so Odahviin dropped me off at the entrance to sovngaarde, but I don't think im strong enough to get through it. Is there anyway to get out of there???
So I finished the Dark Brotherhood questline at Level 22.
Oddly I have no more desire to play the game now.
Part of me just wants to "retire" my character to the beautiful woods around Riften, and just hunt and live off the land.
I won't blog spam but I at least want to share the photoshop jobs for the skyrim bachelors post I did last week. I am so engrossed in this world. All my free time at home is spent in Skyrim...or making retarded photoshops.
Question about enchanting: (I'm a big skyrim noob btw)
Is it possible to de-enchant an item and put these enchantments on another item?
Kill her.
The quests pretty much all suck and the DB are all assholes.
Question about enchanting: (I'm a big skyrim noob btw)
Is it possible to de-enchant an item and put these enchantments on another item?
Unfortunately a patch (I fear) won't retroactively fix this.
Early in the game, it seems my magical staffs I have use gem juice really fast, making them not really worth the trouble. Is there some way to make magical staffs last longer per gem used?
Early in the game, it seems my magical staffs I have use gem juice really fast, making them not really worth the trouble. Is there some way to make magical staffs last longer per gem used?
I can't remember if you have to talk to Tonila before that quest or not. If you enter the standing stone does anything happen ? I am trying to recall but maybe she doesn't meet up with you until further into the dungeon.
Thieves Guild stuff.
When I get back to her....she's back to asking about the fucking Guild armor upgrade again. You know, the armor I sold to her. So now I can't 1) complete her quest, 2) complete rebuilding the Thieves Guild, or 3) get the Achievement for doing so, because all she'll do is berate me for not having my Guild armor. Which is what she's been doing for about 100 of my 130 hours of play.
The only way I can think to un-break this is to grind lockpicking up to 100 and steal some off of one of the other Guild members. Naturally, it's at 21 right now, and I'm level 47.
Pending that, does anyone have any ideas how to un-break her? Mind-blowing that such a simple thing could break the entire quest line like this.
For the above reasons do not under any circumstances sell your Thieves Guild Armor back to Tonilia or any other merchant as there will be no way at all to retrieve it. So far there seems to be no possibility of this issue being fixed on either console or PC.
I don't think that pick pocketing thing will work, I'm pretty sure you can't steal guild members' armor.
I checked on the wiki for you and it says that:
Here's a link to the page (be wary there's spoilers for the thieves guild there)
Alright guys so my semester ends on December 21st and I plan on doing one thing and one thing only: playing the shit out of Skyrim.
Are there any tips/hints I should know about before I begin the game for the first time?
Hopefully Bethesda knows about the problem and are working on fixing it in a future patch.Thanks for the link.
And dammit. Looks like my next character will have to tear through the Thieves Guild as well.
Aside from the hilarious and non-consequential Louis Letrush (who took an interesting turn last night, more on that later), this is the only thing that's broken something significant (I broken two small Misc. tasks that can't clear now) in my entire game. Skyrim has been much more polished in that regard than my Oblivion or Fallout 3, but it's still frustrating as hell that something so simple can kill an entire quest line.
Hopefully Bethesda knows about the problem and are working on fixing it in a future patch.
I'm in the same boat as you, this is the first huge bug I've run into. Totally sucks. I'll stay hopeful for a fix before starting a new character.
So I'm level 30 and just realized I only have 2 words for Unrelenting Force. Where do I get the third?
I believe you have to retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller for the Greybeards to get the last word.
I once thought as you do. But now that I'm further into the game, I find I can go toe to toe with 'em without any problems. Ran into one over the weekend and freaked out for a moment, then started to systematically take him apart. The loot wasn't all that great afterwards either.
I've started to have more lock-ups now as well. After having the game freeze only once in the first 70 hours, I've now had it freeze multiple times in the past 5 or 6 hours. It froze twice yesterday in a single two hour play session. I should note however that I haven't applied the 1.2 patch and I'm waiting for the update this week before I do.
Nonsense, the DB is awesome.
It's a complete joke compared to Oblivion. Only 1 quest with a unique way to kill someone and it's a copycat of the 2nd or 3rd Oblivion DB mission.
