So this will be my first Elder Scrolls game and I will be getting it for my 360 come Wednesday. It will also be my first serious WRPG (well besides ME1 and 2). I've seen my friend play it for a couple of hours and the world looks amazing even though the combat seems really jarring. Anyway, what should I expect? And are there any tips for beginners that any experienced players have for me? Should I focus on magic or combat? What are the best skill trees to follow (I want that dragon armor)? How do I get the best weapons? And is there a reliable and accurate wiki for all things Skyrim that I can follow? Thanks!
Did you check You can find a lot of known bugs there and how to fix them
I think I need to start doing some main quest. For the first time in 115 hours I actually felt myself becoming a little bored.
Nope nothing...![]()
You can get them out in the world...random places that dragons live.Is the main quest the only way to acquire shouts?
Is the main quest the only way to acquire shouts?
That's a bummerIt's a shame that you have to be so careful with quests in Bethesda games. You can always reload an older save, but i guess you already did a lot of other stuff in the meantime.
Being stuck with quest items in the inventory sucks. Currently carrying something with a weight of 20, looked up when it will be needed and it's wayyyy down the line for me. That along with some random dagger I picked up and those purple floating mystery gems...
I always wonder why I'm at the limit of my carrying capacity no matter what I do and I swear if you count up all the quest items, soul gems and potions I lug around, it's probably around 200 points. I probably have 40-50 points of health potions alone and not the minor ones and I haven't bought a single one from a store, lol. I'm just gonna bite the bullet and spend 2-3 points getting to the perk where heavy armor weighs nothing.
I found that one back when I first started playing, too. Opened up fine for me,Hah, just found an unmarked ruin in the plains I had found in my first 3 hours of playing, with some weird puzzle that I had forgot about. There's a chest below the grate, but I can't figure how to get to it. It might be bugged because the solution is fairly obvious...
I'm surprised there isn't even an achievement for finding every dungeons/cities/ruins/caves in the world. I'm 99% sure i found everything, yet no achievement.
I should've been clearer. On individual quests, I usually travel on foot to give 'em more meat. I also travel on foot to new areas (you have to, basically). I fast travel when I clear the required dungeon and have to return to the person to collect my reward. After I finish the dungeon, at that point I just want to get the quest done with and I'm really impatient to see the conclusion of the story and/or get on to something else.
I'm six hours into the game, and I have to say, my two biggest complaints are the following:
1. The atmosphere. Don't get me wrong. Traveling on the tops of the highest mountains, snow on the ground, snow blowing in the wind, the ambient forest sounds with star-crowded sky overhead, those moments are awesome.... It's the lower altitudes I have a problem with. Places like Riverwood and Whiterun. I never see the breath of people, or anybody shiver when they're outside. I feel like I go from the 70s-60s to the 30s-20s very quickly.
2. This is the harder complaint to deal with. The atmosphere I can brush aside, but the combat seems like it does its very best to stop me from playing. On my way to the dungeon to retrieveI previously said that I was going to be an archer because the melee combat in this combat is, at best, clumsy. While certainly less clumsy than the melee, being an archer sports its own clumsy aspects. Most of the combat in the game I end up walking backwards as an enemy charges, sometimes zapping me with a power, zapping me and beating me down, or just beating me down, while I'm hoping that I can get off enough arrows into 'em before they kill me. I don't have the maneuverability to go around the enemies (I can't jump that high and I walk very slow). I'm sure this'll get better as I level up, but during my fight with the dragon, the game was really trying my patience as I felt like it was forcing me to be more maneuverable than I could be at the moment. The combat is "What can I do to make it so my enemies aren't able to retaliate while I kill them?" when instead it should be "How best do I take out my enemies?" There isn't a nice push-pull scenario, merely push or pull.the horn the Greybeards wanted me to completed as my first task, I encountered a dragon. And unlike the first dragon I encountered outside of Whiterun, this dragon was a lot harder to take down. Maybe a little too hard.
Fortunately, I was able to lure the dragonto an area with a couple people camping. The dragon concentrated on them, distracting it long enough for me to deal enough damage that I was able to finish him on my own when he finally returned his attention to me. Which was awesome.
I'm a level five. Is there anything I can do at this point to make the combat less clumsy?
