Blue Ninja
Who else ordered the physical soundtrack from DirectSong? I still haven't received mine and can't get a response from them.
They sent me an e-mail telling me to expect 4 - 6 weeks delivery time two weeks ago, I think.
Who else ordered the physical soundtrack from DirectSong? I still haven't received mine and can't get a response from them.
It's worked for me. What hasn't worked is trying to place a stolen weapon on a rack or in a display case. Games just throws it on the floor.
I'm loving Mercurio. I'm not sure I want to give him up unless there is someone better out there. I've given him a staff that summons deadra, a zombie staff, a fireball staff and a shocking staff. He slings spell effects all over the place.
Does he actually use different staffs at different times without your interaction? That's pretty cool if so. Just figured followers use whatever the last weapon you gave them was.
Morrowind is neutral, as is Blackmarsh. Elsweyr was taken in by the Dominion, alongside Valenwood. Highrock (and ostensibly Orsinium) remain part of the Empire. Hammerfell was left to fend for itself in the Great War, a move that left a lot of Redguards bitter towards the Empire for abndoning them. For now, they've managed to resist Dominion rule, due to the Dominion being weakened after their route at the Imperial City, and a few left-over "discharges" from the Legion who are stationed in Hammerfell, indefinitely.
Am I the only one who thinks Hammerfell is the next most likely location for a mainline TES game?
Who else ordered the physical soundtrack from DirectSong? I still haven't received mine and can't get a response from them.
Who else ordered the physical soundtrack from DirectSong? I still haven't received mine and can't get a response from them.
Ah, I see. Thanks for the info. It would be interesting if, in the next game, it made a Stormcloak victory cannon, and then proceeded to have the Dominion take over the rest of Tamriel from the weakened Empire and Skyrim, and there is a resistance/guerrilla war going on in the old Empire provinces against the Thalmor. Hammerfell would be a good location, but I would also be really interested to see the next game take place on the Summerset Isles, so we could see how the Thalmor operates in their homeland.
Ah, I see. Thanks for the info. It would be interesting if, in the next game, it made a Stormcloak victory cannon, and then proceeded to have the Dominion take over the rest of Tamriel from the weakened Empire and Skyrim, and there is a resistance/guerrilla war going on in the old Empire provinces against the Thalmor. Hammerfell would be a good location, but I would also be really interested to see the next game take place on the Summerset Isles, so we could see how the Thalmor operates in their homeland.
Ah, I see. Thanks for the info. It would be interesting if, in the next game, it made a Stormcloak victory cannon, and then proceeded to have the Dominion take over the rest of Tamriel from the weakened Empire and Skyrim, and there is a resistance/guerrilla war going on in the old Empire provinces against the Thalmor. Hammerfell would be a good location, but I would also be really interested to see the next game take place on the Summerset Isles, so we could see how the Thalmor operates in their homeland.
I doubt they'll pull another "Warp in the West". They'll either just use some non-specific dates on a Thalmor or Imperial victory, mention that bothThat's a distinct possibility, and the Thalmor are definitely shaping up to be a major threat. That being said, I question which ending will be considered "canon". In fact, I wonder if either will be canon. When Beth allowed multiple endings in Daggerfall it fucked with the continuity in such a way that it could only be described by some esoteric lore: avoid another "Warp in the West", I wonder if Beth won't simply make the outcome of Skyrim immaterial in TESVI. Perhaps the peace lasts for so short a time until the Thalmor dominate that no one will even remember who won in the first place.
Well dayum, I hope mine arrive soon, too. I'm in Europe, though. How's the packaging and track listing?I preordered as soon as it became available, and mine just showed up today. It ships from WA via slow mail, so if you're on the east coast, it might be another day or two (I'm in Michigan).
Mine was bugged, but I fixed it by talking to the right people. Ultimately, the quest just updated itself to where it ought to be.I'm pretty sure Blood on The Ice is bugged for me, and it seems common. Sucks a lot. Anyone else have this problem?
