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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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MadraptorMan said:
Wait...what is Radagast doing in this film? He was barely in the LotR books and certainly not in The Hobbit..

There are worlds of Tolkien works that take place around the same time frame from the book of lost tales and various other things which were touched on in the Hobbit but will be fleshed out in the two films.
MadraptorMan said:
Wait...what is Radagast doing in this film? He was barely in the LotR books and certainly not in The Hobbit..

He's a member of the White Council (in the film), which is where Gandalf disappeared to for such a long time.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
MadraptorMan said:
Wait...what is Radagast doing in this film? He was barely in the LotR books and certainly not in The Hobbit..
He's mentioned by Gandalf to Beorn by name and is presumed to have had a role to play in the happenings of Middle-Earth during the third age. It makes sense for him to be involved even though he wasn't counted as one of the White Council, due to his ongoing failings as an Istari. The Necromancer is not part of the narrative either and is mentioned by name three times and his character's been fleshed out enormously. So shouldn't Radagast be expanded upon as well.

I'd be worried if Peter and co were to involve Alatar and Pallando (blue wizards, who thought Sauron's forces in the east), but they're not. Be assured that the Hobbit is in safe hands.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Looks like Rhosgobel to me.




Edmond Dantès said:

Thought it might be something to do with Beorn considering the little wooden boxes (Beehives) but that was described as a very flat, well-tended area and this seems to be a little overgrown. I think you're probably right though, and makes sense as a good place for the White Council to meet due to it's proximity to Dol Guldur.

Might be Radagast isn't going to be a huge part of the White Council events but would host it and provide advice in the way Elrond does, but not get directly involved.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Latest from Ian's blog.
Musings during a long wait today, which has been a respite from a lot of fighting in Middle-earth. In The Hobbit, Gandalf is part old duffer but more he's a soldier. Peter Jackson, who likes to see the old guys fighting it out, reminded me the other day that Gandalf is a commander, a general. Having slain the Great Goblin I was being a bit too indulgent with the dwarves who meanwhile had mislaid Bilbo in the goblin tunnels. I've played enough soldiers to see that PJ was right and in the next take I was very stern.


Edmond Dantès said:
Christopher Lee talks about the LOTR trilogy.


Probably one of the most learned Tolkien scholars in the world.

In one of the video diaries, when Jackson got "transported" to the Paramount Studios in LA, we saw Christopher Lee in his Saruman getup (brilliant BTW). Does that mean they are doing shooting some scenes in the US for Lee because he can't travel to New Zealand in his old age?


Akira said:
In one of the video diaries, when Jackson got "transported" to the Paramount Studios in LA, we saw Christopher Lee in his Saruman getup (brilliant BTW). Does that mean they are doing shooting some scenes in the US for Lee because he can't travel to New Zealand in his old age?
Something like that. I'm pretty sure it was in London, though. Christopher Lee is definitely in the film as Saruman, he's just filming his scenes locally.

Considering how frail he seems to have became lately, it's a good idea.


Akira said:
In one of the video diaries, when Jackson got "transported" to the Paramount Studios in LA, we saw Christopher Lee in his Saruman getup (brilliant BTW). Does that mean they are doing shooting some scenes in the US for Lee because he can't travel to New Zealand in his old age?
Wasn't it Pinewood? And yeah he can't travel much anymore, he looked really frail in another of those interview videos posted a while back in the thread.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Wow Christopher Lee looks so old :(

Such an amazing actor, probably blessed with one of the best voices in the film industry along with Sean Connery.


If The Hobbit ends up being his last on-screen performance (which given his age and health, it very well could be), I'm glad they were able to film his scenes; assuming they're done, which I imagine they are by this point. Not a bad note to retire on for a guy who's such an expert on Tolkien.
Loxley said:
If The Hobbit ends up being his last on-screen performance (which given his age and health, it very well could be), I'm glad they were able to film his scenes; assuming they're done, which I imagine they are by this point. Not a bad note to retire on for a guy who's such an expert on Tolkien.

I don't like saying this but it would be oddly fitting for this to be his last film. Well...that or Breaking Dawn (Twilight 4 or whatever)

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Elijah on The Hobbit.
It's hard to imagine any movies making as much box-office bank as Peter Jackson's blockbuster The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The three films grossed almost $3 billion worldwide!

But now that production is well underway on Jackson's upcoming Rings prequels, does series star Elijah Wood think The Hobbit films have what it takes to outshine LOTR's moneymaking glory?

"I don't even know if they're meaning to outdo them," Wood told us at Sunday's Happy Feet Two premiere in Hollywood of the upcoming two Hobbit flicks. "They're gonna be big. The audience is huge. The anticipation for The Hobbit has been so massive for so long."

Following some controversy surrounding Jackson's telling of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, Wood explained how his character Frodo Baggins, along with Cate Blanchett's elven queen and Orlando Bloom's Legolas, are written into the film.

"The idea is that there are things actually happening historically at the same time the story of The Hobbit is taking place, they just weren't written in The Hobbit," he said. "They were written in appendices and external pieces...that's kind of where a lot of that is coming from."

"It's going to feel like a nice transitional piece," he said. "I think it's going to be a great amalgam of a fresh new approach with places we've never been before in Middle-earth mixed with things that are very familiar to us. It will be a beautiful transition. I'm excited about it. I can't wait."

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Old news, friend. But it does remind me thats only a month away.


It will be glorious if it's anything like the LOTR trailer released in 2001.


In other news; Bret McKenzie (Figwit from ROTK) Talks The Hobbit
Bret McKenzie is best known for being one part of "New Zealand's fourth most popular folk-rock act", Flight Of The Conchords.

