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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


Dark Brotherhood final quest spoilers:

Did I just miss the bodies of most of the guild members or is their fate unknown? I found the old wizard outside, shot hero style. Astrid, Nazir and the vampire we obviously know about. The warewolf was fighting inside when I got there, then promptly disappeared, does he ever show up again? Presumably the argonian and the elf mage(Gabriella?) are dead too, but I didn't see the bodies.

I thought the ending made up for a somewhat average quest line. Maybe I'm spoiled because they've always been great in previous games, at least they ended on a real high note. One negative it highlighted in particular is that Bethesda just don't do "epic" moments very well. We got all this commotion going on in Solitude and it translates to a some NPC chatter... and that's it. I'm not saying it should turn into a scene out of Assassin's Creed with the number of people in the city or the complexity of the approach to a target, but they should really do better.

It's the same underwhelming effect you get when a dragon shows up at Whiterun and the Jarl calls everyone to defend the city(not spoiler tagging this one since it's like the 3rd main mission). You walk outside to join them and it's 3 NPCs along with the personal bodyguard... way to go.


JUST FOLLOW ME LYDIA FOLLOW, you know that rock over there? WALK OVER IT

I'm glad you found your way around that fucking mountain because you couldn't find your way around a small rock Lydia, I'm proud of you!


So much for not wasting perks on my new character. Accidentally put a point into two handed instead of one handed >_<

Hours ago too, too late to change :[


For the Gildergreen quest at white run.
How long does it take for it to bloom again if you do that quest the peaceful way? I'm wondering if it will since it's been a few days, because it says there's a glitch that it won't bloom on wiki...

Edit: Cool
it started blooming, been over a week game time I think.


I straight up can't do any damage to
Alduin. I've used Dragonend, he's on the ground glowing blue, I've Sanguine Rose Dremora dude, Mjoll the Lioness, and I'm using Marked for Death and I've gone with archery and melee and I straight up can't do anything to him. What the hell am I doing wrong? I've even bumped it down from default to Novice and I still can't even knock off a sliver.
Dark Brotherhood final quest spoilers:

Did I just miss the bodies of most of the guild members or is their fate unknown? I found the old wizard outside, shot hero style. Astrid, Nazir and the vampire we obviously know about. The warewolf was fighting inside when I got there, then promptly disappeared, does he ever show up again? Presumably the argonian and the elf mage(Gabriella?) are dead too, but I didn't see the bodies.

I thought the ending made up for a somewhat average quest line. Maybe I'm spoiled because they've always been great in previous games, at least they ended on a real high note. One negative it highlighted in particular is that Bethesda just don't do "epic" moments very well. We got all this commotion going on in Solitude and it translates to a some NPC chatter... and that's it. I'm not saying it should turn into a scene out of Assassin's Creed with the number of people in the city or the complexity of the approach to a target, but they should really do better.

It's the same underwhelming effect you get when a dragon shows up at Whiterun and the Jarl calls everyone to defend the city(not spoiler tagging this one since it's like the 3rd main mission). You walk outside to join them and it's 3 NPCs along with the personal bodyguard... way to go.

Yeah, you're right. It would be nice if townspeople were confined to their homes / taverns during situations like those. Give them a few lines of dialog that reflect the situation if it's a quest, or a dragon attack.

One thing I'm getting slightly annoyed by is how everyone just stops and talks to you when you approach them. It's so unrealistic, and really annoying if you're in the middle of talking to someone.


Since I have an inadvertent double post here, might as well make it useful.

I just completed the Hitting the Books quest for the College of Winterhold (or rather, just finished clearing out Felglow Keep, I still need to head back to the College).

My character Alis' build is finally coming into her own. What did it was adding Alteration to the mix, ditching Destruction entirely, and snagging Calm. Well, that and spending an hour acquiring the materials to swap my frost axe for an identical one but with fire damage. Too many things with frost resistances. Naturally, the very next place I go has Fire Atronochs. :lol

I enter the Keep, and right away a mage sends his two pet spiders after me. I tag one with Fury, and he turns on his buddy; his owner kills it. Repeat with the second one. I charge around the corner and up the stairs and hit the mage with Calm - he chills out instantly and goes about his business, ignoring me. That gives me the chance to cast Oakflesh to gird up, the swap to my shield. I smack the guy a couple times from behind, and as he turns around blast him with level 2 Unrelenting force. A few more blows and just as he's recovering I toss in a shield bash and finish him off while he's staggering.

