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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


Frankfurt said:
Impressions from PenPen (from Orochinagi)


I wanted to say that from the video something seems wierd with Shen. He and Ryo need work. I've been comenting that Ryo's super slow and long animation from 12 won't be good in kOF XIII.


Yeah, i only read the first chapter of One Piece, so i wouldn't know.

I do think Takuma's Neomax is actually Doppo's chop from Baki (ironically, also the 1st chapter). He jumps into the sky and the final pose is the same.

Info from The Professor:

1- Hwa Jai looks like Joe-- in fact, I think they just replaced his head. His normal move set looks the same too. However he plays quite differently, at least from the Joe that we know from XII. For one thing, Hwa Jai doesn't have a projectile and he seems better off fighting in close range.

His dragon Kick from FF1 functions like a Tiger Kick when done with weak kick, but it doesn't have invincibility, or very little if any. Done with the feirce, it's similar to FF1 and he flys across the screen. He can also do it in the air, which gives it different performance than on the ground. Done with weak, it makes him kick downwards like a dive kick. Feirce makes him fly forwards in the air. So, you can do a weak dragon kick into the air and then drop back down with another weak dragon kick if you have a hyperdrive meter.

His Dragon Tail is a golden heel that can be done on the ground and in the air. I think it's unblockable on a crouch? Might be wrong, but I've seen a crouching Yuri get hit a few times with it.

It's not printed in the command list, but he has rapid punches similar to that of Joe's.

He can drink and turn color like in FF1 but its function is a mystery right now-- it doesn't seem to change the properties of his special or attacks. From what I heard, it's supposed to make his attacks do more damage or speed him up, but the move might not actually be functioning at this point of development.

2- Vice
Vice doesn't have her Outrage/Ravenous kicks but she's still fun to use. I'm not sure if she has her Mithan's Robe; people were using Da Cide after the Mayhem. Vice's Da Cide functions a bit differently and it now pulls the opponent right in front of her. I think it's supposed to be coupled with an EX move. Her new move, Splash, is like the Withering Surface from KOF98; she jumps towards the opponent and throws them. If she misses, she does her traditional stretching pose on the ground.

Awakening Blood is interesting-- Vice looks away from the screen and undresses her upper garment a bit, revealing a red tatoo on her back. Then the screen goes black, the mark of her tatoo appears, and we see that the opponent's hit when the screen turns back to normal.

3- Other Tidbits
There's pre-bout dialogues for each round when you're playing single player mode. It's pretty much the same as in SNK vs Capcom, but with new artwork. And yes, each character has a set of graphics for facial expressions.

Also, there's an intermission scene between stages when you're playing single player mode.

The intermission starts with Rose being interviewed by a reported about the KOF tournement, and she's says something to the point of "Oh, money is no concern".

The scene then switches to Botan and her gang watching Ronse on TV (same scene as that in the intro movie released a week or so ago), and then switches to a front view of Botan, who says something to the extent of "things are going to plan".

After Botan's scene, it changes to a sideview of dark place resembling a king's throne. Mukai is seen kneeling down to someone in the chair. "You're called Mukai, right? You're really useless, you know." "I understand.."

Then we find out that it's Ash that's laying on the chair, seemingly kind of board as he looks at his manicured fingers.
"In fact, you should all die."

Camera switches to something that looks like a zoom-up of a red orb, and the intermission ends.

The NEO MAX moves looks very good for some characters and kind of bland for some others. Ash's, which is up on the official site, is one of the more boring ones-- he just holds the opponent and engulfs himself together with them in his flame, kind of like how Kyo did to Goenitz in KOF96's ending.

I'll have more details on the game in like 3 or so hours, Gunsmith asked to Q&A me then. We were supposed to have met up but things happened.

But... I think most of the new stuff can be seen in the HongKong videos anyways? I'm sure half the materials I've wrote on this post can be seen in them too. Tudow doesn't load well for me so I can't check.

Just to clarify on this thing. When you're playing single player mode, there's a text box underneath your life bar and it gives you various missions, like 'roll 3 times', or 'do a combo with X amount of hits". It's just an optional thing on the screen and you can just ignore it, but if you accomplish the task, the game rewards you with a bonus.

I forgot to mention, single player mode didn't feature a boss at the current time. After you finished fighting another team in Rose Coliseum, the game ended with a message from the developers and a scene from the intro movie where the Ash chapter characters dropped from the sky.

BTW one bad news- still no taunts. Start button does nothing.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
New Loketests announced!

April 27-29: Tokyo (Tokyo Leisure Land Akihabara) ,Aichi (Game King Joy) and Hiroshima (Amibara Hiroshima)

May 1-5:Tokyo (Ad Ace Ogikubo Nishiguchi),Aichi (Game Fantasian Nagakute),Kyoto (neo amusement space a-cho)

(Thanks to Cyberfanatix.com)


NEW VIDEO from today:

EDIT: OH snap, that Vice combo in 1:26 is awesome! Damn this Chinese guys are playing like they already played this game for months! Japan videos look shameful and n00bish compared to this videos.