Keen-eyed Lord Of The Rings fans might also know him for his potrayal of the elf Figwit, complete with long sleek black hair – and most worryingly, no beard.

Speaking to Bret about his role as music-wrangler for The Muppets recently, we also talked to him about his return to Middle Earth for The Hobbit and putting on his pointy ears once more.

"It was in Wellington so I could pretty much walk to work. It’s still a small part — I did a couple of days earlier this year — but it was great to get my pointy ears back on. It’s in 3D, so the ears will be extra pointy. You’ll be able to touch the ears."

In Lord Of The Rings, his character's name was Figwit, but it was never actually said out loud. In The Hobbit, however, things are different.

"I’ve got a proper name this time: Lindir. In the book he was a musical elf. This time, if I make the edit, I'll speak in Elvish. But I don’t sing. They haven’t asked me to do the theme song yet! Maybe this time it’s me and Annie Lennox."

"Ian McKellen, it turns out, is a big fan of Flight Of The Conchords. He and I had a good time on set, coming up with ideas for Hobbit: The Musical. We’re still developing it..."

Perhaps the most important question of all is... did you have to shave your beard off again?

"Oh yeah. I look like I’m 12. I look much more like a girl in The Hobbit. I look like a hot girl."

Well, we're sold. One hot girl with no beard, present. Excellent stuff.

Bret (and The Hobbit: There and Back Again) will be in cinemas come December 13 2013, and The Muppets will light the lights in the UK by February 12.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Benedict on his role as Smaug.
I’m playing Smaug, I mean I’m physicalizing him as a dragon I’m not just doing the voiceover, so it’ll be a physical role which I’m no stranger to. I did Frankenstein at the beginning of the year with Danny Boyle at the National Theater and playing the creature in that was a very full on and sort of corporeal experience. I can’t wait, but the conversations have yet to start really in earnest because they’ve been doing the first film and I’ve been doing the second series of Sherlock and another series which I’m working on now called Parade’s End for HBO and BBC with Tom Stoppard, and Rebecca Hall co-starring, so it’s a world away but come a month’s time we’ll start conversations probably like you and I are having down the line. I’ve already started working out and doing various movement exercises to get myself limber for that all-important jump suit with balls on it, otherwise known as motion-capture. But I can’t wait, I’m really excited. I go to film it in January.

Viggo will not be in The Hobbit.


As much as I like Viggo, I can't say it really bothers very much. A character as significant as Aragorn has no real place in the two Hobbit films even with the Dol Guldur storyline being expanded. The Dúnedain rangers may have played a small role in aiding the White Council against Sauron, but not really enough to include them in the narrative with a younger Aragorn, who'd be in his twenties.
The AICN updates are great. It really makes waiting for those developer diaries a lot easier. Hopefully he keeps this up for a while because I'm really enjoying them.


Ian McKellen has a new blog entry up:

Our first filming destination was Matamata, where eleven years ago Gandalf the Grey made his entrance into The Fellowship of the Ring, greeting Ian Holm’s Bilbo on the doorstep of Bag End. The site has since been sign-posted as “Hobbiton”, where tourists in search of Middle-earth could ponder the paltry remnants of our filming, a couple of round green doors propped against the hillside. That meant that the village had to be re-built and the gardens re-plotted for The Hobbit.

All our trucks, trailers, generators, dining tent and loos were hidden behind and below the surrounding hillocks but it was nostalgic to clamber up the path that leads to Bag End where this time Martin Freeman’s Bilbo will be surprised by Gandalf. We filmed there for less than a week, this time leaving everything behind, so future visitors do not have to guess at but actually see Hobbiton in its glory. They will even be able to get a snack at the Green Dragon. Peter Jackson, who likes a laugh, suggested I take up residence as a tour guide in my blue pointy hat. I’m thinking about it.

They're keeping the Bag End set up after filming so tourists can eventually visit it? Awesome.

side note:
Ian McKellen really needs to hire a web designer.


Ian McKellen said:
We filmed there for less than a week, this time leaving everything behind, so future visitors do not have to guess at but actually see Hobbiton in its glory. They will even be able to get a snack at the Green Dragon. Peter Jackson, who likes a laugh, suggested I take up residence as a tour guide in my blue pointy hat. I’m thinking about it.



Unconfirmed Member
That is exactly what they would say if the word of a delay got out before they wanted it to.
And also what they would say if it really is sticking to its release date.
Who knows?


That is exactly what they would say if the word of a delay got out before they wanted it to.
And also what they would say if it really is sticking to its release date.
Who knows?

The delay was a false rumor created by ONE site to create traffic to them. They were the only ones to report it and was a pretty pathetic and flimsy pageview grab.
The delay was a false rumor created by ONE site to create traffic to them. They were the only ones to report it and was a pretty pathetic and flimsy pageview grab.

TMT is pretty good when it comes to WB rumors. They do have a source in there based on getting others correct. Of course WB will deny it. We'll see.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Just a few days left until the trailer hits and exactly one year until the first film's release. Haven't been this excited for a trailer for a long time.

Who's going to feature in the trailer? What scenes will be shown? What kind of music will be used? How long will it be? Will it be of an epic nature? Will there be a sense of foreboding? Will Tolkien's famous first sentence be used? Will either Smaug or the Necromancer be mentioned? Will we see a tantalising view of the Lonely Mountain?
Will Gollum feature as well? Will we see a glimpse of the Arkenstone of Thorin?

So many questions will be answered.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
This page is like the movie. Took 2 months to fill-up. D:
It's been pretty slow news wise, but I'm sure the trailer thread will explode with excitement. I mean this is going to be THE biggest film of 2012, which is a very lofty year for releases. But this will stand head and shoulders above the rest in my opinion.
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