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The Last of Us Pt II |OT| Oh Ellie...I think they should be terrified of you


Played about 4 hours. Loving the graphics, gameplay, characters and writing already.

And boy oh boy this fucking outrage about the leaks and people shitting on the game before they even played it is even more hilarious and pathetic now.

The biggest things the leaks spoiled for me happened so freaking early on in this over 20 hr long adventure and were so well executed, that the hate campaign some people are driving on reddit/youtube etc. is unwarranted.


Gold Member
Played about 4 hours. Loving the graphics, gameplay, characters and writing already.

And boy oh boy this fucking outrage about the leaks and people shitting on the game before they even played it is even more hilarious and pathetic now.

The biggest things the leaks spoiled for me happened so freaking early on in this over 20 hr long adventure and were so well executed, that the hate campaign some people are driving on reddit/youtube etc. is unwarranted.

That's good to hear all around. I saw some of the leaks, but they were mostly exploration. Apart from some surprise images I quickly scrolled past on Twitter, I had a feeling anything and everything I saw was out of context.


character model is really off putting. Looks like when you make your own character and you give it fucked proportions. Other than that few hours in and enjoying it so far. Up to the first “open area”


The IGN Japan review is crazy spot on with this, basically all new characters they introduced are uninteresting. They nailed the scenery whenever lighting is present, also the Brilliant sound effect making most combat and chase sequence pretty thrilling, however whenever those slower moments arrive, the boring to ugly new characters make me wanna keep skipping cutscenes. Ellie‘s redesign lost all her charm from the first one. Now she’s just one angry girl like I’ve seen so many days in protest live-streams.


Are you using headphones? I think I made the right choice by using a pair... made everything more immersive.
Yup. Immersive as hell and MAN at those gunshots. They really convey the power of firearms, as the first did, but even better here. One of the main reasons TLoU is one of my favorite games is due to the sound. So many developers skimp on it.


Can’t Git Gud
What frequencies do the dynamic range audio settings correspond? I don't have the game yet but there is probably max, wide, medium etc settings


This is everything I’d hoped it would be so far. Incredible stuff. Liked the opening, but it pales in comparison to the first. In fairness though that’s a tough act to follow.

Though one nitpick I have is that the game always tries to decide for me when I should have my guns out and ready or not. I want to be able to holster/unholster at will.
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random streme of thoughts as I loaded-up the game....

As expected, to incorporate all the new movements, TLOU2's movement controls have been altered. Not as expected, is the ability to define a custom control scheme in-game by mapping individual buttons/useage situations.

So cue me cross-referencing TLOU1's PS3 L1/R1 shoulder button functions (aim and shoot for me, I never got used-to the PS4 changing them to L2/R2) and other situations, like what button swaps the shoulder aim, or reloads the gun etc... i never realised just how many actions are mapped to the same buttons in TLOU1, depending on the context (aiming vs not aiming, etc)

For Example:
Aim - L1
Shoot - hold L1, press R1
Swap Shoulder - L1 then R2
Reload Gun - R1 (when not aiming)

Throwable (bomb/molly)
Aim Throwable - L1
Throw Throwable - R1
Throw Aimed Throwable - L1 then R1
Swap Shoulder - L1 then R2

Run - hold L2
Listen Mode - hold R2
Mark Enemies - R3
Aim + Square - instant melee attack

I'm not seeing any button assignment for TLOU Factions "mark enemy" function. But I guess there's no multiplayer mode atm, and maybe we can't mark enemies in the story mode? Marking used to be R3 when aiming.

I wonder what "weapon action" button does when aiming? oh, it tells you. "weapon action" - toggle a crafted silencer on/off, toggle fire mode, or swap ammo type.
"hold breath" - hold breath when aiming to increase accuracy (skill is unlocked as a player upgrade). looks like this mechanic will replace the MP "sharpshooter" skill.

Obviously, in the default setup, Aiming and then pressing square is shoulder swap. No more instantly coming out of aim to deliver a panicked melee attack lol.

