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The Last of Us Multiplayer Discussion Thread

Anyone else feel the armour is waaay to OP? not only does it negate too many bullets ( should be 1) but it's also easy to get without any consequences.

Sure you can shoot the legs.. but when it comes to being actually fighting, going for the legs crosses many peoples mind ( its the same as saying, well go for headshots...)



Yah I love the MP, I think I'm at week 6 or something, about 85 survivors and its been a ton of fun. I've been trying to convince my friends to play, but I seem to be the only one playing so far. Going to have to load up again tonight, and I think I'll try that support role of just healing and stuff. I do love to kill peeps but something to change it up here and there would be good.


If you are a hunter, can you party up with people that are fireflies?

Yeah I think so.

I got to week 7 as a firefly before I lost everything 100% gone in a hunter attack so I had to restart, and I chose hunter and there were quite a few fireflies.

On your team everyone will appear with whatever faction that you chose, but in reality they might be something else.

Not too sure, but thats what it seemed like to me.


After posting about my horrible demises in the other thread. Things got a bit better on following matches but yes, people are ruthless in the multiplayer. I'm really, really awful on Naughty Dog games multiplayer matches.
Anyone else feel the armour is waaay to OP? not only does it negate too many bullets ( should be 1) but it's also easy to get without any consequences.

Sure you can shoot the legs.. but when it comes to being actually fighting, going for the legs crosses many peoples mind ( its the same as saying, well go for headshots...)

Nope. and this comes from someone who never buys anything so he always has more resources translated to supplies. Nail bomb, molotov, shiv, melee (brawler build is a beast if you find a wood plank thing). Anything but directly shooting them. or if you're gonna shoot them, do it in the legs.
Damn it feel like I've been playing a ton of this but I'm only on the end of week 2. I had 3-4 groups failuers before I figured out how it all worked.

I finally had my first day where I didn't get enough supplies. Now I have 6 hungry and 6 sick.
I'm up to 49 people total. It should not be too hard to keep going. Just stay in the game until the end. too many people are bailing out and missing parts.



The molotov and nail bombs are by far my favorite way to take people out. It feels so fulfilling to make them and then set them up and make them go boom.

Molotov especially, I've thrown them really far away and have managed to get quite a few kills randomly throwing them. It definitely startles the enemy and I love that its a guaranteed kill. Nail bombs were fun the first few days earlier in the week, but now people have gotten better and heal fallen down teamates.

By far I hate it when I take down a few guys but also get downed myself and a teammate comes to rush for the execution first instead of healing me and I end up dieing because of that. I always prioritize reviving a teammate unless they have been a ass hat to me.

And matchmaking is bogus. Sometimes I get paired up with a level 33 who carries everyone and finishes the game himself (which is no fun when none of my traps go off since the guy is crazy skilled) against newcomers, or the reversal situation where I am paired up with newbies against a group of high levels. I think partying up with people you know is the best way to remedy the situation as I've had a few fair matches that way.

I still don't know how to craft a upgraded melee weapon, and usually use my cogs for armor. I will try out new things soon, but I wish there was a way to just let me get molotovs and nail bombs easier as thats the only thing that I prefer.


PSN ID: ThisStoreSucks
US Central


It feels like certain caches have different items. Like the one by the buses in the open that's directly bewteen the two starting spawns. I generally skip the nearby cache and run straight for this because I've gotten a 2x4 out of it every time so far.


Nope. and this comes from someone who never buys anything so he always has more resources translated to supplies. Nail bomb, molotov, shiv, melee (brawler build is a beast if you find a wood plank thing). Anything but directly shooting them. or if you're gonna shoot them, do it in the legs.
I've been reading conflicting reports on if buying something using parts affects the amounts of supplies you have at the end can someone clarify?


I've been reading conflicting reports on if buying something using parts affects the amounts of supplies you have at the end can someone clarify?

I read a loading screen that says otherwise, so I decided to spend the cogs. It hasn't made a noticable difference and for the first 5 weeks I never bought anything.