The middle of the dungeon erupts in anarchy once I release all the prisoners - all hell breaks loose, with wolves, vampires and sorcerers all over the place. I toss Fury onto some of the sorcerers and then it really hits the fan. I roam around helping all three sides get whittled down evenly, seldom engaged directly. Next up is a training room, where I use Muffle to sneak up silently, then Fury on two of the three fire mages, causing a flaming brawl to break out. I step in as the last two are duking it out and finish each with one blow.

The next area has mages and tombs with Skeletons emerging; I hit the mages with Fury and they mop up the Skeletons, then turn on each other. I toss on Oakflesh and head in for mop up duty.

Much of the dungeon plays out this way, until the final boss who reminded me of the bosses in Deus Ex: Human Revolution: a powerful enemy (actually, several) dumped out in the middle of an open room. My build wasn't made for this kind of thing so it took a good dozen attempts to put her down.

Still, I feel like my character is over the hump (now at level 18) of Master Difficulty. I still die often and have to be careful, but the more methodical I am with my mix of spells and abilities, the better I do. Very satisfying to see a build I'd had conceptualized for a few weeks start to come together this well.

I've decided to do the main quest and College with this character, and some side quests. Then my brawler will go through the Companions and Civil War (as an Imperial) quest lines. That will hit my three desired builds: sneaky archer, tricky battle mage, and heavy muscle.

I'll get more play time out of Skyrim than from any other game I've owned. Insanity.
This post inspires me to play Skyrim in a completely different way than I'm used to. Almost every aspect of gameplay you've described is one that I've neglected in my first (and only) file. I think I'll make a second character soon, and tailor his or her specializations to a more nuanced playing style than my current brute force method, where I try to mow down all local enemies at breakneck speed with my not-so-slightly overpowered battlemage.

I won't lie: I'll miss joining my follower and two Dremora Lords in ganging up on those little Draugr morsels. Although I'm sure the Dovahkiin won't mind a break from combing zombie dust out of his beard.
I was walking near Winterhold, on my way to Windhelm, when I fought a couple of wolves. Easy prey, Rolf dispatched them quickly with his firebolts. I then turned my attention to a few Horkers, whose thick hides provided a bigger challenge (and a bigger increase to my Destruction skill). As the last of them died, I noticed a blue-white orb floating nearby... Something I didn't recall ever seeing before. Playing a mage, I'm obviously interested in anything that appears ethereal or floating or undead of any sort, so I follow the orb. A bit further on it's joined by another orb, and they start floating around me for a while. I have no idea what's going on, the only thing they remind me of is those little orbs in Yngol Barrow. The two orbs set off and, thinking they'll lead me to Yngol Barrow, I follow them. They lead me into an alcove in the ice with a dead end. I'm a little unsure why, but then I notice something stirring in the back of the alcove... An ethereal, floating, slightly undead shape of a woman.

A goddamn Wispmother. I'd forgotten they even existed. Being only level 10, I decided that taking the manifestation on head-on may not be such a wise idea... So I lured her out, to a nearby dungeon. That dungeon happened to be inhabited by a sole bandit, who quickly turned his attention from me to the Wismother when she sent her Wisps after him. I took out the Wisps with my Flame spell, and then took a step back and started pelting the Wispmother with Firebolts. The Bandit suddenly decided I'm a bigger threat than the transparent woman throwing ice shards at him, and started firing arrows at me. I burned his face off.

Now the Wispmother tried to advance on me. I opened up on her with a steady stream of Flames, whittling her health down to about half. She sent two Shades after me, but those died pretty quickly when I applied my fire to them. My magicka was running low, and the Wispmother's was now actually trying to flee, so I conjured up a Bound Sword and went after her. A few hacks later, she let out a scream, and imploded, leaving nothing behind but some Wisp wrappings and glow dust.

I may not have the greatest memory... But I'm one heck of a badass.

And I sent a complaint to DirectSong for my OST. I mean, I can understand it takes a while to arrive, but when it arrives like this:

I definitely feel robbed a bit.


Dark Brotherhood final quest spoilers:

Did I just miss the bodies of most of the guild members or is their fate unknown? I found the old wizard outside, shot hero style. Astrid, Nazir and the vampire we obviously know about. The warewolf was fighting inside when I got there, then promptly disappeared, does he ever show up again? Presumably the argonian and the elf mage(Gabriella?) are dead too, but I didn't see the bodies.

