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The Black Culture Thread |OT8| Hands Up, Don't Shoot

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I left my Surface in the break room, and saw the damage in my cubical....

believe me please :(

That's some amazing skill if your co-worker came up with that kind of line off the top of his head. You think he was just waiting for a chance to get you, found out where you posted and then waited by the coffee machine?
nope, did human noble warrior to start

little did I know half the characters in the game were going to be warriors

haven't decided who I'm going to play as for my second playthrough yet

Do a Dwarf Noble. It's unlike any other intro to an RPG I've played. You get to frame people for murder, deny a woman child support, have your buddy kill people for you, all sorts of haughty stuff.


Did you play a Dwarf Noble? It's the only way to play. Starting zone is like Game of Thrones levels of killing each other and fucking everybody over.

The mage intro is pretty good too.

I recommend lowering the volume in the game to ~30%, forgetting that you did that, and then raising the volume of your speakers because the game is just so quiet. There's a point near the end of the mage intro quest where someone casts a spell that ignores the game's volume level and damn near blew out my speakers. It was great.



Slay be like



Damn, Harson...


^This sums up my reaction and what you should've done to avoid this happening
except no one believes your coworker excuse


You can't really say you post here if you only pop up when someone points out something dumb you say.

At that point you're just a vocal lurker
I think so, too. I try.

It's been a wild ride reading them.

This thread for example: "Study Finds White Americans Believe They Experience More Racism Than Black Americans"

Small problems shouldn't be ignored

I agree that we shouldn't pretend small problems are actually big problems. But pretending small problems are not problems at all is very common, and is unproductive. In instances where I complain about my arguments being dismissed solely because I'm white, I don't expect people to think it's a problem anywhere close to on par with a black person's experience with institutionalized racism. I don't expect people to think it's something that needs legislation, or corrective measures. All I'm doing in those instances is pointing out problematic behavior that individuals can avoid participating in. The cultural conversation can create small, microscopic changes like that. Yet, when I bring up that fact, and people dismiss not only my first arguments, but also dismiss my appeal for better behavior in that regard, I feel slighted not once, but twice. It just exacerbates the problem. More productive than, "You think you've got problems, listen to this," is "Yeah, that dismissal wasn't fair." That's it. That's all. The LOLing of the problem just makes the situation worse.

Seems to be at odds with your "stop being sensitive" approach to the Justin Timberlake thread..

and there's this:

I lamented when we lost what I thought was a cool, descriptive word, Oriental, but I accepted the fact that it had become offensive and purged it from my vocabulary. Again, I lament the loss of exotic, which I think is cool and descriptive, but if it's become offensive, it is what it is. Language changes, words change, there's no point in using a word that has a reasonable risk of offense attached to it.

Besides being sad that you can't describe people as oriental anymore, you seems to understand exactly why what JT said could upset some people....and yet.

There's tons of stuff, bringing up 'twitter/tumblr McCarthyism' when Gary Oldman went off the rails in an attempt to talk up Mel Gibson, all of your posts on abortion are...kinda, your stance on gay marriage, the persecution complex when you lament your opinions being dismissed for being white or male or fearing being banned for thinking sex should wait for marriage.

I get that some of it's part of your Mormon beliefs but if I'm being real and speaking about the beliefs themselves, they're antiquated and occasionally reprehensible.

I found this one particularly interesting

Hey Ivysaur, I just wanna say you seem like a really cool guy, reaching out to us religious people. While I don't agree with gay marriage, I do agree that an open dialogue with each other should be started, if for no other reason than civility and understanding, instead of the hate that each side directs at each other.

I'm going to go out on a limb (wherein most of GAF will likely crucify me) and try and explain my side. When birth control became the norm in the '60s, there seemed to be no downside for religious folk: "Religious people don't have to have premarital sex. It just makes it safer for those who do." Now, I'm not against birth control. I use it myself with my wife. But something happened after it became widespread: waiting till marriage is now shunned. You're seen as a prude, an idiot, etc. if you believe in waiting till marriage. Why did this happen? Normalization. It happened because premarital sex, while it had existed before, became the norm. Therefore, people who believed it was morally wrong became shunned. It's scary for me to admit on a forum that I believe in waiting till marriage, for fear of being banned.

I'm in no way implying that gay marriage would become the norm. No, people's genes won't change just because the law does. But the current status of society is: "You can believe gay sex is immoral, but you have no right to stop someone from doing so." Which I agree with. I have no right to tell you what to do with your life. What people like me fear is that widespread gay marriage would make it wrong to think it's wrong; that we'll be shunned for holding the moral values we currently keep dear, even if we're not imposing it on anyone.

It used to be okay to be a virgin till marriage; now it's humiliating (I was one). It is currently okay to think that (without restricting anyone from doing it) gay sex is immoral, a fundamental belief in Christian chastity, but with the legalization of gay marriage that may not be the case.

The ironic thing is that we're worried about being shunned in the future, whereas you guys are fighting not to be shunned right now. :) So I totally get where you're coming from, and why you're fighting the good fight. If nothing else, maybe my explanation of our fears can help you in your endeavors to spread what you feel is good, and to that I wish you all the best luck.

Like usual you try to be civil and the things you say rarely sound hateful but at the end of the day it's really just disrespect with a smile. You often display an understanding of the issue, but like in this post you'd rather be against gay marriage (I'm assuming due to religious beliefs) and if it becomes accepted by society at large, to be against it would eventually make you the new outcast and that worries you. It's incredibly insane. It's as if the option to not be against gay marriage isn't even on the table for you presently or in the future. It's such a fascinating disconnect.

Some of these posts go a ways back, if they no longer represent how you feel then I'll edit them out of this post.


You can't really say you post here if you only pop up when someone points out something dumb you say.

At that point you're just a vocal lurker

Sorry, that wasn't clear. By "here" I meant NeoGAF, which you're all a part of, as well. But I don't want to derail this thread with "Why I hate PogiJones." I just wanted to say, despite our disagreements, even if you do hate me, the feeling's not mutual.

I don't want to derail, but I'm willing to talk with you in PM if you'd like.


Yo would you guys let Johnny Storm edge you up?

nah, Johnny would cut some ridiculous bullshit in the back of your head and have everyone laughin at you

and what are you going to do about it? he's the human fucking torch
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