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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès;50446224 said:
An arbiter elegantiae.

You look great.

(Never thought my Tolkien posts would inspire a Gaffer to buy clothes though.)

D'aww, thanks! That means a lot :) I saw them around pretty early on (tumblr is a dangrous place), but I felt your older post kinda validated them as something "not entirely awful", so I don't feel too bad showing them off here a little*. Also, I don't think I've ever been called a Gaffer before... Now I am truly stuck here forever :p

*I would have gotten them immediately if I'd had the option <3

Make sure you high-five anyone who recognizes a name or three.

Oh hell yea! Hopefully "Bilbo Baggins" would give away the theme, lol

I did see a girl with the Hobbit Map dress on the bus a few weeks back, prompting me to grin like an idiot and tell her I loved it, of course. Now I don't have to be jealous of her!


One week....


...I'm ready.



Watched the 10 min preview on XBL and I didn't realize that you don't see Smaug in the prologue. I could have sworn I saw him in theaters. Dat imagination
So I haven't read any of Tolkien's books and I have somehow never actually properly watched any of the three LotR films.

Should I read The Hobbit before I watch the film? Or would it be better to go in without having read the book?
So I haven't read any of Tolkien's books and I have somehow never actually properly watched any of the three LotR films.

Should I read The Hobbit before I watch the film? Or would it be better to go in without having read the book?
I'd actually advise watching the LotR films before The Hobbit. One of the failings of The Hobbit is that it expects you to be familiar with the Rings films anyway.


Edmond Dantès;50541966 said:

Fan made.

I'm sure Saruman won't take an active part in the conflict at Dol Guldur.[/QUOTE]
Should have had Radegast present as well...and, hell, throw in Thranduil


Ah, ok. We are, I guess, years removed from the earlier trilogy. They did seem to find a way in those movies to have Saruman throw down in what was an effective, visceral duel with Gandalf. Maybe too much to hope that Lee would hold up to another such battle.

A long time has passed between LOTR filming in 1999 and now. Christopher Lee is 90 now and cannot walk or travel by plane. He wad 76 back when he filmed LOTR.


A long time has passed between LOTR filming in 1999 and now. Christopher Lee is 90 now and cannot walk or travel by plane. He wad 76 back when he filmed LOTR.

He can't walk? That explains a bit...what a tragedy it is to grow old.

Still, the man kept his health up pretty well if he was filming this in 2001 and 2004 respectively:




I realize that's obviously a stunt double for a lot of the action, but still, it was believably done.
He can't walk? That explains a bit...what a tragedy it is to grow old.

Still, the man kept his health up pretty well if he was filming this in 2001 and 2004 respectively:




I realize that's obviously a stunt double for a lot of the action, but still, it was believably done.
LOL. A lot of the action? ALL of the action. It was a big deal at the time effects-wise because they replaced the double's head with Lee's.


...next week will have a teaser ? =O

Yep. On March 24th, if you bought a physical copy of the The Hobbit (blu-ray or DVD) you will get a code that will allow you to tune in and watch Jackson himself preview Desolation of Smaug live. Rumor has it that the reveal will be 10-20 minutes long, so it likely won't just be a trailer, but some behind-the-scenes stuff as well.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
...next week will have a teaser ? =O

It looked GLORIOUS in 48fps 3D !

I was amazed at how they modeled his iris to the point of


[URL="http://www.*****************/sciencetech/article-2246888/The-eyes-The-iris-pictured-remarkable-incredible-close-shots.html"]THIS ! [/URL][/QUOTE]Loxley's referring to the extended preview of Desolation presented by Peter Jackson.


has there been any talk on whether desolation of smaug will get a 48fps release?
is warner completely backing off after the mostly negative response? (i hope not)

i still maintain that they should at least give us a 48fps digital release of an unexpected journey.

edit: dammit, beaten by seconds

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
no chance for 48 frames per second version of this film tomorrow, right?

has there been any talk on whether desolation of smaug will get a 48fps release?
is warner completely backing off after the mostly negative response? (i hope not)

i still maintain that they should at least give us a 48fps digital release of an unexpected journey.

edit: dammit, beaten by seconds
There has been no indication of a 48fps release. It's looking very unlikely.

I don't think Peter will abandon 48fps for the rest of the trilogy.


I don't know if it would have the same impact but I'd personally love a 48fps 2D version for people like myself who can't see stereoscopic 3D.


