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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|

See that shit right there is why I can't fuck with most weed heads. They can be worse then Jehovah Witnesses.

They did the same thing to me but with alcohol too. I took down a bottle of Smirnoff Ice and didn't get drunk off of it, but I know my family and their history with alcohol so I don't touch the stuff. My friends don't understand why I don't drink either, but whatever.
I'm not much of a drinker now, but there was a year or so when I drank kinda frequently and almost drank vodka exclusively.

It got to the point where I could drink half a bottle and be alright. It scared me a little so I cut back and then....

One New Years at a friends house I drank 10 shots (Vodka, Jager, captain morgan, some cheap cognac) 3 beers and half a bottle of wine. I only weigh about 150. First and last time I blacked out.

Ever since then I only drink to a buzz and maintain it.


I am more a social drinker. At home I sip some Smirnoff ice. When out in the about, I love me some Everclear, Barcardi 151, and Kelligans.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Oh and I forgot. Jagermeister is the worst fucking drink ever. I don't know how people can drink that gross shit.
Never smoked, drank, or anything. Gets a lot of weird reactions from people when I tell them.

Oh and I forgot. Jagermeister is the worst fucking drink ever. I don't know how people can drink that gross shit.
Back when I was living with my friends, they all decided to get shitfaced and drink jagerbombs, among other things, to celebrate finals being over. I don't drink, but I did want to see how it would hit them. They all reacted differently.

First friend: tapped out early, since he still had shit to do in the morning.
Second friend: helped me babysit the others, and was also able to hold her liquor.
Third friend: SUPER friendly drunk. He ended up calling his girlfriend while he was completely plastered and started admitting how much he loved her, etc. I asked if I could talk to her, then took the phone and explained everything to her so she wouldn't get worried. She understood, and pretty much told me "make sure he doesn't die." When I hung up the phone, I gave it back to him and he looked at me dead in the eye, 100% serious, and said "did you just hang up on my girlfriend?"
Fourth friend: 10 miles past shitfaced. Became completely incoherent, and even spilled some drink on another of our roommate's stuff (nothing was damaged, thankfully). It got to the point where he eventually bit the table and started huffing and puffing like the table was the last source of oxygen on the planet. We escorted him to bed, and a few hours later I heard him sit up and projectile vomit.

It was a very weird night. We all had another drunken night to celebrate Friend 2's birthday, but nothing really memorable happened. At least compared to what I just described.
If you can't hold your liquor don't try to keep up. There's always one asshole who doesn't want to look like a chump but ends up needing help to stay alive.
If you can't hold your liquor don't try to keep up. There's always one asshole who doesn't want to look like a chump but ends up needing help to stay alive.

That's what happened with one of the people who got invited to the other party I mentioned. Nice enough guy, but was too young and inexperienced to be drinking as much as he did.
Never smoked, drank, or anything. Gets a lot of weird reactions from people when I tell them.

Same. Never drank alcohol, or tried weed. The reactions I've gotten up to this point from people are 85% - "Why?" 5% - "You're lying." 5% - "What do you do for fun then?" and 5% - "Good for you! Wish I didn't smoke or drink."

Though I only tell people when I'm asked, which isn't all that often.


That CNN documentary on "Who is Black In America" wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It's still annoying because like all their documentaries, it asks a bunch of questions and offers no solutions so it's just a bunch of issues that lead no where, but it was interesting seeing people talk about the "one drop rule", popping out the paper bag test on a bunch of school kids, and things like Egyptians not considering themselves African.


Same. Never drank alcohol, or tried weed. The reactions I've gotten up to this point from people are 85% - "Why?" 5% - "You're lying." 5% - "What do you do for fun then?" and 5% - "Good for you! Wish I didn't smoke or drink."

Though I only tell people when I'm asked, which isn't all that often.

The "good for you" is the worse. It's so condescending and you know 9 times out of ten they don't mean it. I don't mind "Why?" unless the person is an ass about it. Some people act like it offends them or something when shit isn't that serious.

Never got "You're lying." (people expect me to be a square lol) or "What do you do for fun?" though.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
with red bull. It's awesome.

Ive tried it with just about every energy drink released in the us, and it still tastes like whatvid assume black licorice flavored ass tastes like(although that's an oxymoron)

You are not a white 21 year old sorority girl.

That must be it. I can deal with the 3 wise men, LA waters, and four horsemen of the world, but when someone mentions Jager bombs, I flinch every time.

Sometimes I like the taste of ice myself.


Shit my friends bugged the shit out of me about that stuff , never liked it , I'll always appreciate weak alcohol and cigarettes more

I'm wondering right now if ill like the ZOE HD collection hmmm
Same. Never drank alcohol, or tried weed. The reactions I've gotten up to this point from people are 85% - "Why?" 5% - "You're lying." 5% - "What do you do for fun then?" and 5% - "Good for you! Wish I didn't smoke or drink."

