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The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection |OT| Ueda *bow*


imthemaid said:
I can't believe they put trophies in Ico.

Can a game be art?
Ba-ding! "You have earned a trophy: Rescue Yorda."
No, not really.

Is there some way to stop this from happening?

What happens to you when you get a trophy? You go back to real life or you want to go back into what you think is real life? I think there are bigger issues here...


I finally had a chance to pop this in for the first time and chose ICO.

Wow. I am not a huge audio/video person like some people here, so at times, I am impressed where others are not. ICO shocked me with how well it looked. I haven't played the PS2 version in quite some time, but I couldn't be happier with the HD version thus far.

More importantly, I was quickly reminded of why the game is so revered. The atmosphere is an amazing feat in gaming that has not been matched often since its release many years ago.


Finally got this after getting money. Been wanting to replay SoTC for ages but was waiting for this to come out. Game is just as awesome as i remember.

Never realised there were lizards or fruit before though. Having fun just riding around finding lizards and fruit for a few hours :D


benevolent sexism
Shotgun Kiss said:
Is it easier to maintain control of Wanter while climbing in the US PS2 version of the game, then?

This is actually my first time playing SotC, and while I'm adoring it (I've beat 8 so far), it does sometimes frustrate me in that I feel there are times when I have little or no control at all. I'll lose my grip without even having a chance to climb to somewhere more stable.

Several people who are much bigger experts on the game than I am have suggested that this is the case. I haven't played both versions back to back, but I am keenly aware of how often I am getting shaken around when all I want to do is climb a couple inches to the next hand hold. I don't think I'm just imagining it based on what has been suggested, though that is a possibility.
imthemaid said:
I can't believe they put trophies in Ico.

Can a game be art?
Ba-ding! "You have earned a trophy: Rescue Yorda."
No, not really.

Is there some way to stop this from happening?

I agree, it's fucking horrible and utterly disrespectful to the original dev team but there's sadly no way to disable notifications.

I'm tempted to say that it completely ruins those triumphant moments when you take down a colossus, but it's not quite that bad (it's pretty bloody close though, it's really jarring)

That's the way that the industry is going though. Platform holders/publishers agendas come first, artistic integrity be damned.


Neo Member
Is it easier to maintain control of Wanter while climbing in the US PS2 version of the game, then?

This is actually my first time playing SotC, and while I'm adoring it (I've beat 8 so far), it does sometimes frustrate me in that I feel there are times when I have little or no control at all. I'll lose my grip without even having a chance to climb to somewhere more stable.

yeah, i'm noticing this as well. i still haven't beaten the 15th colossus in time attack because he just hangs with one arm most of the time. i don't remember it being this frustrating. i revisited the ps2 version because it seemed peculiar, but the new one definitely makes it more difficult to get wander into the stab position.


hey_it's_that_dog said:
I'm more than 2/3rds of the way through SotC now. I've played it before a few times, done hard, done time trials.

But this is the first time I've really thought about my experience with the game and I'm realizing that even though I love the concept, the big creatures, the animation, the music, the narrative and the way it's delivered, the way it subverts video game tropes, and the ending, I don't actually find playing it to be much fun.

I more or less remember how to beat all the colossi, so gameplay is a matter of climbing them and then waiting (often way too long) to get the opportunity to stab them. The changes to how easily you get shaken are having a seriously detrimental effect on my enjoyment as well.

Then there are some colossi where it takes a while to mount them, then if you fall off, or if you are forced to fall off, you get to do it all over again. That's another thing that very easily annoys me. By the time I've beaten them, there is no sympathy, only relief, which sort of undermines the designer's intentions.

So like I said, I really like and respect the game intellectually, but the moment to moment gameplay isn't actually interesting or fun for me anymore.

Whenever people debated which was better, Ico or SotC, I thought it clearly must be SotC. But having played them back to back, I feel more positively towards Ico.