Damn, her 2:28 combo to DM is nice! And Andy NeoMAX attack (is on the end of the video) is not that impressive, first one that disappoint me, unless it got blocked and we didn't saw the full effect, but I think it hit.





Ok, I just had a casual Q&A session with Orochinagi's Gun. We kept switching from subject to subject, so I'm positing a digest here with a few stuff I ran out of time to mention.

Game System

Character colors
It's already known that Terry has Robert's costume palette as one of his colors. Well, Robert also has Terry's colors, and he looks just like him, albeit a bit more thin and without a cap. Just imagine it: you can use a capless Terry and do a Ryuko Ranbu combination DM to opponents. Kensou has a Duolon color; someone picked both of the characters in their team and they looked like brothers. Raiden's venom color is seen in videos, but he also has a color where he's shirtless. Also, Vice has a color where she's semi-transparent and you can see the background through her. She's a ghost!

Pre-bout demos
In single player mode, there's pre-bout dialogues before EACH ROUND. It's a nice addition, but it's not hard to imagine that it could get annoying.

Stage intermission
Read previous post above.

Read previous post/reply above.

Graphics are very good and it's very unfortunate that SNKPlaymore hasn't released crisp HD video samples, because the shaky-cams just don't do justice to the game. The size of the characters have been shrinked by a bit and their screen ratio is more similar to that of previous KOF titles. They turn big (zoom in) at victory poses and Neomax moves.

The new backgrounds are wonderful. The India stage is created with a nice combination of 2D and 3D art. Each of the elephants are drawn in 3D, and they look very natually convincing; you can see their ears paddling gently as they slowly move their face. The people on top of the elephants are drawn in 2D though, and the combination works out fine.

SNK said on their official blog that the backgrounds will react with the player. I assume that it means we'll see something like the Chicken in KOF97's Bali stage that hopped around when the player fell. I haven't noticed any of that in Today's test though, maybe it's too subtle.

However, I did see that the new USA stage changes its appearance on each round. In the first round, the background is fenced and you can't see the outside well. Second round, the fence is down and you can see a news reporter on a chopper. The third round, there's even more choppers, and a blimp with a statue of Liberty drawn on it.

Yes, dizzying is back in KOFXIII. It seems to be rare and I've only seen it once with King.

No Taunts! I thought I read somewhere that taunts are back in KOFXIII, but they aren't, at least at the current stage of development. Start button does nothing.

Throwing is done with a stick direction and C or D. Unlike in KOFXII, you can escape from them.

Feels a lot like the Max2 from KOF2002, especially since you need to go into Hyperdrive mode in order to execute it. As far as I've seen most of the moves don't seem to have invincibility. So there were a few times where the characters couldn't even trade hits with their opponents. I've seen Terry get hit.. "Go Baaaaarn!" *Smack* "KO!!!"

Ash, Elisabeth, Ryo, Takuma, Ralf, Terry, and Joe's Neomax can be seen in videos already.
As for some of the other characters--

Does his finger pointing pose from the trailer back in KOFXII and shoots out a long flame-- if it hits, pillars of fire come out from behind him and fill up the screen.

Does her Max2 from 2002, except without the hip dances. The pose she does at the end looks similar to the official illustration that was released on KOFXIII's initial annoucement (Nipponichi pose, but with her hand a bit more in the front).

"Venom Shot" is like a wide Venom Strike that glitters and fills up about a quarter of the screen.

Ultra Clark Buster is a bit weird- he grabs the opponent, flys up and comes back falling upside down while doing an Argentine backbreaker, essencially crushing the opponent between the ground and his shoulders. It's weird becuase sometimes he misses grabbing the opponent, but executes it anyway while holding nothing in his hands.


Misc stuff about characters

Her Down-hold-up Musasabi attack can be canceled at the wall like in previous games, but I don't think the throw and other moves are there.

Wobbles a bit in victory pose. She really seems to like her Yoyuuchi pose, she's even doing it in the victory screen illustration. Has her Chou Upper. She has a dive kick similar to that of Rufus or Yun in the Street Fighter series. Also has her hip attack. And yes, she's got short hair now. You can't see it well in the videos, but they're kind of jagged at the back of her neck.

Has her double strike now. I've been told she had it since the last beta-- my bad!

Has a short-range projectile that moves slowly and has a short range. He can move right after he does it though, so it can probably be used for setups. Kind of looks like a puff of poisonous cloud.

Koh-ken is big! Does he have his Zanretsuken? Not sure.

Hwa Jai
Has a ranbu super where he hits the opponent while floating in the air.
He seems to love drinking. Even drinks in his victory screen animation.
His bottle can be knocked out when he's drinking, and the animation is well done.

