User 73706
My mistake. Uncharacterized Brother-President Hussein.
Avatar is Pocahontas for people who missed Disney's Pocahontas.
Maybe the worst or all Disney movieWhat about Disney's Atlantis?
lol, y'all weren't joking. Naruto really ripped off Code Geass.
Maybe the worst or all Disney movie
I forgot Atlantis existed. I'll never watch that junk.
What about Disney's Atlantis?
It aint no treasure planetMaybe the worst or all Disney movie
Fuck you guys, I loved Atlantis as a kid.
Avatar is Pocahontas for people who missed Disney's Pocahontas.
lol, y'all weren't joking. Naruto really ripped off Code Geass.
It aint no treasure planet
Maybe the worst or all Disney movie
Texas and Alabama sure don't like women or girls having access to reproductive choices and health lately.
My bad. Now that I think about it, I've never seen an actual Spanish restaurant. Without looking it up (because I'm a lazy shit) I'd imagine it is probably pretty similar to Italian/Greek. A lot of sea food and nuts and whatnot.
I would go with Indian and Greek cuisine first. To me they have distinct taste that set them apart from the other cuisine.
I love Thai soups and dessert. Sooo damn good. Coco milk chicken soup and sticky rice mangos delicis.
Pretty sure you had some form of Italian(pizza, pasta,etc ) unless you want the authentic experience. Cheap place for this is Olive Garden
Maybe the worst or all Disney movie
home on the range exists. and atlantis was dope
Avatar has no redeeming qualities.
sheeeitSays the Nigga that Netflix said should watch "I got the hook up" cause it suits his taste.
Says the Nigga that Netflix said should watch "I got the hook up" cause it suits his taste.
Says the Nigga that Netflix said should watch "I got the hook up" cause it suits his taste.
Says the Nigga that Netflix said should watch "I got the hook up" cause it suits his taste.
Says the Nigga that Netflix said should watch "I got the hook up" cause it suits his taste.
Maybe the worst or all Disney movie
i am so fucking tempted to drive an hour just to taste some cookout drivethru
Treasure Planet is even worse.
That feeling brehs when you tell your mother what your future plans are and while she is saying "thats good" she is making faces like
One of my coworkers tried to "bye felicia" me today. I fired back and asked her if she even knew what that reference was from. She looked at me, then around the room, then went back to her salad.
Some of these posts here are disgusting. Just replace pit bull with black people. That's the same stuff said back when we were a not so tolerant society. Why pick and choose these negative articles to scold the breed and spout your hatred.
Says the Nigga that Netflix said should watch "I got the hook up" cause it suits his taste.
In case you weren't feeling crappy enough today.
And if you weren't well then fuck your day too.
Says the Nigga that Netflix said should watch "I got the hook up" cause it suits his taste.
I watched Blade and it recommended Jungle Fever
I can't make another thread today.
If you can watch it for free do itsomeone convince me to watch noah