Where the heck is our patch, Microsoft.
As much as I want a new patch, do you really want them to rush out another patch?
Where the heck is our patch, Microsoft.
Where the heck is our patch, Microsoft.
As much as I want a new patch, do you really want them to rush out another patch?
Seriously. I know Bethesda listed it as the "rare, backward flying dragon" but a good 3/4 or more of the random dragons in my game are glitched. Sorta takes the fear factor out of it.
My six year old wanted to see dragons in the game - beyond the hectic opening sequence - shortly after the first patch came out. I spotted one far in the distance....snuck up close...tension mounted...it took off and flew backward into the horizon.
She was not impressed.
Neither was I.
Lameting cert time, not development time. The patch was submitted to cert over a week ago, IIRC.
That's my point. Do you want them to rush through a certification process? The cert process is to make sure it's not a buggy patch.
What's the best house to buy with the quickest access to smithing/enchanting/merchants etc? I'm still in whiterun because of how close everything is.
I think Riften is the best, you got a house with alchemy lab and enchanting table, an alchemy shop right next to it, and the blacksmith isn't too far away either.
Whiterun sucks since its house do not have an enchanting table and the closest one is in Dragonhold, and Solitude's house is too far from the shops.
Haven't bothered looking at the Markath one much.
My shouts dont do anything, how do you level them up?
Thanks I'll look into that, haven't really explored Riften much because of all the thieves :lol
I think Oblivion was a lot better than Skyrim in some ways.
+ Quests (in general, the MQ in Oblivion did suck)
+ Journal
+ Spell Crafting
+ Utility Spells (chameleon, open locks, etc)
+ City size (makes sense but still)
+ Guild believability (less oh hey be our master)
+ Skill variety (No Unarmed in Skyrim)
+ Less linear dungeons (I think)
I love Skyrim and love Oblivion and love Morrowind. But actually outside of visual/audio experience sometimes I think Oblivion was better than Skyrim. Probably nostalgia goggles.
I like the house in Markarth just because its only 8k and its a very awesome looking house, but its not close to anything and you can get lost in Markarth pretty easily if you're not familiar with all the stairs.
As far as closeness and amenities, he's right, Riften wins.
As much as I want a new patch, do you really want them to rush out another patch?
Seriously. I know Bethesda listed it as the "rare, backward flying dragon" but a good 3/4 or more of the random dragons in my game are glitched. Sorta takes the fear factor out of it.
Considering the PC version is already out and works fine, yes.
Also, welcome to Sovngarde, guys.
Finally found the third Fire Breath shout last night, but before I could try it out, the game froze and I decided that was a sign that it was time to go to bed. Hopefully tonight I'll get to lay waste to something/someone with it, but considering I've just started the Thieves Guild quest line, I don't think I'll be doing a lot of killing.
Was more talkin' about the patch, CTD's happened before that one, didn't they?Crash to desktop says ehhhh
You can only get that one if you do the Companions questline, right?
So I get the perk where time slows down whenever an enemy power attacks.
Tell me GAF, is this perk of any use? I don't really know what action to perform once time slows down.
The thing that was good about some of the Oblivion dungeons were the traps. Felt a bit more Indiana Jones-ish. But otherwise, you're totally right. Morrowind dungeons had more interesting (and large) layouts than either Skyrim or Oblivion, though.Skyrim's dungeons SMASH oblivions by the way. I know they're more linear, but at least i can tell them apart. I can't recall more than 3 oblivion dungeons. And i'd say the Skyrim quests are by and large better. More interconnected. More random stuff like in morrowind. a few of the guilds might be better like the Fighters guild and the dark brotherhood, but id say even those are split.
I had already gained that one. This one was in a dungeon that I hadn't explored yet.
You can only get that one if you do the Companions questline, right?
Was more talkin' about the patch, CTD's happened before that one, didn't they?
Random question.....
Is there a way to equip Lydia with different Armor? I've tried making her pick it up but she will not equip it. XBOX version.
You can use the D-pad Left and Right as hotkeys. Just hold 'em down while highlighting the item you want to hotkey in the favorites menu.Having to go to the menu to switch weapons (from a sword/axe to bow, for example) feels so fucking slow.
The d-pad isn't used at all (yet, dunno if it will be). Such wasted opportunity to make combat more seamless if it's never used.
Quality of the main quests lines can be discussed, but Skyrim quests definitely have a more epic feel to them than any quest in Oblivion. For instance the simple discovery of the artifact in the mages-guild quest was a more satisfying moment for me than the supposedly epic battle for Bruma in Oblivion .....
Skill variety is easily compensated with perks (even if some perk tree have some stupid things in it)
Spell crafting / Utility Spells allows for less character customization, so in a sense I would agree with you, but you still have a tool for everything while in oblivion you had several spells that just did the same thing, or that were simply never/rarely used.
City size ? really ?
Dungeons share the same lack of diversity in terms of the creatures and people you find in them but their layout is definitely way better, and there really are some true gems in Skyrim.
Overall even with sharing some 'flaws' with Oblivion and having some of it's own, Skyrim is definitely a way more enjoyable game than Oblivion
You can use the D-pad Left and Right as hotkeys. Just hold 'em down while highlighting the item you want to hotkey in the favorites menu.
Having to go to the menu to switch weapons (from a sword/axe to bow, for example) feels so fucking slow.
The d-pad isn't used at all (yet, dunno if it will be). Such wasted opportunity to make combat more seamless if it's never used.
Shield bash. Cancels the power attack, makes you feel badass.So I get the perk where time slows down whenever an enemy power attacks.
Tell me GAF, is this perk of any use? I don't really know what action to perform once time slows down.
So much for statistics, eh?
Finally found the third Fire Breath shout last night, but before I could try it out, the game froze and I decided that was a sign that it was time to go to bed. Hopefully tonight I'll get to lay waste to something/someone with it, but considering I've just started the Thieves Guild quest line, I don't think I'll be doing a lot of killing.
Eh, yes, city size. Not that hard to understand. Solitude is a cute village, but doesn't fly as "capital of Skyrim". There's a real lack of scale when it comes to the cities. I'm happy with the size of the country, but the cities are definitely too small.
Oh, and hey, Bethesda. Please open up the borders to Cyrodiil and Morrowind. Thanks.
That guy. I believe the only time I used potions in the game was against him. And he doesn't even have armor!This guy, no matter the player you pick, is always an asshole. An asshole.
Every time i fight him it always takes some serious ninja stealth shit to give him the business.
There's a lot of good info in the HELP list under the menu.To be fair, at no point yet has the game taught me that!
I think Oblivion was a lot better than Skyrim in some ways.
+ Quests (in general, the MQ in Oblivion did suck)
+ Journal
+ Spell Crafting
+ Utility Spells (chameleon, open locks, etc)
+ City size (makes sense but still)
+ Guild believability (less oh hey be our master)
+ Skill variety (No Unarmed in Skyrim)
+ Less linear dungeons (I think)
I love Skyrim and love Oblivion and love Morrowind. But actually outside of visual/audio experience sometimes I think Oblivion was better than Skyrim. Probably nostalgia goggles.
To be fair, at no point yet has the game taught me that!
I have to agree with this. There's an epic civil war going on between two factions and each stronghold feels not much more than a farm village. Hardly war worthy.
I have to agree with this. There's an epic civil war going on between two factions and each stronghold feels not much more than a farm village. Hardly war worthy.