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"The Humiliation of Aziz Ansari"

Well, the facts are "after brief oral sex encounter, he put fingers into her mouth, which she didn't like".
Whether that qualifies as sexual assault is in the eyes of the beholder, in my humble opinion, forcing opinions upon users via moderation or personal attacks is wrong.
Even “brief” is open to interpretation. 3 separate acts of oral sex wouldn’t be considered brief by default for some.

And while I will agree that having fingers put into her mouth sounds cringe, private parts were already in mouths. He didn’t Mick Foley her with fingers all the sudden. Odd behavior I agree.
First of all, there is nothing racist in my post, muslim isnt a race my darling and they are not all "browns" as you so put it, showing your own ignorance there a bit arnt you? And please point out anywhere were i have said "browns" have it good? Oh wait you can't because you are projecting and looking to peddle professional outrage.

Secondly, the owner of this very sight was HIT with basically the same bullshit yet he was cut no slack, NOR WAS SO MANY OTHERS. pitchforks first. But somehow this clown Aziz gets a pass...

Take a long hard look in the mirror before spouting off hate and profanities

You said immigrants, not muslims.


How? Even famous feminists are going against this. This is the best open letter for this whole thing

I'm so happy this video happened. Things really are going too far.

It feels we have gone from "me too... " to "me too! me too! me too!"
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Sir Laughs-A-Lot
Staff Member
Make sure to keep this heated debate respectful. Refrain from racism and interjecting racism into what someone else is posting. Thanks!


This is getting ridiculous. It's a shame that there are probably real issues here, that will be lost by attention whores. It's becoming a "boy who cried wolf" thing now.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Classic LMR (Last Minute Resistance)
Goes like this..

LMR is a very one-sided existential crisis that always has the same outcome: the girl remains an object with value. How could a young lady, being the valuable object she is, also be an easy whore? She can't, in her mind.
It just happened.
I sware I never do this.​
She needs an excuse.
It was an accident.
I was drunk, so it doesn't count.​
Now picture her hamster: he's doing his job, running on his wheel every time she needs an excuse to indulge.
You walked her back towards your place:
that's fine, she just won't go in! Value protected!​
You offered to show her that (object) she expressed interest in earlier.
she'll just look at that (object) and bolt. It'll take 5 mins, max. Value protected!​
Ya'll showed eachother funny youtube videos and generally horsed around. Time flies by and it gets late.
okay, he seems chill, so I'll spend the night, and I'll play a bit, but my jeans stay on! I'm not a whore if he can't get in my jeans!​
So here we are, in this rediculous scenario, she's naked for everything except a pair of God damn blue jeans. Things are hot and heavy, and she's making her last stand at 2nd base: if you can MacGyver those jeans off, you'll be home free. You make another attempt and she stops you,
I don't want to take them off.​
Picture the proud hamster gently jogging on his wheel. He's been going at a calm and steady pace since he made the Jeans Rule. It's thwarted your attempts to fuck her for a while now.
Scenario A
(Don't) challenge
"You're half naked in my bed."
"So you clearly want to fuck."
I'm not that type of girl.​
She says, rediculously, half naked in your bed. You've now insulted her character and fucking you is now overtly an admission of low value. The hamster is in overdrive now.
Scenario B
(Don't) A&A
"You should probably put a shirt on too then."
What are you trying to say?​
You just introduced new conditions for her to be leaking value. The hamster speeds up, and she may actually put her shirt on/leave now.
Scenario C
Agree and Disregard
"That's cool. I'm down, but we can just chill." You say, sneaky as fuck.
see! The Jeans Rule worked! Value protected!​
She smiles, and nods.
10 minutes later, you're rubbing her pussy through her jeans and kissing on her neck. You hear a moan and go for the button on her jeans again, and the lulled hamster doesn't stop you now.
Conclusion: Doing anything other than low-key agreeing to LMR gives the hamster more to prove. Use Agree & Disregard on LMR.


Doesn't surprise me that skinny rat can't read social cues. Shame, his show was good, unlike his stand up.



Reading the related thread on that site gives me headache. To majority of them your are either the Satan or the Jesus, there is no middle ground. And the mods are not trying to keep the conversation civil, they actively try to shut down anyone saying anything other than shitting on the accused. Saying maybe this was more of an awkward date than a rape story warrants you with a warning!

Good. Hopefully the banned come back here. Leave the wackos there.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
You're new, so I will give you a warning pending further review. Learn to conversate and debate better. That language is not acceptable. consider this your only warning.
So, the real story is out..

