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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|

My brother still got waves. I stop fucking around with it though, shit takes work.

Any of ya'll malls still have arcades? My mall still has the same damn arcade, Tilt, since the 1970s. It's crazy that it's still kicking with some modern games around. The best thing is it's always had that Daytona USA game, so every time I pass by it's like "DAY-TONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". It's like that one part of my childhood that's still same as it ever was.


My brother still got waves. I stop fucking around with it though, shit takes work.

Any of ya'll malls still have arcades? My mall still has the same damn arcade, Tilt, since the 1970s. It's crazy that it's still kicking with some modern games around. The best thing is it's always had that Daytona USA game, so every time I pass by it's like "DAY-TONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". It's like that one part of my childhood that's still same as it ever was.

we have this arcade where you pay with nickels

so if a game is like 3 quarters at one place

its 3 nickels at nickelrama




Let me just have an opinion without even knowing the extent of anything. Race related threads on GAF in a nutshell.

Can he seriously not connect the dots? He must not even know what affirmative action is, well other than it being a way for minorities to steal their way into schools already populated by legacies who earned their way in and didn't use anything like good ol boy networks.
Can he seriously not connect the dots? He must not even know what affirmative action is, well other than it being a way for minorities to steal their way into schools already populated by legacies who earned their way in and didn't use anything like good ol boy networks.

AA is just a tool to steal the white man's well earned job before he even gets said job because those jerbs are ours dang nabbit.


Can he seriously not connect the dots? He must not even know what affirmative action is, well other than it being a way for minorities to steal their way into schools already populated by legacies who earned their way in and didn't use anything like good ol boy networks.

I am noticing that is a huge thing in these threads, people just being to able follow simple patterns of thoughts.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
we have this arcade where you pay with nickels

so if a game is like 3 quarters at one place

its 3 nickels at nickelrama


There's a few places like that in oregon called wunderland. Those places were the shit when I was younger. And they had a free play wall at the time. First time id ever finish rampage was in there.


i feel like arguing in racism/inequality threads are a sisyphus complex.
but i feel as if i don't make my voice known im effectively silenced.
what do i do fellow black gaffers?
we have this arcade where you pay with nickels

so if a game is like 3 quarters at one place

its 3 nickels at nickelrama


I only go to the mall like...once-twice a year, and I always make a trip to the arcade. Too many damn games cost a dollar for like, 3 lives in a shooting game. That shit goes by quick when you don't know the game.

I always play Time Crisis 2, that shit is $0.50 for 4 lives, and I've played it so much I can one-credit clear that shit no problem. I've had the high score since 2004 :D
I was watching Malcolm X the other day on Blu-Ray, 3 things came to mind:

1. This film is REALLY fuckin' good, and the fact that Denzel Washington did not win Best Actor at the Oscars continues to blow my mind the more I think about it.

2. Spike Lee is really one of the best, most consistently interesting American filmmakers of his generation. He's not shy about opening his mouth and letting his opinions fly, and honestly he's prone to saying stupid/ignorant ass shit from time to time, but the man's filmography stand apart and speak for themselves. THE most important black filmmaker of all-time.

3. Look at these fuckin' suits, man




Junior Member
Thinking of going back to waves. I never found them THAT hard to maintain. As soon as I find a barbershop not 45 minutes away. There are a few right near me, but you know what I mean...

I only go to the mall like...once-twice a year, and I always make a trip to the arcade. Too many damn games cost a dollar for like, 3 lives in a shooting game. That shit goes by quick when you don't know the game.

I always play Time Crisis 2, that shit is $0.50 for 4 lives, and I've played it so much I can one-credit clear that shit no problem. I've had the high score since 2004 :D

The fuck?! I played the shit out of that game back in 99 but $0.50 for 4 lives is ridiculous.

But no, no arcades around these days. What I wouldn't do for a Time Crisis HD collection for PlayStation Move or something.
The closest arcade around here is Sunnyvale Golfland. There ain't really a good selection, but they've got a Gauntlet Dark Legacy machine so it's alright in my book.