His Power Wave fades out after moving a distance. I don't remember that in XII.

His EX Shoryudan makes him twirl twice. In doing so, he really flys across the screen.

Announcer is good! It's a male. Actually sounds like English and not Engrish.

People used a lof of Iori, Kyo, Terry, and Shen. The new characters were often picked, but not much Hwa Jai.


Sugarboy, from CX:

shooting videos were not allowed therefore i was able to get 2 lame shots and then i got busted...

if you want to see the game in good quality check my 2 boring vidz, the second one is almost meaningless

1 - the game is so great in graphic and gameplay, graphics are better than 12 and the gameplay is a mix between 12 and 2002.

2 - the gameplay becomes slower after an hour and that made them restart the cabins every hour!!

3 - i wasted my time lining up in the one player cabin row there was 6 guys before me and i had to stand for more than 2 hours and the line was much worse before i lined up, the target action thing (tasks in mid game, like roll 3 times, jump 3 times, connect a EX DM) helps you charging the power and HD gauges faster so you can rock the CPU's world faster and give you the chance to try combos and stuff.

4 - about the stages gimmicks, i noticed a gimmick in the jungle stage only, which is when you land a DM or EXDM or NM and there is a shake in the ground because your opponent got knocked on the floor some coconuts falls on the stage but no effect on the gameplay, about the other stages gimmicks i haven't noticed any.

5 - i saw some awesome colors the most amazing were benimaru's zoro color (the very zoro from one piece) and raiden's venom color (the famous marvel character) they look so awesome.

6 - some combos i saw and some moves:
Terry: 1- anything -> power knuckle -> busta wolf --maybe-->neo max.
2- (HD mode on) power knuckle -> high kick crack shoot -> missed the chance to find out more.

Athena: 1- Stand C -> f+b->phoenix arrow(high or low)
2- (in the corner not sure about mid stage)Stand C -> f+b->phoenix arrow(high or low)--(if u used high)-> psycho sowrd-> i guess u can do a DM here??
3- she has here hcf+punch grab back.
4- he psycho reflector hits the damages close opponents and she doesn't get free immediately as she used to be in 12, didn't try the EX.

Iori: 1- the old Stand c -> hcf+P combo series is no more there.
2- the old cross B -> stand B ->f+A ->A isn't back but instead of Stand B u can go for Stand C.
3- cross B -> stand C ->f+A ->A->qcb+Punch -> DM.
4- hcf+Punch -> DM <-(i am studying his hcf+Punch follow ups i was able to connect a qcb+A after running into the opponent but i wasn't able to cancel it -coz i suck- and i guess u have more options in the corner or if you used the EX version of the move coz it juggles higher)

chin(i love this sucker): 1- df+D-> (do the 2 punches move by pressing dwn and punch buttons)x2 or 3 times-> qcb+Punch(hcf+Kick doesn't connect here)--cancel-> DM or df+B
2- his qcb+Kick counter hit has changed the low kick version doesn't knock the opponent as it used to be in exchange he counters the same way he used to do with the High kick counter and i maybe you can combo after it PLUS i guess now he reacts to fire balls but does not reflect it.

Takuma(he fucks ryo in awesomeness): 1- he has a never seen before style for zanretsuken (he hits like 6 hits or something very fast then u see the opponent knocked down and takuma do a bad ass pose).
2- (close range)fcb+Kick -> charge db,f+Kick -> DM(qcf,qcb+Punch) (so bad ass).

Ralf: 1- vulcan punch --cancel-> qcf+Punch --cancel--> DM.
2- his DM comes out fast but doesn't break the guard, the EXDM is sooooooo damn fast but no idea if it breaks the guard cause i never missed landing a single EXDM because it is so damn fast and invincible.

7- neo maxs are extermly dangerous and fast for most of the characters which means you better watch your ass when u c your opponent in hyper drive mode.

8- i had a crazy bug with athena against raiden it was so weird, i hit him with a stand D while he's blocking then jumped and while i was jumping (u can see athena's hands in the air and her feet are no more on the ground) and that sucker did his grabbing move, he did his action while athena stuck in the air moving towrds raiden but she cant pass him coz he is standing there so he finished his move and just hit me while i am hopeless in the air untill he killed me and athena didnt even get knocked on the ground then he did his pose and athena just passed him flying to the other side of the stage like nothing happend, it was so fucking funny.

The two vids he took before getting caught:

So it turns out Mature does have something interesting underneath her eyepatch.

And Shermie can make a cameo appearance in the France Stage. :D

Edit: Now with video!



With regards to taunts, is it possible that they're mapped to a certain button combination again? Wouldn't be the first time in this series... :D

Any way, looking very good.


Sketchbook Picasso
TreIII said:
With regards to taunts, is it possible that they're mapped to a certain button combination again? Wouldn't be the first time in this series... :D

Any way, looking very good.

