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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
The other new images.




Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
'The Hobbit:' Inside Peter Jackson and Warner Bros' $1 Billion Gamble
In late June, Horn and the key New Line executives paid a visit to New Zealand and watched a cut of the first film. Then Jackson and his collaborators pitched the idea of making not two but three Hobbit movies. Horn -- by then at Disney -- admits that the proposal came as a shock. The question, he says, was "Can each movie be a full meal?" The group agreed that Jackson's plan worked.

So now, almost miraculously, there will be three Hobbits instead of none -- which often seemed like the easier option. But the temptation of going back to the Tolkien well was too rich to resist. "At every junction, someone had to say, 'I know it's a problem, but let's go forward,' " says Horn. "Or, 'I know it's more expensive than we thought it would be, but it's worth it.' "

Of course, Horn acknowledges that it only will become clear whether the struggle was worth it when the movies come out. "The audience will decide," he says. "But I've seen the first movie -- and it's a joy to be back in that world."

So, it was Peter's idea.

The biggest news here though is that Asylum is doing a Hobbit film titled 'Age of the Hobbits', which no doubt will be the superior Hobbit adaptation. Out December 11 2012.

It's hard to stay away from this thread. Cannot wait for this movie to come out!

...and now for some shameless self-promotion, I hope this is ok with you guys. I made the semifinals on The Hobbit Treasures of Middle-Earth art contest, and just wanted you guys to check out my entry and possibly rate it.

My Great Goblin interpretation

It's hard to stay away from this thread. Cannot wait for this movie to come out!

...and now for some shameless self-promotion, I hope this is ok with you guys. I made the semifinals on The Hobbit Treasures of Middle-Earth art contest, and just wanted you guys to check out my entry and possibly rate it.

My Great Goblin interpretation


That's really nice, not sure I get a middle earth vibe though.
Will still vote for you of course ;)

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
It's hard to stay away from this thread. Cannot wait for this movie to come out!

...and now for some shameless self-promotion, I hope this is ok with you guys. I made the semifinals on The Hobbit Treasures of Middle-Earth art contest, and just wanted you guys to check out my entry and possibly rate it.

My Great Goblin interpretation

Congrats on making it to the semis. Hope you go further. Voted for you.


Edmond Dantès;43307507 said:
'The Hobbit:' Inside Peter Jackson and Warner Bros' $1 Billion Gamble


So, it was Peter's idea.
I feel like I remember hearing either Peter or Phillipa say they made that decision after watching the rough clips that they had more than they could fit in two that they really wanted the third film.

This was probably back around SDCC? I might be able to find the video later today.


Edmond Dantès;43307507 said:
'The Hobbit:' Inside Peter Jackson and Warner Bros' $1 Billion Gamble


So, it was Peter's idea.

But...but...GAF told me it was the WB/New Line execs forcing PJ to crap out a third movie to make an extra buck off of the additional footage that was shot???

It's hard to stay away from this thread. Cannot wait for this movie to come out!

...and now for some shameless self-promotion, I hope this is ok with you guys. I made the semifinals on The Hobbit Treasures of Middle-Earth art contest, and just wanted you guys to check out my entry and possibly rate it.

My Great Goblin interpretation


Looks great man, I love the lighting on the Great goblin's face. I kind of wish the detail on his cape was a little more fleshed out, but overall very strong.

I was going to enter the weapons design part of the contest, specifically my own designs for Sting and Glamdring. But I'm right in the middle of my final semester of college and can really only devote my illustration time to me BFA thesis project :( I didn't get any farther beyond some concept sketches.


Akallabêth? One of my favorite parts :) It's relatively brief compared to the other sections of the Silmarillion, but no less epic.
That's the chap. Finished it earlier and I'm inclined to agree, it's nice to really start connecting some of the dots in the lore.


Ian McKellen: 'I almost didn't sign up for The Hobbit'

The British actor will return as Gandalf the Wizard in Peter Jackson's prequel to the Lord of the Rings series, but McKellen admitted that the amount of time he needed to be away from home was a daunting prospect.

"It was a little like going back to something that wasn't necessarily going to be particularly challenging," the 73-year-old told The Hollywood Reporter.

"Gandalf is still inside me, as it were, so the business of getting to know a new character - I was sort of going to be robbed of that."

However, McKellen explained that he did not want to let the fans down by having somebody else play the role he made his own.

"You felt, how many millions of people are waiting for it?" he said. "They wouldn't understand if you weren't as keen as they were."

McKellen added that he finds more satisfaction in playing the younger Gandalf the Grey instead of Gandalf the White, as he is a more playful character.

"Peter Jackson and I much prefer Gandalf the Grey, who was a man who did manage to enjoy himself," he said.



I was just watching the Ralph Bakshi LOTR and that Eowyn vs Witch King scene is something else. I like Eoywn's lines in the old english but the Witch King voice is just bizzare. I think he also did an adaptation of the Hobbit but I am not sure, I have not seen it.