I thought the ending made up for a somewhat average quest line. Maybe I'm spoiled because they've always been great in previous games, at least they ended on a real high note. One negative it highlighted in particular is that Bethesda just don't do "epic" moments very well. We got all this commotion going on in Solitude and it translates to a some NPC chatter... and that's it. I'm not saying it should turn into a scene out of Assassin's Creed with the number of people in the city or the complexity of the approach to a target, but they should really do better.

It's the same underwhelming effect you get when a dragon shows up at Whiterun and the Jarl calls everyone to defend the city(not spoiler tagging this one since it's like the 3rd main mission). You walk outside to join them and it's 3 NPCs along with the personal bodyguard... way to go.

You missed the bodies. It was all there. I saw them all during my playthrough.

Fully agreed on the epic moments too. I think it's a game engine issue though. Gamebryo can't handle too many NPCs on-screen at the same time. I read about it somewhere when New Vegas was released, I think.
I just got the
Nightingale armor from the Thieves Guild questline
that didn't get get with my Warrior character, it's just so amazing. I love how this game keeps surprising me after 250+ hours.


Got al the Dragonpriest masks, the reward looks pretty awesome, but the stats are kinda meh..
I think i'll keep rockin good old trusty Krosis


Not enough perk points to grab the heavy armor perks.
Until you can invest some points into heavy armor, it's probably a good idea to steer clear of melee combat. My level 37 Battlemage has twice your armor rating, and still has difficulty tackling certain opponents. At 288, I'd shudder to think what would happen if a Draugr Deathlord sees you.


whoooa this drainheart sword I looted is translucent

Edit: bah it doesn't look good as decoration, picked up like 10 of them for nothing
Got al the Dragonpriest masks, the reward looks pretty awesome, but the stats are kinda meh..
I think i'll keep rockin good old trusty Krosis

Ah shit I think I sold some of the ones I wasn't using, didn't know you could use them all together for something :/


So is a house worth it if I'm a hoarder and don't want a companion with terrible AI following me?

Edit: Mainly just want to get rid of weaker quest items, but I'm afraid they might be of use at a later time
like how you needed to keep your old thieve guild wear so they can upgrade it in a quest later.
So is a house worth it if I'm a hoarder and don't want a companion with terrible AI following me?

Edit: Mainly just want to get rid of weaker quest items, but I'm afraid they might be of use at a later time
like how you needed to keep your old thieve guild wear so they can upgrade it in a quest later.

After not too long, you will have enough money to buy all the houses in the game, fully furnished, 10 times over, so yes a house is worth it. Your first priority should be to buy the house in Whiterun (usually the first one you come across), so that you can dump all your stuff off there periodically once your inventory gets full. Stuff to sell, stuff to keep.

You can't drop quest items until the quest is complete, btw.


Am I the only one who doesn't like using companions?

On a different note, had to restart the game since my xbox died, and got a new one for Christmas. Playing with sword in right hand and magic in left. Fun as hell.
I just wandered in to a dungeon where I had to go find two skulls to unlock the end bit and get the shout.

I won't spoil what happens when you do that, but the enemy that appears was HARD. AS. NAILS.

Jesus. I'm playing on Easy, too.


After not too long, you will have enough money to buy all the houses in the game, fully furnished, 10 times over, so yes a house is worth it. Your first priority should be to buy the house in Whiterun (usually the first one you come across), so that you can dump all your stuff off there periodically once your inventory gets full. Stuff to sell, stuff to keep.

You can't drop quest items until the quest is complete, btw.

Oh I have quite a bit of cash, just wanted a confirm if it was worth getting. Thank you.

Am I the only one who doesn't like using companions?

They seem like such a hassle outside of being a walking inventory IMO.


I just wandered in to a dungeon where I had to go find two skulls to unlock the end bit and get the shout.

I won't spoil what happens when you do that, but the enemy that appears was HARD. AS. NAILS.

Jesus. I'm playing on Easy, too.

