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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


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Alright, GAF. If I could place a unique item anywhere in Skyrim and told you I'd give you $1000 if you could find it, would you even try?


But damn I do love traversing the Skyrim landscape, mostly the Southern part with no snow, it's what Cyrodiil should have looked like.
Alright, GAF. If I could place a unique item anywhere in Skyrim and told you I'd give you $1000 if you could find it, would you even try?

By that, do you mean on a surface, in a spot that can be reached by the player without exploiting glitches/modding/abusing the magic system- a reasonable hiding place that would make logical sense in the world, i.e. no fork floating 400 feet in the air above Dragonreach? Is there a time limit?


Neat. I just found a piece of dragonplate armor in a chest. That's a first.

Dragonplate boots of frost abatement

Increase frost resistance by 60%.


GAF parliamentarian

Phew, these cards saved my life. http://eatfun.deviantart.com/


Why is this game so damn hard? Playing on adept and everything destroys me effortlessly

Playing as a wood elf by the way, using a mixture of bows, magic and sword/shield


Why is this game so damn hard? Playing on adept and everything destroys me effortlessly

Playing as a wood elf by the way, using a mixture of bows, magic and sword/shield

Difficulty waxes and wanes as you find new equipment, level up your skills and the enemies level-scale.

Sometimes I feel like an unstoppoble baddass Dragonborn, then a couple levels later, I feel like some farmer sent out to take on the world by myself. At the moment(level 43), I'm incapable of killing a dragon(they kill me in one hit) and pretty much any high level enemy can also one-shot me, including archers, which is a pain. I dont use any armor, but its the choice I've made. I enjoy the difficulty for the most part. Makes things pretty tense and dragons scare the crap out of me. Too many times I think I see a shadow of one and freak out for a second only to find I was just being paranoid.

You could also be spreading your combat specialties a little thin. Maybe focus on two of the three. I focused on archery and magic, but I find that I can get by on archery alone for the most part. I put lots of points into alchemy to create some nice poisons for my arrows and I also put lots of points into sneak so I can do big damage from a distance. The zoom and slow-down perk are also essential for an archer, though I never did the 50% slow-down, cuz 25% feels just fine.


Why is this game so damn hard? Playing on adept and everything destroys me effortlessly

Playing as a wood elf by the way, using a mixture of bows, magic and sword/shield

There's your problem. Use bows and either magic or swords at most, even better if you stick to bows (since they seem to be your main weapon). The game forces you to specialize. Take the first damage upgrade perk for your chosen weapon ASAP.

Oh and bows are ridiculously strong... add sneak attacks to mix and you'll want to up the difficulty...


Thank you, the reason im so spread is because archery is useless when they get up close, and magic is generally quite bad ass.

But I'm almost done. I tried to do the mission to release Thorald from Thalmor custody and got destroyed. I wanted to try and rescue him peacefully but there was no option.

So I went to do another quest, the one in Shimmerist cave, I managed to scrape by with Jassena doing most of th damage, took me around 20 attempts to get to the boss, and in three hits he took both of us out.

I have no chance against this guy. None. Yet I can't fast travel out of the cave?

It's probably 3 hours of my life utterly wasted now, and I've made zero progress in that time...


Thank you, the reason im so spread is because archery is useless when they get up close, and magic is generally quite bad ass.

Considering how strong bows are, sounds like you need to adjust your playstyle.
Get as good arrows as you can naturally.
Seek higher ground. The AI is fucking dump and with some moving and jumping it probably won't get close.
Start with sneak attacks. Ideally you'll want to drop at least one enemy right away.
If someone gets next to you, bash the enemy. Takes a bit stamina but as the enemy recoils, you should either turn and sprint away or fire one arrow.
Lighter bows draw faster by the way, you might want to carry a light bow for short range fights. Bow weights are pretty linear though: the higher tier bow, the more it weights. Most of time anyway IIRC.
And of course as an archer you shouldn't let the enemies close in anyway... though admittedly without Power Shot perk which staggers enemies it is hard. Frost enchanced bows are very nice due to Frost magics slowing effect.
If you use magic with bows, start by casting Rune spells on the ground beetween you and the enemies and then, if possible still, a sneak attack.