As an aside, I noticed many of the trophy names have the word "guardian" in them. I wonder if the creature in Last Guardian will end up with cool stone armor. Or just stabbed by some guy on his own quest. Lots of interesting ways they can tie it into the series.

This is a really intriguing point. It's worth noting that the two trophies with Guardian in their titles are for Celosia and Cenobia (numbers 11 and 14), which are certainly the more Trico-sized of the colossi. We know that the enemies in the game are empty suits of armor - perhaps Trico and the Boy have to fight guardian(s) to upgrade the baby griffin's protection? (Those are an awful lot of spears and arrows stuck into poor birdkitty).

As for me, I finally got the Climber trophy, ran all the way to the end of the bridge, but didn't see the Castle in the Mist. Where should I be looking?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Nuclear Muffin said:
I agree, it's fucking horrible and utterly disrespectful to the original dev team but there's sadly no way to disable notifications.

I'm tempted to say that it completely ruins those triumphant moments when you take down a colossus, but it's not quite that bad (it's pretty bloody close though, it's really jarring)
The notification for me always happens during the transition period where there is just streaming color on screen. Not that jarring for me.
Verboten said:
Then you should try the Time Attack on Hard since they add new weakspots.

This is cool, I hadn't noticed that either.
I definitely plan on beating both normal and hard time attack modes. I got all the items on the PS2 version, but only because I had an Action Replay. I'm ready to earn them this time around! I'm man enough to admit I made a mistake.
Shadow of the Colossus is a masterpiece. Oh god, how can a video game move me like this? It's strange, just seeing the opening before the New Game/Load Game screen, I almost feel like I'm going to tear up a little every time. Everything about this game, the direction, the tone, the music... I can only hope I encounter something like this again in my life.


VindictiveGnome said:
I had so much trouble with the 11th colossi when I beat SoTC so many years ago. No trouble this time around.
Same here! That guy was my nemesis when I first played. It was probably my least favorite fight in the game. I was not looking forward to fighting him again. But today, I was done with him in a few minutes, no problem. I'm not sure exactly why, but I'll take it!

It's been great fun replaying this -- though the gimped grip is a shame. Hope it's not making life too tough for too many first-timers.
ScOULaris said:
  • Both in the original PAL version and this HD version, there are differences in Wander's grip/stability when standing on or grabbing onto colossi. The differences were already present in the PAL PS2 version, but they are even more noticeable here. It is still unknown whether this was a change implemented by BluePoint during the porting process or just a byproduct of the improved framerate affecting the physics calculations.

If anyone notices other differences, let me know so I can add them to the list.

I fucking knew it!

I never had trouble with any of the colossi on the PS2, and now in this, I'm flailing around all over the place like a dick in the wind! Absolutely ridiculous.

Gaius (3) and Argus (15) now come down to complete luck. You barely have enough time to charge your stab for even the tiniest of pricks when on Gaius's belly and Argus's head.


How can you complain about the gripping difficulty?!

I have never before played this game, I still finished it in about 9 or 10 hours, and the only thing that makes this game difficult in any way in my opinion IS the problem you have gripping the colossis when you are about to make the final stabs.

I mean, you get a type of arrow that show you where the colossus are, so that's never a problem. You see the week spots glow when you're near so that's not a problem either. And now you don't want to have any problems holding on to the colossus while stabbing them to death either???

Stay far far away from Demon's Souls or Dark Souls is my only advice to you.

Absolutely love everything about SOTC btw, if it's allowed to have a HD version of a PS2 game as a Game Of The Year then this will be mine
Just finished Ico for the first time tonight and really enjoyed it. Never played much of the PS2 version, but the reason people love it is very apparent.

That 2 hour trophy seems pretty intimidating though.


GraveRobberX said:
So I'm cruising through my friend's list

Stop at one friend

The Meta Data is really weird

ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD (BCES-0115 UK)

Why is the Blu-Ray code for the PAL version showing up in the meta-data?

Seems really weird, others are playing it and just have ICO till HD underneath them but no parentheses code
For whatever odd reason, they added the product code into the game title (euro versions). Mine says BLES-some_number-EU.
Fredrik said:
How can you complain about the gripping difficulty?!

