Been taking classes for four weeks now, twice a week.
Two things that suck for me: I have shitty grip strength and my weight control when in a dominant position still sucks.
you've only been training 4 weeks, don't be so hard on yourself. no way you can be good at controlling grips and having a good base unless you've done some other form of grappling before.
heck, it took me 2 yrs before i was truly comfortable on top with my full mount. before that, i would take full mount then go back to side mount as i didn't have the technique, timing, and experience to have a proficient full mount.
advice to you guys just starting out. yes, you will suck but you will also improve with every hour you spend on the mat. don't be so tense, relax more, have fun, and have a goal to learn at least one little thing in every class. yes, you will be tapped by more experienced students but every time you do think about how you got in the position rather than asking your opponent how they did that move. for example; if you keep diving into triangle chokes well you're probably letting your partner get one arm in and one arm out. understand that and keep either both arms in or both arms out and there's no more triangle choke. new guys should only focus on passing guard, retaining guard, and protecting their arms and necks. you are improving even if you don't think you are. keep coming to class and soon you will be the more experienced guy. someone new will come along and when you roll with them you'll see the same mistakes you use to make.
btw, i had class this morning and only 4 people showed up. it is holiday time and the colder weather makes it harder for people to get out of bed. had some very productive rolls with white belts. i wanted to practice my berimbolos so i repeatedly would berimbolo, take the back, kimura trap, then either arm bar, or kimura. i never finished the subs, i was just drilling to flow, but doing this during live rolling. i'm not an asshole though, i do spend half the round letting the white belts work on their guard passes and retention with me.