It depends on your playstyle. You're playing as an archer. It's obvious that archery isn't as competent on enemies that are close by. Try and make the most of critical hits you can get while in Sneak mode: on higher levels you can take out a lot of enemies with one or two hits. You're only level five, your character's still a 'newb', basically: he'll get stronger, better and tougher as you level up more. If you want to be more maneuverable, invest in Stamina so you can sprint more, take the archery perks that allow you to move around with a bow faster, wear light armor and search for the Steed stone to the south of Solitude, which makes your armor weightless. If an enemy draws too close, backing away to shoot it is obviously going to feel clumsy: archery isn't really meant to be a close-quarters fighting style. Have a sword with you, maybe a sword and a dagger, so you can deal with enemies that come too close. Maybe taking one or two perks in the one- or two-handed tree will help with that, too.
That would be cruel. Besides Bethesda likes their games to have relatively easy achievements.
I stumbled on the outpost far to the north that (I think) starts the quest for Blackreach. I decided right then and there to start my new character tonight.
I'd cleared nearly all but the 8-10 broken Misc. tasks from my queue, and most of the quests I have lined up weren't that interesting.
Luna is retiring at level 46, a master archer and sneak thief, with mid-level enchanting, alchemy and smithing skills, but otherwise untalented. I was going to grind smithing and enchanting high enough for the Achievement for hitting level 50, but decided I wanted to experience more of the world and quests while working up through the skill ladders again; the only way I can die is if someone one-hits me (which I do to 90% of the enemies).
My plan is to plow through the main quest with relatively few interruptions (which will take about a week), and then juggle the Companions/College of Winterhold/Civil War from the Imperial side, while I chip away at dungeons and side quests I set aside the first time around. I'll slot in Blackreach just after the main quest.
My new character will be similar to the last, an expert sneak and archer, but with an emphasis on Alternation and Illusion to screw with people. Those skills will help me hit level 50 without having to grind. Oh, and Master difficulty from the get-go.
Luna got about 150 hours into the game, and I'm sitting here pretty excited to start my new character tonight.
This game.
To add to this. Archery and Sneak go together as naturally as any two skills in the game do. If you are playing an archer, and find yourself backing up while guys charge you, I suggest putting more emphasis into Sneak and taking long stealth shots. You can mix it up with a secondary weapon as Blue suggested, which worked well for my character until I unlocked the god-tier Archery perks (stagger, slow time, rapid movement with bow drawn). After that, I didn't do much hand to hand, other than to back stab (30x damage FTMFW), because no one could get to me - or find me when they did.
I found Archery to be richly rewarding, so much so that I'm rolling a second character that will use it.
I'll roll a third character for the expansion.
At least, finish the civil war story first. If you progress too far you will be unable to obtain one of the archivements. I had to load a very very old save in order to recover that archivement. More then 2 hours were wasted for that one.
It depends on your playstyle. You're playing as an archer. It's obvious that archery isn't as competent on enemies that are close by. Try and make the most of critical hits you can get while in Sneak mode: on higher levels you can take out a lot of enemies with one or two hits. You're only level five, your character's still a 'newb', basically: he'll get stronger, better and tougher as you level up more. If you want to be more maneuverable, invest in Stamina so you can sprint more, take the archery perks that allow you to move around with a bow faster, wear light armor and search for the Steed stone to the south of Solitude, which makes your armor weightless. If an enemy draws too close, backing away to shoot it is obviously going to feel clumsy: archery isn't really meant to be a close-quarters fighting style. Have a sword with you, maybe a sword and a dagger, so you can deal with enemies that come too close. Maybe taking one or two perks in the one- or two-handed tree will help with that, too.
Playing as a high-level character with specializations in one-handed and block is quite the revelation. The perks you can get with those trees are just amazing. You can charge into battle, bashing enemies out of the way, make enemies stagger by smacking them with your shield, paralyze them if you hit them just right, and chop of their heads with a single stroke of your blade. I love being a tank.
Okay. Thanks guys. Just a couple of questions.To add to this. Archery and Sneak go together as naturally as any two skills in the game do. If you are playing an archer, and find yourself backing up while guys charge you, I suggest putting more emphasis into Sneak and taking long stealth shots. You can mix it up with a secondary weapon as Blue suggested, which worked well for my character until I unlocked the god-tier Archery perks (stagger, slow time, rapid movement with bow drawn). After that, I didn't do much hand to hand, other than to back stab (30x damage FTMFW), because no one could get to me - or find me when they did.
I found Archery to be richly rewarding, so much so that I'm rolling a second character that will use it.