I have never before played this game, I still finished it in about 9 or 10 hours, and the only thing that makes this game difficult in any way in my opinion IS the problem you have gripping the colossis when you are about to make the final stabs.

I mean, you get a type of arrow that show you where the colossus are, so that's never a problem. You see the week spots glow when you're near so that's not a problem either. And now you don't want to have any problems holding on to the colossus while stabbing them to death either???

Stay far far away from Demon's Souls or Dark Souls is my only advice to you.

I think the difficulty is mostly in doing Hard Time Attack now that the grip is broken - the main game still shouldn't be that bad.


Finished Shadow of the Colossus tonight. I used to think SoTC = Ico = Best games. Playing through Ico I still felt that way. Playing through the first half of SoTC I still felt that way. Playing through the last 8 colossus I'm thinking SoTC doesn't hold up as well anymore.

The game is gorgeous and imaginative and the first or second time through you don't even notice the faults because the experience is so engaging. But this is my 3rd or 4th time through and man, there was a lot of annoying stuff in the latter half!

9 - I've always hated this armidillo guy in the geyser area. Trying to lead him out "just right" so the water hits him and gives you time to arrow his feet is annoying and on PS2 and here on PS3 it takes me forever. Plus having to lead him while on Agro while the camera is going psycho because it always wants to face in front of the horse is a huge pain in the ass. Just don't like this fight at all.

10 - This is a fun fight with the Sand Snake but again, the camera is a pain while you're trying to turn toward the snake eyes and fire an arrow while Agro is running forward.

11 - This fight is fun except when the Boar knocks you down and it takes forever to get up and he hits you again when you get up and repeat repeat repeat >_< Otherwise great fight.

12 - This fight sucks. The colossus is so slow to get to the shrines and when you grab onto its head, trying to either jump backwards off it onto the top of the building or climb to its head and get a good jump onto the top of the building is far more difficult than it should be due to the controls. This was one of the first spots where I really felt like there was some control lag in the game.

13 - This fight is cool looking and well designed except that it takes FOREVER because you have to do it THREE TIMES and it has 3 parts each time. The arrow shooting is again annoying because shooting while riding Agro is annoying. The jumping on the wing part is annoying because you have to jump off Agro and getting the timing just right can be tight (seems to be a common theme that doing things on Agro just doesn't control that well and is annoying; whereas Colossi 1-9 tended to be just wanderer solo vs. Colossi). Third part is fine though.

14 - This fight is one of my favorites and still perfect. No complaints.

15 - HOLY SHIT THE NEW PHYSICS ARE ANNOYING HERE. This guy took me FOREVER and it's weird because everyone was complaining about his hand but I had no problems with the hand. It was his HEAD. Wanderer was just flipping around non-stop every time and I could never get a damn stab in. The PS2 version was not like this! I think I spent about 30 mins on this fight and wanted to break something by the end. Hate how hard it is to just get a still grip and STAB on some of these guys now.

16 - Still a great fight, but like jumping off the head on 12 to higher ground, I had serious problems making the final jump from the 2nd hand to the neck. The camera made it hard to judge when it was close enough and I swear there is some input lag because so many times I run and hit jump and he RUNS STRAIGHT OFF THE HAND. I must have climbed his top half a half-dozen times or more by the end. And then my controller battery died when I got the final stab on him; it was like everything was against me.

Anyhow, I still think SoTC is a darn fine game. But one thing I like about Ico is that even today when you play it, it never has any annoying "game" stuff and is never frustrating and it feels like a wonderful experience. Otoh, everytime anything annoying happens in SoTC it takes me out of the experience and reminds me I'm playing a videogame with "repeat pattern 3 times" or "control issues" or "camera issues". I don't think they should have changed SoTC one bit, I just don't think it holds up quite as well as Ico; partly because the new physics are a bit too wacko.

