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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)

It's not often (actually never before) that a game can have me so hooked that I'll play it for 6 or 7 hours straight and not realise it's 4:15am because I was loving it so much.
The Last of Us has done that to me twice now.

So, I played it on Hard 1st go, as I did for all 3 Uncharteds.
My god some parts of the game are brutally difficult.

Well I managed to finish in a time of 19 hours and 27 minutes, with 628 Kills to my 81 deaths lol.

Loved the story, the acting, the characters, the chemistry between Joel and Ellie, the world, the scenery at times had me just looking around, and the game did make me cry, not ashamed to say that and it's the first time a game has had that effect on me.

Bravo Naughty Dog.
Are Runners the hardest enemies to stealth around in this game? Jesus. If you make the slightest movement around them (even behind them) and you're close enough to them they'll whip around and scream. After several attempts I found that the only way I could stealth kill one of them was to stay perfectly still in one spot, gently push forward on the analog stick and instantly press triangle before they inevitably spun around and saw me. This took practice and was only feasible with one of them.

If you don't have the arrows, what do you do with Runners? Fight them? Track all of their movement simultaneously and move around them at a painfully slow pace hoping one of their constant head turns never spots you?
Throw junk at them+running+pipe to the face = greatest thing in gaming.

Otherwise, stay hidden till one of them is about to cross your path. That's when you jump out and grab them.


According to my file I'm 47% through the game. The environments, atmosphere and character interaction is incredible in this game, definitely one of the best. Combat however can be frustrating at times =/
5 hours in,
Tess has just died :(

I've found barely any collectibles, only 3 or so Firefly Pendants so far. No toolkits, comics or training manuals. Is that normal?

The clickers are gonna give me a heart attack.

I'm not sure how I feel about being rewarded for shooting enemies with further ammo

Can Infected Runners hear you at a full-speed crouch-walk?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Are Runners the hardest enemies to stealth around in this game? Jesus. If you make the slightest movement around them (even behind them) and you're close enough to them they'll whip around and scream. After several attempts I found that the only way I could stealth kill one of them was to stay perfectly still in one spot, gently push forward on the analog stick and instantly press triangle before they inevitably spun around and saw me. This took practice and was only feasible with one of them.

If you don't have the arrows, what do you do with Runners? Fight them? Track all of their movement simultaneously and move around them at a painfully slow pace hoping one of their constant head turns never spots you?
Well, (possibly lesser-known enemy type spoiler)
are probably the toughest to stealth around, but regardless... runners can still see pretty well and hear. So you can stealth around them in the same way you would human beings, except you can use your flashlight. But when things go south, get used to beating the crap out of them. They're really quite squishy.
5 hours in,
Tess has just died :(

I've found barely any collectibles, only 3 or so Firefly Pendants so far. No toolkits, comics or training manuals. Is that normal?

The clickers are gonna give me a heart attack.

I'm not sure how I feel about being rewarded for shooting enemies with further ammo

Can Infected Runners hear you at a full-speed crouch-walk?
From a certain distance, definitely.
So whenever I see bad guys grouped together talking, I throw an explosive at them and boom. I might miss overhearing their conversation, but it's either me or them.


I was expecting to get my copy today but it wasn't delivered.

My tracking info from Prestige just updated a little bit ago and I noticed this:
Possible delay in delivery due to extra carrier processing
I hope my survival edition isn't damaged.

If all goes well I will finally be playing this tomorrow!


The Cryptarch's Bane
You could spoiler that, just in case people didn't want the gameplay experience spoiled. I painstakingly took him down with more conventional means, it wasn't until the second one I encountered I thought to try that.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Just met another duo in Pittsburgh. This game is like some insanely good mixture of Condemned, Silent Hill, and Uncharted.


The Cryptarch's Bane
This game is like some insanely good mixture of Condemned, Silent Hill, and Uncharted.
The only series of those I have experience with is SH, and the performances in this game make those all look so laughable- and I like those games a lot. It's just going to be so tough to accept "standard" videogame characterization after this.


Hmmm Anyone have a spare network pass? :(
Using my friends review copy here.
All this talk of the used games ban, Sony's doing that shit right now guys


Finished the game this monday, but I just can't stop thinking about it.
I want to return to that world. Relive the experience.

Too bad I'm too fucking busy at work. :-(

MP is really fun as well! Finally a Gears of War type of game (slow-paced, intense, up close combat) on PS3... but better.

I finished the gay on Monday as well, and honestly, my life feels a bit empty right now.

There's just something about having a game filling up your night owl hours, as you become immersed in these characters and narrative.

I'm really interested in picking up the prequel comics.
I finished the gay on Monday as well, and honestly, my life feels a bit empty right now.

