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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Full version of Blunt the Knives


Chip the glasses and crack the plates!
Blunt the knives and bend the forks!
That's what Biblio Boggins hates -
Smash the bottles and burn the corks!

Cut the cloth and tread the fat!
Pour the milk on the pantry floor!
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat!
Splash the wine on every door!

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl;
Pound them up with a thumping pole;
And when you've finished, if any are whole,
Send them down the hall to roll!

That's what Biblio Boggins hates!
So, carefully! Carefully with the plates!

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Edmond Dantès;44933954 said:
Full version of Blunt the Knives


Chip the glasses and crack the plates!
Blunt the knives and bend the forks!
That's what Biblio Boggins hates -
Smash the bottles and burn the corks!

Cut the cloth and tread the fat!
Pour the milk on the pantry floor!
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat!
Splash the wine on every door!

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl;
Pound them up with a thumping pole;
And when you've finished, if any are whole,
Send them down the hall to roll!

That's what Biblio Boggins hates!
So, carefully! Carefully with the plates!

Im really looking forward to the dwarf party
Mate who I'm seeing The Hobbit with is about to come over and do a Fellowship EE watch. He's never seen the EE but was a big fan of the theatrical editions and just finished reading through the books.
Dana Stevens of slate.com didn't sound too impressed with the 48fps.

Eckhard Sperling ‏@EckhardSperling
@thehighsign 48fps?

Dana Stevens Dana Stevens ‏@thehighsign
@EckhardSperling That super-crisp format? Yep. It had a weird fakey look that I'm going to have trouble describing in the review.
Anyone else having trouble trying to decide between 48 fps 3D and Imax 3D?

On one hand HFR is a crazy visual look never seen in film, but on the other hand it's a giant IMAX experience.
Thank god it made it in. A Hobbit without "chip the glasses..." is a poor Hobbit.

The dwarves were the equivalent of the first internet trolls with that song...

Anyone else having trouble trying to decide between 48 fps 3D and Imax 3D?

On one hand HFR is a crazy visual look never seen in film, but on the other hand it's a giant IMAX experience.
I'm seeing it in HFR 3D on one of those faux IMAX screens at the midnight launch...
Anyone else having trouble trying to decide between 48 fps 3D and Imax 3D?

On one hand HFR is a crazy visual look never seen in film, but on the other hand it's a giant IMAX experience.

Some digital IMAX theaters are showing the 3D 48 fps version. Thats what I have tickets for.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
12 days for the English folk

12 days

12 days


now to find a way to see it in no 3d and 24fps, i cant stand 3d

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
it honestly feels like yesterday I was in the other thread talking about the first vlogs, how time passes! I had a rewatch of them all the other night and had a great time, so hard to believe after so many years its less than a fortnight away

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I do find it odd that they aren't going to show it in HFR 2D anywhere. Maybe HFR really sucks in 2D...

I dont go to the films often but 3D has always and continues to take me out of the experience, maybe im a philistine in these matters but I like my cinema how its always been. As for 48fps, im more than happy to give it a go but for a film as important as this to me I have to absorb it as im used to, then later ill catch some 48fps screening if I can.
Edmond Dantès;44935938 said:
I think a HFR 3D FAQ may be needed for the OT.


Wow, when they said that I assumed they meant *real* IMAX, not Faux IMAX, but listed there is the theater I'm going to. That's crazy then that it takes so much effort to switch over even the Faux IMAX projectors which are already digital.

It's different for different projectors. Sony ones just require a firmware update but other types require new hardware, I only learned that recently.


Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Review from frodo284 over at TORn
I have been fortunate enough to see this film ahead of time. Not with the new HFR but from what I have seen I can give you a detailed review without giving away spoilers!

Being a die hard fan of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit book(s), I like many others, have been eager for the past 10 years to see this production spring to life. I was a huge fan of Peter Jackson's adaptation of 'The Lord of the Rings' (all 3 of them), and I was curious to see how he would transform a children based, 300 page book into an epic trilogy. I admit I had my doubts and questions but what we get is a film beyond our simple book and in my opinion, makes it an even better story!

Jackson has managed to plunge us back into Middle-Earth with a whole new story which feels much more fast-paced than 2001's 'Fellowship of the Ring'. We have a handful of characters returning, some not included in the book, which some may feel is forced and unnecessary. I felt the same at first, but Jackson finds the correct times to add these characters in order to blend nicely with 'The Lord of the Rings'. This helps us a movie viewers, tie the stories together and feel a sense of "danger" building in Middle-Earth.