Also the narrative seemed stronger in Ico looking back on the two so many years later. SoTC has some hmmm stuff, like
Dormin is SO POWERFUL that they had to sever him into 16 parts and seal him across the land; yet when he comes back a few humans, a magic sword, and some holy water seals him up no problem fast? Kind of feels anti-climactic imo

One thing I never noticed in my PS2 runs is that the bodies of the collosi remain where you killed them. That's really cool. Accidently ran past one and was like "what's that? Oh crap!".

Still love, love, love the overworld. This scale is incredible and with the clean 30fps visuals and nice motion blur it honestly looks as good or better than most PS3/X360 games. Ico & SoTC are even today some of the most gorgeous games in existence thanks to the high quality of this remaster.

This collection is probably the best game I own on ps3 :p Really great job that Bluepoint and Ueda did. Can't wait until The Last Guardian.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Great post, man. It really sums up how I feel about the game. Experiencing Ico for the first time recently was really revelatory.


Nuclear Muffin said:
I agree, it's fucking horrible and utterly disrespectful to the original dev team but there's sadly no way to disable notifications.

I'm tempted to say that it completely ruins those triumphant moments when you take down a colossus, but it's not quite that bad (it's pretty bloody close though, it's really jarring)

That's the way that the industry is going though. Platform holders/publishers agendas come first, artistic integrity be damned.
I don't know about anyone else but I find this post really ridiculous.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
angrybus said:
I don't know about anyone else but I find this post really ridiculous.
The only time this was ever a problem for me was Emancipation. It was really, really... Urgh.
Anyone having trouble with the camera in sotc doesn't use L1. Trouble aiming?, hold L1 until you're aimed at the colossus then let go to fine tune your aim. Dude's spoiler wall up there about colossus 10 prompted this post.


Sir Ilpalazzo said:
I think the difficulty is mostly in doing Hard Time Attack now that the grip is broken - the main game still shouldn't be that bad.
It's a pain in the ass on Normal Time Attack as well; it makes a colossus like 6 far more difficult than he needs to be and already tough fights like 3 become seriously awful.


Incidentally, the new physics forced me to discover a better method of dealing with 16, so I guess they have that going for it.
Wait, Bebpo... Sounds like you never figured out the trick to some of those.
#10 just use L1 while aiming and the camera will "lock-on" to the colossus. Let go to gain more precise control once you have aimed at its face. #12 you need to strike the teeth-like things on its crown to get it to move in a specific direction. #13 you don't have to ride Agro and shoot arrows. I personally love doing it because I feel like a boss leading the arrow at great distances at a moving target from a moving position.


There's also another great trick for dealing with 13:
Jump off after destroying a seal and he'll never burrow underground; the fight goes by much, much, much faster.
Oh, Bebpo... Even cooler about finding the fallen colossi... if you press circle next to, you'll fight it again with a grainy, sepia toned filter as if you're reliving the moment.


Jesus, how long after the stamina meter turns invisible does it take to max out stamina? I am getting really sick of doing the same shit repeatedly to get the Mighty Wander trophy...
Fredrik said:
How can you complain about the gripping difficulty?!

Because it's bullshit?

When it takes you 2 seconds to charge your stab and the colossus only gives you an opening of 1.999999999 seconds where you're not flapping all over the place... it's bullshit.

The original game was not like this, you had clear windows of opportunity to strike, it was difficult (on Hard/Time Trials) but I never once felt cheated.

I can't believe the game played better at 10fps. :p


extra source of jiggaflops
I'm right now stuck in Ico for 30 minutes at the same spot. The game started so well and then it just shits all over your by requiring perfect platforming and precision timing.
Fuck this.

For the people that are interested: Half way point spoilers.
There is a waterfall and you have to disable the water. I don't even know what I'm trying is correct, but there is no other point you can even approach to climb.
There is a turning death wheel of horror.

Edit: I've read through parts of this thread and it seems like I'm not the only that was having trouble with that part.
I went back in after 20 minutes of break and did it, because everyone was gushing over the ending and I want to like this game. So now it better deliver. Still a part of the game that doesn't fit the rest.

