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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Hey Dantes, I'm not clear on the distinction between orcs and goblins. Is it just semantics? Or are goblins the ones that live underground?

More to the point, is one taller than the other? I got the impression in the BTS for Jackson's LotRs that goblins are the more hunched-over variety, whereas orcs stand tall...

Also how is a Grey Mountain goblin different from other kinds of goblins?

Goblins is generally an outdated word that Tolkien used before he settled on the proper term, orcs. They are essentially the same, but then again orcs wary in form between different settlements.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Hey Dantes, I'm not clear on the distinction between orcs and goblins. Is it just semantics? Or are goblins the ones that live underground?

More to the point, is one taller than the other? I got the impression in the BTS for Jackson's LotRs that goblins are the more hunched-over variety, whereas orcs stand tall...

Also how is a Grey Mountain goblin different from other kinds of goblins?
You're right about the goblins been more hunched over and smaller than orcs in general. The Grey Mountain goblins have always been thought of as smaller than Moria goblins, who in return are smaller than Mordor orcs and the fighting Uruk-hai.

You see a distinction between breeds here:
In the twilight he saw a large black Orc, probably Uglúk, standing facing Grishnákh, a short crook-legged creature, very broad and with long arms that hung almost to the ground. Round them were many smaller goblins. Pippin supposed that these were the ones from the North.They had drawn their knives and swords, but hesitated to attack Uglúk. Uglúk shouted, and a number of other Orcs of nearly his own size ran up.
In terms of Tolkien's thought on the matter, he regretted using such terminology in The Hobbit.
"Your preference of goblins to orcs involves a large question and a matter of taste, and perhaps historical pedantry on my pan. Personally I prefer Orcs (since these creatures are not 'goblins', not even the goblins of George MacDonald, which they do to some extent resemble). Also I now deeply regret having used Elves, though this is a word in ancestry and original meaning suitable enough. But the disastrous debasement of this word, in which Shakespeare played an unforgiveable pan, has really overloaded it with regrettable tones, which are too much to overcome. I hope in the Appendices to Vol. III to be able to include a note 'On translation' in which the matter of equivalences and my uses may be made clearly. My difficulty has been that, since I have tried to present a kind of legendary and history of a 'forgotten epoch', all the specific terms were in a foreign language, and no precise equivalents exist in English. ...."
The Letters of J.R.R Tolkien, Letter 151.


Edmond Dantès;42799921 said:
Gandalf's not very tall in Tolkien terms and in the legendarium the likes of Boromir, Aragorn, Sauron in fair form, Elves in general tower over him. He'd be tiny in comparison to the Númenóreans, but to be towered over by a Grey Mountain goblin is pushing it if the scales of those models are accurate.

Would not put my hand on fire for that =P

Edmond Dantès;42669206 said:
Tauriel review.



it is a DWARF and an ELF
I've really slacked off on my LoTR reading. I flew through the Fellowship of the Ring but I've only been reading a few chapters a week since I've started on the Two Towers. Too many options to fill up my leisure time.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Hobbit extended editions confirmed :)
And finally, among the new films you can expect on Blu-ray and DVD in 2013 are The Wachowski's Cloud Atlas and officially confirmed here for the first time Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition (Q4). One suspects a theatrical cut will be released earlier in 2013, following the home video release pattern of the previous Lord of the Rings films. And it's reasonable to suspect that a Blu-ray 3D version will be forthcoming as well.

Those who feared no extended editions can be at ease now.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
3 movies out of 2 and now EE for each of them? It's a bit too much.

On the other hand, SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. NAO.
Could be close to 9 hours, plus the10 hours of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Peter's Middle-earth saga could take close to a day to watch.

That would be one hell of a movie marathon. Well, I'll be doing it come Christmas 2014.
I wonder if the rumored "Super Extended" LOTR edition will ever come to pass.

I hear that the Blu-Ray extended set from last year was a little lacking.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I wonder if the rumored "Super Extended" LOTR edition will ever come to pass.

I hear that the Blu-Ray extended set from last year was a little lacking.
Hope it does, I would love to see Gimli and Legolas' adventures in Fangorn Forest and the caves of Helm's Deep which was filmed and footage of Stuart Townsend as Aragorn.
I wonder if the rumored "Super Extended" LOTR edition will ever come to pass.

I hear that the Blu-Ray extended set from last year was a little lacking.

I wouldn't say the blu-ray set was lacking, it was just identical to the previous extended editions. There are certainly additional scenes that could be added to each movie, but I wonder: if they weren't added already why would it be a good idea them in the future? Does anyone know if Jackson said that left out a lot of content that he couldn't even fit into the extended editions? My feeling is that he probably just added things back in that were taken initially to get the run time down.
I look forward to watching the special features, commentary and finding out stuff like when gandalf bonks his head in bag end lol..

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I wouldn't say the blu-ray set was lacking, it was just identical to the previous extended editions. There are certainly additional scenes that could be added to each movie, but I wonder: if they weren't added already why would it be a good idea them in the future? Does anyone know if Jackson said that left out a lot of content that he couldn't even fit into the extended editions? My feeling is that he probably just added things back in that were taken initially to get the run time down.
Legolas and Gimli's ending was one that was left out of The Return of the King and not reinstated in the extended edition.