"Grace was at the 2017 Emmy Awards with a man she's been dating. Suddenly she noticed a much richer, more famous man. She was feeling "really confident", so she "walks up to him" and tries to flirt. He "brushes her off" repeatedly, she keeps coming back, rather aggressively, until he responds. We won't fault her for that, because she's a woman, and it's only creepy when men plow through repeated rejections. Also, we'll hide her identity, but announce right away the man was Aziz Ansari, because otherwise you wouldn't read this.

Grace was very happy to score a date with a rich famous man. She bragged to all her friends and obsessed for days over choosing the outfit that best shows off her assets. In her head, all sorts of Disney fantasies started playing out. Yes, she will land the rich and famous man as her very own Prince Charming that she always deserved, and live happily ever after in his TriBeCa castle.
On the night of the date, she just went straight to his place because that's a totally reasonable thing to do on a first date with an unfamiliar man you definitely don't want to fuck.
She started getting disappointed once she realized Ansari wasn't treating her like the Princess she is, but rather like a woman who ditched a man she was dating to aggressively pursue a celebrity. He cut their romantic meal short and she followed him back to his apartment, because that's what young women do with men they definitely don't want to fuck.
Back at his place, Ansari makes a move, to the surprise of nobody expect poor virginal Grace, who apparently at 23 is entirely ignorant of the existence of sex. She starts rationalizing furiously:
"On one hand, I really want to please him, because that's how I get him to see me again, but on the other hand, I can't fuck him on our first date, because that never happens in Disney fantasies!"
She settles on blowing him, as a happy compromise. Unfortunately, he's not happy with the compromise, and she starts suspecting she'll never see him again. He gets dressed and watches TV with her, until she suddenly realizes that this is just his way to calm her down before he sends her on her way and never sees her time-wasting, entitled, Disney-fantasizing ass again.
All her fluffy dreams come crashing down, and she explodes with rage:
You guys are all the same, you guys are all the fucking same.​
She bitterly recalls all the guys who refused to treat her as the Disney Princess she deserves to be, rather than the blatant greedy whore she is. Why do men refuse to fawn over entitled baby-girls? How UNFAIR!
Gone is the fantasy of leeching on Ansari's fame and fortune as his legitimate spouse. But wait, this is the age of #MeToo, she doesn't have to give up on all this fame and money just yet! She reaches for her browser, to find some vaguely feminist rag that is sleazy and desperate enough to welcome the pageviews of what amounts to revenge porn featuring Ansari. Beta guilt should land a few dollars in her pocket, or at least some sympathy for our disgraced Disney Princess."
Good. Hopefully the banned come back here. Leave the wackos there.
I doubt we will see a mass exit from them. Not a first anyway.

When that type of non sense went on here, many of us (myself included) just stopped posting in off topic. Didn’t post or go into off topic forum. I expect the same to happen at first.

The majority that left were bigots we don’t need back. People who were slowly killing this place. They don’t think they’re bigots because their progressive.

While this may seem off topic to this off topic thread, I don’t think it is.

I see a real comparison with what happened here, and what is happening to the me too movement.

The folks (majority imo but not all) from the other site hijacked this site, dog piled anyone who didn’t share 100% of their views. Played gotcha style politics if you will. Tried to silence anyone who didn’t agree 100% by shaming and even bans. We let it go on for too long and then we’re unable to stop it. I could go on...

But you look what has happened to me too, even before Aziz, you will see many similarities.

People here couldn’t bring themselves to admit that perhaps... they may have overreacted before we really knew the situation. Instead they started pretending it wasn’t the issue but rather how it was handled here. Simply being afraid to admit they could be wrong.

It’s happening with me too and Aziz story.

If that movement doesn’t correct the issue now, it runs serious risk of becoming viewed poorly.
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It's hilarious how stories like this one are handled at the "other" site. It's clear that all the snowflakes left here and went there. The reaction videos from intelligent women telling Grace to sit the fuck down and shut up are on point.


Anyone who smugly asserts that metoo is going to be "derailed" because of this is a prick who was never interested in the movement in the first place.

Dude literally said, "Where do you want me to fuck you?" He even acknowledged that she was uncomfortable and then motioned towards his dick. He's trash.

Grace says she spent around five minutes in the bathroom, collecting herself in the mirror and splashing herself with water. Then she went back to Ansari. He asked her if she was okay. "I said I don't want to feel forced because then I'll hate you, and I'd rather not hate you," she said.
Ansari instructed her to turn around. "He sat back and pointed to his penis and motioned for me to go down on him. And I did. I think I just felt really pressured. It was literally the most unexpected thing I thought would happen at that moment because I told him I was uncomfortable."
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"We're the normal ones" says people who constantly obsess over what people on a forum that has nothing to do with this site says. Like, I get traffic is slow but at least try to fill it with stuff that's healthy and not some weird meta commentary
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Anyone who smugly asserts that metoo is going to be "derailed" because of this is a prick who was never interested in the movement in the first place.