Edit2: I've finished the game. The overall experience was very good. If it wasn't for the bullshit part described in the spoiler tags it would have been excellent.
I dislike redoing exact things over and over again.
bandresen said:
There is a turning death wheel of horror.

I've never died on it, though it took me a while to get the jump right.

Really enjoying the game again after all these years. The 3D is exceptional and really making the experience seem altogether new. There's some genuine moments of awe in 3D... oh and the title screen is outstanding.

Strangely though, even though I can't remember a lot about the game and the puzzles, it's like seeing someone again, you haven't seen for a while and you kinda know what to do.


yggdrasil said:
Jesus, how long after the stamina meter turns invisible does it take to max out stamina? I am getting really sick of doing the same shit repeatedly to get the Mighty Wander trophy...

Oh, I guess the answer is "one more colossus." Ding!


Sorry for the DP, but holy fuck, it just took me an hour to kill Gaius on hard mode - not even to HTA yet. Guess I am not getting my Queen's Sword this time around either.


Do the codes in EU boxes for the video/themes work for anyone, or haven't they been activated yet? Mine says not correct or no longer valid :/

Edit: Nvm 10th Oct when it'll work


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Wait, Bebpo... Sounds like you never figured out the trick to some of those.
#10 just use L1 while aiming and the camera will "lock-on" to the colossus. Let go to gain more precise control once you have aimed at its face. #12 you need to strike the teeth-like things on its crown to get it to move in a specific direction. #13 you don't have to ride Agro and shoot arrows. I personally love doing it because I feel like a boss leading the arrow at great distances at a moving target from a moving position.

#10 - That didn't work for me. I held L1 and then trying to bring around the crosshair from facing away from the boss was way too difficult and when I let go the camera would just swing back around to facing in front of Agro :( L1 IS how I beat him, but I had to try to lineup the crosshair while holding L1 and it was a pain.

12 - Yeah, I know that. The problem I was having was actually JUMPING off the head and onto the top of the shrine. About half the time he would just run off the edge and not jump even though I'm running at the edge and hitting jump before the end. The teeth being in the way so you have to do a jump at one of the gaps at an angle made it worse.

13 - I dunno, I couldn't keep up with the boss otherwise.

I did find out I was doing the final boss wrong. Forgot you're supposed to shoot the shoulder with a bow from his 2nd hand and he brings it close. I kept trying to jump from the hand onto the platform at his next using the momentum from him bringing the hand up to his face. Fell about 4-5 times doing that before I finally made the jump.

Ridley327 said:
There's also another great trick for dealing with 13:
Jump off after destroying a seal and he'll never burrow underground; the fight goes by much, much, much faster.

Ok, this is very useful!

Are there any tips for #9? I hate
leading that guy to just the right spot.


yggdrasil said:
Sorry for the DP, but holy fuck, it just took me an hour to kill Gaius on hard mode - not even to HTA yet. Guess I am not getting my Queen's Sword this time around either.
Don't give up so easily, man. Everyone was hyping up how hard #3 is in HTA because of the weaker grip in this version, but it only took me about five tries in total, not counting immediate Retries when screwing up on his sword in the beginning.

#3 and #15 are definitely the hardest in HTA, but they are far from impossible. All of the other colossi took me one try with tons of time left over. Only #3 and #15 required multiple tries, but even they didn't take too long. It just takes careful planning and perseverance.

Try it, though.
White Agro
and the
Queen's Sword
are worth it.

Here's something I posted to help people with HTA3 on another forum:

ScOULaris said:
Here are some tips:

- Forget breaking his armor. There's no time for that. Get him to swing at you, then run about halfway up his sword and crouch down. When he stands back up, keep crouching to keep your balance. If you slip and grab the edge, just pull yourself back up and crouch again in the middle of the sword. You'll then need to jump towards his arm JUST BEFORE he shakes his sword. His arm will move down just as you're jumping up, and you will be able to grab onto his arm.