The arcade near in my mall closed down in the late 90's. My parent's were strict as fuck so I never got to play any of the games there anyway, just looked at the intro screens all the time hoping someone forgot to use their life on a cabinet. Never been to a real arcade since. :(

Well I have been to Playdium, but I don't consider that to be a real arcade. All they have there is time crisis and other stupid FPS on rails stuff.


I remember the coolest arcade in town was the one in the ghetto mall. the whole back section was a shooting gallery with animatronics in it.


The Black Panther movie was always too good to be true. I'm amazed the rumors lasted as long as they did, considering how quickly Marvel nipped the Ms. Marvel rumors in the bud.

More movies about white guys and racoons! Let's go!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
i want a panther on the lineup. but they are going to fuckup and give us falcon instead.

i mean they dont even have to go with tchalla if they dont want to. they could use the swashbuckling exiles tchaka if they dont want him to be too serious. its just depressing that they are having such a hard time with this.


If we get any brotha in The Avengers, it's probably gonna be Luke Cage. You know how T'Challa can get kinda violent with teammates


The biggest crime about there not being a BP movie is that we won't get to see Tony and T'Challa in a big intellectual dick-waving contest. That was one of my favorite parts about Panther's introduction in the Avengers cartoon.

Tony: The Quinjet has the best cloaking tech in the world...mine.
*Quinjet gets shot down*
T'Challa: Wakandan defense tech is better.

i want a panther on the lineup. but they are going to fuckup and give us falcon instead.
Ugh. That's the worst part. :(
Spoiler, but for you cats interested in Young Justice,
Static Shock
will appear in the series according to Comic Con.

Ha, it's been a while since I've posted here.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Spoiler, but for you cats interested in Young Justice,
Static Shock
will appear in the series according to Comic Con.

Ha, it's been a while since I've posted here.

Static spin. And its been awhile since you've been in these parts. There's more members of your kfc faction.
Static spin. And its been awhile since you've been in these parts. There's more members of your kfc faction.
Man I'm not into DC as much as I'd want to be. I want to look around for any comics that have him in it actually.

Really? More brothas and sistas have seen the light? It's about time.

PK Gaming

Spoiler, but for you cats interested in Young Justice,
Static Shock
will appear in the series according to Comic Con.

Ha, it's been a while since I've posted here.

Oh wow, that's actually kind of awesome. I hope Phil Lamaar reprises his role.


You guys need to talk about Phil Lamaar more, he's an amazing VA and definitely one of my top favorite VAs of all time.

He voiced Ramza in Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions. I couldn't tell for most of the game.


No Black Panther movie because it's hard to make Wakanda? Asgard, no prob. CGI raccoon, sure. Rich African nation? IMPOSSIBLE.

Did someone at Comic Con say this or is this a response to a poster/thread somewhere on GAF? I can never tell with this thread.


I don't think marvel would go on record admitting that.

While I was waiting for an answer, here's what I found by google searching:


Marvel Studios co-president Louis D'Esposito said:
Another possible candidate is "Black Panther," a superhero story that centers on T'Challa, the defender of a fictional African nation called Wakanda.

"He has a lot of the same characteristics of a Captain America: great character, good values," said the Marvel exec. "But it's a little more difficult, maybe, creating [a world like Wakanda]. It's always easier basing it here. For instance, 'Iron Man 3' is rooted right here in Los Angeles and New York. When you bring in other worlds, you're always faced with those difficulties."


I fucking hate Hollywood so much.

What pieces of shit these bitches are.

We can figure out fucking space aliens in the fucking galaxy with walking trees and talking raccoons and shit, and we can figure out fucking Norse techno-gods and their golden fucking city, but slightly more technologically advanced black people? WHO'D BELIEVE THAT SHIT?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I'm not familar with the Black Panther character at all, are there pics somewhere of what this fictional nation looks like?

Google wakanda in the image section. Its not like its anything more outlandish than we've already seen. That remark reeks of bullshit.


I'm not familar with the Black Panther character at all, are there pics somewhere of what this fictional nation looks like?



Mostly looks like a big city with a few old temples surrounded by the African plains/jungle and smaller villages. The hardest parts of making Wakanda would probably be the panther statues, the palace, and the techno jungle (which I cannot find pictures of). That is, assuming they make them exactly like the comics versions.


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