There's just something about having a game filling up your night owl hours, as you become immersed in these characters and narrative.

I'm really interested in picking up the prequel comics.

Wait what!? :p


Just played a few rounds of multiplayer. Eh, it's alright, but I don't think it's something I'll be spending much time with. Dat campaign is where it's at.

The Lamp

About halfway through the game on Survival Mode.

It's honestly not that bad.

Okay it's awful, it's like trying to scavenge a 3 year old's closet for murder weapons. But it's not that hard so far, actually. Just annoying how useless I feel with so few weapons and items. Haha.
What? You don't just brush that shit off. Nearly every kill I've gotten in MP has been thanks to listening mode. It's bullshit. Personally I'm not feeling the MP, even less the fact it's pretty much just deathmatch.

Listen mode should only work if you're standing up. The fact that you can detect anyone moving is just too much.

About halfway through the game on Survival Mode.

It's honestly not that bad.

Okay it's awful, it's like trying to scavenge a 3 year old's closet for murder weapons. But it's not that hard so far, actually. Just annoying how useless I feel with so few weapons and items. Haha.

Yeah... I love it too.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Beat it on normal, took me 13 hours with 80 collectibles. I died 27 times. I seemed to get through it a bit quicker than most. I did look around quite a bit too.
What made you deduct the 1 point then?

Legitimate question..

Strong 9 means something along the lines of...well...a high 9. So it's not a full point deduction. It could be a 9.7 or whatever. Basically a 9.5 or higher. I just don't see a need to be so thorough in my analysis and score, especially since I'm not even remotely a professional game critic. Glitchy combat every once in awhile was very frustrating, among other minor details. So, not a perfect 10/10 game.


Have to put it down for the evening.

82% - 14 hours.

This is my game of the generation, seeing the ending credits tomorrow will cement that. Sorry, Bioshock Infinite -- #2 is cool, too.
About 80% through the game and just finished the first section of
. Incredibly annoyed.................

..................that I have to stop playing for the night. I wanted to just finish the game, but alas, that will have to wait until the morning. It really does keep getting better and better after you meet
. I saw people complaining that the game starts throwing too many enemies at you, and that might be a legit criticism if combat wasn't SO fun.


I only unlocked 3 trophies total. Wow.

I reached a point of the game that I started to think it was a bug honestly lol. Then I looked up the trophies and noticed that they are just a few and not that easy to unlock. I blame Uncharted and the easy treasure trophies for that.
Have to put it down for the evening.

82% - 14 hours.

This is my game of the generation, seeing the ending credits tomorrow will cement that.
What did you get up to?

And...holy shit, right?
When Joel got impaled, I literally stoop up and let out a half-whisper in-shock 'No!'. I honestly thought he would die right there. ND did an awesome job making us care for the characters.

Oh, and Ellie's a little badass now!!

Adam Blue

Nearly 5 hours in...it's boring. I tend to stop when I run into a bug. It's pretty common. The newest being having a group of enemies run at me...then past me. They then turn around and do the same. At one point they snap and then attack me. Then, I was supposed to move an object over for Ellie to use to get across a certain section. It doesn't trigger the event. I restart, only to be a different part of the game I don't recognize at all.

It's very frustrating on top of the by-the-numbers gameplay and story.

Yes, the dialogue is different making the characters unique, but that's all I'm seeing here. I'm sure the ending will showcase a neat twist that makes it unique, but the ride there is nothing exciting.

I think gamers either fall in love with character dramas (24, BSG), or prefer a strong presence of gameplay to support the narrative.


Someone in the water level thread said they didn't think the swimming controls were good, does anyone else feel this way? I thought they were fine.


I love this game, just started today. Put about 5hours in didn't get too far because I'm spending too much time just searching around. I can't really find any faults to this game so far.


Just started playing the game today. Man, that opening ;_;
Enjoying the stealth gameplay so far, but I hope something gets switched up soon. I almost just want to walk through the environments, and not do shooting. Too bad.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Nearly 5 hours in...it's boring. I tend to stop when I run into a bug. It's pretty common. The newest being having a group of enemies run at me...then past me. They then turn around and do the same. At one point they snap and then attack me. Then, I was supposed to move an object over for Ellie to use to get across a certain section. It doesn't trigger the event. I restart, only to be a different part of the game I don't recognize at all.

It's very frustrating on top of the by-the-numbers gameplay and story.

Yes, the dialogue is different making the characters unique, but that's all I'm seeing here. I'm sure the ending will showcase a neat twist that makes it unique, but the ride there is nothing exciting.

I think gamers either fall in love with character dramas (24, BSG), or prefer a strong presence of gameplay to support the narrative.