A LOT of characters seem to love taunting within moves now. There's really alot of taunt or taunt-like animations in the game (Vice apparently does her old ground-lay if you miss her throw) so it seems like you could creatively taunt with some characters... but considering all the button combos are mostly taken up with Hyperdrive/Neomax moves, etc, I doubt they've mapped any odd button combos to them.

Oh, and requisite Chris style "SHELUME!!!!" to which she would reply "HAI~II!!" It's so fun seeing her sit back there. And it's not like she appears all the time either; I've been looking for her in other videos in the French stage, every round, and never see her.

That's the SNK(P) I love; the one that has so much love for their games, they fill them with random, almost useless details that only fans or people with too much free time would notice.

Here's a list I compiled earlier on Stage Gimmicks, btw... might as well post them here. (Even got quoted on Cyberfanatix ^_^)

Since Prof touched on stage gimmicks, I figure I'd note what I've noticed:

China: Very beautiful rim lighting on characters. I think a set of pigs appears and dissapear every once in a while. When a character is knocked down hard at right corner, a dog pops out and barks at you.

France: I think the ladies in the background change in between rounds. Also, rarely, Shermie will pop up in a chair to the left of the center of the screen. Haven't noticed more.

SUMO!: The Mask in the first round move their eyes, but do little else. Also, a White Lucky Cat can be seen held up in the BG. After round one, a black cat is held up in front of the Mr. Karate looking mask, and all the mask come massively alive. Their eyes dart about, their mouths move, heads raise, and in the case of Karate mask, his nose jiggles.

England: The Trumpetters appear after a round or so. They practice playing in varying formations, only a few moving at a time. I can't tell EXACTLY, but it almost looks like they're trying to follow the music you have playing...

Egyptian Temple: Round one is Dark, green, low activity. 2nd is soft green lights, more movement, 3rd and onwards has red torches, which STRONGLY light the foreground chanters. This effect diminishes on the further away ones, more and more as it hits chanters further from the light.

Those are the main stages I can remember seeing special details in. It seems like some details are rare, and only show up every once in a while, or only in last rounds. Love that kind of detail; reminds me of the Fatal Fury special/KoF 95 days.


Fersis said:
New Loketests announced!

April 27-29: Tokyo (Tokyo Leisure Land Akihabara) ,Aichi (Game King Joy) and Hiroshima (Amibara Hiroshima)

May 1-5:Tokyo (Ad Ace Ogikubo Nishiguchi),Aichi (Game Fantasian Nagakute),Kyoto (neo amusement space a-cho)

(Thanks to Cyberfanatix.com)

Getting closer. I'll be honest, can't be assed to go to Kyoto to check it out :D


Sketchbook Picasso
Story? In MY KoF? HECK YEAH! Here we go!
The intermission demo starts off with Rose being interviewed by a reporter.

"That's correct. The Bernstein foundation is holding this tournament on its own. Oh, money is of no concern."

Scene switches to Botan and her gang, watching Rose on a wall of screens (same scene as that from the intro).

"Things are going as planned. With the tournament now in place, all we have to do now is open the gate."

(Note: I think she said, "With the tournament colisium set on the top of Orochi's resting place, all we have to do now is to open the gate".)

Scene switches to a sideview of a dark location that looks like a king's throne. Mukai is kneeling before someone on the chair.

"So your name was Mukai, right? You're completely useless, you know that?"

"It's all my fault sir. But Botan, she is handling things accordingly."

The camera zooms into the character that's slouching on the chair and looking kind of bored. And we see that's it's Ash, except he looks a bit different than usual. He's wearing a white costume, and has his hair down and long, no hair band. Actually, the scene can be seen in KOFXIII's opening trailer, around 0:26 seconds.

"Magaki's dead, Shion's missing, and we've only got one chance. You guys should all just die. Your lives are worth crap, but at least you can make some decent use out of it."

"I understand sir. Thank you for your kind words."

Camera switches to something that looks like a zoom-up of a red orb, and the intermission ends.

So is it the Ash that we've known since KOF2003, or some kind of an Evil Twin? Only time will tell...

Some cool colors spotted by the Prof:
A few weird colors spotted at the beta:

Has a color that makes him half naked (not wearing any shirt).
Also has a version of that where his arms are colored silver and looks cybernetic as a result&#12290;A reference to Jojo's Stroheim, perhaps?

Has a Dragonball Goku color! His blond hair makes him look like a Super Saiyan.

Has a color where he gets tiger patterned pants.
Also has a color where he wears protective leg stockings (his legs turn black except for his heel and toes).

Has a Yuyu Hakusho Botan color. (SABCA sez SMILING BOMB! -cheer!-)

Has a color that turns him into breifs.

