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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I will say that Theoden's speech ("Death! Death! Deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!") is the biggest "fuck yeah!" moment of the series.

Best scene of the whole trilogy and easily one of the best movie scenes of all time. Return of the King >> Fellowship of the Ring >>>> The Two Towers.
Okay, I don't want to look through this thread for it and Google just turned up results of the April 10 minute screening, but...

...Were there any Twitter reactions to the screenings yet? Or is everyone following the embargo so far?

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Okay, I don't want to look through this thread for it and Google just turned up results of the April 10 minute screening, but...

...Were there any Twitter reactions to the screenings yet? Or is everyone following the embargo so far?


We already did the listings in this thread but TTT is nothing to scoff at when it comes to great moments.

-Gandalf vs Balrog
-Gandalf the White
-''Sam went with him''
-Theodens release/funeral
-Boromir at Osgiliath
-''There will be no dawn for men'' ;'(
-Elves arrive at Helms Deep
-Last march of the ents
-Gandalf and Eomer arrive at Helms Deep
-Sams speech


Edmond Dantès;44833940 said:
The events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings both occur during the Third Age, sixty years apart. The Fourth age doesn't begin until after Aragorn is proclaimed as King Elessar Telcontar. The reason for the change in tone is due to the whimsy almost fairy tale nature of The Hobbit.

So I meant the third age, but basically I've heard PJ did this intentionally to show that magic is "leaving the world" (as seen in the first movies, elves leaving, etc.).

RotK is the worst one. Fellowship the best. Two Towers second.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
So I meant the third age, but basically I've heard PJ did this intentionally to show that magic is "leaving the world" (as seen in the first movies, elves leaving, etc.).
That's just the theme of the book that Peter used in his trilogy. The idea was already there in Tolkien's writings.

He's also following the theme of The Hobbit it seems.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
We already did the listings in this thread but TTT is nothing to scoff at when it comes to great moments.

-Gandalf vs Balrog
-Gandalf the White
-''Sam went with him''
-Theodens release/funeral
-Boromir at Osgiliath
-''There will be no dawn for men'' ;'(
-Elves arrive at Helms Deep
-Last march of the ents
-Gandalf and Eomer arrive at Helms Deep
-Sams speech
I'd add Gollum's split personality reveal to that list.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
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Just finished watching the FotR EE. It's been a year or so since I've last watched it, right around the Blu Ray release of the Extended Edition. I feel like these movies were made specifically for me.


Edmond Dantès;44859439 said:
Having read Rateliff's books, I can't really put my finger on what Peter may have used or wanted to use from earlier drafts.

The first few chapters of the 1960 Hobbit do add certain things and a bit more detail.

I've posted about this before, but here are a few of the key elements of the drafts, in particular the Pryftan (Smaug's original name) fragment.

Thorin was originally known as Gandalf the Dwarf, didn't change permanently until the third phase of development
Gandalf was Bladorthin, which is more in keeping with Tolkien's mythos rather than the Norse 'Gandalf'
Smaug was known as Pryftan the Dragon
Beorn was known as Medwed
The Goblin King mentioned early in the story been beheaded and hence the game of golf been invented was called Fingolfin, the golfin an obvious reference to golf. The name eventually went to the great Elven Lord most famous for challenging Melkor to single combat.

The Necromancer was called Thu the Necromancer and was mentioned in the Lay of Lethian.

His development goes as follows:

Tu/Fangli (bad/good wizards from the Lost Tales) > Tevildo The Lord of Cats (a subordinate of Melko (Melko been Melkor's original name)) > Thu the Necromancer > The Necromancer > Sauron the Great/The Lord of Werewolves/Annatar Lord of Gifts/Gorthaur the Cruel/Mairon of Aule.

Beren and Luthien were mentioned in The Hobbit during the drafting phase just as in The Lord of the Rings, before been dropped.

Bilbo was originally intended to kill Pryftan, rather than Bard who had not yet been conceived. Bard was hence created to fill a void very quickly, explaining his sudden appearance with little backstory

Thorin was also a candidate. He was originally intended to survive and become King under the Mountain, instead of dying in the Battle of the Five Armies with Kili and Fili (originally his great-nephews).

As for the battle, it wasn't originally intended to happen, rather a political end with Bladorthin negotiating peace.

A battle would occur though, but a much smaller one with elves and goblins and men , no wargs, dwarves, eagles or Medwed.

Medwed ^_^ that's pretty much the Russian word for bear.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Wait what? Was it glorious? Was it amazing?
Haven't seen it, but by all accounts it's the best TV spot.
Smaug who isn't in it until the second movie is gunna be seen in a preview to the first movie? Malarkey!
It's been long suspected that
there would be flashbacks to the destruction of Dale, so Smaug featuring in An Unexpected Journey isn't really a surprise. He won't be featured in all his glory though, just parts of him and certainly not his face or voice.
Couple more twitter reactions. Some of the press screenings start in the US tomorrow, so hopefully some more impressions leak out soon.

Idle Dandies ‏@IdleDandies

I just saw the cast and crew screening of The Hobbit (prt. 1) with my dad. Wonderful.

Dominic Thomas ‏@domitomi

Wow, wow, wow. Hobbit was unbelievably good. Wow.
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