Oh and if you use magic, i suggest you stick to one element only, at least early on, perks are valuable.
Thank you, the reason im so spread is because archery is useless when they get up close, and magic is generally quite bad ass.

But I'm almost done. I tried to do the mission to release Thorald from Thalmor custody and got destroyed. I wanted to try and rescue him peacefully but there was no option.

So I went to do another quest, the one in Shimmerist cave, I managed to scrape by with Jassena doing most of th damage, took me around 20 attempts to get to the boss, and in three hits he took both of us out.

I have no chance against this guy. None. Yet I can't fast travel out of the cave?

It's probably 3 hours of my life utterly wasted now, and I've made zero progress in that time...

I'm pretty boss with archery up close now. I have a faster draw and my walking speed isn't reduced.

You have to learn to exploit enemy limits. That boss cannot get through a tunnel in that area. Most enemies have a problem with objects in the way. As an archer you should be taking considerable advantage of the surrounding area.
The Elder Scrolls website has been temporarily turned into a memorial page for the recently passed Adam Adamowicz. Some explanations, some touching words, and a treasure trove of his artwork can be found there. Tragic.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I finally 1000/1000ed Skyrim with my archer, what a ride! I want to start over with a new character but I can't decide what path I want to take.

I was considering a 2 handed hammer guy, but doesn't that get boring after a few hours?

Also, magic maybe.. But I wasn't impressed by the variety of spell books I found during my 1st playthrough.

What did everyone play as?

Two hander is pretty fun actually. If you pick a male Nord, and cycle through the presets... one of them looks exactly like Arnold Schwarzenegger. (wish I had a pic, swear to god they did that on purpose) I couldn't help myself... named him Conan and it's been pretty fun ever since. I only use two handed weapons, mostly the greatswords and it's very fun.


Two hander is pretty fun actually. If you pick a male Nord, and cycle through the presets... one of them looks exactly like Arnold Schwarzenegger. (wish I had a pic, swear to god they did that on purpose) I couldn't help myself... named him Conan and it's been pretty fun ever since. I only use two handed weapons, mostly the greatswords and it's very fun.

Nah, screw Conan. Be He Man and download this mod for your mount.



So I just got to the
Hangover part
And consequently started the whole set of quests in that town and
got thrown in jail and help that King Nananananandath or whatever escape. But when they got out everyone start killing all the bystanders and all that. Is there a way I can kill the rebels without making my bounty go through the roof?

Also, outside of going to jail is there really any other detriments to having a bounty.
Has anybody on the 360 experienced the game totally locking up in complete random parts of the game for no reason since the patch? I've had it happen to me twice so far. I've only played briefly since the patch, so I'd say twice is kind of a lot. The first time I can't remember when it happened, but then last night it happened when I was just riding my horse. I've never experienced this until the patch.

Just had it happen again. Have been playing for 2 minutes and I fast traveled somewhere. Only way to fix it is to shut the console down. This is fucking ridiculous.


Why is this game so damn hard? Playing on adept and everything destroys me effortlessly

Playing as a wood elf by the way, using a mixture of bows, magic and sword/shield

Playing as an archer is really slow and painful untill you max overdraw in archery and deadly aim in sneak. Samething applies to mage.
dont bother with magic unless you are talking about restoration. use destruction when you have alchemy, enchant and smithing maxed out so you can craft a set of gear that grants you 0 magicka cost destruction spells.
easiest way to build a mage is start the game with sword + shield and restoration spell (Fast Healing), then max out your crafting skills, then get 0 magicka costing gear, then start leveling up your destruction skills.
BTW do not put any points into magicka when you level up, 100 is enough. put 10 points into stamina then the rest into HP.
adept is nothing. if you try master difficulty, you probably would sell the game tomorrow.


Thank you all so much, I managed to get by them in the end by whacking the difficulty down to Novice, and using the bow + run away, bow + run away tactic. Even the scorpion-esque creatures were killing me in two hits so Adept really wasn't an option unfortunately.