- Once that's done, go for the stomach vital first. You can jump right from his elbow to this stomach with little trouble. Stabbing the stomach is annoying, but you can always get a full stab in when he stops walking and starts to shake side-to-side. Just get your stab in, then let go and rest on the stomach platform while he's walking. When he stops to shake again, grab on and get in another stab. Rinse and repeat.

- Once his stomach vital is dead, jump back to his right arm. From there, climb up to the head.

- The head can be frustrating, but here's a little trick. If you press Square like a microsecond after you first grab on with R1, the game will usually let Wander get in a full stab no matter how much the colossus shakes. Also, try to position yourself on the back of his head so you're just barely stabbing the vital. That's the most stable position on #3's head.

- If you still have 40 seconds or more left after his head vital is killed, you have time to finish it. Jump from his back down to his left elbow. Try to land as close to the vital as you can. You won't have to worry about time when stabbing this vital, but you do have to worry about grip. Don't miss any stabbing opportunities here or else you'll run out of stamina and fall. Three full-ish stabs should do it.


Now HTA15, on the other hand, that will make you suicidal. :)


Barba (#6) is also no fucking joke on Hard. I wasn't ever able to stab his hand while holding on; I had to jump-stab the hand every time he bent over to kill that vital.

ScOULaris said:
Don't give up so easily, man. Everyone was hyping up how hard #3 is in HTA because of the weaker grip in this version, but it only took me about five tries in total, not counting immediate Retries when screwing up on his sword in the beginning.

#3 and #15 are definitely the hardest in HTA, but they are far from impossible. All of the other colossi took me one try with tons of time left over. Only #3 and #15 required multiple tries, but even they didn't take too long. It just takes careful planning and perseverance.

Try it, though.
White Agro
and the
Queen's Sword
are worth it.

Here's something I posted to help people with HTA3 over on the GameFAQs boards:

My main problem is that it just isn't fun anymore. Even back in 2005, I found HTA to be supremely frustrating, which is why I never finished. Then it was the framerate; now it's the floppy grip. The game is challenging but fun on Normal; on Hard, it goes from fun to frustrating to abjectly ridiculous (I was just laughing while clinging onto Barba's hand and desperately hammering the square button in the hopes that the game would allow me even the tiniest of hits).

I wasn't young when I played SotC then, and am obviously less so now, with a wife and a job which often demands my time on nights and weekends. I simply don't have time for this shit anymore. I'm sure I'll keep coming back to HTA every so often once I finish Hard mode, but until they patch it or there are nice HD youtube videos showing techniques, there are just too many other games to play.
Not really spoilers in this, just a couple of areas mentioned from ICO.

The ICO speed run brings up some interesting new thoughts about the game that I didn't think about before.

Despite what people might think or want to believe regarding the "2 Hour Trophy" and that "ICO isn't meant to be rushed", I am sure parts of this game have been put in specifically for speed running. There are just two many areas of the game where you can skip huge chunks of area out for seemingly no reason.

This could be for two reasons

1) Game testing during development. Putting shortcuts in games where you don't have a fly around camera or whatever are common, and games I've worked on have had stuff like this in, and I know of other games (typically from friends who've worked on other games) that have this too.

2) Speed running. There is vast amounts of it in ICO and I am fairly confident it's there for eeking precious seconds and even minutes out of the game.

Good examples:
"Normal route" This is an early puzzle where Yorda is trapped in a room, and requires ICO to jump to a different section, climb a chain, activate a switch, move a block then kill off a load of smokies. You then climb up the chain again, and lift Yorda up and outside. Outside you then fend off two lots of smokies who are right aggressive shits for so early in the game. Get on the mine cart, then operate the crane two times. This is a long section in the game.

"Speed route"
Climb chain, leave room, go up the stairs outside and get on the minecart yourself. Climb around to up the crane but don't activate. Operate a level for a new bridge, enter a room you were in before, up stairs, upside, grab Yorda and come back that way to Crane save point.