You've seen nothing yet at 5 hours.


Played about 9-10 hours today and made it from
The hotel in Pittsburgh
the part in Winter where Ellie and the guy are stuck in a barn and infected are coming through the roof.

I died around 10 times at this part and can barely keep my eyes open anymore. Can't wait to wake up tomorrow morning and finish off the last 5-6 hours. I know it has been said 1000+ times already in this thread, but this is one of the greatest games I've ever played. Ellie has to be my favorite video game character of all time.
Someone in the water level thread said they didn't think the swimming controls were good, does anyone else feel this way? I thought they were fine.

Probably the same people that condemn Uncharted 2 for it's stealth section which lasts all of 5 minutes and is easy as hell.


Someone in the water level thread said they didn't think the swimming controls were good, does anyone else feel this way? I thought they were fine.

I abhor underwater swimming sections in general. The Last of Us isn't really better or worse than any other recent examples I can think of.

The worst swimming section I can remember for a good game was the first Devil May Cry back in 2001. That shit was fucking awful. First person and everything...

Not saying I want a LoU movie, but if there were one, I think Josh Brolin would play a good Joel.
It could be no one else.
Can I just say how extremely pleased I was at the LACK of trophy unlocks? Only seeing three at the end for beating it on Hard was...amazing.

I thought something was WRONG at first. I looked at the trophies to make sure it hadn't glitched out or something. But no, totally normal and so much more effective. Absolutely nothing in-game to take you out of the narrative.

A wonderful game.
Played about 9-10 hours today and made it from
The hotel in Pittsburgh
the part in Winter where Ellie and the guy are stuck in a barn and infected are coming through the roof.

I died around 10 times at this part and can barely keep my eyes open anymore. Can't wait to wake up tomorrow morning and finish off the last 5-6 hours. I know it has been said 1000+ times already in this thread, but this is one of the greatest games I've ever played. Ellie has to be my favorite video game character of all time.
We'll be awaiting your OMG and GOTY posts tomorrow, good sir
Someone in the water level thread said they didn't think the swimming controls were good, does anyone else feel this way? I thought they were fine.

They suck, ascending and descending never felt precise. But it's never a big issue, it's not like you're outswimming mutant fish or pressed for oxygen much. As a form as traversal, it's fine


Is there going to be a mp thread? Well for know I guess I'll post about my experiences here for now.

Tried supply raid just to get the trophy and had an awful time. Thanks to the extra lives my teammates would run out in reckless abandon just to get killed and I didnt even get enough supplies for the day :(

Thanks to maomao I've been purchasing armor a lot more and its making things easier. I think the price for it should be increased though.

I've having an absolute ball in mp, and I think a lot of us would gladly contribute to an mp thread.

I play supply raid almost exclusively, here's some tips for dudes having problems.
- Spending parts to buy ammo/guns/armor does not affect the final bonus supplies you'll get, those are based solely on your score which does not change even if you buy items.
- Craft as many things as you can, crafted items make the most difference in my experience. I like bombs and molotovs, followed by upgraded melee weapons. I don't ever make first aid kits because those are littered all over the map.
- Armor covers your head and upper torso, so shooting an armored dude in the legs takes him down just as fast. This also means a crouching armored dude is pretty safe.
- Sprinting makes you show up on the enemy's minimap. Walking or crouch walk doesn't. I almost never sprint unless absolutely necessary.
- Listen mode is king, but you don't need to hold it down continuously. Walk a distance, listen to check, carry on walking if its clear. If you can see enemies via listen mode, they can see you too.
- Special executions should only be done if you know you aren't going to get shot at when you're doing it. Because there is wave respawn, you can look at the number of enemies alive and decide if you want to go in for the special execution.
- Stay close to your team mates so that you can flank the enemy, but don't cluster together, you'd be a sucker for molotovs.

Perks that I like:
- Covert training 2, can't be seen on listen mode when crouch walking is superb if you like flanking.
- Crafter 1, crafting items in a pinch has saved me more than a few times
- Collector 2, if you're going for unlocking customizations this is essential to bringing your clan to population 100. I made it to 114 before I crashed out and never recovered.
- Explosion expert, I like bombs and molotovs, molotovs are usually instant downs + executions
- Pistol auto-zoom, 9mm is a great close range weapon while revolver can substitute as a decent mid range weapon, this perk is more useful than I had initially thought.
Perks that I don't like:
- Sharp ears, great for listen mode, but not actually necessary in my opinion.
- Brawler, finding a 4 x 4 isn't very common, and neither is getting close enough to melee enemies.
- Marathon runner, I prefer silence.
- Strategist, not really useful in my opinion.
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