I'll concentrate on the bow now, archery is cool, it just doesn't seem quite as fun as swinging around a sword and sheild, or using ice/fire magic, but then I guess it's my own stupid fault for creating that character in the first place!


I know that feel. I'm also a console peasant. If there were one game that I would want a high end PC for it would be Skyrim for the mods.

Same here.
And first thing i'd do would be to start making my own overhaul mod... I doubt i'd ever actually play Skyrim on PC, just mod it...
All i ever did with Oblivion's PC version was to choose, install and try out mods...


So, I was offing my Solitude housecarl - she was annoying - by using Unrelenting Force to shove her off a cliff above the path to Solitude. Alas, you can't kill them that way, and I had to use the old dagger to finish her off.

As I'm lugging her corpse down to the water for disposal - I have a pile of corpses offshore, Dexter-style - one of the guards says, "You can sell off that junk at Bits and Pieces."

I laughed, hard. Alas, Bits and Pieces does not currently accept corpses.


So, I was offing my Solitude housecarl - she was annoying - by using Unrelenting Force to shove her off a cliff above the path to Solitude. Alas, you can't kill them that way, and I had to use the old dagger to finish her off.

As I'm lugging her corpse down to the water for disposal - I have a pile of corpses offshore, Dexter-style - one of the guards says, "You can sell off that junk at Bits and Pieces."

I laughed, hard. Alas, Bits and Pieces does not currently accept corpses.

that's awesome. I got tired of the preaching/yelling so I snuck around and put an arrow in the dude's throat. As he gurgled to death I heard one of the NPCs yell at him to shut up.


After that byou will play every multiplat on pc. 1080p yo!

Slightly offtopic, but my mom stopped by today. She was in a thrift store and asked the guy that was probably working there on a work release program which of the PC games piled up with the old CDs would be good for someone that likes rpgs. She brings me 1 install disc for Diablo 2 with no CD key and asks me if I think I'll like it...


this game is such a buggy piece of shit. i've had to search online for workarounds for quest-breaking bugs multiple times. why is this acceptable?

Agreed. It's like we are playing a paied beta. Why should we pay for an incomplete beta? We should just download it off BitTorrent. Refuse to buy it untill game is fully polished and bug free.


I usually don't care about optional things in general. I've just finished the main quest, and my interest dropped significantly. Frankly, I don't know what to do as I don't just wonder around. I'm trying to complete Companion quest, but
am I done once finish Glory of the Dead? Animal Extermination quest, which is stupid, seems never end?


Agreed. It's like we are playing a paied beta. Why should we pay for an incomplete beta? We should just download it off BitTorrent. Refuse to buy it untill game is fully polished and bug free.
So you're playing it, but you haven't bought it? hmmm......BitTorrent comment.....

I usually don't care about optional things in general. I've just finished the main quest, and my interest dropped significantly. Frankly, I don't know what to do as I don't just wonder around.
And this is what happens when somebody doesn't do research about stuff they buy.
He said why are we paying for a beta. Nothing about him not buying it. Jump to conclusions much?

No kidding. I also agree with his comment about interest levels...this is why I haven't touched the main quest since visiting the first Jarl. I know that if I finish it my impetus to stay engaged in the game will evaporate.


Has there been a fix (or workaround) for the Companions Quests on 360? After the 2nd or 3rd quest, some NPC follows me around and tries to talk to me. I know its in regards to a bounty I owe somewhere, but this still needs to be fixed IMO. Haven't booted up the game in a while though.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Yay, so I finally got around to downloading the patch and found that they mostly fixed the White Phial quest. Unfortunately I still have briar hearts stuck in my inventory after the whole thing, but hopefully they aren't taking up valuable weight.


He said why are we paying for a beta. Nothing about him not buying it. Jump to conclusions much?

He said 'Why should we pay', not 'why are we paying' and he does say at the end that he's refusing it to buy it til its 100% polished and bug-free. Its not jumping to conclusions. Just reading.

