They had plenty PC copies in Thomasville NC tonight.JoeBoy101 said:Well, 1) they made a point to check all other stores in the area and none of them got it.
2) I'm in Raleigh, NC, not LA.![]()
Cuz textures are terrible in this game period?DopeyFish said:My textures are terrible on pc and I have no idea why (on ultra settings)
cackhyena said:Cuz textures are terrible in this game period?
Big Ass Ramp said:Do I still gain agility by jumping everywhere and do I still gain sneak by crouching as mich as possible?
cackhyena said:Cuz textures are terrible in this game period?
Snuggler said:Ended up switching to a pad pretty fast. This game was not designed with KB/M in mind, at all. Navigating the menus was a bitch, but it's pretty intuitive with a pad.
The were a whole bunch of people where I went. I wonder what the sales number is going to be.Papercuts said:I went to the gears 3 midnight launch and there was about 20 people at my gamestop. Tonight there was over 100, it was nuts. Really didn't expect that.
Also, I didn't know the game had a reversible cover, that's awesome.
:ONBtoaster said:
TheExodu5 said:The starting sequence is random? First time, when I entered the keep, I was in a basement with chests. This time, there's a dead guy with a spear from who I get my gear.
3chopl0x said:That's when you choose between which starting town you go to, it's not so much random as poorly explained.
EDIT: To clarify there are two seperate keeps that are slightly different
Oh yeah, like I said before, from afar, the game is pretty damn nice looking. But even on Ultra, up close...not so much. It really doesn't matter, given how big it is and how much there is to do. Just saying.Jibbed said:I'm a few hours in now and I wouldn't say terrible. Yeah, it's a game made primarily for consoles so if you compare it to recent PC releases, the textures and some geometry look a little off.
It's still a beautiful game - this is it running on my laptop at high-ish settings, 720p, no AA:
TheExodu5 said:What? When did I make a choice?
3chopl0x said:Your 'choice' is what keep you enter.
Woo-Fu said:Agility is gone, only 3 base stats now, stamina, health, and magika.
Sneak you gain by crouching in the vicinity of any mob/npc, so yeah, I think you can crouch in an inn and go afk if you'd like.
TheExodu5 said:Oh...Imperial vs. Rebellion, I take it?
3chopl0x said:Yeah.
It's pretty stupid, I didn't want to go imperial but I didn't know I was making a choice (was too busy running away from a dragon)
My friends friend is a girl who plays PC games and just bought herself a mechanical keyboard. I went "Wow attractive and smart! Lets hit up her prof- oh she's apparently in high school. WELP"Jibbed said:Neckbeard. Seriously though, since coming to uni and meeting loads of new/different people, I've been surprised by how many are pretty enthusiastic gamers when the thought wouldn't have crossed my mind just by how they look. Girls especially - I was at a girls flat the other night and she had a 360 next her TV with 2 games: Oblivion and COD4. That was a good night.
TheExodu5 said:Just want to make sure: can you screw yourself up like in Oblivion by leveling major skills or leveling too quickly?
It really wasn't obvious at all. I went through that sequence twice and never noticed I was making a choice.
eosos said:WHY THE FUCK WONT IT START ON STEAM?! I pressed play and it does the first time set up then the launcher pops up and I press play and nothing happens.
not to mention no mouse interactions!JoeMartin said:Item management in this game is literally the worse thing ever.
Compound text menus with zero sorting options whatsoever? Thanks 2011.
Sooo there's nothing I can do?HP_Wuvcraft said:Join me in my frustration, friend.
Green Man Gaming is the bane that has my goat.
Gvaz said:not to mention no mouse interactions!
It's like they developed for the consoles, oh wiat