Makes no difference that I've seen. I usually upgrade my primary rifle once ASAp, then save to use the armor an an opportune time. Nothing funnier than getting blasted, taking cover, healing quickly, and buying armor to go Rambo on someone.


I'm the type of person who LOVES the first week of MP for many games, were it's an even battlefield and when it is skill vs skill and not perk vs perk. When everyone uses the same stuff.
That is when it gets very intense, people can't rely on stupid shit to favour there outcomes. You weren't able to just run out in the open since you would have easily died.

I mean it can be fun to overcome the challenge but when the battles turns into everyone using armour and going all out with guns, it feels a lot less like the intense games it was on release and more like a slow paced COD or something...

I don't want it removed, I like the addition and how it can change encounters, I just think it shouldn't be as powerful or it should have more consequences ( no listen mode ?) or even just making it usable on re-spawn only.

I guess the armour isn't all that bad, but it is something that makes me roll my eyes when I see 90% of people I run into using it.


So I decided to try out the bow and armor and it definitely is a deadly combo

Randoms can be so stupid sometimes though, I down 3 of them in the same room before the 4th downs me. My only other teamate is just sitting there on the other side of the map :/

Gadirok thanks


I've been reading conflicting reports on if buying something using parts affects the amounts of supplies you have at the end can someone clarify?

It does not. It counts total parts earned, not what you have left over.

Anyone else feel the armour is waaay to OP? not only does it negate too many bullets ( should be 1) but it's also easy to get without any consequences.

Sure you can shoot the legs.. but when it comes to being actually fighting, going for the legs crosses many peoples mind ( its the same as saying, well go for headshots...)

It doesn't negate bullets, it negates damage, that's why someone can still die from torso shots with armor. Seeing as the entire lower half the body is a much larger target than the head, it's not exactly the same. There's a huge consequence in that those are parts you're now not using towards ammo or weapon upgrades.
My wife says she'd play multi-player if there was a mode where you can sneak up behind people to surprise them with a hug.


Updated the OP. Lets get some games going.

Gaf Username
Mic/No Mic
Additional Notes

Google docs would be nice!

Gaf Username: shagg_187
PSN ID: shagg_187
Mic/No Mic: Mic
Timezone: EST
Additional Notes: I don't have a set time when I play, but I love teamwork and I prefer teamwork than running alone. It's fun!!
Something that sucks:

Revive should not be the same button as Execute. It's caused me to miss revives (which are always my main goal) for executions because they're too close together
Randoms can be so stupid sometimes though, I down 3 of them in the same room before the 4th downs me. My only other teamate is just sitting there on the other side of the map :/

I just had two matches with randoms and its just as fun as playing with randoms that invite you to party. The few things to do is that:

1. Always mark enemies.
2. Communicate. Tell them where to go, when to go.
3. If they don't follow your lead, you follow them and work with them.
4. The game is not about running and gunning, it's about collecting supplies, setting traps, and waiting. Every time I have died, it's either I've run and gunned or that I've been outnumbered (and occasionally, a brilliant molotov decimating my entire team!).
5. Be a leader in every game as that will teach others to learn your tactics. Revive whenever you can. Craft whenever you can. Buy ammo whenever you can. Use Listen mode whenever you can. No idle moment! :D


updated cross-post.

Here are my impressions after about 24 hours and reaching level 12 or so (Supply Raid since I avoid elimination game types at all costs).


+ The maps are decent except for The Dam. Some tense choke point shootouts.
+ A few of the Tier 1 and 2 perks get interesting once you start leveling. Playing Medic and chasing around weak teammates while slowly healing them is fun.
+ Rarely have I had an enemy spawn behind me.
+ Don't think Listening Mode is nearly as OP as everyone thought it'd be. Seems to only last a few seconds before recharge and requires you to move at a snail's pace. Rarely felt the need to use it.
+ Being able to heal self while moving.
+ Rewards teamwork. You lone wolf, you die.