And lastly, some additional info on NeoMax's, and a sample of ROUGH translations/recollections of Single Player Mode's pre-fight dialog!

Some misc' stuff and dialogues

"Psycho Medly" NeoMax makes her hit the opponent, then attack from multiple directions on the screen as she wears outfits from the previous KOF games. The developers didn't go though the trouble of making animations for each of the attacks, so they're just single frames that appear for a split second.

Neomax: He does a stylish pose where he raises one of his hand, and then shoots a laser of lightning across the whole screen.

Hwa Jai
His voice is very high toned, kind of like Adon from Capcom's Street Fighter Alpha series. His Neomax looks standard but it's a bit weird. He attacks the opponent with a stronger version of his horizontal Dragon Kick, and when he hits, the screen flashes white. When it turns back normal, you see Hwa Jai on the ground, his hands raised in the air as though he's either doing a victory pose or praying. But when you look at his face, he looks totally crazy like a mad Yamazaki, drooling (or spilling out booze?).

Neomax is a huge Raikouken. Not too flashy. Her pre-fight dialogues are hilarious.

Pre-fight dialogues
First and formost, these are from memory and short notes so they're not word for word and lines are missing. Please don't, DON'T blame me for any mistakes. They should give you a good idea of how the dialogues go though, and should be better than nothing at all.

Iori vs Kyo
Kyo: Man, you've lost your flames, but you still haven't changed a bit, have you?
Iori: Shut up and Die, Kyo.
Kyo: Oh what's this, are you rushing for some reason? It isn't like you now, is it?
Iori: Shut up! I said die!

Yuri vs Robert
Robert: Hey Yuri, let's go out after this!
Yuri: Oh I'm sorry, I need to attend a celebration afterwards. But I'll see you at the hospital! Because I'm going to send you there!

Mai vs Raiden
Mai: Mr. Bear, is that you?
Raiden: No! I'm Raiden! I-AM-RAIDEN!
Mai: Huh? What's up with you? Why are you wearing a mask?
Raiden: Don't ask sensitive questions like that!

Yuri vs Raiden
Yuri: Is it true that you hate Koalas?
Raiden: That's right. Koalas, you can't understand a thing that they're thinking.
Yuri: But Koalas are bears too!
Raiden: No! A bear and a Koala is different! Don't put them together!

Yuri vs Vice
Vice: Cripes, your voice just gives me headaches! I need to shut you up!

Yuri vs Mature
Yuri: An eye patch! What happened to your eye? Did you have an accident? Are you diseased?
Mature: Oh no, it's not something like that. Would you like to see it?
Yuri: Erm, I have a bad feeling about it... No thanks, I'll pass.

Mai vs Hwa Jai
Mai: Oh my God, another guy that's just wearing nothing but boxers!
Hwa: What? So you know about Joe?

King vs Mature
Mature: Oh, what a beauty we have here! You're just as beautiful as a rose.
King: Well watch out, because this rose has thorns!
Mature: I enjoy ripping pedals off from beautiful roses. It must be wonderful to see and hear you in agony too.

King vs Elisabeth
King: Looks like you've got class. Why not come have a drink at my bar when we're finished?
Elisabeth: Yes, let us drink-- to my victory!

Athena vs Ash
Athena: I didn't realize it before, but you have a strong will... you're determined to do something.
Ash: And so what? Not like I want anyone to understand.

Athena vs Athena
Athena: Huh? What is this? Are we having some kind of an event or something?


Sketchbook Picasso
-DarKaoZ- said:
Man those conversations are nice! Kinda wish there were some animations on them too.

Their Portraits have different emotions! So... there's... something!

Once this comes to consoles, I hope we have a gallery to view all these, and an achievement for seeing all of them, lol. That's going to be a LOT of matchups, since they do this apparently EVERY ROUND.... ( o_O)

I still have winquote lines that suprise me in XII... Still love Robert to Kyo "Are you hurt? Why don't I drive you to the Hospital in my EXPENSIVE ITALIAN CAR?!?"

Andy can now move on from taunting Robert about not having Yuri there to cheer him on. And I truly wonder what Mai's going to pull on Andy this year...


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The dialogs are damn awesome , each character showing his personality and damn funny too. (Yuri Vs Vice)



I'm at 17 panpans vid. Tons more to watch. WOW.

The game is looking better then ever. Yeah HK guys are best in the world at kof (sorry Fersis), they know how to show the fights off.

I love all NeoMaxes. Even the super short ones.

Someone wanted to see Kim's Neomax?


At 4.54

I'm changing my mind on Hwa Jai, he's like Joe bootleg/hack doing specials in the air and shit. I love that he still insanely drinks like in Fatal Fury one.

So far I've seen Neo Maxes:

I think that's it. Hope to see more later. I need to see Shen Woo's NM.


ReXXXSoprano said:

@GrayFoxPL: Looks like I didn't need that luck against the final boss of Streetwise after all. It's real easy once you find out you can be lazy and win.