Dude literally said, "Where do you want me to fuck you?" He even acknowledged that she was uncomfortable and then motioned towards his dick. He's trash.

Grace says she spent around five minutes in the bathroom, collecting herself in the mirror and splashing herself with water. Then she went back to Ansari. He asked her if she was okay. "I said I don't want to feel forced because then I'll hate you, and I'd rather not hate you," she said.
Ansari instructed her to turn around. "He sat back and pointed to his penis and motioned for me to go down on him. And I did. I think I just felt really pressured. It was literally the most unexpected thing I thought would happen at that moment because I told him I was uncomfortable."
this is exactly what happens right now. And it was not the first but the firt real prominent one.

Again she had a bad sexdate and nothing else. yes he was pushy but just like Banfielld said. Next time go the fuck home.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
"We're the normal ones" says people who constantly obsess over what people on a forum that has nothing to do with this site says. Like, I get traffic is slow but at least try to fill it with stuff that's healthy

I get "obsessing" so to say about "the other place".

Its like an amalgamation of everything thats wrong with society, like rubber necking at a car crash. You slow down and say "WOW! what a disaster"
Also, its like a big fucking joke.
Its why other-other forums watched the posting of "old-Gaf" cause this place was a mess.


I get "obsessing" so to say about "the other place".

Its like an amalgamation of everything thats wrong with society, like rubber necking at a car crash. You slow down and say "WOW! what a disaster"
Also, its like a big fucking joke.
Its why other-other forums watched the posting of "old-Gaf" cause this place was a mess.
You can say the same thing about this site right now.


Reading the related thread on that site gives me headache. To majority of them your are either the Satan or the Jesus, there is no middle ground. And the mods are not trying to keep the conversation civil, they actively try to shut down anyone saying anything other than shitting on the accused. Saying maybe this was more of an awkward date than a rape story warrants you with a warning!

You made me go there and guess what..."this thread has run it's course". It's fun how mods decide to bury a thread because they can and not because people naturally stopped posting there. Anyway, that place is pretty toxic as expected.


"We're the normal ones" says people who constantly obsess over what people on a forum that has nothing to do with this site says. Like, I get traffic is slow but at least try to fill it with stuff that's healthy and not some weird meta commentary
And what do you say to that ‘other’ forum constantly talking shit about this place?


She did go home...?

Throughout the course of her short time in the apartment, she says she used verbal and non-verbal cues to indicate how uncomfortable and distressed she was. “Most of my discomfort was expressed in me pulling away and mumbling. I know that my hand stopped moving at some points,” she said. “I stopped moving my lips and turned cold.”

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And what do you say to that ‘other’ forum constantly talking shit about this place?
I mean, they don't. One to two witty responses and that's about it. Threads don't devolve into a circle jerks hating this site or threads entirely dedicated to do so like there are here.
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It should be really simple. If you're already in the heat of a passionate sexual encounter and your partner touches you in an uncomfortable place or way, inform them immediately and either continue the encounter if you still want to or stop and walk away.

It's happened to me in the opposite way where girls did weird shit like lick my eyeballs or stick their fingers into holes I didn't expect or asked me to choke or slap them while having sex and I would stop and tell them I wasn't comfortable with it. It would make the sex awkward but I didn't feel abused.


Well, there you go folks. The REAL sexism here is when women call out men for not taking no for answer. You're utter trash. Don't care if I get banned for saying that. Fuck you.
She did go home...?

Throughout the course of her short time in the apartment, she says she used verbal and non-verbal cues to indicate how uncomfortable and distressed she was. “Most of my discomfort was expressed in me pulling away and mumbling. I know that my hand stopped moving at some points,” she said. “I stopped moving my lips and turned cold.”

Alright let’s play the game. You list the first non verbal cue she didn’t want sex. Then I’ll list the first non verbal cue she did want sex.

Spoiler alert... I am going to say the first blow job. Second the second blow job. Third the oral she received. Forth his text messages that seem to indicate he had no idea, blind sided, and then apologized.

Actually let’s not play the game.

However I will say this sir or ma’am... stop dealing in absolutes. It doesn’t need to be 100% his or her fault. They can both be at fault here.

And they are.


