Am I really reading people not agreeing with a characters actions as being plot holes? I think folks hear a critic say certain things, quickly glance at urban dictionary for a definition and just run with it.
That you were trying desperately to say "But it was 1,5 years!!!" in a very pathetic way when in reality its just so close to two years that its easier to say two years.(Or go ahead, keep saying that it did 10 million in 23 months)So not 2 years regardless of how pathetic I am? Really WTF are you saying?
Am I really reading people not agreeing with a characters actions as being plot holes? I think folks hear a critic say certain things, quickly glance at urban dictionary for a definition and just run with it.
Yes but Amazon sells far higher volumes of games than other retailers so is more meaningful.I'm talking about disc sales and i'm using price search engines like idealo or geizkragen. Amazon is actually never the cheapest place for games.
He lost his eye. It wasn't a last action hero situation.He didn't even get shot in the head lol. The bullet sraped the side of his face. Hence the scar
How does a person say it hasn't been 2 years in a pathetic way? I'm guessing not realizing it wasn't 2 is the real show of strength. 10 mil is 10 mil baby!! Deal with that.That you were trying desperately to say "But it was 1,5 years!!!" in a very pathetic way when in reality its just so close to two years that its easier to say two years.(Or go ahead, keep saying that it did 10 million in 23 months)
It's been a while since I've played TloU but IIRC, the ending was that Ellie had to be sacrificed so that a cure can be developed and the rest of humanity can be saved. I think that is what is called "For the greater good" and I think saving humanity over it was worth it, no matter how harsh it is.
He lost his eye. It wasn't a last action hero situation.
How does a person say it hasn't been 2 years in a pathetic way? I'm guessing not realizing it wasn't 2 is the real show of strength. 10 mil is 10 mil baby!! Deal with that.![]()
In the same game it shows that Joel is the same distristing man as he has been in the first game.It wasn't a characterization, it was just a plain old mistake, a plot hole.They couldn't find anything more believable and said fuck it.
And I did just told you why plot holes are inherently bad.They are mistakes done by the story teller that takes the player away from the immersion.Some are worse than others, but nobody say "this game has plot holes" like its a good thing.Its you who didn't like my answer, but that's on you.
But that is the purely emotional response to that situation. I don't think that is the rational response to a situation where one life can save all of humanity.When it comes to your child - biological or not, there is no greater good. That is what is unique about being a parent. You can sacrifice yourself for the greater good. But your child?
Where people buy doesn't change the fact that the price drops and that'S what e was talking about. If people are stupid and pay 50-80 instead of 30, that's their fault.Yes but Amazon sells far higher volumes of games than other retailers so is more meaningful.
And far more games are sold digitally than physically.
So if we're talking about average prices of games, the Amazon and the Playstation Store are much more relevant here![]()
What is the value of all of humanity if you lose the most valuable to you? You cannot be purely rational and say 1 life < more than 1 life. We are not robots.But that is the purely emotional response to that situation. I don't think that is the rational response to a situation where one life can save all of humanity.
I think they changed it in some scenes to make it resemble part 2.Why the Ellie face in some expressions sometimes is really weird and ugly as the sequel? Jeesh.
Am I really reading people not agreeing with a characters actions as being plot holes? I think folks hear a critic say certain things, quickly glance at urban dictionary for a definition and just run with it.
I guess they tried to change the Ellie face just to make it more similar to the actress but good Lord sometimes is so off.I think they changed it in some scenes to make it resemble part 2.
You obviously had to blame politics when that particular plot hole has nothing to do with politics lolJoel isn't the one who "fucks up", if anyone its Tommy because he gives away their identities. They near blindly flee in a Blizzard with a character who they've already had to give a degree of trust to in order to survive an onslaught of infected.
