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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|

Manga confuses the shit out of me. Reading the text left to right but the page layout is right to left :s


It took me a bit to learn the layout, but eventually it clicked. I think some artists do it better (Bleach reads better compared to One Piece)
Used to dislike baseball until my Nats made the playoffs.

Playoff baseball, especially when your team is trying to hold a lead, is some of the most intense shit ever in sports. You are literally on the edge of your seat for every pitch, praying for strikes.


Used to dislike baseball until my Nats made the playoffs.

Playoff baseball, especially when your team is trying to hold a lead, is some of the most intense shit ever in sports. You are literally on the edge of your seat for every pitch, praying for strikes.

That reminds me, this last season when I witnessed no hitter games. It was fucking amazing and thrilling!


He reminded me too much of Naruto, but he was alright. Soul was the most swag until they changed his design to some Italian soccer player.

Manga confuses the shit out of me. Reading the text left to right but the page layout is right to left :s

Manga style just feels natural to me.
I grew up on manga instead of comics though.
I'm more interested in the fact that a High School music class would have no visible instruments in the room.

Also, damn an eighth note? That's elementary school music class shit.
'He look saltier than a motherfucka'

She was going offffff.

'I want to walk out of here with something I did not walk in here with and everyday I leave with nothing!'
Speaking of sports...you guys get a wind of this idiot?

Same shit I've had to deal with my whole life. Unless you fit into their little mold your "blackness" is questioned. I can't he went on ESPN with some dumb shit like this.

ESPN canned Rush Limbaugh for praising Donovan McNabb years ago under the rubrick of "racism". Let's see how they handle this one...

Black people do not have a license to be racist. This guy is a blatant racist. the KKK would be very proud of him.

As a white person, I am fighting my racism everyday. One of the methods to do that is to call out racism wherever I see it. Irregardless.

SUPER7777 said:
Since he is black he won't be fired.He used his freedom of speech rights which whites don't seem to have.I base this upon the fact countless whites have been fined,fired,suspended,shunned and bashed for saying 100 times less.I want things to be fair but when you have Halle Berry,Chris Rock,Steve Harvey,David Chappelle and Jamie Foxx saying the n word and horrible things about whites and yet get laughs from most(who are offended by a slight if any racist comment by whites) and making millions off of them.I don't like the KKK but they aren't as bad as the Black Panthers who put 10,000 on the head of George Zimmerman(hispanic not white ragbags).Perhaps the KKK should start doing this for the disproportionate amount of Blacks who commit crimes against Whites though the media sweeps this under the rug and only names races of the victims of it's a white on black crime.Just look a few weeks in the same city the Zimmerman/Martin shooting took place in which the media still keeps talking about it.2 whites tourist in a premeditated move got robbed and beaten then killed by 2 black gangbangers who used racist remarks while doing so.No hate crime,no media really other than British papers.I guess the media couldn't find pictures of the gangbangers from when they were 10 and even went as far to say the white guys shouldn't have been in that neighborhood(because it was all black and they don't know how to act proven by the fact the most dangerous cities in the US and World are made up of mostly blacks).This is a free country according to God just ask the 2 reverends Al and jesse who I'm waiting to see on TV calling for peace in Chicago as innocent black children and people are killed in drive by shootings everyday
"Boy, I wonder what's going on in the depressing world of OT"

School Shooting at Elementary School in Connecticut
At least 27 dead, including 18 children



I just...

I don't understand this shit

who the fuck targets children


"Boy, I wonder what's going on in the depressing world of OT"

School Shooting at Elementary School in Connecticut
At least 27 dead, including 18 children



I just...

I don't understand this shit

who the fuck targets children

Yeah time to take a gafvacation


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
"Boy, I wonder what's going on in the depressing world of OT"

School Shooting at Elementary School in Connecticut
At least 27 dead, including 18 children



I just...

I don't understand this shit

who the fuck targets children

what the fuck? i didnt know the death count was that damn high. have they stated who the shooter was?


this shit..is becoming too common.
it's like every week, somebody shoots up a mall, school, hospital, event, etc.
this is the tipping point right here.
I've always been pretty neutral on gun control.

But something my dad told me when I was young always stuck with me.

