Snuggler said:
Yeah, I'm flat out captivated by this game right now. I had some reservations, but fuck, this game is just incredible. The gods must be on my side because I unexpectedly got a week off from work, and you can bet your ass that most of it will be spent playing this game.
You lucked out. I have crazy deadlines and if I had any rational sense I wouldn't have bought this game. But I honestly didn't expect it to be
this good.
I'm the type of player who will just wake up at dawn and head, I dunno, west. Sounds good. I'll roam the wilds, get my bearings, learn where the animals roam and do some hunting. Only now I can bring those furs and skins back to the tanning area in town and form leather and leather strips for crafting. And holy shit I can bring the meat back home to my firepit and cook up some buffs, not to mention crafting jewelry to sell. That is when I'm not secluded in my alchemy chamber mixing and matching ingredients to create potions and poisons. And I haven't even touched Enchanting yet.
This is the kind of game that I get utterly lost in. Whether its clearing a mine of bandits and then taking the place as my home, or lurking in cities casing the area for the best homes and storefronts to rob, or just, like I said before, heading out in some random direction laden with as few supplies as possible and seeing what'll happen.
And with so many triple-A games reducing player choice in the name of cinematic scenes, its nice to see a title that holds player choice and exploration paramount, and pull it off so damn well. Cinematic moments? I've had several dozen of those already, along with all the tiny touches and moments that keep you wanting more.
Yeah. Good times.