Never smoked, drank, or anything. Gets a lot of weird reactions from people when I tell them.
Oh and I forgot. Jagermeister is the worst fucking drink ever. I don't know how people can drink that gross shit.
Back when I was living with my friends, they all decided to get shitfaced and drink jagerbombs, among other things, to celebrate finals being over. I don't drink, but I did want to see how it would hit them. They all reacted differently.
First friend: tapped out early, since he still had shit to do in the morning.
Second friend: helped me babysit the others, and was also able to hold her liquor.
Third friend: SUPER friendly drunk. He ended up calling his girlfriend while he was completely plastered and started admitting how much he loved her, etc. I asked if I could talk to her, then took the phone and explained everything to her so she wouldn't get worried. She understood, and pretty much told me "make sure he doesn't die." When I hung up the phone, I gave it back to him and he looked at me dead in the eye, 100% serious, and said "did you just hang up on my girlfriend?"
Fourth friend: 10 miles past shitfaced. Became completely incoherent, and even spilled some drink on another of our roommate's stuff (nothing was damaged, thankfully). It got to the point where he eventually bit the table and started huffing and puffing like the table was the last source of oxygen on the planet. We escorted him to bed, and a few hours later I heard him sit up and projectile vomit.
It was a very weird night. We all had another drunken night to celebrate Friend 2's birthday, but nothing really memorable happened. At least compared to what I just described.