"I feel for the kids growing up today where I grew up. When I was in high school, on the weekends people would always get mixed up with gang bs. Back then you'd get beat up 1 on 1, or if it were planned you'd get jumped, stabbed, hit with bike chains or at worst a baseball bat. You'd be in the hospital a week or whatever but usually if it wasn't that bad you'd show up to school limping and bruised. Now if you accidentally bump into the wrong person that could be it for you."


motherfuckers are crazy these days.
so quick to jump straight to a conclusion that both sides can't come back from.
fuck it. i'll just get my ass whooped and come back for a rematch if thats what it takes.
Mr. Jones: What's that for?
Craig: Protection.
Mr. Jones: Protection from who?
Craig: Me and Smoke...I've got to walk Smokey down to his house.
Mr. Jones: Aw, man. Your mother and I never would've moved to this neighborhood if we'd known you need a gun to walk down the damn street.
Craig: You know how it is 'round here.
Mr. Jones: Oh, no, son. That's not the way it is. You kids have been nothin' but punks. Sissified. So quick to pick up a gun. Too scared to take an ass-whipping. [raises his fists] This is what makes you a man. When I was growing up, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some. But you live. You live to fight another day. Now you think you're a man with that gun in your hand, don't you?
Craig: I'm a man without it.
Mr. Jones: Put the gun down. C'mon, put up your dukes. Now you're a man. Your uncle picked up a gun, too. He found out the hard way. 22 years old. You've got a choice. This is all you need, alright?
Speaking of sports...you guys get a wind of this idiot?

Same shit I've had to deal with my whole life. Unless you fit into their little mold your "blackness" is questioned. I can't he went on ESPN with some dumb shit like this.

I'm sick of hearing about RG3 and the idea of "black qb".

Really wish the Titans had won that Superbowl, McNair (rip) would have probably been MVP, and this discussion would be a lot less important today.
Another story that's semi-relevant.

My dad was telling me about the switch from carrying blades and wearing rings to guns in the 80s. He was with his friends at a burger stand, his best friend had been talking to a local gang about joining, and some car raced by and shot wildly at him. Ended up killing one his other friend's girlfriend, got hit in the neck.

It was first drive-by they all experienced.

The next week for his initiation he had to kill someone and he chose the guy who had been rumored to have shot at them. Walked up to him at a park and shot him point blank.

My dad showed up at his house the morning it happened, figured he was at his house about the same time he killed the guy. He was there to go jogging with him like they did every week, he still says how if he had showed up 10 minutes earlier he could have talked him out of it.

He's in prison til this day, my dad only visited him once, said he was a different person once he was put inside. He asked my dad to never come back.


^ ugh. dont remind me. 1 fucking yard.

Speaking of sports...you guys get a wind of this idiot?

Same shit I've had to deal with my whole life. Unless you fit into their little mold your "blackness" is questioned. I can't he went on ESPN with some dumb shit like this.

ESPN suspended Rob Parker indefinitely for his comments. I wish they'd just fire him cause he's always been awful.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Another story that's semi-relevant.

My dad was telling me about the switch from carrying blades and wearing rings to guns in the 80s. He was with his friends at a burger stand, his best friend had been talking to a local gang about joining, and some car raced by and shot wildly at him. Ended up killing one his other friend's girlfriend, got hit in the neck.

It was first drive-by they all experienced.

The next week for his initiation he had to kill someone and he chose the guy who had been rumored to have shot at them. Walked up to him at a park and shot him point blank.

My dad showed up at his house the morning it happened, figured he was at his house about the same time he killed the guy. He was there to go jogging with him like they did every week, he still says how if he had showed up 10 minutes earlier he could have talked him out of it.

He's in prison til this day, my dad only visited him once, said he was a different person once he was put inside. He asked my dad to never come back.
That's a really sad story, Moris. And I don't doubt for a second there are a lot more just like it.

I really like beef's quote. Don't know where it's from but I like it a lot more. You give people the ability to kill at the pull of a trigger, it's going to lead to some bad things.

Why kids though? Innocent kids. They had their whole life ahead of them and they didn't do shit to you. These kinds of mass shootings are making less and less sense as time goes on. I don't know how much worse it can get than shooting up innocent children.
That's a really sad story, Moris. And I don't doubt for a second there are a lot more just like it.

Here comes the just as sad second part:

My dad left soon after his friend was caught and put away.

He went back a few years ago to see his old neighborhood. He showed up to his friend's old house to see how he was doing in prison through his family and to see how his family themselves were doing.

He knocked, the guy's mom opened the door, she collapsed and started bawling.

Her daughter came and picked her up and took her to her room. The daughter explained that once he was put away and my dad left, they kind of treated it like they were both dead. They went to visit him in jail but he also told them to stay away, that seeing them would make it too hard to be locked up.

Seeing my dad made all those emotions rush back to her mother, she asked my dad to not come back for her mother's sake.
Mr. Jones: What's that for?
Craig: Protection.
Mr. Jones: Protection from who?
Craig: Me and Smoke...I've got to walk Smokey down to his house.
Mr. Jones: Aw, man. Your mother and I never would've moved to this neighborhood if we'd known you need a gun to walk down the damn street.
Craig: You know how it is 'round here.
Mr. Jones: Oh, no, son. That's not the way it is. You kids have been nothin' but punks. Sissified. So quick to pick up a gun. Too scared to take an ass-whipping. [raises his fists] This is what makes you a man. When I was growing up, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some. But you live. You live to fight another day. Now you think you're a man with that gun in your hand, don't you?
Craig: I'm a man without it.
Mr. Jones: Put the gun down. C'mon, put up your dukes. Now you're a man. Your uncle picked up a gun, too. He found out the hard way. 22 years old. You've got a choice. This is all you need, alright?

