My awesome brother
gifted me the PC "Ultimate Edition" of the game.
I'm liking it a lot. I did experience my first hard crash error code "watchdog" or something like that. It hard locked my entire computer
prompting a reboot. That was a bit scary but everything seems o.k.
I'm running everything maxed in DX12 at 2560x1440 @165hz and averaging 80fps. I'm still "low" level. Think I just hit level 6
when it hard crashed.
While it looks amazing, I still think Division 1 looked better. I can't quite put my finger on it but I just feel it's "missing" something graphics wise.
It looks to have a ton of content and I'm trying to knock out the side missions when they pop up as fast as I can. I do like that NPCs actually
fight along side you at different times and the dynamic nature of the encounters. Haven't really encountered any weather features. I read
above that someone couldn't see when the storm hit. Every time I've played it's been clear night or day. I did have one session where light
rain started but that's been the extent of it.
See you out there agents!