How do the specs compare with say, an iPad 2?
Same stuff. Benchmarks favorably against the current competition.
How do the specs compare with say, an iPad 2?
Why are you zombiefied Lyle?
Sticking with my iPad 3. Couldn't go back to a non-retina display and iPad 2 slowness.
Video says dualcore A5...was the iPad2 dualcore?
Video says dualcore A5...was the iPad2 dualcore?
you know that the iPad3 performs worse than the iPad2 right?
For real, thats probably the main reason the already update the 3rd gen ipad to a 4th instead of a refresh, so the A6X chip could finally run the retina resolution whitout the hiccups the A5X did
Worse PPI, bad specs and $329!!?
If Crapple didn't have so many sheep to day 1 everything they make they would sink fast.
Worse PPI, bad specs and $329!!?
If Crapple didn't have so many sheep to day 1 everything they make they would sink fast.
As someone with an iPad, Apple TV, iPod, iPhone, MacBook etc I have to say some of the language being used in the video made me cringe so fucking bad - how many times did they call it magical? Or use awful terms like "These aren't just the same apps you use on your phone, these are powerful apps."
Sorry what Apple? Fucking hell. I can't believe I used to be a sucker for their marketing.
Also love how they constantly talked about how the iPhone was the perfect size, any bigger and it wouldn't fit in one hand... yet a 7.9" tablet apparently now works perfectly in one hand...?!
What are you talking about bad specs? The iPad 2 still benchmarks faster than almost all tablets. This has the same specs as the iPad 2.Worse PPI, bad specs and $329!!?
If Crapple didn't have so many sheep to day 1 everything they make they would sink fast.
I think the real reason they updated it was to get lightning in there.
HahahahahaWorse PPI, bad specs and $329!!?
If Crapple didn't have so many sheep to day 1 everything they make they would sink fast.
Worse PPI, bad specs and $329!!?
If Crapple didn't have so many sheep to day 1 everything they make they would sink fast.
Yes it's all fanboy sheep buying these by the millions. lmao
The real reason is both.
iPad 2 gets very little IOS6 features ..hmm
What hiccups? I went from an iPad 1 to an iPad 3, and the latter is butter smooth -- not blazingly fast but runs very well.
Using AND holding something with one hand is not the same as holding something in a hand.
Will iPad Mini get turn-by-turn and Siri? I think that's all most people getting one will care about. It's not like the new iOS is any good or being raved about for its awesomeness.
iPad 3 is definitely not butter smooth. It has huge issues switching perspective, especially with video playing. In comparison, iPad 2 is much much better. The new version of the retina iPad will definitely take care of that.
Right out of the box, iPad mini is ready for big things. Map out your next adventure. Then shoot it in 1080p HD. Ask Siri to help you find the best pizza in town. Watch a webcast or a movie. Read a best seller or a magazine. Check email. Send messages. Or stay in touch face-to-face over FaceTime. Youll be amazed at how much is built right in.
No, to his point they actually talk about thinning the bezel to accomodate using it, not just holding it. This stuck out to me too. It bugged me. Everything is the perfect size down to a fraction of a millimeter... until it isn't.
iPad 3 is definitely not butter smooth. It has huge issues switching perspective, especially with video playing. In comparison, iPad 2 is much much better. The new version of the retina iPad will definitely take care of that.
I do find it bad form for them throwing all those craps at Nexus then revealing the price. You don't have any legs to stand on when your product is $129 more expensive than your competitor, especially when your competitor outdoes you in some areas.
Huh? I've been using one for months. It's absolutely fine. Maybe I'm just not a nitpicker. *shrug*
The iPad 2 has a terrible resolution and a chipset that gobbles it up; the iPad 3, on the other hand, has a chipset that works well -- just well. It may not overpower the resolution, but it's silly to say it cannot handle it.
Looks Sexy
They're obviously scared of the Nexus. Only reason to childishly make those comparisons, which is odd for Apple to do.
Huh? I've been using one for months. It's absolutely fine. Maybe I'm just not a nitpicker. *shrug*
The iPad 2 has a terrible resolution and a chipset that gobbles it up; the iPad 3, on the other hand, has a chipset that works well -- just well. It may not overpower the resolution, but it's silly to say it cannot handle it.
That bezel is razor thin on the left and right.
Sometimes I wonder if people really believe this, or that the iPad Mini will not steamroll the Nexus >insert whatever name they come up with on the 26th< this holiday season.Begun the decline has.
No one is invincible forever, just ask Microsoft.
Begun the decline has.
No one is invincible forever, just ask Microsoft.
Did the Trip Advisor Android App seriously regress or something? Thats actually pretty hilarious if it did, or if they are advertising proper tablet layouts for the Android app when they know it doesn't actually have it.