I think I'm ok with my hands I did boxing And judo. You won't catch me fighting on the streets tho everybody here got a knife on them

A.E Suggs

this shit..is becoming too common.
it's like every week, somebody shoots up a mall, school, hospital, event, etc.
this is the tipping point right here.

Yeah it is getting to common, its like once somebody see's someone else do it they think its their turn to try. Either way this isn't going to change the gun control issue because the main issue are those already with guns.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Yeah it is getting to common, its like once somebody see's someone else do it they think its their turn to try. Either way this isn't going to change the gun control issue because the main issue are those already with guns.

Its like that episode of Luthor with the two twisted brothers competing for high score... We got to do something as a country to limit this because these assholes aren't going to stop and its going to continue to be hard to find them considering that they are just part of the crowd until they rampage. We have to hinder them prior to them gaining access to a weapon.
Mr. Jones: What's that for?
Craig: Protection.
Mr. Jones: Protection from who?
Craig: Me and Smoke...I've got to walk Smokey down to his house.
Mr. Jones: Aw, man. Your mother and I never would've moved to this neighborhood if we'd known you need a gun to walk down the damn street.
Craig: You know how it is 'round here.
Mr. Jones: Oh, no, son. That's not the way it is. You kids have been nothin' but punks. Sissified. So quick to pick up a gun. Too scared to take an ass-whipping. [raises his fists] This is what makes you a man. When I was growing up, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some. But you live. You live to fight another day. Now you think you're a man with that gun in your hand, don't you?
Craig: I'm a man without it.
Mr. Jones: Put the gun down. C'mon, put up your dukes. Now you're a man. Your uncle picked up a gun, too. He found out the hard way. 22 years old. You've got a choice. This is all you need, alright?

Alot of 90s baby need to take those words to heart, I swear in my local news its always the 90s baby shooting each other let and right
No even work wifely? could have got some.

It was her who almost got told.

I stopped by someone's desk who she happened to be talking to. She asked if I had ever been to Mexico. Nope. If I knew what ppart of Mexico my parents were from. Nope. If I knew the national anthem. Ha.

"You're not even Mexican."

maaaannn, you and your nationalistic, true scotsman bullshit can eat a dick, matter of fact Mexico can eat a dick too.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
It was her who almost got told.

I stopped by someone's desk who she happened to be talking to. She asked if I had ever been to Mexico. Nope. If I knew what ppart of Mexico my parents were from. Nope. If I knew the national anthem. Ha.

"You're not even Mexican."

maaaannn, you and your nationalistic, true scotsman bullshit can eat a dick, matter of fact Mexico can eat a dick too.

I ... I don't understand that conversation? Are you Mexican?

A.E Suggs

Its like that episode of Luthor with the two twisted brothers competing for high score... We got to do something as a country to limit this because these assholes aren't going to stop and its going to continue to be hard to find them considering that they are just part of the crowd until they rampage. We have to hinder them prior to them gaining access to a weapon.

Its a slow process that hopefully will die out soon. I'll say that some areas just seem impossible, I don't wanna give out the name of my city area but they've been trying for years here and nothing has changed. This is one of the problems that I guess comes from criminals having more power than the police by numbers.


Apparently, since I have dark skin, I have to be from Africa. I don't mind telling people I'm not, but having this conversation over and over is grating.

"where are you from?"


"I mean...originally?"


"...Where is your family from?"

"Baltimore. My dad's side is from NC."

"....I mean originally."

"I'm not African."

"You sure?"

And it just goes on like this.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Apparently, since I have dark skin, I have to be from Africa. I don't mind telling people I'm not, but having this conversation over and over is grating.

"where are you from?"


"I mean...originally?"


"...Where is your family from?"

"Baltimore. My dad's side is from NC."

"....I mean originally."

"I'm not African."

"You sure?"

And it just goes on like this.
My friend did this when he was drunk at party, I was so fucking mortified. The worst part is when they don't let it go, like they have to keep following it up to get the 'real answer'. If you are even gonna ask, as soon as you get an answer, you need to shut your mouth.


The worst part is when they don't let it go, like they have to keep following it up to get the 'real answer'. If you are even gonna ask, as soon as you get an answer, you need to shut your mouth.

Yes. I remember one dude, an older black guy, just straight up came and asked me what tribe I was from. I told him I wasn't from Africa, and he just kept going on about how he couldn't believe it.


My whole family is the kind of Louisiana light-skinned where nobody knows what the heck we are.

Indians always look at my name and then at me and think I'm Indian.

I'm thinking, the name is French in the first place, what are u smoking?
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