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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Haven't heard anything about that. I'm guessing bluray players would need a firmware update. Or maybe its not even universally possible.

PS3s transmit games that run at 60 FPS to the TV screen, so I don't think it should be a problem for Blu-ray players to transmit a movie signal doing the same. But I'm no A/V nerd, so I could be completely wrong.


Edmond Dantès;44894968 said:
That certainly makes sense, but
is a weird one considering where the film ends. Unless we meet him with
Radagast as Beorn does sort of know him in the book.

I'm glad to see your other spoiler from above is going to be in the first film, but yeah, I don't see where he fits in here unless it's a quick shot of him and Radagast meeting up somewhere? They do have similar interests.
I will say that Theoden's speech ("Death! Death! Deaaaaaaaaaathhhhhhhhhh!") is the biggest "fuck yeah!" moment of the series.

FUCK YEAH IT IS! That is my favorite scene in the entire trilogy. Theoden finally becomes a king again at that moment. It is as if the sight of the army of Mordor destroying Minas Tirith just washed away all his pain and insecurities and left a ball of white hot blood rage behind. Theoden wanted blood, and dammit he got it! And once the charge starts, he is way out ahead of everyone. No one would deny him the carnage he sought.
The moment was also great because it was so cathartic after seeing so much of the city burn and the people dying. It was just all doom and gloom, all hope is lost. Then to see the Orcs mowed down like grass was awesome.

Even though that is my favorite scene of the trilogy, I will back up your claim earlier of Boromir's death being one of the best of the trilogy. It is definitely the most heart wrenching for me. Seeing Boromir fight back after realizing the Ring had taken him. Seeing him fight for his very soul, only to be cut down. And his death triggered Aragorn accepting his role as king.
It also helped that Bean acted the fuck out of that scene. Definitely the greatest death scene of the entire saga.
'The Colbert Report' sets 'Hobbit'-themed week of shows

Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report will present four nights of Hobbit-themed programming (Dec. 3 to Dec. 6), pegged to the Dec. 14 release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, EW has learned. Guests will include stars Ian McKellan (Dec. 3), Martin Freeman (Dec. 4) and Andy Serkis (Dec. 6), along with director Peter Jackson (Dec. 5).

Said Colbert in a statement: “Elen sila lumenn‘ omentielvo*… I mean that sincerely.”



I wonder if the 48FPS aspect will impact the cost of retail versions of the film, especially on services like iTunes since this is effectively doubling the already large filesize (and doubling it again if it's 3D)

I already get warnings in itunes about my computer not being capable of 1080p (which is utter BS, they play fine but itunes still warns me)... hope I can do 48fps


FUCK YEAH IT IS! That is my favorite scene in the entire trilogy. Theoden finally becomes a king again at that moment. It is as if the sight of the army of Mordor destroying Minas Tirith just washed away all his pain and insecurities and left a ball of white hot blood rage behind. Theoden wanted blood, and dammit he got it! And once the charge starts, he is way out ahead of everyone. No one would deny him the carnage he sought.
The moment was also great because it was so cathartic after seeing so much of the city burn and the people dying. It was just all doom and gloom, all hope is lost. Then to see the Orcs mowed down like grass was awesome.

Even though that is my favorite scene of the trilogy, I will back up your claim earlier of Boromir's death being one of the best of the trilogy. It is definitely the most heart wrenching for me. Seeing Boromir fight back after realizing the Ring had taken him. Seeing him fight for his very soul, only to be cut down. And his death triggered Aragorn accepting his role as king.
It also helped that Bean acted the fuck out of that scene. Definitely the greatest death scene of the entire saga.


I just love how the Ride of the Rohirrim scene starts. It's a classic "oh no, our heroes are surely done for - no wait, help has arrived!" type of scene, but its done so well. The walls of Minas Tirith have been breached, people are getting fucking destroyed left and right, all hope is lost, and then.....dat horn.

Also one of the best parts of the sequence are the looks on the orcs/trolls/baddies eyes. t first they are all cocky looking and shit, but after their archers have shot their arrows and the Rohirrim is still charging at them like a bat out of hell, they look like they are about to shit their pants. It was very smart to do practical effects on the baddies in closeups so that you can actually see their eyes and read their facial expressions.