Reading that just makes me sad, for some reason. I'd hate to see the world change that much. :lol
I would love it, lol. Maybe it's the ASoIaF fan in me, but I really like the fact that Skyrim has so much "grey" in regards to which side is in the right, and so much gritty realism, and I would love to see them continue down that line in the future.
It would be great to see the Thalmor, the real "bad guys" in Skyrim, end up winning in the future, with the next game allowing you to take part in a rebellion against their rule. And Summerset Isles could be a great setting for this, and allow Bethseda to flesh out the Thalmor rulers more, and maybe allow us to become more sympathetic towards them and question how evil they really are.
It sounds cool, but just not very TES-like to me. You'll have to forgive me for that, I entered the world during Oblivion, when it was all "the great and noble Empire vs the evil Daedra invaders". Even Morrowind was pretty black and white in that regard. Suddenly having everything become shades of grey would be interesting, sure, but it'd take some getting used to from me. :lol
That said, what you just noted sounds a very likely plot for a sequel. I'm wondering what they'll do with their expansion packs, though.
I get where you're coming from. I mean, LotR is my favorite movie series, and that is very much a black and white, good guys vs. pure evil story. Those stories can be great, but I just prefer more nuanced, and less clear cut approaches to conflicts in stories, especially since reading through the Ice and Fire books last year. Both can be excellent though.
Also, Skyrim is the first ES game I've played all the way through. Never touched Morrowind (though I'm thinking about buying it on Steam at some point in the future now) and I only ever played Oblivion for like 6 hours on my friend's 360 like 4 years ago and never really got into it.
I once laid some skooma on a store owners desk. Nothing cool happened.![]()
Follow the Foxes
Skyrims foxes arent just adorable mini-wolves that dont attack you. Theyre actually guides to cool stuff, and every one will lead you to a location or secret you havent discovered yet if you follow it long enough. So if you run across one in your travels, maybe dont shoot it in the head with an arrow and skin it, for once. Keep it in your line of sight and see where it goes; itll even stop and wait for you if you get sidetracked/attacked. Someone told me a tale of how a fox walked with her all the way to the top of the Greybeards mountain. Just her and the fox battling the harsh winds and fierce snow on a lonesome quest to reach the top and find. This might be the least likely buddy-cop comedy of the decade, but I bet it created quite the sense of isolation and camaraderie on that cold mountain.
Ahh, that would explain the cryptic mention of "following a fox" in the RockPaperShotgun review/impressions
So I basically broke Skyrim with Alchemy/Enchanting/Smithing.
It turns out that fortify effects on gear are actually restoration effects, and so affected by fortify restoration potions. So if you have a fortify alchemy enchant on your gear you can craft progressively stronger fortify restoration potions and then follow it up by creating a fortify enchanting/smithing potion that offers insane increases.
End result: Smithing (with no perks whatsoever) a Daedric sword that hits for 4K, a glass armour set that has 10K armour, and making Enchants that end up basically making the game godmode.
Of course, I can't exactly recommend this, since killing everything in a single hit even on Master is just a little boring, but hey it's always fun to break crafting systems.
I followed one of those little white swimming foxes and he took me on a path to every single nirnroot plant growing in the area until I lost him in the water.
I preordered as soon as it became available, and mine just showed up today. It ships from WA via slow mail, so if you're on the east coast, it might be another day or two (I'm in Michigan).
Who else ordered the physical soundtrack from DirectSong? I still haven't received mine and can't get a response from them.
I've leveled up so much looking for Dragon Priests that now they've become regular mob spawns. -_- Ran into 2 in just the last hour, no names with no mask drops.
Anyone know all of their locations?
Is there a reason why if I have two spells equipped, the RMB uses my left hand, and the LMB uses my right hand? It really screws me up.
You can reassign them. I did as soon as I realized it.
You can reassign them. I did as soon as I realized it.