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The Black Culture Thread |OT9| More Priest, Less Hudlin

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Simmer down, being high strung got you got last time.


Best Joker is DCAU version. The Killing Joke Joker is pretty cool, too. But in general, he's not that interesting. But most characters that have been around since the 40s aren't that interesting any more. I think every story you can tell has been told with Batman/Joker/Robin/Penguin/Riddler/Catbroad/Two Face/etc.


Best Joker is DCAU version. The Killing Joke Joker is pretty cool, too. But in general, he's not that interesting. But most characters that have been around since the 40s aren't that interesting any more. I think every story you can tell has been told with Batman/Joker/Robin/Penguin/Riddler/Catbroad/Two Face/etc.
I like ledger.

Whoa. Mighta drank myself sick.
At this point (outside of a few exceptions) Joker is more plot device than character. I haven't liked his comic appearances since Morrison stopped writing Batman.



Which is why people need to stop circle-jerking over him.

At this point (outside of a few exceptions) Joker is more plot device than character. I haven't liked his comic appearances since Morrison stopped writing Batman.

You ain't never lied.

I hate how they treat "being crazy" like a superpower. "Oh yeah the Joker's a level one threat to everyone cause he's just so nutty." Bleh.

Yep everything is "he sooooo crazy", no growth or development.
Joker is involved with too many quality stories to be bad. Various episodes of Batman: The Animated Series, Return of the Joker, The Dark Knight, Mad Love, Soft Targets, Batman and Robin Must Die!, The Laughing Fish, Joker's Five-Way Revenge, Detective Comics #570-571, The Last Laugh, Dark Knight Returns. At his best, he can be hilarious but terrifying, unpredictable but quite cunning.

He's got the same problem Batman has; he's so popular, and so adaptable(you can write him however you like) that everybody and their auntie Stephanie have done a story about him, and most of them aint no good, or just trading off easy signifier from other, better stories. They even slap him in stories he aint suppose to be in just because they know he's a main draw and they can fit him in anywhere, like what the fuck is he even doing in Mask of Phantasm? Doesn't matter, he's funny, and he can do any plot point you want.


Where you're from- Mexico
Where you live- The Land of Mary, in the States.
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy- Mexican ???
Do you know your roots- No, not really.
Your Age- 20
Favorite musical genre- 80's, 90's music
Your profession/major/career interest- Student majoring in Computer Science
Your religious affiliation- Atheist
Hobbies- Video games, reading GAF.

Hello fellow gaffers. This is my first time posting in this thread! Exciting stuff I've read! :p So yeah... I'm a dark skinned Mexican, and a little funny side note is that my dad calls me (sometimes) Negrito, which translates to "little black." He never means this as an offense, but more of an affectionate nickname. In Spanish, adding a diminutive (-ito) to a word can make it more "sweet" and meant as an affectionate way to call something or someone. Kind of like Sugar-honey, or when we refer to someone as "sweety." My family from my dad's side is not very fond of dark skinned individuals. But long story short - my grandmother is light skinned, and so are my father's brothers, my cousins and almost everyone from my dad's side. My dad is the only child of my grandma that was of a different father, his other three brothers are of a different same dad. Therefore my father has darker skin compared to his (half) brothers. When my dad was growing up, my grandmother would try to put some make-up on my father to make his skin lighter. She also didn't want him to spend a lot of time on the sun fearing my dad would get tanner, and darker... lol. Anyways, this is how my father grew up, he talks about this and how much he hated the fact that my grandmother would always say "white skin" is beautiful, dark skin - not so much. My dad said he used to dislike this, he wanted to be of fairer skin like his brothers, and because of my grandma's backwards thinking. He got over it, and he embraced himself and his skin color. He will often tease my grandma telling her "do you love your grandson"? (referring to me) and she would say "of course, I love him! He's my favorite grandson." My dad would respond "but he's black like me!." Hilarity would ensue because my dad would laugh, and my grandma would turn red and said that I was not "black." lol. To make long story short, I also disliked my skin color up until very recently. But I realized there's nothing I can do to change my melanin levels, and just embraced who I am. It's been very liberating, and I'm more happy now. Growing up with my grandma and my cousins was something special... My cousins would refer to me as "the toasted one." This was in Mexico though.... where "racism" supposedly isn't much of a deal, but this makes me wonder... and ponder. I look at Mexican soap operas, TV shows, and commercials and see mostly people of fair/light skin color. One of my friends who was visiting from Mexico even joked "Here in the States you'll see people of color in commercials, and TV shows, but in Mexico, it's like they're trying hard to have as many light skin people as possible in TV!." That is debatable of course, and it depends, but it's interesting. Anyways, I apologize for the long boring introductory story (and grammar errors that have become a common casualty that I always make :3) ... lol

The sentence itself in the image has very nice consonance. C and K sounds ck... ck... and dorky drake.. lol


Unconfirmed Member
Man Joker is one of the most boring comic characters ever.

People love him in the Dark Knight but I didn't like that movie at all specifically because of the Joker.

I tend to dislike unstoppable force antagonists, and Joker is exactly that....for inexplicable reasons.

Like it doesn't make sense why people follow the guy. It doesn't make sense how he turns unrelated common street thugs into a coordinated army that allows him to pull off these insanely precise terrorist attacks

Even his reasoning doesn't make sense. "Agent of chaos" is so insanely vapid I don't understand how so many people eat that shit up.

Basically Joker is the worst and Batman movies are lame


Unconfirmed Member
Overwatch looks pretty dope. Might get me to download battle.net again if I get in the beta


Welcome, leonidas!

Overwatch and a bit of DJ Shadow got me in the mood to sketch again. Then again a lot of good character design/art direction puts me in the mood.

However, I still don't feel like I'm in my 'zone' in regards to my art. I haven't found my style yet, and I'm just doodling as I go.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
leonidas goat name. man that hispanic/latino racism/self hate is sad. glad you are starting to find comfort in who you are.
People love him in the Dark Knight but I didn't like that movie at all specifically because of the Joker.

I tend to dislike unstoppable force antagonists, and Joker is exactly that....for inexplicable reasons.

Like it doesn't make sense why people follow the guy. It doesn't make sense how he turns unrelated common street thugs into a coordinated army that allows him to pull off these insanely precise terrorist attacks

Even his reasoning doesn't make sense. "Agent of chaos" is so insanely vapid I don't understand how so many people eat that shit up.

Basically Joker is the worst and Batman movies are lame


Ps Tombstone will always be my fav western
My dad said Intersteller was good....but he also owns Stealth on Blu-Ray so he can't be trusted. I just got around to watching Dear White People earlier today, it was good.
I've been streaming the Last Tinker on Niconico Live via my Japanese PSN acc, that game seems to attract a nice sized audience for some odd reason.

They also love them some Destiny... That, COD:AW, and FF14 seems to have the most streams.


My dad said Intersteller was good....but he also owns Stealth on Blu-Ray so he can't be trusted. I just got around to watching Dear White People earlier today, it was good.

A lot of people are saying it's dumb, but good looking and kind of exciting.
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