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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès;42735724 said:
6 reasons why The Hobbit trilogy is a good thing


I agree with the "I’d Rather Spend Three Movies With Bilbo Than Frodo" reason.

Poor Frodo. The evil of the world was out to specifically stop him. That's a lot of pressure.

I do wish old Bilbo would have gotten a little more screen time in the Fellowship of the Ring but the Hobbit will more than make up for that.
Edmond Dantès;42734777 said:
Better version of the poster.


Available to buy as well.


Certainly looks like it's either
Bolg or Azog
. I'm leaning towards the former.

could the top character be
he does have a bear skin on his back..


There's no indication in the book that
Beorn looks savage in human form
, I can't see why they'd make him look like that.


Edmond Dantès;42734777 said:
Certainly looks like it's either
Bolg or Azog
. I'm leaning towards the former.

though. Right? He's long dead by the time The Hobbit happens. Or are they gonna have
the War of the Orcs and Dwarves
in The Hobbit?

If they have it I will faint.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
though. Right? He's long dead by the time The Hobbit happens. Or are they gonna have
the War of the Orcs and Dwarves
in The Hobbit?

If they have it I will faint.
Yes, the Battle of Azanulbizar may well feature in the Hobbit via a prologue or flashbacks and Azog has been cast so he will feature in some capacity.

Manu Bennett from Spartacus will be playing him.



Edmond Dantès;42764211 said:
Conan Stevens is playing Bolg, he was originally cast as Azog.


Still at a loss why any orc needs to be that tall. Even the tallest orcs in Middle Earth are described as "almost human size."

edit: although for Azog, it kind of makes sense. If he's a "huge orc" and is fighting a dwarf one on one he needs to be considerably larger than the dwarf.


Still at a loss why any orc needs to be that tall. Even the tallest orcs in Middle Earth are described as "almost human size."

Maybe the actor is the right size when compared to the actors of the dwarves and Bilbo. Would make the scaling easier when you could just put all the actors in the same scene at the same time and not having to rely on trick shots.
Edmond Dantès;42764114 said:
Yes, the Battle of Azanulbizar may well feature in the Hobbit via a prologue or flashbacks and Azog has been cast so he will feature in some capacity.

Manu Bennett from Spartacus will be playing him.


Manu is awesome.
Glad he got this role!


Maybe the actor is the right size when compared to the actors of the dwarves and Bilbo. Would make the scaling easier when you could just put all the actors in the same scene at the same time and not having to rely on trick shots.

that's why I was thinking, but shouldn't all orcs be played by gigantic humans then?


Edmond Dantès;42764114 said:
Azog has been cast so he will feature in some capacity.

Manu Bennett from Spartacus will be playing him.


As of now The Hobbit feels right around the corner. But I just know that, after seeing the first film, the wait for the other two is going to feel unbearable!


Thought you guys might be interested in the newest dev diary.


yup.. That's totally me in there >.<

Glad I have it pre-ordered on PS3, one of the only games I plan to pick up in the next couple months. Very excited for it.
Thanks for the dedication to making what looks to be shaping into a great blend of book, film, and brick!

Edmond Dantès;42747472 said:
I think they're trying to differentiate between The LOTR trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy by having new orc/goblin designs.

Which also leads to this new character called Yazneg.



Doesn't look very orcish to me, neither does he look like one of the wild men. He could be one of The Necromancer's minions. A sort of lesser Mouth of Sauron type of character. Could be a hybrid of sorts even. One of Necro's experiments.

What does Tolkien GAF make of him?

My first thought was Vampire. But then I went back into The Silmarillion to find the references, and now I am not so sure this guy matches up.

A better look at Orcrist:


One of WETA's best designs as far as swords go in my opinion, looks beautiful.

I really want to get this, along with at least Balin's Mace. (If not all of the new weapon replicas.) But I won't be able to afford them any time soon.

Edmond Dantès;42776413 said:
10 weeks left.


As of now The Hobbit feels right around the corner. But I just know that, after seeing the first film, the wait for the other two is going to feel unbearable!

So make sure to do what I will probably do, as I did for LotR, see each film at least 10 times in the theatre stretched out over the time it is available!
And then buy each release as it comes to watch as many times as you please. Maybe too many times... nah. I still have all my Theatrical, Extended, and Limited LotR dvd sets.


Based all the posters, images, and products we've seen of the film thus far, it looks as though the character hierarchy (at least for the first film) will go like this:

1. Bilbo (obviously)
2. Gandalf + Thorin
3. Gollum
4. Kili
5. Balin
6. Dwalin
7. Fili
8. Eveyone else.

I would assume that Jackson made it a point to give each and every Dwarf their fair share of screen time throughout the three films (aside from Thorin who will likely always be prominent), it would make sense for them to focus on a select few in the first film and then switch to others in film 2. That would make swallowing the concept of 13 dwarves a bit easier for audiences I'd imagine, as opposed to making them all prominent at all times.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Based all the posters, images, and products we've seen of the film thus far, it looks as though the character hierarchy (at least for the first film) will go like this:

1. Bilbo (obviously)
2. Gandalf + Thorin
3. Gollum
4. Kili
5. Balin
6. Dwalin
7. Fili
8. Eveyone else.

This seems pretty spot-on.. it's also starting to look like Bofur might be up there, perhaps serving as the main comic relief of the first film? He's definitely giving me Merry/Pippin vibes


Edmond Dantès;42764114 said:
Yes, the Battle of Azanulbizar may well feature in the Hobbit via a prologue or flashbacks and Azog has been cast so he will feature in some capacity.

Manu Bennett from Spartacus will be playing him.

That's easily half of a movie's worth of kickassery they could get from this. I hope it's not only The Last Alliance in length.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I guess now we know for sure who that guy in the poster is.

Gandalf's not very tall in Tolkien terms and in the legendarium the likes of Boromir, Aragorn, Sauron in fair form, Elves in general tower over him. He'd be tiny in comparison to the Númenóreans, but to be towered over by a Grey Mountain goblin is pushing it if the scales of those models are accurate.


Edmond Dantès;42799921 said:
Gandalf's not very tall in Tolkien terms and in the legendarium the likes of Boromir, Aragorn, Sauron in fair form, Elves in general tower over him. He'd be tiny in comparison to the Númenóreans, but to be towered over by a Grey Mountain goblin is pushing it if the scales of those models are accurate.

I TOLD you all. I told you. This is nonsense.
Hey Dantes, I'm not clear on the distinction between orcs and goblins. Is it just semantics? Or are goblins the ones that live underground?

More to the point, is one taller than the other? I got the impression in the BTS for Jackson's LotRs that goblins are the more hunched-over variety, whereas orcs stand tall...

Also how is a Grey Mountain goblin different from other kinds of goblins?
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