Really? I had a hard time. Oh well.


I'm still uncomfortable with (though I understand) the return to recent The King Of Fighters' styles, but I just realized how much the rest of the package matters to me. Thanks, sincerely, to everyone posting translations, animations, backgrounds, story stuff, and music. In those respects, SNK's still got it. Keep them coming!



Guys look at this.


Ryo does EX DM Ranbu. It's like SDM but even more flashy!

Earlier the player wanted to do his neomax but he kept messing up, but we saw EX DM instead!

Btw. I've seen Kyo players unintentionaly cancel dp+p to qcf+p all the time. Like over 20 times already. You can almost hear chinese: "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" .

BTW. How do you do this time thing on you tube. Links to exact times.


GrayFoxPL said:
BTW. How do you do this time thing on you tube. Links to exact times.

Right at the end of the link identification (taking off "related" stuff, as you should, anyway) #t=_m__s . So, #t=5m05s .
GrayFoxPL said:

Really? I had a hard time. Oh well.

Just let
Father Bella
throw those grenades and lead
into them for Phase 1.

Phase 2, just get behind
and wail with Instinct Punches and do the same to
Father Bella
when you get the chance and its a wrap.

You can also stomp
Father Bella
after knocking him over to prompt him to do the sword counter and dodge then combo him and repeat until dead.


Sketchbook Picasso

Ok, this movelist is rumored to be complete for the characters listed. It's pretty confusing to read, but here are the interesting things I noted:

No Power Dunk for Terry! (Ok, now that's out of the way, no asking!)
Leona has her bomb plant, and also a non-Neomax version of Rebel Spark (WOOT WOOT!) as well as a "new" followup to her Grand Saber (which could be her old flip slash!)
Elisabeth is added to potentially have both her old Command normals back from XI.
Kensou's Rekka punches changed to forward fireball motions, so he retains them atop his air dive and fireball.
Ash has 3 command normals, and Potentially his command throw?!? + Ability to follow up flame kisses with repeat motion (maybe to explode them?)
Andy's Shouken DM, which could be seen in vids yesterday
Ralf's pounce DM, which hasn't been shown yet...
No mention of Napalm Stretch for Clark, so far.
Kim's new DM, unseen so far. The list doesn't have his Hi'en Zan follow up either, but we know that's there.

That's what I noticed. Might be more there, so... yeah. Clark has nothing new that Ralf doesn't have, so I'd be sure to at least see Napalm Stretch. Does Leona really have all this new stuff that noone is using? :( Ash is frickin' full of moves! If he really does have his command throw, and a move derived from his "Flame kisses" (probably to blow them up) then... that's pretty cool.


ReXXXSoprano said:
Just let
Father Bella
throw those grenades and lead
into them for Phase 1.

Phase 2, just get behind
and wail with Instinct Punches and do the same to
Father Bella
when you get the chance and its a wrap.

You can also stomp
Father Bella
after knocking him over to prompt him to do the sword counter and dodge then combo him and repeat until dead.

I did most of that. Apart of leading him to granades and I had trouble doging the sword counter. Still it was pretty hard, yet countering combos was fun.


Mai's NM


Vice said:
Yuri vs Vice
Vice: Cripes, your voice just gives me headaches! I need to shut you up!
My god this. :lol On pretty much every video she is in, none of the background noise from the crowd drowns her out.




Here Hwa Jai combos into drinking, but gets kicked out of it - everyone laughs.

I may be wrong but watching the videos it seems that sometimes you can activate hyperdrive together with a special. I don't mean mid combo. I saw Ryo doing his qcf+p and hyperdrive activated with it without a pause. If HyperDrive is C+B Then doing qcf+CB should work for it. Dunno, maybe it's my imagination. In the above vid at the very end you see Hwa Jai finishing with an elblow with hyperdrive effect unless it's his ex special.
Neomax for some chars looks great ,I can wait to play Elisabeth again along with Mai and Yuri.Game play looking so much better than 12 .

Pre-fight dialogues are funny i love Yuri ones so far since i main her .


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I've been reading 'hand on impressions' on Cyberfanatix,SRK,MMCafe,Orochinagi.
Looks like these Loketests are a huge success, lots of people trying the game, lots of positive feedback. (Hwa Jai/Joe Clone being the only negative thing!)

So freakin' hyped!!
Im also surprised by the moveset additions from one Loketest to another. Cool stuff.
So im guessing that the loketest stating in May 1 will have K' Team.


KOF12 its just a bad memory now.... THE KING IS BACK!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Take Out Bandit said:
Does MMcafe have a new address? Looked at the old site and it was last updated years ago. :\
Yup, thats it.
Its all about the bulletin board now. (Well... for the past 4 years)

lolz at Ash Joker palette, SNKP its so hot right now.
Raiden Neo MAX : Just a lariat
Nice to see the zoom in on Neo Max moves with some camera shakes and all. So flashy!


