Remember Petland? One time we went there and the dude had one of the snakes out. I touched it and my mom wouldn't let we get in the car until I washed my hands.
smh it's bad enough the games were ranging in the 60-90 dollar range.
wtf :/
Evo pools, the ReDecision, I can't with today.
Bron going back to Cleveland? Dis nigga.
Getting an N64 for Christmas was the best and worst thing ever as a kid with no money. I basically borrowed my way through the N64 library. I was actually not a greedy-ass kid and had asked for a Genesis or SNES... each selling for about $40-$50, used games were everywhere and cheap, plus lots of kids moving on to 32/64-bit didn't care to let you borrow a bunch of 16-bit games at once and for months at a time. I would've been stuck replaying MK Mythologies for a year if not for ONE non-poor friend in middle school with a good stack of N64 games.
Even PS1 wouldve been a smarter buy for someone with no money. So many cheap/used games in every game store.
you have any idea how bad it will be here? I'm going to hear all these band wagoners and riders come out the cut, the same ones that was burning the jerseys, playing "i'm coming home" on the radio for the next 4 months straight
Hopefully they trade Wiggins for Kevin Love because we all know Wiggins aint gonna stay in Minnesota past his initial contract. Then Wiggins can come back to the home of the Raptors.
Hopefully they trade Wiggins for Kevin Love because we all know Wiggins aint gonna stay in Minnesota past his initial contract. Then Wiggins can come back to the home of the Raptors.
Raptors moving to LA?
People saying LeBron did a face turn, but he totally boned Wade and Bosh, getting them to opt out of many millions more with the idea of them taking a pay cut to get younger, better talent to help out. Then he leaves anyway, with little chance of either guy getting a contract that big ever again, especially Wade. That's kind of scummy.
Raptors moving to LA?
Wade and Bosh are grown men who can make their own decisions. Lebron ain't their dad, so it's their fault for looking at him like he's the final say.People saying LeBron did a face turn, but he totally boned Wade and Bosh, getting them to opt out of many millions more with the idea of them taking a pay cut to get younger, better talent to help out. Then he leaves anyway, with little chance of either guy getting a contract that big ever again, especially Wade. That's kind of scummy.
Wiggins knows where his home is at. He'll be like Lebron and bring a ship to the city!
Let a man dream ;_;
Maybe Bosh comin back home too
People saying LeBron did a face turn, but he totally boned Wade and Bosh, getting them to opt out of many millions more with the idea of them taking a pay cut to get younger, better talent to help out. Then he leaves anyway, with little chance of either guy getting a contract that big ever again, especially Wade. That's kind of scummy.
See, you needed to drive to cities like Sumter, Florence, or Darlington. Country towns with barely anything going on. If you thought Dutch Square Mall was bad, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself at Jasmine "Mall". I remember people losing their minds when the first Super Walmart opened up.
People saying LeBron did a face turn, but he totally boned Wade and Bosh, getting them to opt out of many millions more with the idea of them taking a pay cut to get younger, better talent to help out. Then he leaves anyway, with little chance of either guy getting a contract that big ever again, especially Wade. That's kind of scummy.
people lost their fucking minds here a year ago when Cinnabon opened in the mall.
Bosh has had a huge offer from Houston on the table already, apparently.
He still has the deal for the next few days anyway. ESPN says they are trying to scramble right now to get him to sign. Dude is from Texas and it's no way he'll get a better deal from Miami. They'll probably try to angle him the way the Cav's did.
FA Losers:
He could easily get a better deal from Miami without LeBron. But he probably wants to play for a contender, and Miami won't be that for a while, now. He'll sign, but hopefully he does a S&T and gets Miami some assets to use on a rebuild.
Having a discussion about diversity with some peeps. Trying not to bash my head through the table.
Shit, someone post this in OT. Sounds EXACTLY like some of the crap they repeat.
So I just started playing Final Fantasy 12 for the first time, and I already want to give up forever and snap the disc in half because of the damn ridiculous unchangeable inverted camera controls.
When I press left on the right analog stick, I want the character to look to the left. I am trying to change where the camera is looking. I don't want to press left and have the view turn to the right as though I am holding a movie camera and trying to swing it around to look at something.
He still has the deal for the next few days anyway. ESPN says they are trying to scramble right now to get him to sign. Dude is from Texas and it's no way he'll get a better deal from Miami. They'll probably try to angle him the way the Cav's did.
Normal FF12 or Intl ver? It's a pain in the ass I agree. If you're playing it emulated w/360 controller you COULD adjust the inputs for right stick horizontal to be opposite.
normal version on a PS2
I'd be willing to emulate on my PC; do you knew a good guide for that kind of thing?
Inverted controls really suck when you return to a game and forget them
Vince is legit one of my favorite Gaffers. Cool guy all around.
Normal FF12 or Intl ver? It's a pain in the ass I agree. If you're playing it emulated w/360 controller you COULD adjust the inputs for right stick horizontal to be opposite.