Edmond Dantès;42854494 said:
Legolas and Gimli's ending was one that was left out of The Return of the King and not reinstated in the extended edition.

There were also several unfinished scenes before Lothlorien that were removed both due to pacing and time issues that didn't get put in the Fellowship of the ring EE. I remember Jackson talking about the fight in the forest leading up to finding the elves because he thought adding it might give the extended additions an R rating.
I posted a link a couple of weeks back to a Youtube video with some footage and stills from several of the unused scenes.

I'd like to see the full glittering caves sequence for example.


There were also several unfinished scenes before Lothlorien that were removed both due to pacing and time issues that didn't get put in the Fellowship of the ring EE. I remember Jackson talking about the fight in the forest leading up to finding the elves because he thought adding it might give the extended additions an R rating.

I still wish we could see the footage that this image came from:


And I don't mind if it would mean releasing an R version of the trilogy.


3 warg moon? I think that meme jumped the shark when WoW did a 3 worgen moon shirt personally. no thanks :|

I saw some hobbit figures today. I could not believe how small they were. I will not be buying these. at least not at full price. I have to put my foot down somewhere :/ I will get some of the 6" figures, though.
A Super Extended Edition of the LoTR eh? I would buy it in a heart beat but I'm already ashamed that I bought the trilogy 3 and 2/3 times. I bought the theatrical Fellowship of the Ring DVD, then the EE DVD, then the theatrical Two Towers DVD, then the EE. I somehow resisted the theatrical Return of the King and only bought the EE when it was released. I wasn't going to buy the theatrical Bluray trilogy but an Amazon sale got the better of me. Finally, I bought the Bluray EE trilogy.
H-ooomg, I'm getting more and more amped up for this. Lookit all that merch!

I was wondering, though, if posters will be available with the release date on them? Is that feature exclusive to the posters in the theaters? Does anyone know? I might just end up calling a couple places and see if I can get a couple set aside if I can't find them otherwise :\


Aragorn fighting Sauron. Woah.

I'm so glad that Jackson decided to axe that whole scene early on in production, it really would have been an indefensible change from the books (and I say that as someone who spends a lot of time defending the film's changes).

Granted Aragorn single-handedly taking on an armored Troll is still pretty absurd, but I'll take that any day over Aragorn dueling Sauron like he's Darth Vader.


I'm so glad that Jackson decided to axe that whole scene early on in production, it really would have been an indefensible change from the books (and I say that as someone who spends a lot of time defending the film's changes).

Granted Aragorn single-handedly taking on an armored Troll is still pretty absurd, but I'll take that any day over Aragorn dueling Sauron like he's Darth Vader.

Agreed. There are a few cases where I wish the movies followed the books more closely. But for most of it, I enjoy the movies for what they are, and none of the changes really bothered me that much to spoil the enjoyment.

But Aragorn vs Sauron would have gone too far.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I'm so glad that Jackson decided to axe that whole scene early on in production, it really would have been an indefensible change from the books (and I say that as someone who spends a lot of time defending the film's changes).

Granted Aragorn single-handedly taking on an armored Troll is still pretty absurd, but I'll take that any day over Aragorn dueling Sauron like he's Darth Vader.
Spot on.

It was never about Sauron or Aragorn, but the Hobbit's journey, the adversities that they had to overcome and their growth as characters, which in turn aided them greatly during the Scouring of the Shire.
It would be cool if they used that design again, even if they don't have it with lotr blu-ray.
But surely not same colors! Use yellow, brown and purple or something!


Radagast is going to be so good.

Knowing P/F/P's history in taking quotes from one character and putting them on another, I wonder how many Bombadil quotes Rad is going to get.

Treebeard got one in TTEE.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Radagast is going to be so good.

Knowing P/F/P's history in taking quotes from one character and putting them on another, I wonder how many Bombadil quotes Rad is going to get.

Treebeard got one in TTEE.
I'm sure he'll be fan favourite especially with Doctor Who fans.

In terms of quotes, the following would be suitable:

"Fear nothing! Have peace until the morning! Heed no nightly noises!"

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Lol, gotta love some of those amazon pages..

The Veet for Men reviews are some of the best.

I like the clean shaven look down in my gentleman's log cabin, so for the past few years I've used a shaver. However the hair keeps growing back which means every 6 months I have to spend 20 minutes trimming again. As I'm sure you've realise this is valuable time I cannot waste. So I decided to get to the root of the problem and purchased this product.

Probably the first thing you will notice after using this product is the pain. Although as a man I lack the required experience, I'm going to estimate that using this product is at least eleven times more painful than childbirth.

Imagine sticking a rusty razor blade into your favourite eye, before tying your hands behind your back. Then imagine that you use the entrenched razor blade to slice open a raw onion. All the while being butt naked. This product is slightly more painful than that.

However if we ignore the blinding, crippling and debilitating pain I should point out that this product is remarkably effective. Before, all manner of organisms great and small lived down there, now nothing can grow; not even on a cellular level. Sadly this includes my genitalia; I've spent the last four hours staring fixedly at Carol Vorderman's arse, all to no avail. My tinkywinkleton hasn't even so much as perked up, so if my review seems a bit harsh, it's only because I wanted children.

All in all an effective and reasonably priced product - 3 Stars.
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