I loved the dungeon. After, I took the skulls back out and used them to decorate my house.

leng jai

I was walking near Winterhold, on my way to Windhelm, when I fought a couple of wolves. Easy prey, Rolf dispatched them quickly with his firebolts. I then turned my attention to a few Horkers, whose thick hides provided a bigger challenge (and a bigger increase to my Destruction skill). As the last of them died, I noticed a blue-white orb floating nearby... Something I didn't recall ever seeing before. Playing a mage, I'm obviously interested in anything that appears ethereal or floating or undead of any sort, so I follow the orb. A bit further on it's joined by another orb, and they start floating around me for a while. I have no idea what's going on, the only thing they remind me of is those little orbs in Yngol Barrow. The two orbs set off and, thinking they'll lead me to Yngol Barrow, I follow them. They lead me into an alcove in the ice with a dead end. I'm a little unsure why, but then I notice something stirring in the back of the alcove... An ethereal, floating, slightly undead shape of a woman.

A goddamn Wispmother. I'd forgotten they even existed. Being only level 10, I decided that taking the manifestation on head-on may not be such a wise idea... So I lured her out, to a nearby dungeon. That dungeon happened to be inhabited by a sole bandit, who quickly turned his attention from me to the Wismother when she sent her Wisps after him. I took out the Wisps with my Flame spell, and then took a step back and started pelting the Wispmother with Firebolts. The Bandit suddenly decided I'm a bigger threat than the transparent woman throwing ice shards at him, and started firing arrows at me. I burned his face off.

Now the Wispmother tried to advance on me. I opened up on her with a steady stream of Flames, whittling her health down to about half. She sent two Shades after me, but those died pretty quickly when I applied my fire to them. My magicka was running low, and the Wispmother's was now actually trying to flee, so I conjured up a Bound Sword and went after her. A few hacks later, she let out a scream, and imploded, leaving nothing behind but some Wisp wrappings and glow dust.

I may not have the greatest memory... But I'm one heck of a badass.

And I sent a complaint to DirectSong for my OST. I mean, I can understand it takes a while to arrive, but when it arrives like this:

I definitely feel robbed a bit.

Mine came in similar condition. Defeats the purpose of having it signed when it looks like its been in the trash can for a few weeks. Combine it with the lengthy delivery time and its really disappointing.

Let us know what response you get.
Mine came in similar condition. Defeats the purpose of having it signed when it looks like its been in the trash can for a few weeks. Combine it with the lengthy delivery time and its really disappointing.

Let us know what response you get.

Yeah, it's kind of annoying. I would've expected them to at least wrap the box in cardboard or something, but it actually travelled all the way to Euorpe in a cheap bubble-wrap envelope. Pretty disappointing.


This post inspires me to play Skyrim in a completely different way than I'm used to. Almost every aspect of gameplay you've described is one that I've neglected in my first (and only) file. I think I'll make a second character soon, and tailor his or her specializations to a more nuanced playing style than my current brute force method, where I try to mow down all local enemies at breakneck speed with my not-so-slightly overpowered battlemage.

I won't lie: I'll miss joining my follower and two Dremora Lords in ganging up on those little Draugr morsels. Although I'm sure the Dovahkiin won't mind a break from combing zombie dust out of his beard.

Glad to hear. I've tried to craft characters that had no overlap, so as to experience the spectrum of skills available. My first was a pure archer/sneak master. My current is an axe and shield user who spends as much time turning enemies on themselves - or rendering them inert before striking - as anything. On Master it's a bit rough (I fled from two dungeons last night where I could be one-shot). Once I get Illusion to level 50 and 1) get to use Frenzy and 2) get to use it on higher level enemies, I think my game will change dramatically, as I'll be able to re-visit all the places I ran from and turn everyone on one another.

My next will be a heavy armor wearing orc who uses two handed weapons and shouts, just a pure brawler.

That should cover the spectrum, and let me craft an interesting combination for whenever the expansion hits in a year or so.


So, I just did the Bound Until Death quest and I got into a pretty funny situation. I freaked out because everyone went hostile (didn't know that was supposed to happen), so I just jumped in and started killing everyone which led to a big fight between me and the Solitude guards. After a while I noticed there were more people fighting the guards, so I went to look who was aiding me in my stuggle. Of course there was
that Argonian guy from the DB
, but to my surprise I also noticed the jarl fighting alongside me and actually killing some guards in the process. I guess she really likes me :lol
I had to kill the priest in Whiterun. Having to listen to him everytime I had to run between Dragonreach and Breezelhome was just too much. I killed him while he was making dinner, then laid him out on his creepy little skull shrine.
Just had a crazy battle when I fast travelled to an Orc village to find TWO dragons swooping down at the orcs around the place! Casualties: Two dragons, two orcs and a bear.

