I'm more than 2/3rds of the way through SotC now. I've played it before a few times, done hard, done time trials.
But this is the first time I've really thought about my experience with the game and I'm realizing that even though I love the concept, the big creatures, the animation, the music, the narrative and the way it's delivered, the way it subverts video game tropes, and the ending, I don't actually find playing it to be much fun.
I more or less remember how to beat all the colossi, so gameplay is a matter of climbing them and then waiting (often way too long) to get the opportunity to stab them. The changes to how easily you get shaken are having a seriously detrimental effect on my enjoyment as well.
Then there are some colossi where it takes a while to mount them, then if you fall off, or if you are forced to fall off, you get to do it all over again. That's another thing that very easily annoys me. By the time I've beaten them, there is no sympathy, only relief, which sort of undermines the designer's intentions.
So like I said, I really like and respect the game intellectually, but the moment to moment gameplay isn't actually interesting or fun for me anymore.
Whenever people debated which was better, Ico or SotC, I thought it clearly must be SotC. But having played them back to back, I feel more positively towards Ico.
As an aside, I noticed many of the trophy names have the word "guardian" in them. I wonder if the creature in Last Guardian will end up with cool stone armor. Or just stabbed by some guy on his own quest. Lots of interesting ways they can tie it into the series.