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How the fuck does a totally blind player play Forza lol
How the fuck does a totally blind player play Forza lol
Quest 3 owner here, it’s dope as hell.AC VR game looks fun.
Vrooooom, squeeel, vroom, crash!How the fuck does a totally blind player play Forza lol
Metroid Prime 4 gameplay premiere.Tuned in a bit late. Did I miss any relevant announcements/games?
that's a wrap for MS tonight
Those are the, "she's not interest" buffers.When that one girl surrounded herself around grenades
Ever played online ?How the fuck does a totally blind player play Forza lol
we sefsefsef esefsef se play efsefsefsef just drgdrgdr rrd drgdrgdrgdrgHow the fuck does a totally blind player play Forza lol
It's leaving ya behind.Oh my God what has happened to this industry.
I don't have enough Doritos for 3hrs!3 hrs
How the fuck does a totally blind player play Forza lol