Y'all killin it with the gifs, here's a few more

I think we're encroaching on "Dave Chappelle's trip to Africa" territory with some of these gifs.
I just saw that episode of Law & Order SVU yesterday where Ice-T (Fin) has to play hardball on the dude to get him to confess about the poker game really being dudes on the DL.Why do we as blacks have a huge issue with getting tested for hiv aids? I just don't understand how aid runs so prevalent in the African American community. Or how bros on the DL dont get tested and bring it back to there gfs/wifes
The gifs are great, I bow before you onemic. I just saw that episode of Law & Order SVU yesterday where Ice-T (Fin) has to play hardball on the dude to get him to confess about the poker game really being dudes on the DL.
Yeah they are my favorite characters on the show. They always do marathons with different themes but I wanna see a Fin & Munch marathon.lmao onemic
Fin and Munch are the best characters on that show. They've got some of the best scenes, like when Munch pretended to be a crazy person to draw out a killer.
Munch: *acting like a crazy homeless man*
Stabler: Gotta admit, he does crazy good.
Fin: What are you talking about? It's the same crap he spouts every day, just louder.
Look at this swagged out mother fucker.
Best I could find slay
I wish black panther would be that cool in an adaptation but I don't trust Hollywood.Look at this swagged out mother fucker.
Y'all killin it with the gifs, here's a few more
I wish black panther would be that cool in an adaptation but I don't trust Hollywood.
"I can't identify with this hero whatsoever."
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's another form of racism. It's trading one preference of race above all others for another.
Like supporting kids never felt right?I don't know why, but the whole idea of only supporting black businesses just never felt right with me.
I know why people do it. I know that it works most of all. But... I don't know.
I don't know why, but the whole idea of only supporting black businesses just never felt right with me.
I know why people do it. I know that it works most of all. But... I don't know.
I went to a non-black barbershop for the first time in my life today. Asked for a dark caesar and no one knew what I was talking about. Ended up asking for what they call a "one length" which looks pretty similar. I never get too fussy about my hair, but I don't like how my hairline looks. It's not as clearly defined as I usually get. To top it all off, the haircut was $2 more than I'm used to paying. I'll look around for some black barbers in the area, but I have a feeling that this'll have to do for the next four years. I only ever get my hair cut about once every 3 months anyway.
Look at this swagged out mother fucker.
The X-Men will forever curse the day "Avengers" made more than First Class.RIP X-MEN
Best I could find slay
"I can't identify with this hero whatsoever."
BlackGaf, I have a hair question. How do you get your afro to look like this:
Here you go
Totally random shitty one I made
I don't know why, but the whole idea of only supporting black businesses just never felt right with me.
I know why people do it. I know that it works most of all. But... I don't know.
i hope he hit that
The Asians, arabs, Indians, Jews don't have a problem supporting their own business which is probably why they own much more than blacks do. They make it a point to support their own race. The black community should of been doing this from a long time ago instead of this individualism that has gotten us nowhere except buying from their stores.
The banking practices are discriminatory against immigrants as well. I mean, I can only speak for the Korean community, but seeing as how many Korean started off having businesses in black neighborhoods, it applies.
Korean skirted commercial bank lending by using something called a ggeh. This was a communcal pool of money. Every business owner would put money into the ggeh and then when a new family came to start a business, money form the ggeh would be removed and given to that new family to start a business of their own. In retrun, that new family would also make payments to the ggeh.
The ggeh wasn't just used for business startups, but also in lieu for insurance or emergency issues that the business owners would agree too.
Also a practice is, say I ran a dry cleaners, but I had made my moeny and I wanted to get out of the dry clening game, or move out to the burbs for better schools. I would sell my business to another new immigrant family to take over. And the deal was, is that the new family didn't have to pay me money up front for it. But they would pay me once a month and then eventually buy the business from me.
It's the same difference in perception as white people and black people voting for a President based on skin color. If a white person votes for a candidate because they're white, then that is a racist action. But if a Black person votes for a candidate because he's they're black, then they're given a pass, and that's because there's a difference in intent between the two scenarios. One is done out of racial preference, and the other is done out of desire to bust through racial glass ceilings and help undo centuries of racial inequality.
The same can be applied to only supporting black businesses. It's not done out of contempt for businesses of differing ethnicities, but for the purpose of ethnic advancement in the fact of a playing field that is anything but level.
There is a much larger priority in the Jewish community, when it comes to preserving business, religion, and culture. I have yet to see the dedication they have in the black community. It doesn't even begin to exist on the same level that they have. One could criticize them for only "being out for self," whereas black folks care way to much about other people and image.
It doesn't sit well with me to shop at only black/urban stores, or go to black owned businesses, just because I have a particular skin tone. My family history consists of more than just black people. It doesn't help that it's a tad difficult to even find black owned whatever that applies to my likes and interests.
Best I could find slay
Look at this swagged out mother fucker.
Lawd have mercy...