And agreed on everything about Boromir's death. I'm always a sucker for a fallen hero redeeming himself and dying with honor, and its rarely been done as well here. Bean's final words are fucking letter perfect.


Anyone else's theaters charging more for HFR showings? I thought WB or Jackson (or both) had said there'd be no price increase for 48fps.


Has this interview been posted yet? It confirms something, I'm not sure if still a spoiler or not.
Smaug has a cameo in film 1

Also Part 1 and Park 2 of the interview here.

RE: spoiler tag,
this interview was done before the announcement of splitting it into 3 films so we don't know for sure if Smaug will be shown now. It's not clear if the cameo he was talking about was some kind of prolog/flashback from when he took Erebor or something else.

BTW, I notice Peter pronounces Smaug not as "smog" but as "schmaug" or something. Guess that is the more correct way?
Anyone else's theaters charging more for HFR showings? I thought WB or Jackson (or both) had said there'd be no price increase for 48fps.

Nope. No charge here. It's literally just a one off software update for the projectors. Anyone charging extra for that must be scumbags.
RE: spoiler tag,
this interview was done before the announcement of splitting it into 3 films so we don't know for sure if Smaug will be shown now. It's not clear if the cameo he was talking about was some kind of prolog/flashback from when he took Erebor or something else.

Good point. I have a feeling it might be fairly early in the film, so probably still in it I think.


So everyone rightly hates the green ghost army in Return of the King. How should the orc army be defeated, then? Should it have been a long drawn out struggle that gets boring really quick or something? I'm asking this because I really have no idea how they could have done things differently within the confines of that story.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
RE: spoiler tag,
this interview was done before the announcement of splitting it into 3 films so we don't know for sure if Smaug will be shown now. It's not clear if the cameo he was talking about was some kind of prolog/flashback from when he took Erebor or something else.

BTW, I notice Peter pronounces Smaug not as "smog" but as "schmaug" or something. Guess that is the more correct way?
Pronounced Smaowg, originates from the Germanic Smugan. Inspired by the dragon Fafnir from the Volsunga Saga who also inspired the character traits of Gollum/Smeagol.


So everyone rightly hates the green ghost army in Return of the King. How should the orc army be defeated, then? Should it have been a long drawn out struggle that gets boring really quick or something? I'm asking this because I really have no idea how they could have done things differently within the confines of that story.

I don't hate the concept (I recall LOVING it in the books) but it was butchered onscreen and really poorly executed.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
So everyone rightly hates the green ghost army in Return of the King. How should the orc army be defeated, then? Should it have been a long drawn out struggle that gets boring really quick or something? I'm asking this because I really have no idea how they could have done things differently within the confines of that story.
Reinforcements, who aren't overpowered, undefeatable beings. The Rangers of the North and Elrond's sons, the Swan Knights and other reinforcements from the outer regions of Gondor. They could have tipped the balance in favour of the Children of Iluvatar, hence defeating the Children of Morgoth in that particular battle.
So everyone rightly hates the green ghost army in Return of the King. How should the orc army be defeated, then? Should it have been a long drawn out struggle that gets boring really quick or something? I'm asking this because I really have no idea how they could have done things differently within the confines of that story.

The way it was done in the book.
So everyone rightly hates the green ghost army in Return of the King. How should the orc army be defeated, then? Should it have been a long drawn out struggle that gets boring really quick or something? I'm asking this because I really have no idea how they could have done things differently within the confines of that story.

Army of the Dead helps them over take the fleet, Aragorn releases them. What looks like enemy ships travel up the river towards an almost completely surrounded Riders of Rohan. It looks like there is no hope but then the banner of Gondor raises on the lead ship. The enemy realizes these aren't their reinforcements. Out come Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and 200 Rangers of the North. Enough to tip the scales but not enough to completely win the battle on their own.

The way it is currently, if Aragorn would have headed out a few days earlier the Mordor Army would have been overrun without a single loss of life for the good guys.


I don't hate the concept (I recall LOVING it in the books) but it was butchered onscreen and really poorly executed.

I haven't read the books (yeah yeah i know). How was it done in the books, and what exactly did PJ screw up so badly?

