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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)


Here are my impressions after about 24 hours and reaching level 12 or so (Supply Raid since I avoid elimination game types at all costs).


+ The maps are decent except for The Dam. Some tense choke point shootouts.
+ A few of the Tier 1 and 2 perks get interesting once you start leveling. Playing Medic and chasing around weak teammates while slowly healing them is fun.
+ Rarely have I had an enemy spawn behind me.
+ Don't think Listening Mode is nearly as OP as everyone thought it'd be. Seems to only last a few seconds before recharge and requires you to move at a snail's pace. Rarely felt the need to use it.
+ Being able to heal self while moving.
+ Rewards teamwork. You lone wolf, you die.


- Constantly in and out of crafting menus for the entire match. I realize this is what differentiates this from Uncharted MP, but having to press Select, R1, Down, Craft Ammo after every few kills gets old quick, even though I can now fly through the button presses with the speed of Bruce Lee.
- It's hard to judge how visible your character is when peeking around a corner, more so than any other TSP. Not good for a shooter with gunplay that centers around stealthily ADS'ing around corners.
- Reminds me how every TPS needs a Gears 3 cover system (and control scheme).
- No blind firing?
- Spotting lasts way too long (I realize there is an "impervious to being spotted" perk). Still game-breakingly OP. Fortunately nobody realizes this yet.
- ADS strafe speed feels too slow. Needs slight boost.
- Can't see this holding my interest long term, especially when SC: Spies v. Mercs, a much more interesting, complex, 4v4 competitive MP game, releases in a month.

Looking at your bad points, it's seem you want it to be more fast pace, streamlined and quicker/ snappy movement. That would ruin it.


is really fun.
Fighting humans
is a really nice change of pace from
fighting infected
, it really is a whole different ballgame gameplay-wise imo. Also, Ellie's awesome, love the chats her and Joel had
in the car on the way into the city
. It was also fun seeing the context of that cut-scene that was shown way back as a trailer, with
the Hunters trying to trick Joel and Ellie, and the car crash

This right there is how to NOT do spoilers. Nobody knows shit about where you are at.
I just reached Spring. Incredible. Speechless.

You know who voiced
Nolan North

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Played about 40mins into Winter last night. Loved the opening cinematic and the transition to gameplay.
Very nice change of pace and the animation of the rabbit was very well done especially when Ellie picked it up and the body was all limp and lifeless.

Currently 78% after 20hrs 40mins with 104 collectibles (no guides). My death count us considerably high, something like 140 deaths, 760 kills.
Got my Sony Pulse headset today.

Just...wow. Unbelievable. The clarity of gunshots (especially from rifles), and the weighty footsteps on metal stairs. I missed out on so much.

Edit: there's even an echo of gun shots from rifles
I think the only part of this game that won't be a pleasure to replay is the sniper segment. The bodycount there is just ridiculous, felt so out of place. And I hate precision aiming with analog sticks.

This game is as good as it gets otherwise. Easily in my personal pantheon with Thief, RE4, MGS3, SMG2, Splinter Cell, Deus Ex, Warhawk and only a few others. I can't stop thinking about it since I beat it.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
This is the best looking console game this, gen hands down. The detail, art design and lighting are just draw-jopping, i cant believe people were bitching over the visuals in other threads, it's different seeing stills on your monitor compared to playing it on a big hd tv, I'm a PC gamer and this game just looks incredible,

I agree it looks great but for me personally I think Red Dead looked better. Granted it wasn't as 'busy' as TLOU but it captured the environments extremely well and the weather/time if day changes... sublime.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Damn, just beat it. 100% at 14 hours 35 minutes on hard with no listen mode.

Random stats:

41 deaths, 221 melee kills, 79% accuracy with 599 shots fired.

I'll let it sink in a bit and make a giant post about my thoughts, but overall this game is amazing. ND's finest work for sure.

Nice job! I took longer, died 100 times (exactly) and killed 666 enemies (exactly). Now what does it all mean?

It means I'm a murderer. :[


Spent a bit over an hour in Winter.

Holy shit I'm playing as Ellie!! Got to the point where I have to sneak up and take out hunters.
Yeap, this game is incredible. Beat it yesterday and definitely game of the gen. Loved every moment from beginning to end.

The music when the credits start to roll. Just fucking perfect.
I haven't finished this yet and haven't really been to this thread for fear of spoilers, but I had to drop in and tell everyone what they already know. THIS GAME IS AMAZING.

- Beautiful. Graphics and sound just take me to the world of TLoU. It's really gripping and almost amazes me that this is running in 512MB of RAM.
- Lots of polish. The graphics are great as mentioned but also all of the little details add a lot to the experience.
- Gripping story. It's true, I hadn't played a game like this before. I remember on the original PlayStation games like Resident Evil and then of course Metal Gear Solid really raised the bar on what I thought "gaming" was and for this generation, The Last of Us does the same.
- Fun gameplay. In the game we are fighting for survival and the tension is high, with your heart pounding you frequently encounter danger (I'm also playing on Hard difficulty) but overall, the game mechanics are still FUN to play. I am already looking forward to multiple play-throughs and I don't often do that with games.

I really can't say enough positive things about the game and so far I can't come up with a complaint worth mentioning.

Naughty Dog you are an amazing developer and also Sony should be applauded for recognizing their talent and fostering great games like this.


I think those responses are almost meta in a way. Cause I bet some people are like 'Ugh, another freaking floating pallet puzzle...'

