Everyone loves Hikaru Ichijyo.
I'm inclined to think if there is a topic that the majority of GAF agrees on, it is usually best to go opposite of that opinion. Especially over the last year or so.
I don't believe that an individual should go in the opposite of that direction all of the time, but for the most part, the real world disagrees with GAF. That goes for good and for ill. This includes those of you that believe GAF lacks empathy or lives in a bubble when it comes to social justice issues. Newsflash - most of the country doesn't give a shit either.
Some of those quotes and tweet sweet mother of! I feel a year from now this will be a non-story, she will be more popular, her books will sell more, and her show will get more viewers. Feel bad for her sister tho.
Cannon Busters is an animated adventure about the value of friendship and just how far one is willing to go to maintain it. If The Wizard of Oz met the Hidden Fortress with influences derived from Escaflowne, hip-hop, and classic RPGs -- you get Cannon Busters, one wild ride of fun, suspense, action, and wackiness. It's a roadshow-style adventure of epic proportions!
Everyone loves Hikaru Ichijyo.
After looking through that crossover thread, I need to ask a question: Are there any male anime protagonists most Americans generally don't think are garbage?QUOTE]
Setsuna F. Seiei from Gundam 00 comes to mind. He's a child soldier that's a member of a global terrorist organization.
Bomani is going to incur the wrath of Lord Jamar....
After looking through that crossover thread, I need to ask a question: Are there any male anime protagonists most Americans generally don't think are garbage?QUOTE]
Setsuna F. Seiei from Gundam 00 comes to mind. He's a child soldier that's a member of a global terrorist organization.
More importantly, he is Gundam.
After looking through that crossover thread, I need to ask a question: Are there any male anime protagonists most Americans generally don't think are garbage? Hard mode: teenage male protagonists who don't annoy American audiences. The only example I've been able to come up with is Yuske from Yu Yu Hakusho.
It's not as hard as you'd think. Just pick any Sasuke archetype character
Light Yagami, Heero Yuy, Ichigo Kurosaki. Even Setsuna whom people are listing.
Those serious, anti-social "cool" guy type characters are always the most popular in the US. We got Chuunibyou bad over here
You know this to be true
im done
looking at 1994. what albums that year were better than illmatic? seriously i can only maaybe make a case for the downward spiral. slayven?!!!
did someone forget the 90's was crazy for music
im done
Jandro bringing Slayven his next conquest.brehs
im done
Anime is like movies. Anyone who says they don't like it just ain't watching the right shows.I don't fuck with anime but my boy convinced me to check out terraformars. I'm legit hooked. And advanced warfare ain't that bad.
Anime is like movies. Anyone who says they don't like it just ain't watching the right shows.
I feel you. I just don't have aNY interest in anime period. The last anime I watched were parts of AoT. Then before that highschool of the dead. So not much. But I'm digging the terrorformars. I'll stick with it.
After looking through that crossover thread, I need to ask a question: Are there any male anime protagonists most Americans generally don't think are garbage? Hard mode: teenage male protagonists who don't annoy American audiences. The only example I've been able to come up with is Yuske from Yu Yu Hakusho.
I understand the main reason for this -- their main target audience being Japanese high school boys. I've never met one so I couldn't tell you if people like Shinji or Eren or whoever might be an accurate representation.
In fact, are there any examples in anime of the "classical anti-hero" that even work that well? Again with teenagers being hard mode.
I don't get the Punisher love, is it because he shoots people in the face?
Its a pretty simple appeal
So does Grifter, but folks don't blow their load on the internet talking about him
they used to, til Wildstorm took the Big L
I don't get the Punisher love, is it because he shoots people in the face?
im done
He's very easy to understand. And very easy to root for an against, and he can be put in very realistic and very fictional situations. He a very malleable character.
I was thinking about how they incorporate him into the modern MCU, I have thought of a few scenarios.
He's very easy to understand. And very easy to root for an against, and he can be put in very realistic and very fictional situations. He a very malleable character.
I was thinking about how they incorporate him into the modern MCU, I have thought of a few scenarios.
I don't see the current Marvel film enterprises giving the Punisher any real facetime because of what the character is and modern positions on gun violence. If he was featured it would most likely be as a villain
(edit: didn't know there was already a thread for this when i posted but whatever)
wow so Lesean Thomas (Dir. of Black Dynamite, worked on Boondocks and Korra among other things) is still trying to get Cannon Busters going. this time as a cartoon.
this shit could be amazing if the rest of his stuff is any indication. i've been waiting for something to come of this project forever.
Also regarding the appeal of the Punisher, it's easy - anyone who feels the justice system is ineffective at keeping real criminals behind bars can empathize with Punisher, just a little, in the realm of fiction. I'm not saying we want to kill all crooks, because we don't. We shouldn't. But anyone who's frustrated can see some appeal in Punisher's methods.
Also if you never read it, I highly recommend the Frankencastle arc. Injected a much-needed freshness into that character and it was fun as hell. Also fuck Daken, dude's such a prick.
So I'm ready to listen to reason regarding Peter Parker. I've got $100 in my pocket that I'm willing to put money towards taking a risk on some wonderful Spider-Man TPBs or graphic novels - so hit me with a couple. Not asking comics-gaf because...I don't wanna.
Just go to a library and pick some stuff up. Don't blow $100 on bullshit you probably aren't going to like anyway.
How do you have a shitty library when I'm in a city of 50K in central Indiana with no jobs or industry since the mid 70s and have a DOPE one? 3 stories. TONS of movies. Healthy game section. Healthier comics section. Inter liberried loan system. Streaming music and video services (although mostly junk content). A digital rental system for ebooks and what not. Ball State's library isn't better than this one. It's the only good thing in this entire city.
Also regarding the appeal of the Punisher, it's easy - anyone who feels the justice system is ineffective at keeping real criminals behind bars can empathize with Punisher, just a little, in the realm of fiction. I'm not saying we want to kill all crooks, because we don't. We shouldn't. But anyone who's frustrated can see some appeal in Punisher's methods.
Also if you never read it, I highly recommend the Frankencastle arc. Injected a much-needed freshness into that character and it was fun as hell. Also fuck Daken, dude's such a prick.
So I'm ready to listen to reason regarding Peter Parker. I've got $100 in my pocket that I'm willing to put money towards taking a risk on some wonderful Spider-Man TPBs or graphic novels - so hit me with a couple. Not asking comics-gaf because...I don't wanna.
Didnt Solid Frank come after Frankencastle? Frank was rocking the mullet, eyepatch and everything
Because I uh...haven't been since I was a child.