Yep. On March 24th, if you bought a physical copy of the The Hobbit (blu-ray or DVD) you will get a code that will allow you to tune in and watch Jackson himself preview Desolation of Smaug live. Rumor has it that the reveal will be 10-20 minutes long, so it likely won't just be a trailer, but some behind-the-scenes stuff as well.

So ...
*notes on a post-it*
March 25 on youtube search for "Desolation of Smaug"


I don't know if it would have the same impact but I'd personally love a 48fps 2D version for people like myself who can't see stereoscopic 3D.
Wouldn't theaters have to have special digital 2d projection rooms just for this? Sounds unfeasible from a theater perspective.


Been listening to this the last few days, a nice little summation of the highlights of the soundtrack of the trilogy, also includes the Hobbit. Good stuff. It's on Spotify if you have that.



LOL. A lot of the action? ALL of the action. It was a big deal at the time effects-wise because they replaced the double's head with Lee's.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Still, I meant the believability was there, we all were aware Lee wasn't flipping around all over the place.
Gonna run to Target tomorrow and pick up the special bundle with the Lego figure (I hope)! The hardest part will be finding time to watch it without my friend's 5-year-old wanting to sit down and watch with me! Not like he hasn't had the book read to him 2 times in the last 3 months or anything. And even then he'll probably hear the theme when we're watching it at some point and sneak down stairs to listen :|

Kind of a bummer it won't be in 48fps, but, as long as the movies in the theaters are super high quality, I won't mind as much.

AND THERE'RE STILL 2 MORE MOVIES COMING. I have a feeling I'm going to be exhausted at the end of this gauntlet...

T Dollarz

Yeah, I just saw this in theater last week and while sitting there I thought "holy shit, Christopher Lee is still around?! And looking like this?!" and I had to look it up on my phone right there cause I couldn't believe it. 90 years old, they must have edited the fuck out of his scene cause he didn't look anywhere near that old.

Anyways, I wasn't impressed with the movie at all. The best thing about it for me was Bilbo as the main character > Frodo. Bilbo Baggins was hilarious and awesome. Also liked Thorin. Otherwise, I thought it was painfully average. Too long/boring, felt like they were trying way too hard to make something epic. Had a John Carter feel. Effects were disappointing. Don't know why I expected better for this movie.
Who's got the Blu-ray the cheapest in the US? DOn't care for anything "specials" just want the movie the cheapest.

Wonder if I should wait for the inevitable EE's.
Yeah, I just saw this in theater last week and while sitting there I thought "holy shit, Christopher Lee is still around?! And looking like this?!" and I had to look it up on my phone right there cause I couldn't believe it. 90 years old, they must have edited the fuck out of his scene cause he didn't look anywhere near that old.

It's awesome that he was able to do it, but yeah, they shot his footage separately in England. McKellen and Blanchett were never in the same room with him. He's obviously doing good for 90 but he was in no condition to travel to New Zealand.


I've been away from this thread for a while, so excuse me this buuuut


Goddamn you kids and your 3 month turn arounds. Imagine us oldsters who had to wait what felt like YEARS for Jurassic Park or Masters of the Universe to come out on VHS.


Do you guys think that WB will release an EE of The Hobbit with all three films like how they did with LOTR? I know if they would it would be a year or two after the final film, I just don't want to buy these single films now and then have to double-dip for a EE Trilogy Box Set.
Goddamn you kids and your 3 month turn arounds. Imagine us oldsters who had to wait what felt like YEARS for Jurassic Park or Masters of the Universe to come out on VHS.

The wait for Jurassic Park was deplorable. It came out the summer of 1993 and I think hit VHS in October of 1994, IIRC.

Ended up seeing it around 10 times in theaters.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Do you guys think that WB will release an EE of The Hobbit with all three films like how they did with LOTR? I know if they would it would be a year or two after the final film, I just don't want to buy these single films now and then have to double-dip for a EE Trilogy Box Set.
Almost guaranteed at this point. A Middle-earth saga version with all six films is also likely.


The wait for Jurassic Park was deplorable. It came out the summer of 1993 and I think hit VHS in October of 1994, IIRC.

Ended up seeing it around 10 times in theaters.

I remember taping some movie awards show just because I knew they'd be showing clips from Jurassic Park. Taped like a 2 hour show for some 30 second clips. The wait for it to come out on home video was insane. In the days before YouTube and the internet we took what we could get, lol.