So Ellie's comments mirror the gamer's thoughts
Which is actually pretty bad design. If you know people will be rolling their eyes, instead making it clear you too know what you're making them do is lame, don't make them do it.
Kind of getting into it a bit more now after a shakey start. After the first Bloater I dropped the difficulty from hard to easy because I was just sick of restarting every single encounter a dozen times, at that point I just wanted to blast through the game and be done with it - but enjoying it a little more now. The section after
Joel falls down the elevator shaft
was really scary, I hated feeling alone it was really creepy in the dark - A well done little section.

too linear, ugly IQ, cliche story, slow ass walking sections, too forgiving checkpoints, terrible puzzles, 6/10 I guess
I assume this is sarcasm, but agree with most of it, except the walking sections.

I think my favourite parts are the quiet times between the action where you can enjoy all the hard work that went into the environments - I really enjoy looking around the environments without worrying about something jumping on my back for another QTE or checkpoint restart and tbh would really like a game world like this where scavenging and surviving are the aims rather than shooting things.
Im gonna start this game tomorrow or over the weekend, been really anticipating it! I'm on a media blackout (so havent really read much of this thread)

one thing I want to know, Should I play on hard for the first time ? It's my usual go to setting for most games.. but sometimes hard means hard on games like these !


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Nice job! I took longer, died 100 times (exactly) and killed 666 enemies (exactly). Now what does it all mean?

It means I'm a murderer. :[

It means your Joel worships Satan, of course.

I have 527 kills. Pretty neat/weird what a huge difference we have.


This is literally the first game I feel bad about that resold it.
Usually I import them, since they're incredibly expensive here, then resell them at almost the exact same price I bought them for.

But man, this game was so good and now that I don't have it anymore, I feel empty inside. Very first time this has happened. FUCK. Gonna have to get another copy, I guess.
I think my favourite parts are the quiet times between the action where you can enjoy all the hard work that went into the environments - I really enjoy looking around the environments without worrying about something jumping on my back for another QTE or checkpoint restart and tbh would really like a game world like this where scavenging and surviving are the aims rather than shooting things.

My wife and I enjoy those moments as well. It is also good game design because they can't have constant high-stakes action and expect the gamer to not get fatigued. There has to be cool down periods. My wife is watching me play and she likes a moment to catch her breath. hah


Finished the game a hour ago and i'm really impressed. Went into it with high hopes and cant say they weren't fullfilled.

Had some time with the MP too and it feels great and i'm doing pretty good ;). Still have two huge negatives:

1.) If you disconnect during a game, you get NO food. It's ridiculous. Enemy team had only 4 spawns left and i had already enough food for my clan, but i get kicked out of the game (not a problem on my side). Back in the lobby i realize that half of my clan are either hungry or sick -.-. Before the game they were all perfectly fine. Probably need 3-4 games, maybe even more, to get them fit again. Thx ND.

2.) You have to be on your best the whole time to keep your clan fit. I rarely try new perks, weapons or something completely different, because i have to get enough food. Not that difficult when your clan as 50-70 members, but I'm now at 90+ and i have to do well in every game. Kind of annoying, because i want to try different options like stealth classes, etc.

There are some gameplay-problems too but that's another thing.
This is literally the first game I feel bad about that resold it.
Usually I import them, since they're incredibly expensive here, then resell them at almost the exact same price I bought them for.

But man, this game was so good and now that I don't have it anymore, I feel empty inside. Very first time this has happened. FUCK. Gonna have to get another copy, I guess.

I will soon know that feel.

Finished up the game a few hours ago, and thought it was excellent. Without a doubt, one of the best experiences I've had with a game. But unfortunately, with all the games coming out from August and on, I'll have to trade some games in if I want to afford them.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
I've been avoiding everything LoU related for a while so forgive me if this is common but I started earlier and went to go back and there's no save at all.

Any advice?


Just bought a Post Pandemic copy I had preordered but haven't opened it yet. A pretty substantial financial commitment. Dont know what to do with it.
10 hours, 23% complete.
Did you take a 4 hour shit with the game running? It took a little over 18 hours for me on Hard not rushing and getting my ass kicked for a bit during the
first and second bloater encounters

Regardless, I'm jels that you are only 23% in...lucky soul.


I've just got to the start of

Met up with
David and am now in a high room at the top of the building, and am getting annihilated by the rush of runners/clickers and a bloater. I've got bugger all health, hardly any ammo and get fucked up by the second wave that arrives just before the bloater.

What is the best tactic here? Playing on Hard, 15 hours thus far. Any pointers would be great.



I've just got to the start of

Met up with
David and am now in a high room at the top of the building, and am getting annihilated by the rush of runners/clickers and a bloater. I've got bugger all health, hardly any ammo and get fucked up by the second wave that arrives just before the bloater.

What is the best tactic here? Playing on Hard, 15 hours thus far. Any pointers would be great.


Probably past the part now, but for the ones coming down the hall, wait until they're fairly close before killing them. Not sure what it's like at that difficulty, but they drop a good amount of ammo. When in doubt I just evade as best I can while David stuns them for me to finish.


I've just got to the start of

Met up with
David and am now in a high room at the top of the building, and am getting annihilated by the rush of runners/clickers and a bloater. I've got bugger all health, hardly any ammo and get fucked up by the second wave that arrives just before the bloater.

What is the best tactic here? Playing on Hard, 15 hours thus far. Any pointers would be great.

That's a tough encounter if you're low on resources. Make good use of bricks!/bottles to stun enemies so you can take them out quickly with mele. Also I think there'd a few crafting materials on he upper section you might be able to make use of.
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