Storm Chamber
That feeling brehs when you tell your mother what your future plans are and while she is saying "thats good" she is making faces like
be a failure brehs
That feeling brehs when you tell your mother what your future plans are and while she is saying "thats good" she is making faces like
someone convince me to watch noah
onemic whats your tag or are you on ps3/xbox
Giant rock transformers, dudesomeone convince me to watch noah
Giant rock transformers, dude
tbh Noah was shit
Am I a total Stacey Dash for not giving a fuck about Thug Kitchen? I mean, using TBGHP's "Fucking With Black People" scale, I'm feeling a 25, not a full 100. I'm more pissed off at Steve Harvey letting Paula Deen teach culinary skills to 100 black boys, thus giving her free slave labor.
Am I a total Stacey Dash for not giving a fuck about Thug Kitchen? I mean, using TBGHP's "Fucking With Black People" scale, I'm feeling a 25, not a full 100. I'm more pissed off at Steve Harvey letting Paula Deen teach culinary skills to 100 black boys, thus giving her free slave labor.
Reading more Gears of War comics. As much as I love me some Gears, I really wished they went and emulated how dark the lore can be into the games.
Found this on Kindle unlimited, had to read it
I am only a hundred pages in and it's almost a thousand. Author doesn't like Obama though.
Book I linked is a blight on the earth.
Fuck, I forgot that you can self-publish on Amazon.
Gonna send them a draft of my masterpiece;
So FOX is reviving Martin...
...And Ashanti is playing Gina.
I have not heard a funnier thing all week.
So FOX is reviving Martin...
...And Ashanti is playing Gina.
I have not heard a funnier thing all week.
Thug in many contexts in the U.S.A refers to black males. When you aren't supposed to say racial slurs like "nigger" and "jigaboo", you opt to use more neutral terms like "thug". This transmigrates what people really mean into these terms. Thug just being a neutral word for violent criminal, but is used in more contexts of black males that make you uncomfortable, so you conclude them as thugs.
Group of black, male teenagers wearing UFC hats, sport Jerseys, and Michael Jordan shoes on a side walk by Mary's store. She feels uncomfortable because of her preconceived notions of black males,.
Mary overhears the boys' conversation.
Bboy 1: "Yo I was like with this gurl, and she was like twerking an shit!"
Bboy 2: " Dayuum son!"
Boy 1: " ya, and den she asked me to like take a toke of weed"
Boy 2: " Whadya say?"
BBoy 1: " I was like 'FUCK yeah I'll have some of dat shit!"
BBoy 3: " Sweet ass shit yo! Looks like x isn't coming dho! So let's get some drinks man!"
Mary goes to her coworker Becky and says
" I don't trust those n-(wait I can't say niggers) thugs. I'm calling the police Mary, watch the store"
Mary becomes hyper aware of each the boys actions, and where there hand are, and where their eyes are looking. One of the boys put his hand in his pocket. The boys get 5 cent candies and counted it being $3.05 worth. After the boys come up to the till, Mary looks at the boys' pocket and doesn't see anything. Mary takes the abg and begins counting every single candy. The boys miscounted and it was $3.15 cents worth. Mary quickly points out this discrepancy and calls them thieving thugs. The boys try to claim that they miscounted, but Mary doesn't buy it and the two parties argue. The police officer comes and sees that heated debate. Boy 1 pulls his hand out of his pocket, and since the police officer cannot be 100% sure that it isn't a weapon, he shoots him like a proud American hero and handcuffs the dead body.
The other two boys have to be escorted to the police station for questioning.
Mary begins t
A group of white, male teenagers wearing UFC hate, a sport jersey, and DC shoes. You can hear them laughing and Mary is used of seeing such males, and can think of them as having a variety of possible non-violent personalities.
Wboy1: " Yeah dude, this chick was just like giving me a lap dance"
Wboy2: " Nice shit dude!"
Wboy2: Yeah, and then she takes and some weed and asks me to have a toke"
Wboy2: " shit, what did you say!?"
Wboy2: "I said fucking rights I'll have some of that shit!"
Wboy3: " that's fucking rad, but looks like x isn't coming. Let's get some drinks guys"
Mary goes to her coworker Becky and says:
" That boy is troubled, what would his mom say?"
Mary watches the boys in the store, but doesn't seem to notice that one of them shop lifted a candy bar. The boys pick out some 5 cent candies and when the boys go up to the till to pay, Mary trusts their words that there's $3.05 worth of candy and gives them their change and reciept.
The boys later get to go home and watch game of thrones and then browse the internet and claim that " Thug to me means people like Scarface!"
In the context of this website, there is nothing really neutrally thuggish about the way they cook. They seem to just to be appropriating a dialect of black culture. A dialect that people often make fun of, and deem as "unprofessional" and "illegitimate English". It is fusing the idea that the way black people speak is thuggish. When it is used by white people it is acceptable, so acceptable that you can make a living out of appropriating other people's cultures through a website.
So FOX is reviving Martin...
...And Ashanti is playing Gina.
I have not heard a funnier thing all week.
Who is playing Brutha Man?
Who is hustle manWho is playing Brutha Man?
Seems like the usual generic YA stuff.
Who is hustle man
So FOX is reviving Martin...
...And Ashanti is playing Gina.
I have not heard a funnier thing all week.
So FOX is reviving Martin...
...And Ashanti is playing Gina.
I have not heard a funnier thing all week.
So FOX is reviving Martin...
...And Ashanti is playing Gina.
I have not heard a funnier thing all week.