My doubts about breaking the story into 3 films were relieved. Jackson has successfully found a way to use the 2 hours and 50 minutes wisely, without too much drag. He gives us proper and useful time with all 13 of our dwarves (who are brilliantly acted), Ian Mckellan's Gandalf who is reprised with much more screen time than originally used and of whom we get more respect for as an elderly wizard. Serkis' Gollum hits the nail on the head in the 'Riddles in the Dark' scene. HIs performance always stunned me in the original trilogy, but he brought an even more chilling tone to the character which ties in nicely with the subplot surrounding these books/movies. We also have a handful of characters from the original films who tie in nicely with the overall story as I mentioned earlier. This alone makes our first film fill up with time, whereas the book is read/narrrated in such a manner that we dont' really know each character greatly, except for Bilbo. Jacksons decision to involve us more emotionally with our heroes will make the final outcome more worthwhile and epic at the end of this saga I feel.

Naturally, in time, technology advances so the visuals have improved drastically in comparison to the original trilogy. I'll be curious to see it again in IMAX HFR to get a full perspective of the intended experience.

Without spoiling, I will say for those who have read the book are in for a wonderful treat visual, story, humor, and action wise. The film also ends on a great note/cliff hanger to leave us ready for more adventure next Christmas!
I did say it was risky for Warner Brothers to show the press screenings in 48fps, because if they didn't like how it looked, it would have a negative impact on reviews...

HOBBIT in 48fps looks bizarrely crappy.There's something about that super hi-def image that looks almost cheap,like old TV.

Palmieri Lea Palmieri ‏@LittleLeaP
@unclegrambo @thehighsign it looked like something on PBS. I don't know if that makes sense but that's just what I kept thinking.

Stevens Dana Stevens ‏@thehighsign
@LittleLeaP @unclegrambo So glad it wasn't just me. I was not able to get into the story bc I got fixated on the weird quality of the image.


Getting a bad feeling about this...
An 80 year standard being changed = jarring difference for people who have never watched movies any other way. News at 11.

I guarantee you there will be plenty of negativity because it is different. Change scares people and this isn't what they're used to in movies.
I certainly hope reviewers at least do their research as to what hfr is and think about why they think it looks crappy.
Because they'll soon discover that it's a matter of pure association.

I'm looking forward to impressions of the hfr from somebody who at least realizes that fact.


It's going to be so strange if most people end up hating 48fps... I still hope these reactions are just a fluke and that most people will adjust and in fact even prefer it as time goes on and more and more content adopts the format. It just seems natural to me that this is the direction things would be heading.

Maybe a lot of reviewers WILL end up hating it, but younger people won't, it's just that 24fps is what we've been used to all these years. I fucking hate watching any action movie anymore, I can't stand the choppy, blurry movement anytime something moves fast or the camera pans fast. I hope that with 48fps and 60fps this is partially solved.
There are apparently less than 50 IMAX facilities world wide that can do 48 FPS 3D Digital IMAX.

From what I've read it takes 3 days to upgrade the equipment to do 48 FPS

I didn't think it would be THAT low...
Here's the one i'm attending. i should get around to calling them and quizzing them on the whole HFR IMAX thing and see what they can tell me about their theater and screen (i have yet to actually attend any showing at this location)
Edmond Dantès;44934049 said:
I loooove the 1977 version so much! As a small child we had it on laserdisc and I watched it over and over. It pretty much single-handedly instilled an eternal love for all things fantasy into my being. Yes it is rather short and leaves out some bits but that aside i think it is a thing of beauty, i love the songs, animation and voice acting. Smaug is amazing in it and he will be the standard to which I hold the PJ version to.

By the way, to anyone who has not seen the 1977 version I highly recommend you do so, please try to find the fan-version named the "Hi-Fi Hobbit" -- the official dvd release has an inferior audio track which leaves out a lot of the great sound effects and such. The Hi-Fi hobbit is a restoration of sorts, coupling the good DVD video with the audio from a hi-fi VHS tape. Not perfect but it's a good compromise and the best version we are likely to get.
I just checked, all of mine are 12:01a or such (with some 3am showings too), if there are 10pm showings i'd consider that great fortune
Tell me about it. Getting out at 3am sucked with dark knight rises and it would suck again with this. I got class the next morning as well so I'm hoping 10pm is for real and not a mistake.
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