Now to find a patch/mod containing the PSX soundtrack. This shit is amazingly dark.
Why not the game itself?
Now to find a patch/mod containing the PSX soundtrack. This shit is amazingly dark.
Heh. I forgot how hilariously awesome the secret Club Doom level was in the PSX Doom.Some good retrospective articles on Doom's 20th birthday:
You know, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Hell, how about an Oculus Rift mod for the game? It be a helluva 3D experience.Where's my 3DS port?! Imps chucking fireballs at me in 3D would be the most amazing thing ever.
Maybe i'm in the minority but i think Doom 3 is the best one.
The original is still awesome though.
I'm getting old :-/ I remember playing the Shareware version right when it came out. I still play Doom-- and Wolf3d actually-- regularly to this day.
Where's my 3DS port?! Imps chucking fireballs at me in 3D would be the most amazing thing ever.
Could use a Vita port too!
Keep porting it to everything ever
Well, as I said, it would be as simple as setting the version on the PSN from PS3 only to PS3 and Vita and popping it on the Vita store. Probably just the flick of a switch.
The PS1 version would be fine, it has Doom2 built in iirc.
As I've stated...Doom 64 gets no love?
Because I mainly focused on the first Doom, since it is the 20th anniversary after all. It wasn't exactly a port of anything, either.
It should be. PSX Final Doom only has a fraction of the levels that are available on the PC version (11 for Evilution and ONLY 6 for Plutonia).speaking of that
is Classic Complete (PSN version) better than Final Doom (PS1)?
I can get a disc of Final Doom for a few bucks probably vs. $15 for classic complete (which I think I just missed a sale on, dammit)
When I first played Doom I thought the graphics were photorealistic.
How times have changed lol.
I don't think it was even on the highest detail setting, but it looked so good I thought games couldn't get more realistic than that.
.Doom 64 was the real Doom 3.
It did, as I recall. One could choose "low" or "high" quality, where "low" would give you chunkier pixels in exchange for smoother performance. It made a big difference when running on a 386.I don't recall Doom having graphics quality settings. Resolution was definitely fixed, can't remember anything else.
There really is something to be said with this. The increase in fidelity and capabilities in machines make for games that want to contextualize everything for their story presentation, this is a double sided sword as most games really do just end up wasting your time with it and making it a slog to replay. Meanwhile I can start up Doom, select my difficulty, and there I am, E1M1 pistol in hand seconds away from an encounter. This wasn't unique to Doom at the time as even games with more of a narrative pull did the same, like Marathon. However id did stick with it for a while, Quake and Quake 2 also had you starting in the action while games were already beginning to show signs of the slow establishing start, and by Doom 3 they finally ditch their classic approach.
I think games now could learn a thing from going back to that style of opening; while Doom benefited from its fairly abstract presentation that helped with the map layouts being designed solely for their playability, there are still ways to incorporate its snappy gameplay focus while also trying to contextualize the world. Just immediately put me in the game, gun in hand, and design the world so that players can piece the clues together of what's happening if they care to. I can't tell you how many games there are that I find really fun that I just have no interest in touching again because of the slog that their cutscenes and slow establishment of the opening act and mechanics present. It's disappointing.
Great post minus the Brutal Doom recommendation. Please remove it, it bastardizes the game.
One of these days I'll install a better MIDI pack, I swear ...Don't agree with this.. at all. This music is more fitting for something like D64, but it feels like the antithesis of what Doom is supposed to be. 90s thrash metal runs in Doom's DNA, and the game was made to be a blood pumping, lightning paced death carnival. That music does not put me in the mood to run around at 60 scale miles an hour slaughtering demons.
I wonder how many people ever played the game with anything better than crappy sb or windows midi.
Q&A with Carmack on the creation of Doom and other things. Sorry if already posted.
It'll be interesting to see what will come out of this some time. My guess is on Zenimax not liking that any time was spent on some pet projects rather than getting Doom 4 back in shape after Rage limped out of the gate.As far as Oculus specifically: If I had free time, which I absolutely do not, I wish that I could bring the Doom 3 stuff over. Sometime, years from now, all of the gory details of everything from the last year and a half or so will come out, but now is not the time to be talking about all of it. But I did feel really bad about the fact that I had pseudo-promised Doom 3 for the Rift when I was first talking about it, and now the fact that it didnt get released, I felt personally uncomfortable with how that turned out. I wish I could be doing that, but I do not have the time now. Im busy working on a bunch of exciting things that I cant talk about and wish I could.
When I was young I lived out in the middle of nowhere.
I remember me and my best friend riding our bikes like 15 miles to the public library to play DOOM shareware in the computer room for like 6 hours straight. They don't make games like that anymore.
This thread needs more DOOM theme:
I've got Doom and Doom 2 on the 360.
Are they ports of the base games, or do they also include Master Levels and levels from Final Doom and so on?
They're straight up ports. Only the PS3 version comes with Final Doom and Master Levels.I've got Doom and Doom 2 on the 360.
Are they ports of the base games, or do they also include Master Levels and levels from Final Doom and so on?
I'm pretty sure they do not include those levels, although I believe Doom 2 includes a completely new episode by the people that made the port.
From Wired:
At the stroke of midnight on December 10, 1993, an executive at id Software uploaded a file to an FTP site on the University of Washington’s network. The filename was Thus did one of the great revolutions in the world of gaming begin—not with a spectacular launch party and a multimillion-dollar ad campaign, but with a 2MB file transfer.
From there, gamers picked up the ball; they downloaded the shareware file and immediately uploaded it to other FTP sites and local bulletin board systems. Download by download, Doom started to make its way around the world. It would become nothing short of a cultural phenomenon, popularizing the first-person shooter genre of games and shifting the predominant aesthetic of games from “Saturday morning cartoon” to “Saturday night horror double feature.”
Id’s previous games like Commander Keen and Wolfenstein 3-D were technological marvels that were starting to make personal computers a viable alternative to game consoles for fast-paced action games. At the heart of these innovative games was the technology created by id’s programming genius and co-founder John Carmack, who in the years since Doom‘s release has continued to create increasingly stunning graphic engines for id’s games. On November 22 of this year, Carmack left id to become CTO of Oculus VR, a company developing a head-mounted gaming virtual reality display.
Apologies for the shameless plug here, but last week John Romero came by IGN and played through Episode 1 of Doom with me to celebrate the 20th anniversary. It was a dream come true for me as Doom was a life-changing game for me (as it no doubt was for many of you) and in the spirit of the thread I'm hoping you guys might enjoy it. It's basically a 90-minute interview...that we're playing Doom over the top of.![]()
They managed to get the Knee Deep in the Dead episode remade in idTech4, but don't expect anymore than that, due to possible legal reasons.can they remake doom using the cryengine? i know its not their engine, but its the best one and this has the potential to reach REmake levels of awesome