- Constantly in and out of crafting menus for the entire match. I realize this is what differentiates this from Uncharted MP, but having to press Select, R1, Down, Craft Ammo after every few kills gets old quick, even though I can now fly through the button presses with the speed of Bruce Lee.
- It's hard to judge how visible your character is when peeking around a corner, more so than any other TSP. Not good for a shooter with gunplay that centers around stealthily ADS'ing around corners.
- Reminds me how every TPS needs a Gears 3 cover system (and control scheme).
- No blind firing?
- Spotting lasts way too long (I realize there is an "impervious to being spotted" perk). Still game-breakingly OP. Fortunately nobody realizes this yet.
- ADS strafe speed feels too slow. Needs slight boost.
- Can't see this holding my interest long term, especially when SC: Spies v. Mercs, a much more interesting, complex, 4v4 competitive MP game, releases in a month.


This caught my attention:

me: I caught the next guy once in the chest before shooting his nail bomb in mid-air somehow, but he still lived

I swear I did this in game but thought "nah, it had to have blown up for some other reason". So you really can do that huh? That is pretty awesome!

Anyways, anyone can add me if you are willing to play as a team. I am ok at the game and am a good team player but the majority of the time get put on teams where everyone wants to be a lone wolf. I am sure everyone tries this at first but this is obviously the least effective way to win. Last night I played against a team that worked great together and it pissed me off so much (they didn't lose a single life). I NEED to play on a team with people who stick together.

Gaf Username: Solidc213
PSN ID: VVarlos (that is two V's that make the VV)
Timezone: Mountain
Mic/No Mic: Have mic but rarely use it. Probably part of my problem lol.
Additional notes: Add me if you play to win and are a team player. Put NeoGaf in subject line so I know where you are from. Usually play after 10pm. Lets get some games going! :)


Something that sucks:

Revive should not be the same button as Execute. It's caused me to miss revives (which are always my main goal) for executions because they're too close together

This. Especially when my teammate and an enemy get into a stalemate and down each other. Igo for the heal and suddenly i'm bashing the enemy's face in with my wooden plank and my teammate dies.


updated cross-post.

Dam is great, sets up good flanking passages in exchange for being super vulnerable. Only weird outlier I've seen is downtown which usually gets voted out anyway.

I think the ammo system is brilliant. Since you don't maintain it in between lives, you never want to fully stock on bullets and waste money, but you're always working with such a low amount that you constantly have to make the trade off of vulnerability and ammo.

Forcing you to have a full menu on the screen is a good way of making the analog of you having to focus on something else and not be able to perfectly make out what's ahead of you while doing it.
This caught my attention:

I swear I did this in game but thought "nah, it had to have blown up for some other reason". So you really can do that huh? That is pretty awesome!

Anyways, anyone can add me if you are willing to play as a team. I am ok at the game and am a good team player but the majority of the time get put on teams where everyone wants to be a lone wolf. I am sure everyone tries this at first but this is obviously the least effective way to win. Last night I played against a team that worked great together and it pissed me off so much (they didn't lose a single life). I NEED to play on a team with people who stick together.

Gaf Username: Solidc213
PSN ID: VVarlos (that is two V's that make the VV)
Timezone: Mountain
Mic/No Mic: Have mic but rarely use it. Probably part of my problem lol.
Additional notes: Add me if you play to win and are a team player. Put NeoGaf in subject line so I know where you are from. Usually play after 10pm. Lets get some games going! :)

It's hard to play to win without a mic, lol. I have one and so do most of the people I play with. I'll add you. My tag is Proximity_Plus.

1.8kdr, get at me bros, will post my build later.

2.5 here. :p


Wait, can someone confirm the following:

Winning a Survival game in a clean 4 round sweep results in less supplies than a 4-3 win (assuming consistent parts/round).

There isn't some kind of "early win" bonus I'm missing right?


I swear I did this in game but thought "nah, it had to have blown up for some other reason". So you really can do that huh? That is pretty awesome!