Edmond Dantès;43276468 said:
It also gives an indication that Sauron was not above pleasures of the flesh, especially considering the form he took during that period.

This is a pretty good indication of what he may have looked like:


Too much information, I always knew Jude Law was evil.

On a more serious note this is something you see in other stories as well. I am not sure how common it is but I am always fascinated by the idea when I see it in mythology and modern day stories, the idea of the villain or "devil" of the story being beautiful either now or at one point in the past. We also saw it in Harry Potter where Voldemort started out as extremely handsome but turned all creepy looking by the end.
But...but...GAF told me it was the WB/New Line execs forcing PJ to crap out a third movie to make an extra buck off of the additional footage that was shot???

Did they? I always thought the main culprit was "Nobody can say no to Peter Jackson, especially his editor"

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I was just watching the Ralph Bakshi LOTR and that Eowyn vs Witch King scene is something else. I like Eoywn's lines in the old english but the Witch King voice is just bizzare. I think he also did an adaptation of the Hobbit but I am not sure, I have not seen it.

Too much information, I always knew Jude Law was evil.

On a more serious note this is something you see in other stories as well. I am not sure how common it is but I am always fascinated by the idea when I see it in mythology and modern day stories, the idea of the villain or "devil" of the story being beautiful either now or at one point in the past. We also saw it in Harry Potter where Voldemort started out as extremely handsome but turned all creepy looking by the end.
The following pretty much inspired Tolkien's Dark Lords.

Lucifer in Paradise Lost.



Thus far these beyond
Compare of mortal prowess, yet observed
Their dread Commander. He, above the rest
In shape and gesture proudly eminent
Stood like a tower. His form had yet not lost
All her original brightness, nor appeared
Less than Archangel ruined, and th' excess
Of glory obscured: as when the sun new-risen
Looks through the horizontal misty air
Shorn of his beams, or, from behind the moon
In dim eclipse, disastrous twilight sheds
On half the nations, and with fear of change
Perplexes monarchs. Darkened so, yet shone
Above them all th' Archangel: but his face
Deep scars of thunder had intrenched, and care
Sat on his faded cheek, but under brows
Of dauntless courage, and considerate pride
Waiting revenge.
Cruel his eye, but cast
Signs of remorse and passion, to behold
The fellows of his crime, the followers rather
(Far other once beheld in bliss), condemned
For ever now to have their lot in pain--
Millions of Spirits for his fault amerced
Of Heaven, and from eternal splendours flung
For his revolt--yet faithful how they stood
Their glory withered; as, when heaven's fire
Hath scathed the forest oaks or mountain pines
With singed top their stately growth, though bare
Stands on the blasted heath.

Recommended reading for anyone looking to delve into the inspirations behind Tolkien's legendarium.
Edmond Dantès;43320534 said:
A few new images:





Those last 3 are so staged for 3D that they might as well be 3D already. Wow.

I really hope there's not too many "whoa look at this arrow it's pointing right out of the screen!" nonsense shots.
It would be WB, not Peter.

Oh I know... but I wonder how Peter feels about this. Like if the footage turned out awesome, in his opinion, is he cursing from the mountain tops at WB for fucking it up? Or does he concede that 48fps isn't ready. I just would like someone to interview him about it and what he thinks the future of 48fps is.
Oh I know... but I wonder how Peter feels about this. Like if the footage turned out awesome, in his opinion, is he cursing from the mountain tops at WB for fucking it up? Or does he concede that 48fps isn't ready. I just would like someone to interview him about it and what he thinks the future of 48fps is.

He's already said that him and everybody else on the production that has watched 48fps footage thinks it's absolutely amazing.


Oh I know... but I wonder how Peter feels about this. Like if the footage turned out awesome, in his opinion, is he cursing from the mountain tops at WB for fucking it up? Or does he concede that 48fps isn't ready. I just would like someone to interview him about it and what he thinks the future of 48fps is.

One can imagine he's probably not too thrilled about it, seeing as he's been one of the biggest proponents of 48fps over the last couple of years. You can see it in the man's eyes in the production videos; he's completely psyched about it. The WB reaction seemed to stem out of a combination of the (specifically negative) Cinemacon reactions and their own internal surveys done about interest in 48fps from audiences. To my knowledge, no 100% completed footage from The Hobbit running at 48fps has been seen by anyone outside of the production at this point, which is sad :(

I can't say I completely blame the WB execs for being hesitant to push 48fps on audiences whole-sale the first time around, since it makes a noticeable difference in the viewing experience. But hey, someone's always gotta be first, right? There had to be some people who saw Wizard of Oz in 1939 and thought this hippie technicolor bullshit was going to ruin the cinematic experience forever.
One can imagine he's probably not too thrilled about it, seeing he's been one of the biggest proponents of 48p over the last couple of years. You can see it in the man's eyes in the production videos; he's completely psyched about it. The WB reaction seemed to stem out of a combination of the (specifically negative) Cinemacon reactions and their own internal surveys done about interest in 48p from audiences. To my knowledge, no 100% completed footage from The Hobbit running at 48p has been seen by anyone outside of the production at this point, which is sad :(

I swear focus group and test screenings have been the death of Hollywood. Who are these hooligans they are using in these groups and do directors appreciate this process or concede that they improve their art?
Thanks for those that commented and voted for my piece. There is some stiff competition so I'm not holding my breath.