You can criticize the setup for being somewhat contrived, but the character work isn't at fault. In fact this whole notion that they did anything destructive to Joel's personality/motivations is laughable when the game basically closes with a flashback where he literally states that given the chance for a do-over, he'd do the exact same thing again. That his story ending is more Jesse James being assassinated by the coward Robert Ford than Davey Crockett at the Alamo fits with the fatalistic world view of the franchise.
Its kinda funny to me, because this issue is very much a "speech you hate isn't hate speech" type of deal, only one running in the opposite direction politically to the usual.
to me, it looks less classically attractive - meaning less symmetry and proportionality.I guess they tried to change the Ellie face just to make it more similar to the actress but God Lord sometimes is so off.
Nah, go to check the actress. She is more similar now. They did the same with Elena but the reverse (because the actress was definitely more attractive than Elena in the first Uncharted). Probably is something relative to the face animations capture.to me, it looks less classically attractive - meaning less symmetry and proportionality.
Everybody had a goofy ass face in the first UnchartedNah, go to check the actress. She is more similar now. They did the same with Elena but the reverse (because the actress was definitely more attractive than Elena in the first Uncharted). Probably is something relative to the face animations capture.
You obviously had to blame politics when that particular plot hole has nothing to do with politics lol
But you do you. That is clearly bad writing, so if you can't see that, I don't think you ever will, no matter how much evidence is thrown your way.
Did you really find the setup for the meet and eventual reveal contrived? I remember it being setup, especially with the dueling perspectives.As someone who's written professionally, I'm pretty happy with my assessment and the criteria I used to derive it. There is no additional evidence to consider.
Also, it'd be disingenuous not to take note of the fact that the backlash against the game was highly politicized from the start, and it colours a lot of the criticism.
Says you.Clearly the majority don't think like that, otherwise this discussion wouldn't be taking place even now, two years after the fact.As someone who's written professionally, I'm pretty happy with my assessment and the criteria I used to derive it. There is no additional evidence to consider.
Also, it'd be disingenuous not to take note of the fact that the backlash against the game was highly politicized from the start, and it colours a lot of the criticism.
How do you get a majority, one way or another, feels a certain way because a discussion is taking place? Flat earth is a thing that's discussed and for a long time.Says you.Clearly the majority don't think like that, otherwise this discussion wouldn't be taking place even now, two years after the fact.
And sure, it was highly politicized, but that's because the game is filled with political topics that the devs themselves introduced into the game.So skipping them is simply impossible. So those topics don't colour the criticism, its part of why most hate the gane, because it's an intrinsic part of the game.
How do you not get that is a majority, given the lower than expected performance and people still saying the game is shit even 2 years after the release?How do you get a majority, one way or another, feels a certain way because a discussion is taking place? Flat earth is a thing that's discussed and for a long time.
Did you really find the setup for the meet and eventual reveal contrived? I remember it being setup, especially with the dueling perspectives.
Says you.Clearly the majority don't think like that, otherwise this discussion wouldn't be taking place even now, two years after the fact.
And sure, it was highly politicized, but that's because the game is filled with political topics that the devs themselves introduced into the game.So skipping them is simply impossible. So those topics don't colour the criticism, its part of why most hate the gane, because it's an intrinsic part of the game.
I think you're missing the point. This is what I was replying to:Where people buy doesn't change the fact that the price drops and that'S what e was talking about. If people are stupid and pay 50-80 instead of 30, that's their fault.
That post is wrong, this only happens for games which flop or have terrible word of mouth (Cyberpunk, Avengers, BF2042 etc, hardly ever for Sony games) because the majority of games are sold digitally, or at massive retailers like Amazon at or close to full price, and relatively speaking very few gamers are buying games from the retailers you mentioned because most people either havent even heard of them, and because Amazon is like 100 times biggerPlus, sony games crater so fast in price that these empty figures dont really have much meaning these days if 80% of the copies after the first 3 months are sold at 10 bucks
I understand you.I just had the same feeling reading your reply.Rarely read such amount of bullshit in so little amount of words.