I'm not 100% sure, but I could swear the guy's nail bomb exploded in mid-air while I was shooting at his upper torso. I was upstairs above him in the ski lodge/cabin in the snow level, and I don't know why it would've exploded on its way up to me unless I got an incredibly lucky mid-air shot. Damn, I wish MP had replays you could save CoD-style. That's one thing that's sorely missing.


Wait, can someone confirm the following:

Winning a Survival game in a clean 4 round sweep results in less supplies than a 4-3 win (assuming consistent parts/round).

There isn't some kind of "early win" bonus I'm missing right?

Is there even a supply bonus in winning a match and not? The bulk of your supplies will be from actions in game converted over from parts and next largest up comes from supplies you loot from people you've killed.
As many has said, when you're facing a team with mics and you're with random people, it's hard to win. I hate it when I'm in a team with a rambo or more. I feel like screaming at them to stay together. The last to matches, I was always the last person since we had two rambos. I managed to reduce them to their last four(they had 7), but they finally killed me. I don't know if it's possible to win that. People really need to stick together and not rush.

Anyway, I usually play the healer/support but I mange to do well with kills. Would be nice to play with people who stick together. I managed to be in one team who did and we owned with a 16-0 win.

Also, I'm pretty sure you can kill someone when they hold the bomb/molotov. Someone was holding a molotov so I shot it and he burned to death. I could be wrong though...


seems like you should actually lose those 60% challenges on purpose to keep your required supply amount low..am i right?


Are the levels next to your name tied in with the number of supplies you've gotten? They don't seem to be tied with the week number at all.


anyone else think they should disable listening mode?

It adds a good bit of depth by forcing people to stop moving completely. An actual hardcore mode that disables most screen indicators and rebalances a lot of the perks would be interesting though.

Are the levels next to your name tied in with the number of supplies you've gotten? They don't seem to be tied with the week number at all.

It's purely the amount of weeks you've completed which would ostensibly mean it's a linear progression all the way through. My first clan died while I was at week 11. My current clan is midway through week 8. So current level is 17.


Also some help please.

Do you appear as a red dot on the map when you walk up right regardless of the speed or ONLY when you sprint? I've seen people moving around while standing up and not appear on the map as red dots.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Also some help please.

Do you appear as a red dot on the map when you walk up right regardless of the speed or ONLY when you sprint? I've seen people moving around while standing up and not appear on the map as red dots.

Red dot only when you sprint or shoot an unsilenced weapon.


Does the faction you choose (Hunters vs Fireflies) effect being able to play online with friends? Like, if they're on a different faction does it matter?

So far my only complaint is that armor basically nullifies the usefulness of the sniper rifle. Can't afford to waste a bullet if it only takes off their armor.


Listen mode needs to go, i was hoping ND had learned by now, any kind of wallhack has no place on a competitive game


Listen mode needs to go, i was hoping ND had learned by now, any kind of wallhack have no place on a competitive game

If you're looking at it competitively, how is it not just another completely arbitrary mechanic along with every other ability? Do you have issues with the perks as well? Do you actually understand how it works ingame and are complaining about its balance? How much does it annoy you that this is a third person game as well?


No i dont have a problem with other perks, listen mode is something that allows people to see through walls.. it encourages others to stand still and basically never walk or run

I dont understand how anyone can defend a mechanic like that


If you're looking at it competitively, how is it not just another completely arbitrary mechanic along with every other ability? Do you have issues with the perks as well? Do you actually understand how it works ingame and are complaining about its balance? How much does it annoy you that this is a third person game as well?

What is it with you defending this bullshit? You did the same thing in the regular OT. Listening mode is broken as fuck in MP.


What is it with you defending this bullshit? You did the same thing in the regular OT. Listening mode is broken as fuck in MP.

This. Without listen mode in MP this might actually be worth playing.

arne chop this listen mode shit out with your samurai sword pls


Isn't there a perk that lets you be invisible in listen mode if you're crouched? If someone is relying on listen mode, that perk will make them pay for it.
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