Though I only tell people when I'm asked, which isn't all that often.

Marijauna is another hilarious one!

"you're from the islands and you don't smoke? COME ON, STOP LYING!"


I did it twice but never again. Too uninteresting for me. On other news subway has a new 2 dollar struggle 6 inch. My wallet is tight and I am hype.
I'm not much of a drinker now, but there was a year or so when I drank kinda frequently and almost drank vodka exclusively.

It got to the point where I could drink half a bottle and be alright. It scared me a little so I cut back and then....

One New Years at a friends house I drank 10 shots (Vodka, Jager, captain morgan, some cheap cognac) 3 beers and half a bottle of wine. I only weigh about 150. First and last time I blacked out.

Ever since then I only drink to a buzz and maintain it.

I'm real cautious with alcohol these days. I'll hit it light and see if a buzz comes, if not I'll go a bit further and once it's there I'm already hydrating.

There's just nothing worse than being that guy who's occupying the toilet for 2 hours.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Weed does absolutely nothing for me. X was my shit though...

Alcohol... I'm always afraid because my family has a bunch of heavy drinkers. I've got anger issues too. The idea of those mixing was terrifying to me. When I got to college I wanted to face it and get it out the way - figure out what kind if drunk I would be if I didn't hold back. Turns out I'm the chillest dude in the room. I get crazy relaxed as all my PTSD shit goes out the window.

Love being a drinker. I just don't like saying it or being about that life. It sounds bad. Makes me feel like I'm using it as a crutch at times.


The physical form of blasphemy
What type of dirt weed are you people smoking, where it's not doing anything for you? :x

I am more a social drinker. At home I sip some Smirnoff ice. When out in the about, I love me some Everclear, Barcardi 151, and Kelligans.

I too am about that life.
I'm kinda fuming right now.

I have a laptop that stopped being able to connect to the internet on 2/12/11. Norton was expired so I didn't have a way to check if it was a virus or something. I had an older laptop so I just started using that. The issues with this cheaper laptop were starting to get on my nerves. So I spent a good 12hrs of my time trying to find out the issue this weekend to no resolve. Just as I was about to throw in the towel and start looking for a new laptop I decided to uninstall Norton....................................shit connected to the internet right away!

How the FUCK can that happen!


bitch I'm taking calls.
I decided to uninstall Norton....................................shit connected to the internet right away!

How the FUCK can that happen!

Seriously though, as long as I don't download anything unscrupulously and use trusted stream sites for porn that alone eliminates 99% of viruses for me. Kaspersky gets the rest.
That's why nobody uses Norton anymore. CPU resource hog, unwieldy, and there's a shitton of easier, free anti-virus software you can use, like Avast, Malwarebytes, Microsoft Security Essentials, etc.
I'm kinda fuming right now.

I have a laptop that stopped being able to connect to the internet on 2/12/11. Norton was expired so I didn't have a way to check if it was a virus or something. I had an older laptop so I just started using that. The issues with this cheaper laptop were starting to get on my nerves. So I spent a good 12hrs of my time trying to find out the issue this weekend to no resolve. Just as I was about to throw in the towel and start looking for a new laptop I decided to uninstall Norton....................................shit connected to the internet right away!

How the FUCK can that happen!

I've seen malware more cooperative than Norton AV.

Last year when my mom was interested in getting a laptop I went with her to Best Buy. She chose one, took it to the counter and they immediately started to push Norton to her.

"Your computer will get viruses without Norton!"
"You NEED Norton to use your computer!"

I was shocked. I never bought a PC from Best Buy so hearing them trying to scare my mother into buying this shit was unexpected. I told her there's a good amount of free anti-virus programs available and she declined.


I'm kinda fuming right now.

I have a laptop that stopped being able to connect to the internet on 2/12/11. Norton was expired so I didn't have a way to check if it was a virus or something. I had an older laptop so I just started using that. The issues with this cheaper laptop were starting to get on my nerves. So I spent a good 12hrs of my time trying to find out the issue this weekend to no resolve. Just as I was about to throw in the towel and start looking for a new laptop I decided to uninstall Norton....................................shit connected to the internet right away!

How the FUCK can that happen!

Super antispyware and malware bytes my brother.
The shit came installed, but because I let it expire it cuts me off from the internet?


On another note, as much as I complain about the VGAs, the actual AWARDS they gave out were...actually pretty interesting! Journey walked away with 3 awards(including best PS3 game), new ip Dishonored won over mega-hyped mega-boring Assassin Creed's 3, Borderlands 2 went over Halo and Call of Duty, and The Walking Dead won Game of the Year. The small, downloadable, episodic point and click adventure starring an African-American, with no marketing power(besides the name), no pre-order bonuses at Gamestop power to the players shit, no big multiplayer component, etc...somehow walked away with GotY.

The presentation of the show was ass, but the actual awards...I'm pretty ok with them!
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