Its contrived in the sense that its based on tragic coincidence, which is a hard sell at the start of a story as opposed to its end. Its built to and foreshadowed well, but being basically the cold open to the body of the plot I'm not sure if it hits as convincingly as it should.
I've gone back and forth mentally over the merits and demerits of the game's structure over the course of way too many discussions of the matter, and my feeling is that while I respect what they chose its not the way I'd have gone. Which I fully accept maybe would have turned out less well because there's always stuff I haven't fully considered due to not having seen the full story play out in that order.
That being said, the objective truth is that we are still discussing this two years on - which when all's said and done is I suspect what was intended. TLOU2 is a confronting and divisive game, and that's a rarity in the AAA space.
Eh, it still questionable that Tommy would give out their names like that when he now knows of Joel's past. And letting yourself be surrounded by armed strangers in a room before at least finding out more what that they're doing so close to their hometown strikes me as dumb when they're supposed to be patrol guards.Joel isn't the one who "fucks up", if anyone its Tommy because he gives away their identities. They near blindly flee in a Blizzard with a character who they've already had to give a degree of trust to in order to survive an onslaught of infected.
You can criticize the setup for being somewhat contrived, but the character work isn't at fault. In fact this whole notion that they did anything destructive to Joel's personality/motivations is laughable when the game basically closes with a flashback where he literally states that given the chance for a do-over, he'd do the exact same thing again. That his story ending is more Jesse James being assassinated by the coward Robert Ford than Davey Crockett at the Alamo fits with the fatalistic world view of the franchise.
Which people? Sauce?How do you not get that is a majority, given the lower than expected performance and people still saying the game is shit even 2 years after the release?
So people are getting refunds then? You bought a $70 game with the promise of a MP game mode in it... Now they just decide that MP will be a separate game and cost you money. And we should just accept that? You can't make this shit upIt won't be a MP game mode. It will be a full, separate standalone AAA MP game. So no.
They each gave their names, but why should it matter? They helped and was ready for a psycho revenge muscle shark was on the hunt. The why so close was discussed, mistakes were made.none of these characters are meant to be infallible.Eh, it still questionable that Tommy would give out their names like that when he now knows of Joel's past. And letting yourself be surrounded by armed strangers in a room before at least finding out more what that they're doing so close to their hometown strikes me as dumb when they're supposed to be patrol guards.
Joel acting in character at the end doesn't mean he also did at the beginning.
Human beings.You know, the ones you work and live with. Not aliens and green people like Druckmann.Which people? Sauce?
How do you not get that is a majority, given the lower than expected performance and people still saying the game is shit even 2 years after the release?
Lol first of all, you replied to me once, and never asked me to list any plot holes, so let's exist in reality to start with.
No, you're just throwing definitions out there. Fictional stories are not based on reality. The entire concept of The Last of Us is in fact "unbelievable" from a real world logical standpoint.Secondly, I have to seriously question anyone who suggests that the game has "no plot holes", because that tells me that you don't actually have a clue what that term means.
Plot hole: an inconsistency in the narrative or character development of a story... You're really going to try and act like TLOU2 has NO inconsistencies in the story?
Examples of types of plot holes include: unbelievable storylines, unbelievable character actions, characters changing personalities without warning, deus ex machina events, continuity errors, logic holes, narrative holes, etc.... are you REALLY suggesting that none of these things exist in TLOU2?
These are all things that took attentive players out of the story...
Ok, so literally the ENTIRE sequence between when Abby and Owen arrive in Jackson and when Abby kills Joel, that is one gigantic string of deus ex machina events, as in it a series of wildly convenient story points that taken on the whole, are not believable.
No matter what the defense brigade says, Joel and Tommy instantly giving away their names and location is a character plot hole, based on what we know of the characters in the first game. And NO, there's ZERO evidence that Joel has become more relaxed and complacent in Jackson, quite the opposite in fact. Several times, it is mentioned that Joel considers the patrols to be dangerous still. He has no illusion of safety. I have seen that ridiculous excuse used many times.