Well, there you go folks. The REAL sexism here is when women call out men for not taking no for answer. You're utter trash. Don't care if I get banned for saying that. Fuck you.
OR maybe just maybe do not brainwashing women even girls to make them look like they are in danger all the time. Make them actually take a stand. Make them understand that their feelings are the most important ones overall. Again make women stronger and not victims. Also do not stigmatize men as evil and everyone is a predator who wants something bad to happen to women. Maybe start there.
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Well, there you go folks. The REAL sexism here is when women call out men for not taking no for answer. You're utter trash. Don't care if I get banned for saying that. Fuck you.
Of course you don’t. You probably should go there.

Not everyone will agree with you 100% of the time. If you want a echo chamber to belong to, let me know and I’ll pm you a link to one I know.


OR maybe just maybe do not brainwashing women even girls to make them look like they are in danger all the time. Make them actually take a stand. Make them understand that their feelings are the most important ones overall. Again make women stronger and not victims. Also do not stigmatize men as evil and everyone is a predator who wants something bad to happen to women. Maybe start there.

Same victim blaming crap that teaches men to just "man up" when they're being bullied. If women "stood up for themselves" then we'd have more dead and hurt women.
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Same victim blaming crap that teaches men to just "man up" when they're being bullied. If women "stood up for themselves" then we'd have more dead and hurt women.
How is this victim blaming? As someone who was mollested and sexual abused by my female cousin i am disgusted by this story to go the way it went. MEanwhile a much more important story about someone who was sexual assaulted by a 36 year old when she was 12 is going totally unnoticed. But you do you. Tell women how dangerous the world for them is. I am pretty sure if you confront them with this every fucking day they will turn out to be totally unaffected by this.


If women "stood up for themselves" then we'd have more dead and hurt women.
Can you please stop with the bigotry? You think women aren't strong enough to stand up to a man? How come men can stand up to women and not be dead or hurt? Do you even hear yourself? Please, get banned...

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
I love how feminists, who claim women are strong and independent and don't need no man, are suddenly victims with no agency for merely being in the presence of a man, and doesn't bear any responsibility for not refusing his advances or not leaving the apartment.

"You clearly ignored non-verbal cues." Except you also gave him the exact opposite cues i.e. sucking his dick. Those are also non-verbal, but they give a completely different impression. If you don't want to fuck him or feel uncomfortable, then say fucking "No."
Whenever she expressed being uncomfortable, he stopped. But then if he tried again, she would do the things he wanted, besides sex.

#metoo, the biggest case of crying wolf in history. And it will end the same way.
By broadening the definition of rape/sexual assault to include something as nebulous as retrospective disappointment on the part of the woman, legitimate victims of rape or traumatic sexual assault will miss out on the protection, support and justice they deserve. Otherwise reasonable men will doubt their story, or just not give a shit.
The logical end point to this sort of behavior is wholesale transfer of responsibility for female feelings and behavior, onto men. This woman is effectively claiming she has no agency, and that Ansari should have made decisions ON HER BEHALF that she could be happy with, because she is incapable of doing so herself. (He didn’t manipulate or physically coerce her so why didn’t she just leave? Because nothing that happens to her (presumably unless it’s good) is her fault-victim mentality).
Modern feminism: All rights, no responsibilities. No wonder it’s so popular!

Leonardo DiCaprio sleeps around without commitment but nothing has come up acusing him, any idea what he does differently?
Leonardo DiCaprio is actually a good looking man, who could do well with women if he wasn't a celebrity, Aziz Ansari is only able to attract women because of the little fame he has, he is not good looking he is not tall or muscular, he is the opposite of the ideal man tall ,dark and handsome , Aziz is ( short, crispy and unalluring. )
But his garnered fame has twisted his views of himself and his ability to make women wet with desire. Aziz is still a Beta male feminists, and women will never see him a a pump and dump Alpha, he's trying tho and learning the hard way that his fame and the #Metoo movement are gonna bite him in the ass.
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Same victim blaming crap that teaches men to just "man up" when they're being bullied. If women "stood up for themselves" then we'd have more dead and hurt women.
Many of the women that are involved in me too are fighting for more than you seem to understand.

One is having their voices heard, to be treated as equal human being, to to not be looked at as less then...

You seem to think the opposite based on your comments.

You are not treating her equally compared to him. You are not treating her with the same standards as the male.

You may not realize your are treating her like less of a person. But you are.


I'll start with him immediately kissing her, grabbing her breast, and undressing her without asking. Then I'll say she said let's relax. Then I'll start with him ignoring that and kissing her and performing oral sex on her anyway.



Oh look, another sociology department treating women like children that can't take responsibility for their actions or lack thereof. Who's fault is it that this woman couldn't express herself, it's men's and society's!

So based on that logic let's examine another example, who's fault is that a violent man killed someone in a bar fight? It's society because it expects men to be tough and defend themselves! Freedom to violent criminals!
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