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I haven't read the books (yeah yeah i know). How was it done in the books, and what exactly did PJ screw up so badly?
They were essentially intended to terrify the host of Sauron, not actively destroy them in that Deus Ex manner. It was the reinforcements to the allied armies that won them the battle in the end.


Edmond Dantès;44899923 said:
They were essentially intended to terrify the host of Sauron, not actively destroy them in that Deus Ex manner. It was the reinforcements to the allied armies that won them the battle in the end.

That sounds a lot better than what we got in the film. I listened to the director's commentary and they never mentioned what exactly they had changed and why. What is it so the battle could be shortened in order to focus on Frodo and the ring? That seems to make the most sense.

...I really need to read the books lol


That sounds a lot better than what we got in the film. I listened to the director's commentary and they never mentioned what exactly they had changed and why. What is it so the battle could be shortened in order to focus on Frodo and the ring? That seems to make the most sense.

...I really need to read the books lol

You do sir, I adore the movies but the source novels for LOTR (and likely the Hobbit) are vastly better. The films ruined the character of Faramir.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't read the books, just rewatched the movies.


Why does Saruman attack Helms Deep?
I haven't read the books, just rewatched the movies.


Why does Saruman attack Helms Deep?

Saruman attacks Rohan to remove the threat they pose against Sauron's forces.

Helm's Deep is a place of refuge and is well defended, it was Theoden's best option to defend against Saruman's army there, on advice from Gandalf.


Edmond Dantès;44894547 said:
It also confirms that
Smaug (Benedict)
Thranduil (Lee)
are in the film.

Beorn and Dain

Can't that considerate a possible teaser for the second movie to be atached within the first movie ?

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
10 Contenders Remain in VFX Oscar® Race
BEVERLY HILLS, CA – The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced that 10 films remain in the running in the Visual Effects category for the 85th Academy Awards®.

The films are listed below in alphabetical order:

“The Amazing Spider-Man”
“Cloud Atlas”
“The Dark Knight Rises”
“The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”
“John Carter”
“Life of Pi”
“Marvel’s The Avengers”
“Snow White and the Huntsman”

All members of the Visual Effects Branch will be invited to view 10-minute excerpts from each of the 10 shortlisted films on Thursday, January 3. Following the screenings, the members will vote to nominate five films for final Oscar consideration.

The 85th Academy Awards nominations will be announced live on Thursday, January 10, 2013, at 5:30 a.m. PT in the Academy's Samuel Goldwyn Theater.

Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2012 will be presented on Sunday, February 24, 2013, at the Dolby Theatre™ at Hollywood & Highland Center®, and televised live on the ABC Television Network. The Oscar presentation also will be televised live in more than 225 countries worldwide.
Army of the Dead helps them over take the fleet, Aragorn releases them. What looks like enemy ships travel up the river towards an almost completely surrounded Riders of Rohan. It looks like there is no hope but then the banner of Gondor raises on the lead ship. The enemy realizes these aren't their reinforcements. Out come Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and 200 Rangers of the North. Enough to tip the scales but not enough to completely win the battle on their own.

The way it is currently, if Aragorn would have headed out a few days earlier the Mordor Army would have been overrun without a single loss of life for the good guys.

I think that there were way more allies on the ships that Aragorn brought. Also, I think it is never explicitly stated that the ghost army killed anyone, they just routed the enemy and left the ships open. All of the people along the coast who had been held in defense from the corsairs followed behind and some manned the ships to go upriver to Minas Tirith with Aragorn (a few thousand) while others followed on foot and arrived a few days after the battle (a few more thousand). There is a more thorough count in the chapter "The Last Debate" iirc.
Gollum is going to look ridiculously impressive at 48fps.

Why can't I stay away from this thread?

You pretty much cursed yourself when you said "I'm out"

Nobody who says, "I'm going dark/I'm out of this thread/bail out!" actually leaves. They just leave without informing everybody of their absence.
You pretty much cursed yourself when you said "I'm out"

Nobody who says, "I'm going dark/I'm out of this thread/bail out!" actually leaves. They just leave without informing everybody of their absence.

I've gone dark on many movies. I guess I just have no other hype threads to occupy my time right now. LORD KNOWS I'M ABOUT THE HYPE.
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