Not saying he's definitely pirated it, but it does sound a bit suspicious to me.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Agreed. It's like we are playing a paied beta. Why should we pay for an incomplete beta? We should just download it off BitTorrent. Refuse to buy it untill game is fully polished and bug free.

I would have to respectfully disagree with your sentiment there. Does the game have bugs? Sure, there is no denying that. Is it still incredibly fun and engaging? IMHO Hell Yes. Skyrim has grabbed me just as much as Morrowind did back when it came out. Maybe even more so. And it's miles and leagues better than Oblivion.

The bugs are minor enough to be just annoyances, the core game is sound and a blast to play. And I'd argue that anyone who can't find fun in Skyrim the way it is now is simply not a fan of this kind of game.

Of course I'm talking about the PC version. I have no opinion on the console versions nor would I ever buy a game like this for a console.


I don't feel like I purchased an unfinished product. In particular, compared to Oblivion and Fallout 3 (egads) Skyrim is a remarkable experience. Now, this is grading on the Bethesda curve to an extent. But the bugs and rough edges I've run into have either been much less intrusive than their prior two games (the only ones I've played), or less frequent. Glitches tend to amuse, rather than break things. And for everything that does break, the game compentates; I may have six broken Misc. tasks on my queue, but I'll get enjoyment out of 300 others. And the quality of the world and content is so good, and such an improvement over what came before, that I am forgiving of stuff that really shouldn't have gotten through to ship.

Some things are inexcusable, though, namely crash bugs. This game literally introduced the following terms to my kids: crash bugs, hard lock, glitch, "borked" (that's one of my terms) and broken. The last game I played to crash was Fallout 3, and before that, Oblivion. I generally play much more polished content (namely, Halo) and so it is jarring to switch between them.

That said, I have nothing to compare Bethesda's work to. If they had more peers in the single player open world RPG on consoles space, and those peers were as good or better at what they did and more polished to boot, I might be less forgiving. But as is, they're the only guys I can find that do this so well. So I accept the bugs along with it, and hope they keep getting better. From the three games I've played of theirs, I think they are.
What the fuck is up with NPC-assisted kills counting toward your kill count in the stats menu? I'm trying to play a non-hostile thief, and now one of the guild quests
with Mercer slaying Draugr
is tallying up kills I've never even made. :/


but ever so delicious
I totally suck at this game. I've gone mage, for some reason and it seems beyond under powered. I can't kill anything, even some wolfs are kicking my ass.

I'm thinking I should respec so i can run around like an idiot with a sword + shield. I did already start the, I doubt it's really a spoiler,
mage quest thingy at winterhold?
. So part of me is feeling like i'm somewhat stuck with it.


formerly "chigiri"
I totally suck at this game. I've gone mage, for some reason and it seems beyond under powered. I can't kill anything, even some wolfs are kicking my ass.

I'm thinking I should respec so i can run around like an idiot with a sword + shield. I did already start the, I doubt it's really a spoiler,
mage quest thingy at winterhold?
. So part of me is feeling like i'm somewhat stuck with it.

You're not stuck with anything in this game tbh. I went from Destro Mage (levels 1-20ish) > Archer (level 20+) > One-handed (level 50+) throughout my 1000/1000 play-through with no problems.

Finished your spoilered bit while being an Archer mind you.


Yeah I tried a few play styles before settling on what I liked (without restarting). I wanted to use restoration, one handed and destruction, but it was a bit tedious with all the switching spells. Just restoration + one handed is simpler and easier.

Oddly, I haven't seen anyone else play this way :s People seem to prefer simple sword and shield, or two handed or mage or rogue without mixing them up...


I have four different characters at the moment. Mostly because I like starting characters almost as much as playing them. Right now I have:

A pure mage

A dual dagger wielding rogue

A pure archer

A paladin

I really thought I'd enjoy the mage the most, but I really like the archer most followed by the rogue. My paladin only uses healing/buffing/warding spells and a weapon/shield. I haven't really gotten into him much yet.

Still to come are a necromancer and a barbarian (two handed non magic user).
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