still won't admit that FF7 is the ugliest game in existence, so idc what they say.
I think Parallax enjoys Hudlin's BP...
edit: false alarm
The FF fanbase still won't admit that FF7 is the ugliest game in existence, so idc what they say.
The FF fanbase still won't admit that FF7 is the ugliest game in existence, so idc what they say.
I don't want a remake though.
i really liked the 1up network's podcasts back in the day. i've listened to many others since and none of them really pulled me in...
Giantbomb-cast is great.
yeah, but their Gaf cult is scary. Never seen platonic simping and thirsting before.
Retronauts used to be my shit.i really liked the 1up network's podcasts back in the day. i've listened to many others since and none of them really pulled me in...
yeah, but their Gaf cult is scary. Never seen platonic simping and thirsting before.
i really liked the 1up network's podcasts back in the day. i've listened to many others since and none of them really pulled me in...
Yeah, the 1UP podcast was the last podcast I listened too. That was also around the time I stopped playing games religiously.
Considering how much I'm into cinema, I'm surprised I don't listen to any movie related podcasts... Any recommendations?
I never know when to even listen to podcasts
They are godlike to listen to while driving, or if you play a lot of grindy RPGs or FPS also background while browsing the interwebs.I never know when to even listen to podcasts
I never know when to even listen to podcasts
Woah woah woah, man. You need to listen out for traffic.I have a 1 hour commute each way, also listen at work or riding my bike.
Woah woah woah, man. You need to listen out for traffic.
I listen to 'em while I'm playing a mindless game like Saints Row 3 or NFS: Most Wanted.
The FF fanbase still won't admit that FF7 is the ugliest game in existence, so idc what they say.
...OK. I just worry about you man.I use my phone's speaker when Im driving and when I bike I keep the one ear facing the street free.
That they have a Gaf cult or platonic simping and thirsting?
I can't fuck with any Final Fantasy after the one with the rabbit black chick. All style over substance and the battle systems are made to look complex but are just polished turds.
Did you just diss FFXII?
I'm sorry Slay, I can no longer defend your madness.
We don't have enough gifs to even consider taking on either of those groups.
Guys... Megan Good has a tv show coming on nbc we have to support it.
I am sorry if Japan seems to hate depth.
Guys... Megan Good has a tv show coming on nbc we have to support it.
We just need intimidating black guy stare gifs. The battle would be over before it starts.
We just need intimidating black guy stare gifs. The battle would be over before it starts.
We just need intimidating black guy stare gifs. The battle would be over before it starts.