Tommy surving a gunshot to the back of the head, with no medical care around for over 1000 miles? Please don't defend THAT crap! Let alone Ellie and Dina being concussed/ has an arrow through the shoulder. Asinine decision to not explain any of that.
Abby leaving Ellie and Tommy alive is a plot hole, because it is a rather unbelievable event.
Abby leaving them all alive the second time, even more unbelievable.
This is what happens when you don't follow the story.Ellie leaving Abby alive at the end, after killing hundreds of people, traveling over 3000 miles via multiple trips, saying the whole time "she better not be dead, so I can kill her"... and then at the very end , let's her live? Massive character plot hole there.
There's not a single moment leading up to that where Ellie feels remorse for anything regarding Abby.
It makes no sense for her to have a 2 second flashback and just let Abby go. That isn't an earned ending, as I said before. They needed to write a lot more scenes to support that type of ending. They betrayed their own writing.
Ellie just happening to find every single person that was with Abby in a city the size of Seattle... unbelievable.
10 feet away? That doesn't happen. Clickers are outside of the synagogue. Infected are in the courthouse or in hidden areas within the large area.Ellie and Dina playing drums about ten feet away from clickers... ridiculous scene that made no sense except as a "music comes into the story late" moment.
How about Abby turning entirely on her "family", just to propel the story along? There's literally no reason she could not have just convinced Issac to let the kids stay since they were outcasts. She was supposedly his top soldier, right? That was a convenience plot line that makes no sense if you stop and think.
So there's way more than 3 that I have given you. There's more than that, but I haven't played the game in 2 years so it isn't fresh in my head. Debate them if you want, I've heard all the tired excuses hundreds of times. The defenses for the writing are always laughable, and rely solely on ad homimems and pointing to "awards" and metacritic scores as their "proof".
"The report states that many devs including studio heads were not happy with this arrangement and simply left. Days Gone Directors Jeff Ross And John Garvin have both left Bend Studio in December 2020 and perhaps, Sony's strict decisions are one of the reasons for their departure. "What do you mean by executive intervention?
Wait what? TLOU2 wasn't $70. I don't even think everyone that bought it even paid $60 for it.You bought a $70 game with the promise of a MP
Eh, it still questionable that Tommy would give out their names like that when he now knows of Joel's past. And letting yourself be surrounded by armed strangers in a room before at least finding out more what that they're doing so close to their hometown strikes me as dumb when they're supposed to be patrol guards.
Joel acting in character at the end doesn't mean he also did at the beginning.
Was it sold as a game including MP? Was this not know before the game released?So people are getting refunds then? You bought a $70 game with the promise of a MP game mode in it... Now they just decide that MP will be a separate game and cost you money. And we should just accept that? You can't make this shit up
It matters because it's not really in character (IMO) for people who survived that long after the apocalypse and have a community to protect from falling into ruin like the outside world.They each gave their names, but why should it matter? They helped and was ready for a psycho revenge muscle shark was on the hunt. The why so close was discussed, mistakes were made.none of these characters are meant to be infallible.
So people are getting refunds then? You bought a $70 game with the promise of a MP game mode in it... Now they just decide that MP will be a separate game and cost you money. And we should just accept that? You can't make this shit up
Was it sold as a game including MP? Was this not know before the game released?
Is it not character of random people or the actual characters being discussed? They have a community to protect, but there also welcoming new comers. The rewrite you talk of just fills something that was perfectly filled. The fate is tragic already and fate was tempted doing a patrol in that weather. How would your scenario even come to any names being mentioned?It matter because it's not really in character (IMO) for people who survived that long after the apocalypse and have a community to protect from falling into ruin like the outside world.
The scene could've been re-written where they're more caution but still end up being overpowered. In that scenario they do act more rationally for the situation and don't get taken out so easily. It would come across more as tragic fate rather than temping it like they were doing in the final game.