The Lego Bilbo that comes with the Blu-ray at Target:

And don't forget you can turn the head around to get scared Bilbo!

Got mine as well, I was happy to find out that the box art for Target version is actually also on the blu-ray case itself and not just the cardboard box the whole thing comes in.



Any impressions? Not that I doubt it being but the highest of qualities!

Here's High-Def Digest's review (4/5):


Well, I'm happy to report that I noticed little to no difference whatsoever than if it were shot at the standard frame rate, although I must say the video does seem slightly smoother. In fact, the 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 encode looks utterly fantastic and rather remarkable in some areas. Panning and action sequences are uniform and ultra-slick, not even the smallest hint of motion judder, which would be expected in such instances. This leaves room for a more consistently sharp and highly-detailed presentation where we see every leaf in treetops, every blade of grass and every pebble on the road. Individual hairs in the beards of Gandalf and the company of dwarves are distinct, and each stitching in Bilbo's clothing is very well-defined. Close-ups reveal pores, wrinkles and negligible blemishes with lifelike textures.

Filmed entirely on a Red Epic camera system, the 2.40:1 image also displays a dazzlingly bold and colorful palette, even if the cinematography seems to favor the teal & orange aesthetic. Primaries are richly saturated and animated while a healthy assortment of secondary hues fills the screen with warmth and energy. A crisp, brilliant contrast allows for extraordinary visibility in the distance, exposing the tiniest objects in the background and the fine lines of various rock formations scattered throughout the New Zealand landscape. Black levels are true and inky, penetrating deep into the screen with luxurious gradations, while shadow details remain plain and sharply delineated. It's a splendid, demo-worthy high-def presentation fans will really enjoy.


The 'Unexpected Journey' also debuts with an explosive, reference-quality DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack that will give any system a healthy workout. Starting in the front soundstage, the mid-range is amazingly extensive and broad, exhibiting the smallest detail with superb, crystal-clear clarity. The tiny pops and sizzles of crackling fire are perfectly audible, and distant, individual droplets of water while in Gollum's cave crash unto rocks with accurate, realistic definition. In action sequences, the upper ranges are precise and distinct, giving each roaring yell and clash of metal upon metal extraordinary intelligibility. Meanwhile, dialogue remains lucid and well-prioritized in the center.

The design also comes with a powerful and robust low-end that extends far back into the room and rattles walls on several occasions. Each thump of the horses' hooves and stomp of a Warg's paw is felt and loudly heard, and battle scenes make the floor rumble with excitement. Along with the excellent dynamic range, the bass plays an appreciable role in Howard Shore's thrilling musical score, adding a great deal of depth and weight to the orchestration, especially when hearing the cellos and the low-pitched brass instruments. A few segments, such as when the company fights a trio of trolls or escapes from a horde of goblins, even offer some fun ultra-low frequencies, but they're not the sort to ruin the foundation.

Rear activity is also filled with more excitement, as subtle ambient effects play almost non-stop throughout the film's runtime. All sorts of wildlife can be heard constantly making a racket in the distance, particularly in scenes with Radagast the Brown. As you'd expect from the several battles, arrows fly overhead, swords swing clear across the room and the goblins come in swarms from behind the listening area. Inside Gollum's cave, voices echo all around with remarkable realism, and panning is fluid and flawless, creating a stunning 360° soundfield that's immersive. Shore's music bleeds into the back channels and envelops viewers with exhilaration, making this a marvelous and highly-satisfying lossless mix audiophiles will absolutely love.

Final thoughts:

The Blu-ray arrives with spectacular, demo-worthy video and a reference-quality audio presentation. Supplements could be stronger and more extensive, but there's plenty for fans to enjoy nonetheless, making the overall package recommended for the most enthusiastic of fans.
Got mine as well, I was happy to find out that the box art for Target version is actually also on the blu-ray case itself and not just the cardboard box the whole thing comes in.

YES! Oh man, I was psyched when I pulled it out of the box :) It's my favorite cover out of all of them. Bilbo is so perfectly hobbity on it! <3

So I went for a walk at the Wetlands after I stopped by Target, and well... my ultra nerdyness shone quite bright:

Oh god, a bird's nest! Bilbo, how did you get yourself into this mess??

And one of my slowly growing Company, with a special appearance of my sunstone as a wee Arkenstone!

Bilbo's Ring courtesy my friend's Riddle set :)
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