I am ready to enter the world of Middle-Earth again this December!
I swear focus group and test screenings have been the death of Hollywood. Who are these hooligans they are using in these groups and do directors appreciate this process or concede that they improve their art?

Don't blame the focus groups. Blame the execs that hang every decision upon the whims of a fickle audience instead of trusting your talent to make a good movie.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Tolkien letter reveals poor sales of The Hobbit


He'd be quite pleased with the fact that The Hobbit is now the third best selling book of all time.

He consented to making some minor changes regarding the use of the word "man" and agreed the wizard Gandalf's use of the word "boys" as an insult "was rather silly and not quite up to form".

A revised edition, a revised edition, my kingdom for a revised edition!


I have to say I'm REALLY pleased I persevered through to the later stages of The Silmarillion. It adds so much to the understanding of the events of The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I have to say I'm REALLY pleased I persevered through to the later stages of The Silmarillion. It adds so much to the understanding of the events of The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings.
Truly. That‘s why Tolkien wanted The Silmarillion published alongside The Lord of the Rings.

Now for the Unfinished Tales. :)


Edmond Dantès;43333220 said:
Tolkien letter reveals poor sales of The Hobbit


He'd be quite pleased with the fact that The Hobbit is now the third best selling book of all time.


A revised edition, a revised edition, my kingdom for a revised edition!

Yeah, I was reading something like that a few days ago. I believe the Middle Earth books didn't really pull a profit until the early 60s? Maybe the late 50s when LOTR was released in Britain, but I'm fairly certain my former point was correct.

I have to say I'm REALLY pleased I persevered through to the later stages of The Silmarillion. It adds so much to the understanding of the events of The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings.

Wait, I'm lost. You're "pissed"? So you're mad that the Sil added to LOTR? Or you're drunk because of this...or what?

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Yeah, I was reading something like that a few days ago. I believe the Middle Earth books didn't really pull a profit until the early 60s? Maybe the late 50s when LOTR was released in Britain, but I'm fairly certain my former point was correct.
That‘s absolutely correct, then came the great unexpected boom of the seventies which saw Tolkien‘s popularity increase to unprecedented levels. Not till the film trilogy‘s release was there another such rise in Tolkien appreciation.

The Hobbit trilogy may well be the next. A whole new generation to fall in love with Middle-earth. Brings a smile to my face.
I was going to ask a question about the swords but I looked the information and got more confused.
spoilers to be safe
I was going to ask if we had seen 'biter' and 'beater' yet. I looked and I totally spaced the Orcist IS biter. I guess it's been a long time. So, Thorin does not start with Orcrist but finds it...ok Have we seen Beater
I was going to ask a question about the swords but I looked the information and got more confused.
spoilers to be safe
I was going to ask if we had seen 'biter' and 'beater' yet. I looked and I totally spaced the Orcist IS biter. I guess it's been a long time. So, Thorin does not start with Orcrist but finds it...ok Have we seen Beater

Beater is Glamdring and Gandalf used it through out the LoTR trilogy


Edmond Dantès;43348139 said:
That‘s absolutely correct, then came the great unexpected boom of the seventies which saw Tolkien‘s popularity increase to unprecedented levels. Not till the film trilogy‘s release was there another such rise in Tolkien appreciation.

The Hobbit trilogy may well be the next. A whole new generation to fall in love with Middle-earth. Brings a smile to my face.

The idea that my non-reading friends can finally experience the book is incredible, I agree.

Also, a bit funny that Tolkien was so upset by the pirate copies of LOTR in America, but that might have helped spread word of mouth and make them even bigger sellers.

He said "pleased," not pissed :p

Wow, I read it twice and still interpreted it as "pissed".

I think I need a nap.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White

Mobius 1

Edmond Dantès;43279720 said:
The other new images.



When I first ever started reading The Lord of the Rings, when I first opened the book, I was sitting in a place not unlike the one depicted in this image.

What I would not give to read that book for the first time ever again.


I remember last year he had Elijah Wood on his show, and he mentioned off-hand that he had been to the set and thought it looked amazing, but I think this is the first reference to his visit that I've seen outside of that one mention.

I can appreciate his dedication as a fan in wanting to see the set and be envious that he got to and I did not. However, I will be very disappointed if I have to see his mug on screen at any point, even for a second.

Maybe they stuck him in a spoof easter egg akin to the MTV's Council of Elrond with Jack Black?
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