I don't see how it's significant. I did it and nothing changed for me. Sometimes I hear "You're the one who did that. Good for you!" from a guard, but that's it. I was kinda pissed when I found it out and I'll join them on my next playthrough. That said, I had to kill her, because she pissed me off.
"Kill one or you won't leave."
"Well, fuck you, Astrid. *zap*"
Aye, you get 'Dah' at some point during the Main Quest.
Then you can blow fools off of a mountain.
I believe you have to retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller for the Greybeards to get the last word.
Thieves Guild stuff. Not going to spoiler.
So, Tonilia has been glitched for me from an early stage in the Thieves Guild quest line because I sold my Guild armor to her. At one point I'm told to talk to her and get it upgraded - but since I don't have it, she can't upgrade it, and she wouldn't ever talk about anything else, all the way through the quest line. Nothing.
Last night I had done 3/4 of the special quests and check in with her and huzzah! she is saying something different. She sends me on a little quest to deliver moon sugar to some traders to set up supply routes for the Guild. I do that, and knock off the final special quest to rebuild the Guild (in Markarth this time), and come back the the ceremony to become Guild Master.
I head to Tonilia to finish up her quest, but all she'll tell me is to go talk to Byrnoff. I do, we do our thingy, then he tells me to go back and talk to Tonilia.
When I get back to her....she's back to asking about the fucking Guild armor upgrade again. You know, the armor I sold to her. So now I can't 1) complete her quest, 2) complete rebuilding the Thieves Guild, or 3) get the Achievement for doing so, because all she'll do is berate me for not having my Guild armor. Which is what she's been doing for about 100 of my 130 hours of play.
The only way I can think to un-break this is to grind lockpicking up to 100 and steal some off of one of the other Guild members. Naturally, it's at 21 right now, and I'm level 47.
Pending that, does anyone have any ideas how to un-break her? Mind-blowing that such a simple thing could break the entire quest line like this.
There are a couple good ones, I admit. All the side contracts suck though. The wedding andShrug. I found the DB quests to be the most fun in the game so far.
Dropping a stone gargoyle on a bride to be is not awesome?
My review of Skyrim:
In the future, I would like Bethesda to somehow make a game whose world properly bends to the actions of the player. I do not know if such a thing is possible given the time and budgetary restrictions. If it isn't, I don't think I will bother playing another one of these games. I had a great time with Skyrim, but once is enough. The gameplay, puzzles, quests, etc. simply aren't compelling enough to keep me playing long after it has become apparent that my choices in the game have meant nothing.
Is there some onbody?Mercer Frey's
WTF you could do that? I just snuck up behind her, slit her throat, downed an invisibility potion, and skipped town before anyone realized what was going on.Dropping a stone gargoyle on a bride to be is not awesome?
Well I didn't play Oblivion so...
sodropped me off at theOdahviin, but I don't think im strong enough to get through it. Is there anyway to get out of there???entrance to sovngaarde
WTF you could do that? I just snuck up behind her, slit her throat, downed an invisibility potion, and skipped town before anyone realized what was going on.
I did that too, and then the idiot assassin they sent to "keep the heat off my back" followed me around until they discovered me.
Quoting myself there, but is it worth it to play Oblivion after Skyrim?Obviously Oblivion looks like crap compared to Skyrim but are the quests/story etc... worth it?
If you go to General Tulius of the Imperial Legion he'll actually send you off to destroy the rest of theif you chose to kill her.Dark Brotherhood
Quoting myself there, but is it worth it to play Oblivion after Skyrim?Obviously Oblivion looks like crap compared to Skyrim but are the quests/story etc... worth it?
That never happened to me. I went to him, he congratulated me for doing the Empire a great service and that's all. He just repeated the same line after that and my quest was done. I know there's another sanctum near Dawnstar, but I can't enter it without the right phrase. Wouldn't mind to kill the rest, because the first lair was a joke.
There isn't really anybody in the Dawnstar sanctuary. You'll find out what it's all about when you do the DB yourself.![]()
Dont' bother. I just watched a video of someone looting the body, all dude has is a belted tunic.Dunno, it was a couple weeks ago that I did that part, and I don't think you can get back into that area. I'll try, though. Thanks for the suggestion.