fun facts about Doom
coincidence? I THINK NOT
I thought the japanese don't play FPS games.
fun facts about Doom
coincidence? I THINK NOT
Great post minus the Brutal Doom recommendation. Please remove it, it bastardizes the game.
I thought the japanese don't play FPS games.
As an oldschool doomer and a bit of a doom purist, and I think Brutal Doom is the greatest mod of any game EVER. I can't understand why people don't like it.
I also don't understand why people quote an entire 15+ paragraph post for a one-line response, maybe there's a correlation.
but anyone should know about DOOM by now
ah, so good. i remember playing it when it came out, what a fantastic experience. These DOS years were the best
I think il be playing DOOM tomorrow to celebrate the anniversary of the greatest fps ever.
I have always found the best way to play Doom and doom 2 is to run balls to the walls through levels and whole games. If I die I start again.
I recently tried Brutal Doom, it felt like I was playing Doom for the first time, with even more blood, guts and awesomeness. I'm halfway through Doom 2 now though I feel a bit burned out atm.
They don't make 'em like this anymore.
I creep slowly through the levels, trying to pick off enemies one at a time (where possible), scrounging for the secrets, and combing back over the whole level when I'm done to make sure I've picked up every bit of ammo, found and killed everything.
My times are often an order of magnitude above the (nearly impossible) par times.
Because I mainly focused on the first Doom, since it is the 20th anniversary after all. It wasn't exactly a port of anything, either.I wonder why the OP didn't mention the N64 Doom 64 game at all? It was a great successor to Doom 2 and introduced new types of enemies like invisible imps.
For shame...
Because I mainly focused on the first Doom, since it is the 20th anniversary after all. It wasn't exactly a port of anything, either.
And I would like to see this Ghostbusters WAD. PS1 version of Doom's soundtrack is superior to the original soundtrack. That music is the stuff that keeps a person awake at night no matter what their age is.
The PS1 version of Doom's soundtrack is superior to the original soundtrack. That music is the stuff that keeps a person awake at night no matter what their age is.
I have always found the best way to play Doom and doom 2 is to run balls to the walls through levels and whole games. If I die I start again.
I creep slowly through the levels, trying to pick off enemies one at a time (where possible), scrounging for the secrets, and combing back over the whole level when I'm done to make sure I've picked up every bit of ammo, found and killed everything.
My times are often an order of magnitude above the (nearly impossible) par times.
yeah that looks like some sacrilege. give me some nice CHUNKY pixels.
best texture in the game right hurr:
What is that, fan-made?
i see someone has not actually played doom or doom 2.
that texture scared the bejeezus out of me as a kid.
The PS1 version of Doom's soundtrack is superior to the original soundtrack. That music is the stuff that keeps a person awake at night no matter what their age is.
The PS1 version of Doom's soundtrack is superior to the original soundtrack. That music is the stuff that keeps a person awake at night no matter what their age is.
There really is something to be said with this. The increase in fidelity and capabilities in machines make for games that want to contextualize everything for their story presentation, this is a double sided sword as most games really do just end up wasting your time with it and making it a slog to replay. Meanwhile I can start up Doom, select my difficulty, and there I am, E1M1 pistol in hand seconds away from an encounter. This wasn't unique to Doom at the time as even games with more of a narrative pull did the same, like Marathon. However id did stick with it for a while, Quake and Quake 2 also had you starting in the action while games were already beginning to show signs of the slow establishing start, and by Doom 3 they finally ditch their classic approach.The thing about Doom that keeps it in my regular rotation every few months is that its just so...playable. You boot the game up, you're playing in like 10 seconds. There are no cutscenes, no forced slow walking, no stealth segments, no turret segments, or anything like that. It's a very simple idea of running really fast through intelligently-designed maze-like levels fighting well-placed monsters with satisfying weaponry. Its so flexible and moldable it has spawned thousands and thousands of WADS since, and the idea still works. It just doesn't really get old. I'll probably be playing it off and on forever.
That's, like, the most reasonable treatment of the Jaguar I've seen in a long time. Thanks, OP.Atari Jaguar: This is actually the port that many other versions of Doom of the same generation are based on and one of the highlights of the Jag's library. It contains most of the levels from the PC version (22 out of the 27 from Doom's original release, but has 2 additional levels not found in the DOS original), however, it lacks the Cyberdemon, the Spider Mastermind and the Spectre, as well as in game music, for some reason.
The PS1 version of Doom's soundtrack is superior to the original soundtrack. That music is the stuff that keeps a person awake at night no matter what their age is.
Came here to post this. Doom PSX turned the soundtrack from ball rockin midi metallica rip offs, to "oh jesus christ is that a crying baby save me jebus". Fucking terrifying soundtrack. So good i modded it into my Brutal Doom installation. Shit is incredible.
Anyway, Doom. What a classic. One of the most important games of all time, and one of those rare accomplishments: a game as playable 20 years later as it was on release. The very definition of a landmark game.