We just need intimidating black guy stare gifs. The battle would be over before it starts.
Conversely:Mark Henry kicked out of the RKO at a 1-count? f'n LOL
Just support Scandal instead
John Cena fans have to come from somewhere, I guess.I can't believe what I'm seeing here. You guys really like that goofy asshole in jorts?
Mark Henry kicked out of the RKO at a 1-count? f'n LOL
Slashfilm podcast is right up your alley.Yeah, the 1UP podcast was the last podcast I listened too. That was also around the time I stopped playing games religiously.
Considering how much I'm into cinema, I'm surprised I don't listen to any movie related podcasts... Any recommendations?
Slashfilm podcast is right up your alley.
Also, everybody in this thread needs to be listening to TWIB Radio. Everybody.
Mark Henry kicked out of the RKO at a 1-count? f'n LOL
...OK. I just worry about you man.
Why do we as blacks have a huge issue with getting tested for hiv aids? I just don't understand how aid runs so prevalent in the African American community. Or how bros on the DL dont get tested and bring it back to there gfs/wifes.
On a separate topic.
We need to make Devo an honorary african American lol
Hell yeah. Also y'all got Walgreens? I tried some of their NICE Teriyaki boneless bites tonight. Pretty good =o.
Slashfilm podcast is right up your alley.
Also, everybody in this thread needs to be listening to TWIB Radio. Everybody.
There's no way I could post that gif in the OT without being called racist and then being banned.
I might need a witness friends.
Onemic your that dude... Instead of chicken for that aqualad one can we get a "no SIMPs allowed".... I want to thread bomb any relationship threads with that from now until they ban me
Also, I think I may be the only one, but I'll pour a 40 out for Aguirre.
That disgusting doofus got banned again?
Also, I think I may be the only one, but I'll pour a 40 out for Aguirre.
That disgusting doofus got banned again?
Yep. Came back, posted the same way, got clocked again.
Not perma'd yet, but word is that the next chance will be the last chance.
Oh no
who will be GAF's "look at me and my weiiiiiiird/gross posting style!" attention whore now!?
G-Fex, you know what to do