I'll roll a third character for the expansion.
Sneak is the mode you enter when you press the right stick. When you sneak, your reticle changes to an 'eye' that's closed when you're undectected (so it looks like a flat line), and opens up more and more if you're in danger of being detected. Once it's fully open and has the word 'DETECTED' underneath, people/enemies can see you and know where you are. If you're succesfully sneaking, you can steal items, pickpocket people and even silently murder them, if you're skilled enough.Okay. Thanks guys. Just a couple of questions.
What is sneak? Is that crouching while firing your bow?
Steel is heavy armor. So is iron. You can see the armor rating in your inventory, when you examine your item. Your apparel will either be 'HEAVY', 'LIGHT' or no armor at all. Light armor weighs less than heavy, so you'll make less noise when you're sneaking and are harder to detect. You'll also be able to move faster, though if you activate the Steed stone later on your armor will become weightless, so you'll run just as fast with Daedric as you would with fur.Invest in lighter armor and stamina. Gotcha. I've been mainly investing in health and magicka. I'm assuming steel armor doesn't count as light armor. Is that like fur and iron?
Yep. You can pick 'em when you level up. Perks in archery range from 'do more damage' to 'run faster with your bow drawn' and a lot of stuff in between.The archery perks...that's in the constellation leveling thing right?
Destruction's a handy tool, but I wouldn't recommend making it your go-to defense unless you decide to invest in magicka. The basic flame spell is pretty weak, and you need a lot more magicka to make the higher-level options viable.Do you guys think, for close-range combat, investing in destruction magic like fire would be a good substitute for melee weapons? Because I like using fire. Do you get more magic powers like fire later on?
Okay. Thanks guys. Just a couple of questions.
What is sneak? Is that crouching while firing your bow?
Invest in lighter armor and stamina. Gotcha. I've been mainly investing in health and magicka. I'm assuming steel armor doesn't count as light armor. Is that like fur and iron? But if I find this Steed stone I guess it doesn't matter what armor I wear.
The archery perks...that's in the constellation leveling thing right?
Do you guys think, for close-range combat, investing in destruction magic like fire would be a good substitute for melee weapons? Because I like using fire. Do you get more magic powers like fire later on?
Dude...I completely forgot about the manual! I'm so used to games explaining everything in-game that I just completely forgot about it.At this point, Dax, I would recommend giving the manual a read. It explains basic stuff like sneaking and whatever else you may have missed.
To add to this. Archery and Sneak go together as naturally as any two skills in the game do. If you are playing an archer, and find yourself backing up while guys charge you, I suggest putting more emphasis into Sneak and taking long stealth shots. You can mix it up with a secondary weapon as Blue suggested, which worked well for my character until I unlocked the god-tier Archery perks (stagger, slow time, rapid movement with bow drawn). After that, I didn't do much hand to hand, other than to back stab (30x damage FTMFW), because no one could get to me - or find me when they did.
Nope nothing...![]()
I finished the Civil War from the Stormcloak side, taking Solitude and getting an Achievement. I didn't see a way to advance things further after that. I won't be deleting the last save from this character so I can always go back. Thanks for the heads up.
What is the best side story quests to aid in a character based around heavy armor / two handed?
What is the best side story quests to aid in a character based around heavy armor / two handed?
Boethiah's Calling for the former.
What is the best side story quests to aid in a character based around heavy armor / two handed?
My jaw dropped when I heard that yesterday too. Weird...Wait, did Beth patch in a new quote so people stop making that arrow to the knee joke?
Just had a dude say he used to be one of the best soldiers in something, then he took a sword to the chest.
Never heard anyone say that before. lol
Thanks for the tips guys a couple things I should have told you.
I am lvl 42 and I guess I am more looking for bad ass armor that I can't make and such. I just completed the thieves guild and the armor you get for that is fantastic but not suited to my character much.
Should I even get Skyrim? I dont want some glitchy ass game that locks up and prevents me from doing a lot of quests.
So I killed a female Draugr Scourge with a beard. I look down, and see her decrepit draugr rack. I look up, and I see here majestic, knotted beard. I assume this is an unfortunate bug? Are draugr randomized from a bunch of random parts? If so, I doubt beards are supposed to enter into the she-draugr equation. Anyone else experience this?
Should I even get Skyrim? I dont want some glitchy ass game that locks up and prevents me from doing a lot of quests.