Am I the only one who doesn't like using companions?
Never really use them, I like the lone adventurer feel of trawling by myself through the creepy old crypts etc, that and they just get in the way and can be more trouble than they're worth.

I was sick of Lydia spying on me, sat there all day in the corner of my Whiterun bedroom so I took her out adventuring specifically to kill her, well she got electrocuted to a crisp by necromancers in an ice cave any way, so they saved me the job. Only when it came time to take another companion for a specific quest
the daedric quest where you sacrifice someone
, it said I still had a companion so they couldn't join, even though I knew 100% she was dead - so I had to find a questline that gave me a compulsory companion to 'break' the link.

See, more trouble than they're worth. Glad Lydia got killed, the creep :)


man, i found a talking dog and we are now best friends.
he's part of a quest so he cannot die, and will stay with me until i bring him back to his owner (which im not doing)..
very useful since enemies attack him first, but the way he walks into you and pushes you around or off the cliffs is so annoying.
man, i found a talking dog and we are now best friends.
he's part of a quest so he cannot die, and will stay with me until i bring him back to his owner (which im not doing)..
very useful since enemies attack him first, but the way he walks into you and pushes you around or off the cliffs is so annoying.
I just did this quest today too, as much as I liked him, I finished the quest.

The quest is daedric, and Barbas is a returning character for the series :)


Skyrim is amazing. I love it. Just level 20 (mostly do to constant pick pocketing and lockpicking - thief stone) , though, and haven't travelled to more than Whiterun and Riften in terms of major cities.

But I traded it in (FS in Canada gave $50) and might never go back. I needed to get my life back. The game just sucks up far too much time each day.

We'll see how long I last before going to buy it again...


Skyrim is amazing. I love it. Just level 20 (mostly do to constant pick pocketing and lockpicking - thief stone) , though, and haven't travelled to more than Whiterun and Riften in terms of major cities.

But I traded it in (FS in Canada gave $50) and might never go back. I needed to get my life back. The game just sucks up far too much time each day.

We'll see how long I last before going to buy it again...

I bought Oblivion three times. I wonder how many times I'll end up with Skyrim. Hopefully only once since I got it on the PC.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Does Mjoll the Lioness as a companion ever shut up? I dont want to hear about her daddy and mommy and how she loves Skyrim. At least the housecarls were quiet.
Does Mjoll the Lioness as a companion ever shut up? I dont want to hear about her daddy and mommy and how she loves Skyrim. At least the housecarls were quiet.

"Have you ever been to the Cloud district? What am I saying, of course you haven-"

"Bitch, I killed a dragon just outside the city walls, then absorbed it's fucking soul. I'm the goddamn Dovakiin; it's my destiny to kill a God of Destruction. I'm the Thane of Whiterun. I'm best buds with the Jarl. We're so tight, he lets me take his stuff without asking. I punched his kid in the face because he was being a rude little shit, and the guards just smiled and let me on my way. I own the Cloud District, motherfucker. Oooo, you own a little rinky-dink tavern over here in Edoras. Big fucking deal. My armor costs more than your house. Don't believe me? See this enchantment? Plus ten points of shut the fuck up before I use your head as a paperweight, you smarmy asshole."

"...I should go."


I'm level 53 with 140 hours played on the ps3 and I just entered
for the first time. This game was my goty pretty much the second I put the disc in, but this is a different level. So beautiful and alien.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I'm level 9 but I have yet to spend any perk points because I have no idea what build I want.

I'm a Dark Elf, and I'm looking into mainly combat with archery and magic as very viable back-up options.

So what should I focus on leveling up? Like, what do you guys prefer: one-handed or two-handed, heavy armor or light armor, etc.

I also hear smithing/enchanting can ruin the game if leveled too much. Any truth to this?
Why is it so hard to level up Alteration? Conjuration levels up very quickly with Bound Sword and Restoration is fine with Healing spells, but I've been casting that light-up spell and it's still halfway through level 20 (right when I started 5 hours ago) - the other two are 10-15 points higher so now it seems pointless to catch up. And I have the Mage Stone powerup. What is going on?
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