Rex Dart:

I just did this write-up. It's pretty scatter-brained and covers a range of topics, so it may not be of interest everyone. (Apologies.)

Just got back from the Shinjuku loke test. It as pretty packed. Much busier than the previous one. I'd estimate there were always around 25 people in line or playing. People seem to be digging it.

I think there's been a lot more coverage this time around than last time, so please forgive me if I repeat stuff that's already been mentioned. It's hard to keep track of old/new news.

- Unlike the previous build, Drive Cancels now take up half of your Hyperdrive meter. But the Hyperdrive meter starts full-sized. (In the previous build, DCs took up 25%, and the meter got longer with each subsequent character, allowing for more cancels.)
- While in Hyperdrive mode, you can't seem to build any meter. That means that, if you have three stocks and are trying for a NeoMax move, and accidentally do an EX move or a normal DM, there's no way you'll be able to do your NeoMax.
- As was mentioned elsewhere, the attendants kept having to restart the machines. Apparently the game starts to slow down if it's been running too long. Strange. Better fix that!
- Your power bar builds more slowly.

- It seems he can break his kick again.
- The DM listed in his command list (QCBx2+P) doesn't seem to exist. I tried repeatedly to do it and just got his normal projectile. I'm not that bad. Seriously, it was like they forgot to add it.
- Most popular drive cancel is Elbow (DB_F+P) -> DC Shoryudan or kick or super.
- His NeoMax is so damn fast. SO FAST. Not very flashy, but it gets the job done.
- Has an Eiji alternate (purple with red flames).

- Has a Joker alternate. Green hair, white face, purple outfit. Good job, SNK.

- Her NeoMax looks great. She dashes forward, and proceeds to pinball her opponent around between various still frames of her old outfits. The move concludes with her commanding a host of angelic arches to fire at her opponent.

- EX SAB has scary good range. Looks like it eats most attacks too.

- I saw someone manage to connect an uppercut (DP+P) AND his DM after Iori's HCF+C throw, but the timing seems amazingly strict. It's safer to just go straight for the DM.
- C -> HCF+C no longer works, but QCB+K -> DC HCF+C does. Very handy.
- I'm convinced his NeoMax wasn't included. I saw at least three people try to do it. They would very obviously try to build up three bars, enter Hyperdrive mode and then... Either an EX DP+P or an EX HCF+P. You could perhaps write off my earlier comments about Andy's DM to my own execution failure, but honestly, I saw multiple people fail to execute this move.

- NERF'd! :( Her slide no longer knocks down and her Tornado Kick (HCB+K) no longer passes through blocking opponents. She's still solid though.
- Double Strike (QCFx2+K) is still a DM. The projectiles are now red, as opposed to blue.
- Trap Shot -> DC Surprise Rose (QCFx2+P) whiffs. Disappointing.
- Close D -> Trap Shot (DP+K) -> DC Tornado Kick -> DC Venom Strike (air) OR Neo Max.
- Her NeoMax (Venom Shot) is a huge, HaohShokoken-sized projectile. Well, it's more like many projectiles since it hits multiple times, but they all appear as a single wave. You can perform it on the ground or the air, but if done on the ground King will jump up a short distance anyway. The move is aimed diagonally downward.

- A version of her X-Calibur is the classic (pre-XII version). C version is XII-style.
- Her NeoMax is called "Leona Blade."

- Her NM start-up is her pulling back her eyepatch, revealing the Orochi eye. It's almost identical to Vice's, but I couldn't figure out what kind of conditions it had for connecting. It didn't seem like Mature traveled the same distance as Vice did. My guess is that there are some subtleties that aren't immediately apparent.

- His NM is a bit weird. He strikes the same pose he makes during his grab DM (finger in the air), and then charges forward to do an incredibly damaging clothesline. Not as flashy as some of the others. It's called "Raiden Bomber."
- His Super Drop Kick now only needs to be charged for four seconds, as opposed to ten.
- He has an alternate that looks just like Patrick Van Heyting from Buriki One. No one remembers who that is, but his outfit is just a black speedo + boots.

- He has his Bareback Vulcan Punch (QCB,HCF+K) DM back! SNK really likes Ralf.
- His EX Gatling Punch looks just like his old '94/5 DM. In other words, it's Gatling Punch + Vulcan Punch + uppercut finisher.
- Awesome: Vulcan Punch -> DC Neo Max (Jet Vulcan Punch) = 97 HITS! Holy shit, with better timing Ralf really would have the Hyakuretsu Ken.
- If his Neo Max misses, he doesn't enter the cool down phase.
- Gatling Punch -> DC Gallatica Phantom.

