Playing my thief...
And it's so freaking awesome that you can pickpocket the briarheart off a Forsworn Briarheart enemy and it instantly kills them. That's some straight Kano fatality shit from Mortal Kombat.
Just did this for the first time today. Pretty sweet. I hate fighting Briarhearts so it felt great ripping the heart out of his chest.
Playing with companions has made the game a lot more interesting for me. I've made a minigame out of decking out the companions of the world, so that I can switch them out on the fly when I get bored of one or the other. Turns out they don't mess up stealth gameplay too much either, since you can pretty much tell them to stay put.
118 hours and I'm just starting to feel the wind-down. Haven't beaten the main quest yet but I'm still not bored of the game, I think I'll try to wrap up everything by 140 and leave some interesting stuff to do when I'm bored or for a new character.
At this point I think I can say this game is better than Morrowind as a whole package. We don't have levitation, athletics, custom spells or high jumping but I'm having way more fun past the 100 hour mark with this game and I'm still curious about doing a 2nd play through as a pure mage. The shouts have made magic pretty much useless for the build I'm currently playing but I still want to experience what the magic system has to offer.