Auto pickup of bits is toggle-able in options. seems like this would perhaps replace Scavenger skill in future Tlou MP mode or standalone MP game.

Overall, I have to say the amount of both accessibility setting controls, and controller input customisation is impressive. This is all before loading up the story itself.

Just trying to wrap my head around various changes before going-in. It seems like a lot of the old multiplayer skill's (which cost loadout points to equip) features (such as Scavenger Level 2's automatic bits pickup) have been turned into general purpose accessibility settings in the main game.

So future MP mode, or standalone MP game, should be fairly tweaked/more robust as a result. More loadout points to spend elsewhere, if things can now just be done as standard.

.... Phew! I'm spent. That took a while to read all the accessibility/input control settings. Quite annoyingly I didn't really change much of it at all, other than getting a little closer to TLOU1 control scheme.

Excited for the gameplay after all I've read through. Still dreading the story. Extra hyped for future MP game.


Played for 3 hours in HDR on an OLED (LG C9). The graphics are pretty mind blowing. I felt like I'd be missing something if I didn't play this on a PS5 but I'm happy I didn't wait. Also - the PS4 Pro is quiet.... which is always unpredictable.


So I just got to Seattle and I already can tell this will be one of the best gaming experiences I ever had. Every single detail of this game is filled with love and devotion to the craft. The graphics, the characters, the sound, the world, the dialogue. How can you hate on this as a video gamer? This is what we dreamed about back in the day...

And one more side note without spoiling anything: It would have been sooooo easy for ND to go with an easy story solution with part 2. It takes fucking balls of steel to take one of your biggest franchises and do the exact opposite of what fans would expect. Hollywood should take notes! Never take the creative easy way out if you want to deliver something truly unique and outstanding
I thought the opening hour was pretty weak tbh. The first game left such a lasting impression with an impactful intro sequence whereas part 2 kinda just has you trotting along through some limp-dick snowball fighting and relationship talk.

I´m pretty invested now that I got to the meat and potatoes of the story but it really felt like the game was dragging its feet to get there.


Can you? I’ve been trying the same input and nada. Do you have to reach a certain point in the game like the first? I just got to the first workbench.

I'm only three hours in and can do it. Tap or hold back on the left stick and tap X at the same time to do an instant 180 degree turn.


I'll maybe get my last minute EB Games pre-order early tomorrow or I'll have to download the game.

Either way I won't be playing til tomorrow night I guess. This isn't really a play in the middle of the day kind of game.


It's taken me a while to start up the game, knowing what's coming. This early section is hard to get through, knowing what's coming.

Why couldn't the MP just be here at launch, so I can ignore the story all together?


You kinda forget the production value of ND games after a while, but playing this kinda makes it obvious again. Holy fucking shit this is good.
I was afraid of a slow start, but the pacing it's pretty tight until now, i didn't start the game wanting to watch cutscenes but i couldn't put the control down for like 3 hours now.


Can’t Git Gud
You kinda forget the production value of ND games after a while, but playing this kinda makes it obvious again. Holy fucking shit this is good.
I was afraid of a slow start, but the pacing it's pretty tight until now, i didn't start the game wanting to watch cutscenes but i couldn't put the control down for like 3 hours now.
Yeah, replaying uncharted 4 made me realize that. It's so polished and detailed.
TLOU2 might be worth playing just for that even if I end up disliking story etc


I'm about to play the game for the first time; I'll be playing on PS4 Pro. The story won't surprise me, because I've read and seen all the leaks; the initial leaks were the reason that I rebought the first game and finished it and then pre-ordered the sequel. I'm excited.
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He’s not. What you posted is the exact same rationale Rian Johnson used when defending The Last Jedi.

Subverting expectations is usually boom or bust...there’s no middle ground.

I don't know about that to be honest. Everybody knew the new star wars movies would be shit. ND has yet to release a game that is in any form bad or boring... I agree that subverting expectations isn´t a guarantee that you end up with a good product though.
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