- Multipunch -> DC HCB+D -> (in corner) uppercut. Very cool-looking, and good damage.
- EX version of his Ryuko Ranbu has him adding a Haoh Shokoken to the end of it, a la Takuma.
- Saw f+A -> Ryuko Ranbu.
- His Neo Max has a strange energy effect upon hitting. Reminds me of Maxima's QCB+P. It doesn't dizzy the opponent.

- His projectiles are huge and fast. Other projectile-heavy characters (Athena and King) can't seem to keep up with him.
- His walking animation is great. He confidently struts forward with a big grin on his face.
- He's slower and heavier than most other characters.
- Feels like a mix of classic Takuma and a new Takuma.

- Close C -> Buster Wolf -> Neomax (Trinity Geyser). Flashy, but probably not worth the extra bar. Just like with his Dream Cancel in XI, Buster Wolf hardly does any damage. Better to just do Close C -> Trinity Geyser.
- EX Rising Tackle now does around 17 hits.
- C version of Power Wave doesn't travel as far. EX Power Wave is full-screen. (I suspect his normal Power Waves are no longer full screen just so that the EX version has more advantages.)

- Damn strong. In this version of the game, I'd say she's probably one of the strongest characters.
- She can do Mayhem (QCB+P) -> DC Da Cide (HCF+K) -> DC Mayhem -> Etc. Shenanigans! Of course, unless she's in Hyperdrive mode, she can only DC twice.
- Maybe it's just the trajectory, but it doesn't seem like Splash (her DP+P move) makes a very good anti-air throw outside of a follow-up to Mayhem. Was mostly used to catch crouching opponents.

- The addition of her uppercut has made her a crowd-favorite. CrB -> CrA -> DP+P -> DC ANYTHING.
- Her NM has the same basic animation has her Raioken (QCF+K) but instead of her normal projectile she throws something that would be best described as a nuclear weapon cleverly disguised as a projectile. Big explosion.


New York Stage
- There's a blimp with a television screen on it showing the current match. Just like the TV in the stadium stages. Lots of floats can be seen. (My favorite is the dinosaur.)

Brazilian Stage
- Heavy falls (usually caused by DMs but not always) cause things to drop from the trees above. I saw some fruit and even a snake.
- I love the attention to detail in this stage. Especially the small lizards and frogs off to one corner.

France Stage
- Saw Shermie. She appeared in the third or fourth round. She kind of stands out because, unlike everyone else, she isn't animated. Still, a nice easter egg.

China stage
- I hadn't noticed before, but everyone in the background is now on a boat bobbing up and down.
- Li Xiangfei cameos on one of the rooftops. Similar to Shermie, she appears randomly in the third or fourth round. She has some dim sum bowls. (Are they even called bowls? Don't know the proper terminology.)

England stage
- The weather changes slightly during the course of the match. There's a lot of fog in the first round, but some rays of sunshine appear by the fifth match.


Thinking I'd like a chance to practice the game, I got in line to do the single player. This turned out to be a mistake after about half an hour, when I realized I had barely moved in line. Turns out, it takes a long time for people to play through six stages. I think this is because people either wanted to try out lots of combos and NeoMax moves, or they wanted to see all the cutscenes and intro dialogues. They only had one machine set-up for single-player too.

Anyway, the good news is that XIII, in complete contrast to XII, has an incredibly robust single player. More so than any other arcade KOF. The challenges are a great idea (and remind me of Heart Attack mode from Outrun 2). The challenges I saw:
- Roll three times.
- Jump three times.
- Get a three hit combo.
- Drive Cancel a move.
- Hit the opponent with an EX Special.
- Hit the opponent with a DM.
- Hit the opponent with an EX DM.

And the intros are fun.
- Terry pisses off Takuma by not remembering the name of his alter-ego. (He calls him "Mr. Tengu.")
- Everyone makes fun of Terry for being a hobo. Well, they more nicely refer to him as a Freeter (wikipedia it), but the meaning was clear.
- If these get a good translation, I don't think very many people will be missing the animated intros.

As everyone has already seen, the animation quality is superb. No voice acting yet, but hopefully that will come later.

Overall the game is shaping up amazingly well. It already seems very complete, except for a few small details:
- Hwa Jai's clonage is a bit obvious.
- In single player mode, the lack of team stages is odd. I fought the Psycho Soldier team in the Egypt stage, and their happy, upbeat music set against the creepy Egyptian dudes was very incongruous.
- The above-mentioned slowdown (after extended gaming).

Overall, everything is going great. Good luck to SNK with the last 10%.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
King's LDM sounds lame. Would have been nice to see her old KOF95 Illusion dance instead- amped up. Illusion dance is King's iconic move to me, and it's not in this game. Why?

On the console version, I hope you can set favorite color and if you hit like say B to select your char, it autogoes to that color. Fersis, If you get to talk to SNK, recommend that option- I'd like to see it in Blazblue also, and any game with a ton of color.
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