The speed route method saves over 5 minutes if you do it perfectly.

Other examples such as the positioning of bridges below each other in Waterfall allowing you to cut sections out, and the ledges you can jump to allowing you to skip further climbing and running around out, it's really interesting to see.

For non-believers of my speed running theory
The time that you can leave Yorda alone for before she starts to whimper is scarily coincidental. In West Gate you can leave her in a specific place and go and set the entire section up for her, the timing is scarily perfect, almost like a time attack mode. One mistake means you wont have enough time, not jumping down a level instead of running means you wont have enough time, and you have to leave her in the exact right place so the shadows don't get her, it's just too perfectly setup

I am happy to believe there are exploits in games, but with ICO they seem to me to be legitimate shortcuts that if the player can find they can use to their advantage.


I haven't read the whole topic, but is it just me or does it feel like you shake more than you used to, I'm sure I'm just crazy, but I play SotC every year and some of these Clossi seem to be a slightly more pain in the ass at sections than only playing it a few months ago.

Still one of my favourite games, I'm never sure if I wish it was longer or that would then take away from what I love about it even thought it can be rather short to just run through it, ignoring collecting and maxing stuff out etc.


benevolent sexism
CorrisD said:
I haven't read the whole topic, but is it just me or does it feel like you shake more than you used to, I'm sure I'm just crazy, but I play SotC every year and some of these Clossi seem to be a slightly more pain in the ass at sections than only playing it a few months ago.

Still one of my favourite games, I'm never sure if I wish it was longer or that would then take away from what I love about it even thought it can be rather short to just run through it, ignoring collecting and maxing stuff out etc.

Yeah, it's come up several times. It sounds like the physics are slightly different in the sense that you get shaken more easily. It's a terrible and frustrating change, IMO. (Not that I'm claiming it was intentional. It would be nice if they fixed that shit.)


Bought this today.

I try out ICO, I'm blasted by crazy sound peaking. Every time there's a moderately loud or deep sound, it sounds terrible, it's just noise on my headphones. Am I the only one?

SotC doesn't suffer from this, it seems, and btw looks gorgeous...but the effect that happens when you go into the map screen has been completely replaced. :|


Bebpo said:
Are there any tips for #9? I hate
leading that guy to just the right spot.

He was always a tough one for me, too. This time, though, he was much easier, because I
held down L1 the whole time I was riding around. If you always hold down L1 and keep moving around on Agro, you can keep a geyser between you and the colossus and avoid getting shot at all times. He'll step over the geyser in no time. Seriously, just always be holding down L1. You don't need to over-control Agro; just let him run a little, turn him back the other way, and let him run a little again. And stay kind of close to the colossus, so he doesn't go past the geyser.

Good luck!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Hrm. Playing through Shadow of the Colossus again.

I don't think it holds up as well on repeated playthroughs. The sense of awe in seeing the Collosi for the first time is gone, as is much of the figuring out how beat them.

I don't think this is a matter of SotC aging or not lasting the test of time. It's just not the kind of game that's meant to be replayed over and over again.


ZealousD said:
Hrm. Playing through Shadow of the Colossus again.

I don't think it holds up as well on repeated playthroughs. The sense of awe in seeing the Collosi for the first time is gone, as is much of the figuring out how beat them.

I don't think this is a matter of SotC aging or not lasting the test of time. It's just not the kind of game that's meant to be replayed over and over again.

Time trials.


So i'm hunting the lizards and fruits and on the map it says theres still a lizard on autumn forest @ 5-E on map, even though i already killed and catched one exactly where it says on the map :s what gives? i already looked EVERYWHERE and theres no sign of another lizard.. maybe its a bug?

edit: Jesus after like 1 hour looking the bastard showed up


See what you all mean about the grip now! Fuck me i nearly destroyed something while taking down Colossi #15. Every time i tried to charge my stab i bounced around like a turd. Impossible to stay still long enough to take him down. Fight took me at least 5 times longer than it should have
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