It sounds so stupid to say "publisher X is dead to me", why can't you people just ignore the bad games and get the good ones? Sure, there are plenty of disappointing stuff these publishers have done, but it seems a lot of you whiners are willfully ignoring all the good stuff just to reinfornce some drama queen-ish BS you've come up in your head.
I mean, come on... during the last generation of consoles & handhelds and within the last couple of years...
Dragon's Dogma
Last Ranker
several Monster Hunter games
Layton vs. Ace Attorney
Resident Evil Revelations
Ghost Trick
Okami HD
Mega Man: Powered Up!
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins
Bionic Commando ReArmed
Dead Rising
Dead Rising 2
Lost Planet
Lost Planet 2
Remember Me
(Ultimate) Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Street Fighter IV
Ace Attorney 5
Devil May Cry 4
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 10
Zack & Wiki
Resident Evil 5
+ upcoming promising stuff like
Deep Down
hopefully-they've-learned-something-from-RE6 Resident Evil 7
Strider HD
Square Enix

KH ReCoded (hey, it's a fun game to play even if in the bigger picture it's a pretty pointless release)
Bravely Default
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest DS remakes
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Final Fantasy XIV 2.0
KH1.5 HD
FFX | X-2 HD
The Last Remnant
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
Space Invaders Extreme
Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King/Dark Lord
Dissidia 012
Crisis Core
Final Fantasy Type-0
+ with upcoming games like
Drakengard III
Theatrhythm Curtain Call
Bravely Second
Kingdom Hearts 2.5HD
Namco Bandai
Tales of Graces F
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Xillia 2
Tales of Vesperia
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Ace Combat 6
God Eaters Burst
God Eaters 2
Eternal Sonata
Soul Calibur IV & V
Ridge Racer 7
Beautiful Katamari and other Katamari games
Ni No Kuni
One Piece Pirate Warriors
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja series
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
Looking those lists, I can't help but feel all boo-fucking-hoo towards all of you whiners complaining about some kind of imaginary downfall of Japanese publishers. They've made mistakes, handled some franchises badly (though, I don't blame them from trying something different with franchises like Ridge Racer, after 10-15+ years with some of these franchises they SHOULD try something new), not localized some games a lot of people want etc. but it's not like gamers aren't at fault at all. You demand more, yet want to pay less. That isn't sustainable. I know none of you give a shit about the survival of these money-hungry, evil corporations, but you can't expect them to cater to your needs when many of you are so out of sync with reality.
I feel Konami is the only one to really deserve this kind of apathy towards, as they have dropped the ball with Kojima & his team(s) (they don't ever let him do anything else but Metal Gear), screwed up Metal Gear Rising before Platinum came in to save the day, ran both Suikoden and Silent Hill to the ground, have failed to keep up with FIFA with PES, half-assed Zone of the Enders HD Collection (though fixed it for PS3), came up with games like Bomberman Act Zero that raped millions of children's childhood memories, haven't really come up with many new interesting IPs (and failed with the few they did) or successfully kept up old ones at all... Metal Gear Solid & Castlevania: LoS are the only things going on for them at the moment, as far as console gaming goes.